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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-mission Six: Much ado about......something?

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Inactive Member
YSS Kaiyo
Crew cabin 5
1日 5月 YE 39
18:15 hours

"Haahh.....finally......" The Kaiyo's resident snakeman, Abart'huse Theisilis came in slithering through the door. Today has been another rather uneventful day full of routine drills and trainings, something he had to get used to again after their long vacation leave a awwek or so ago.

Orion had already flopped on one of the beds, when Abart came into the room, he immediately turned to face away from him, covering his head with a blanket to try to fake that he was asleep.

"Huh... bit early to be sleepin already innit? ..... though after today, i can't blame 'im..." Abart muttered to himself, once again displaying that bad habit of his. He casually slithered over to the desk in their room, making little to no noise with the smooth serpentine movement. Once sat at the desk with his huge tail poking out inderneath it, he took something from a nearby drawer, a lightly worn sketchbook from the looks of it.

"Try not to snore this time..." Said the Elysian with a blanket on his head, talking to himself in a way, but still audible.

The snek caught wind of the short mumble, glancing back at his feathered roommate up in his bunk for a moment. "Hmm..." Turning back to the desk, he muttered to himself, this time on purpose, loud enough for the sleepybirb to hear. "...i don't snore, i snooze..."

He opened up his sketchbook and browsed through it, many sketches and scribbles passing by in a flash.

"Last couple of nights you snored... I could hear you from the closet..."
He looked up at the snake, peeking from his blanket, Orion stared at him, then at the sneks notebook, with an expression of distrust.
"What's that...?"

Hearing those words, Barry instantly looked back at the birb with those "ha i knew it" eyes. "This?..... just my sketchbook..." He had briefly stopped his browsing, and the still pages showed some rough but decent looking sketches of a Mindy torso and head, along with some other detailed parts.

"Sketch book as in, drawings?"
Orion grinned as he looked up at the snek.
"You like to draw then?"

"Sure do! The snek said with a proud smirk. "Im not the best, but i like to think i do a decent job at it." Skipping one page, it now shows a more anime-ish drawing of what looks like Madsen-hei in her swimwear, from their recent vacation. Clearly that whole experience left some nice memories with the snek.

"Ah.. I see you have a drawing of Hanna in a swimsuit..."
He grinned as he started to try to get on his nerves.
"Someone has a cruuuush..." He taunted.

"I..i do not!" The snek replied, maybe a bit too abruptly for it to be convincing. "I just thought she looked nice in it is all...... and i didn't hang out too much with the others, so it's only natural i'd draw her.... yes..." He quickly flipped over the page, making the sketch disappear as quickly as it came. Now the pages were mostly empty, save for what seemed to be multiple rough outlines of a common neko ear, along with some scribbly lines covering the top halves of them, each different when compared to the others. "Weren't you sleeping by the way?"

"Maybe I was... Maybe I wasn't... Plus, you could've just caught a picture of someone else and used it as reference... And your quickness of passing the page kinda already gave it away"
Orion sat up as he looked at the snek, still with that grin.

"Clearly you weren't.." The snek's voice went down a bit in light irritation, not used to someone poking into his matters like this. Not from outside the family at least.

"Believe what you want snake man..."
Orion replied while staring at him, with that annoying grin.

"Hmmm, i will." Sliding his tail around a bit, he firmly pokes the peeping birds nose with the tip. "So anyways, now that we're talkin'about crushes and stuff.... *cough* whichitotallydon'thavebutokay *cough*, what about you?" The serpentine bloke replied, shooting a curious glace back at Orion.

"....wwhhhaaadayamean what about meeee....?"
Orion crawled back on his bed to evade another poke to the nose if it happened to come, and looked at the snek in a serious yet always way.

The poky tail lingered for a bit, as if trying to scare the birdman away, before lowering itself to the ground again. "Oh you know darned well what i mean, mate. Surely one of the folks here must've caught those annoying eyes of yours~." His tone loosened up a bit as he absentmindedly put a few more scribbles down on the paper, adding to the already messy bunch of lines.

"....maybe I have... Maybe I haven't..." He stared at the snekmans face akwardly, the grin had dissapeared.

"Heh, well if you say so....." Abart'huse turned back to his scribbles, scribbling away. "I just thought that since you were so confident just now, you already had someone in your sights~. That reaction just now only makes me think so more."

"Oh yeah? Well, let's see if that's true... Who is it then?"
He nervously threw at the snek man, hoping to trail him off.

"Hmmm, let's see...." Abart stops scribbling once again, flicking his snifflertongue out in thought, one of those tics he couldn't get rid of. "Hmmm, im gonna go out on a limb here, buuuut i'm guessin'.... Barlow?" *glancing at the birb once more, his tongue flicks about once more, curiously*

"Nope! Not... Wait .."
His face actually red, as he sank in deeper into the covers, giving away his crush as he tried to deny it.
"Noooo...of course...not......"

