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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Thirteen: Decantations and Explanations


Convention Veteran
YSS Kaiyo

Sacre had finished with her immediate problem. Now she knew that there was someone bleeding on her ship and they still had not shown up to sickbay. She hadn't seen Miles or Care yet, so she hoped that one of the other Medics was taking care of the situation. However, unless something was seriously wrong, they should have already made it to the medbay.

Miles had indeed made it to the medbay but not as the medic and rather as the patient, upon exiting the sphere and having the mindy ripped off his body the strange energy field had encompassed everyone within and grabbed a hold of his leg tearing it clean off due to his speed. Luckily for him Shasse and Eden had been quite close to his position and had rushed him to the medbay and into a tube, not really knowing what else they could do not being medics themselves. Now the minkan floated alone in the tube, barely awake through the pain and silently hoping either Care or Sacre would show up to actually give him some pain killers.

It took several moments for Sacre to realize that one of their nine tubes was in use. She slid on over and hit the button to allow her to take a look at what was happening inside. It opened to reveal Miles floating in the hemosynthetic liquid. Sacre's heart stopped for a moment. She had not expected to find her fellow medic like this. "I always knew you were lazy, you see the lengths you are willing to go to to get out of a little work?" Sacre said in a completely serious deadpan that she used when she was trying to make a joke.

Miles blinked slowly at her an expression of pain across his face, "Ha ha Sacre very funny, although you may have missed it but I am missing most of a leg at the moment and the two that put me here forgot to also put me under so I'm a tad grumpy and in a lot of pain." Miles grimmeced once and shivered in the tube, "Although I've been sitting here awake for so long you may as well leave me like this and just numb the pain for a bit, then perhaps I can still do some work would that please you Queen of the medbay?"

Sacre looked at the controls and started to adjust them. "Your being overeager. One thing at a time. The tube wasn't tuned for you so we need to do some adjustments." Sacre was reffering to the tiny adjustments for the individual and what they needed that could help greatly speed the process. The small robots were useful but kinda stupid, they occasionally needed direction on what exactly needed doing. "Tell me, on a scale of zero to 'damn it give me drugs already' are you feeling pain from anywhere else other then your leg?" Again with the serious tone that signaled her trying to be humorous while she adjusted things. Miles should know which questions she was asking even if they were wildly outside the standard phrasing.

Looking around himself Miles thought long and hard about the question, "Well the leg is certainly the centre, although It does feel like the other leg may have been dislocated from the strange force as well, possible damage to the knee cartlidge. Other than that can I please have drugs now?" Miles spoke with as much humour as he could in his painful situation, he crossed his arms indignantly while still trying to feel if there was any other pain.

Sacre made some adjustments and pressed the button to deliver the drugs to Miles. "There you go, just relax and enjoy the ride as tiny machines rebuild you. Make you better, harder, faster, stronger."

Miles felt the tingling of the drugs kicking in and sighed as the throbbing pain dispersed before Sacre spoke, "Wait a minute, did you just? Make a legitimate joke, ahah I must be woozy from the pain you're not the type to make jokes like that so spill the beans, what happened to get you like this eh?"

Sacre was quiet for a long moment as she wrestled with his question. "We work together every day. I've been helping you with your qualifacations. Despite everything, I like you as a friend and coworker. I don't like seeing you like this."

Miles' mouth formed an O shape and he was speechless for a moment, he knew Sacre tolerated him considering she had given up trying to scare him every time they spoke unlike some others she barely knew. But to say she considered him a friend was not anything he'd expected for a long time, "Well, I mean I think of you as a friend too, have done for a while and I admire your skills. I just didn't realise you cared all that much about my condition."

"The truth is that I care about all of you lemmings. You've grown on me, like mold perhaps, but you have grown on me. If I had a choice, I probably wouldn't, but I don't so I do." Sacre said, there was an odd tone in her voice when she said that she didn't have a choice but to like them.

"Wow... This is getting more unexpected as it goes on I think the strange magic air has got to you. But I admit it is nice to know you can care like most of us, it's an interesting side to you Sacre." Miles said giving a small smile while nervously trying not to look down at his torn off leg, floating in his tank he wasn't really able to do much and he just, sat there floating.

"Well, perhaps it's all just a dream." Sacre said as she finished and pressted the button that would give Miles some drugs that would allow him to fall asleep as his leg was regrown.

"Ha, a dream huh... seems pretty plausable." The minkan mumbled in a daze as he drifted off.