Bingo. One doesn't need a Separa's motion-sensitive vision to see the reaction of his feathered roomie give away his desperate attempt at denial. A casual smirk spread across Abart's face, leaning back in his chair a bit. "Relax... i know you were hanging out with her on vacay, spotted you two in that sushi joint. Wanted to get some myself buuut i thought it'd be better if i left you two to be." The tip of his tail slowly swished back and forth absentmindedly, making a soft rustling noise on the lightly heated floorof their cabin. Speaking of which, didn't she get that caeliso....caleos..... body upgrade thingy lately?

"It's pronounced Caelisolan.... And you were spying on us???"
He stared at him, his face still red as his wings lifted up in a menacing manner. Of course he was still sitting up on the bed.

"I wouldn't call it spying, really......i juuust sated me curiosity for a minute or so, no biggie." A casual grin creeped across his face, not all that intimidated by the agitated Elysian, still partially covered in the floofy blanket. "Though i gotta say, it really seems to have done her good, she looks a lot more..... lively.....i guess?" As he wasnt too knowledgeable in Elysian culture, he didn't know much about the social implications behind this, but even an outsider like him had an idea that it was a pretty big deal.

"Well I guess so..."
Orion dropped his wings as he got back down on the bed with a sigh.
"To be honest... It's also helped me in a way... I've never had anyone in my life that has been able to actually understand the torture I went through and... She's ...cute.."

"Heh, i guess she is, yeah....." Abart wasn't sure how to continue, hearing the topic shifting to a more serious tone for a moment. Clearly there was quite some history behind those words, a heavy history that seemed to match with that of Anastatia's. His own life so far has been pretty carefree, almost whimsical when compared to some of the darker histories of his fellow crewmates.
While he didn't actually know much about that, nor was he one to pry, he occassionally sensed it seeping through from their actions and demeanors. Growing up in a large family full of many different personalities tends to make you observant of other people's emotions after all. "Well, if you two get along nicely, and you think she's nice, i'd say go for it." He shot his roomie a quick wink of encouragement, hoping to cheer up the mood a bit.

"What do you mean with... Go for it.....?"
He backed up even more, looking directly into the snekmans eyes with a not-so amused face, that was still red. The wink made him go father back into the bed, until his wings were pretty much touching the wall.

"You know, get to know her better 'n such? You did say you 'had your eyes on her' right?" Turning back to his drawings once again he scribbled some more lines in his sketchbook. "Looking at how you two were talking back there, i think you got a fair shot with Ana."

"I..guess... I think she likes me and... It's also hilarious how Yoshida is absolutely jealous..."
Orion couldnt help but chuckle at the memory of yoshidas reaction when Anastasia hugged him, it was one of those memory he'd treasure forever, the reaction, and of course, the hug.

"Hahaha, so true, now that you mention it." A quick chuckle escaped from Abart'huse's lips, thinking back on the pretty happy-go-lucky neko and her aptitude for energetic shenanigans. "Wouldn't be surprised if she just outright kissed Ana out of nowhere to 'stake her claim' or sommin'..." He mumbles again, this time unwillingly, only just noticing what he said once i finished his sentence.

"I don't think she'd go THAT FAR.... though... With Yoshida everything is possible... Except her being comfortable with me and Ana dating..."
He chuckled slightly, rolling his eyes.

"Yupp. Good luck getting between those two. Heck, given how attatched Yoshida is to Ana..... maybe she'd....nah, that wouldn't happen......probably..." His pencil rushed across the paper's surface, leaving its graphite trails wherever it went, visualizing the many contours and shapes floating around through the snek's mind.

His scribble was now starting to take some recognizable shape, with simple shading effects being added here and there. What the Separa had been sketching so far were Neko ears with fancy looking jewelry articles covering their topside. Some were rather simplistic, but very sleek looking with pleasant contours, and others were more elaborate with many rounds and edges to add depth to the stylish pieces. He had mentioned his family's jewelry business before, but he'd never really spoken about him sketching up new things while aboard the Kaiyo.

"I have a tingling sensation you were going to say something inappropriate up there"
He kept on trying to look at what he was drawing, trying to hopefully discover another drawing of Hanna, without success obviously.

Nope, no scribbles of any scantly clad neko to be found here, just more sketches of neko ears with fancy things on them,some with topfur, some without. At one point there was one that seemed to be shaped a bit like a Plumeria-class gunship, slightly distorted for aesthetic purposes, but still clearly recognizable.
"Hmmm...... i think these would look pretty neat on the Shosa, dont'cha think? He turned the sketchbook towards Orion, letting him see the particular sketch more clearly. Around the thing were tiny notes with arrows, seemingly hinting at material properties or fabrication methods, shedding a bit more light on how one would go about making one of these designs. To Orion it probably made little sense, though.

"Damn you can draw!"
He opened his eyes as he finally got to clearly see the snek's work, suprised at how good he actually was.
"They do look pretty nice aswell.."

"T-thanks! .....being busy with chores and trainings does give you plenty of time to think about things." The sudden big compliment came as a bit of a surprise, startling him for a sec. He held the sketchbook up closer to Orion to show his stuff closer up, but then the cover of the sketchbook rustled a bit, before a small stack of loose sheets of paper slipped out from it, scattering and flapping all over the place like only paper could do.
"...Ah...... uuuhhhhhh....." The many papers that spread all over the desk, floor and into Orion's face also were sketched on with care, but sliightly different in nature..... as they showed various female crewmembers of the Kaiyo in rather 'risque' scenario's. Apparantly snek had hidden all his lewd sketches in the sketchbooks cover binding, but didn't seal it off too well. He just sat there in surprise, doing a double-take as he just realized what happened.

Orion just stayed motionless, looking down at the floor, at all the drawings drooped all over it. He then slowly looked up at the suprised snek.

"..........." The two of them blankly stared at eachother for a moment, before the snek's tail shot forward like a whip, wrapping itself around Orion's head to obscure his vision. "Y-you didn't see anything....!!! Right!? N-nothing at all!" With the tail still firmly in place, he quickly dropped his arms to the floor to pick up the many sheets of paper, each one even lewder than the other.

"....I know what I saw...."
He didn't even move, just let the tail wrap around his head.

"hmmh......fine, i guess...." Realizing there was no saving this situation, his tail slumped back down onto the floor, lightly rustling as it slithered back into a more comfortable position. By now he had picked up most of the sheets off the floor, now moving on to those on the desk. Despite his quick movements, the paper was still in good shape, barely crinkled, if at all. "So uh.........can i have that one too?...." He gestured to the one sheet right in front of Orion, the one that slapped itself in his face earlier.

Orion closed his eyes as he grabbed said drawing, moving his hand towards the sneks general area.
"Heeere ....you go..."

"T-thanks.... " He swiftly took the paper and stashed it with the rest, simply opting for putting them in the back of his binder, this time a bit more secure. He would have to figure out a better hiding place later. Not so much for Orion, as he had already seen quite~ a bit of it, buuuuut let's say a certain SAINT agent wouldn't take too kindly to this kind of material, or any other lady on the Kaiyo for that matter. "So uh, this is gonna stay between the two of us...... right?" He asked, looking all over the place except Orion's general direction, a bit too embarassed to make eye contact once more. Oh boy was this gonna get akward later...

"Yeah I can.. keep a secret..."
He just flopped on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.
"I think my brain is exploding..."

"Heh..... never seen a lewd drawing before?...." With a nervous giggle he sat down and scribbled a bit more, but after that whole ordeal, he really couldn't muster the inspiration to draw anything significant, just putting down random lines absentmindedly. With a sigh he put his pencil down and closed his sketchbook with a soft 'plof' sound. "Maybe i should be getting some sleep as well..... 's been one hell of a day...."

"Lewd?....what does that even mean?" Orion asked from the bed where he was curled up into a little ball on the pillow, giving the snek a curious look, like that of a confused boy.

"...y-you don't know?....." The snek sounded surprised, looking at the birb with a slghtly puzzled face. "It's uh....you know.....uhm..... how do i....... you know what? Nevermind..... let's just hit the sack already....." With a light weary sigh he put his things away on the desk, before taking off his uniform jacket, folding it neatly over the chair he just sat on. One quick slither later he ploffed down onto the fluffy bed, wrapping himself up in the lovely thick blankets that any separa would just love to snuggle in. "You know....." He didn't move a muscle after that, staring at the wall with distant eyes. "Maybe you were right........about the Hanna thing....."

"Iiiiiiiiiii knew it!"
Orion flipped on to the bed, landing his head on the pillow, his wings dropped across the whole bed. He looked up at the ceiling as he said "you had too much of a magnetic attraction to her"

"Yeah yeah, i got it alright.... guess we're both being a bunch of silly magnets here..." His tail twitched slightly, feeling a liiittle bit chilly from not being underneath the big poofy blanket. He should probably do something about that later... "Goodnight 'Rion....."

"Rion? I've been called worse I guess..." Orion said as he wrapped himself in blankets.
"Goodnight.... Um... Snake"

".....that works.......some might call it racist but eh..." *he gave a light shrug under the blankets, shifting into them a bit more and slowly drifting off to sleep..... Just like that cabin 5 became quiet for the night.....
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