Sometime later, Miles would awaken without pain, a new leg had been grown. Sacre was there at the monitor as the tank began to drain. "Welcome back to the world of the living. To celebrate, I brought you copper flavored cake." Sacre said, There was no cake, well there was a nutrient bar filled with what his body would need coming out of the tank with a candle carved into it, but no cake.

"Land of the living huh, wasn't aware that I'd died yet but I have no idea how long you put me out for so anything is possible I guess." He rubbed his eyes sleepily as the liquids drained away and he was left with the strangely coincidental taste of copper in his mouth. "And to top of my potential death in your hands I don't even get the promised cake, now this is reminding me of the usual Sacre I see in the office."

"There were some complications. It took longer then usual to fix your leg. It is now the year 157. There have been some... changes. We recreated the Kayio medbay to help you feel more comfortable." Sacre deadpanned.

"So what are we up to then like, Kaiyo 5? Please tell me about this new time period and all the advancements we have made in the last 100 years, are you still sarcastic Sacre?" Miles looked around at the medbay and rolled his shoulders to get the aches out.

"Me? Sarcaistic? Never." Sacre said as if taking offense at the allegation.

"Well glad to see some things never change, so what actually happened while I was out, has the next mission started and if so which fruit are we looking for this time." Miles joked before fetching a new duty uniform from his locker, it wouldn't be in good taste to wander the ship with one leg torn off and blood soaking what remained. "And was anyone else hurt?"

"No one else was hurt as badly as you. I got a promotion, so I'm queen of the medbay. Instructions on how to scape an kneel have been sent I've been spending a lot of my time on NCO training, so you'll have to ask everyone else what has been happening to them." Sacre explained.

Miles turned back to her with his shirt halfway on and gasped, quite ineffective with the teal pannel of his jacket covering his face. "Woah thats awesome Sacre, congrats on the promo but I wont be kneeling anytime soon, maybe a lower bow than usual in the morning but that's all you're getting." He spoke as he finished dressing before slumping into his chair and drying the last of the liquid from his hair. "Although jokes aside I really mean it, congrats on promotion you definitely deserve it, but being an NCO will you be leaving me and moving to the cozy bridge?"

"One could hope, but no, unfortuantely I'm going to be stuck down here with you because medicine happens in the Medbay, not the bridge." Sacre said.

While outwardly he was making jokes Miles was secretly glad she wouldn't be leaving it was lonely enough with just the three of them but to go one less would mean his days would be filled with silence. "Aww what a shame, guess you'll have to put up with me for a while longer until one of us dies or gets reassigned."

"One can always hope, but death would only be a relief for me, as your death would just mean you'd forget that I told you to duck." Sacre responded.

Miles stopped rocking in his chair and stared for a minute, it hadn't crossed his mind before that he'd never noticed Sacre as having a backup in the ship."Oh, I didn't even realise... So why haven't you got a backup Sacre?" He wasn't so naive as to think it was without reson and wondered what could be behind it.

Sacre considered for a moment and decided to be candid with Miles rather then snarky as he needed to understand why some people chose not to have backups. She took a breath. "I could probably brush you off with a, 'Because then I don't have to deal with you anymore.' But your a medic. You deserve to know why, understand why. Not for me, but for others. You see my scars." Sacre shifted slightly, bringing the part of her tail with the wicked ring scar around to the front. "Be honest with yourself, if I didn't want to carry my scars, would I have to?"

Miles looked over the scar and as she spoke it became a much clearer why she hadn't gotten one, "No one should have to carry their scars, I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me it means a lot." An awkward silence followed as Miles lowered his head, unsure of what else to say.

Sacre shifted restlessly, almost angrily wacking Miles' leg with the tip of her tail on purpose. "No, you don't get it. Dermal regeneration is easy. That someone has a scar is enough to tell you that it means something important to that person. As important as our job is, the body is easy to fix. It's the mind that is hard to fix. It's the scars someone carries on the inside that are relly important and hard to see."

Sacre paused for a moment, gathering herself back in. "I went through a time in my life that earned me the scars you see. However, more important for me are the scars you don't see. The ones that I try to keep hidden from everyone else. You can put me in a new body, no scars you can see. But the scars in my mind will remain." Sacre tried to explain.

"I grew up on Essia before contact. I killed many animals with my bare coils to eat. Have you ever killed something yourself to eat? Nevermind, it's not important. Eventually, one way or another everything dies. I don't believe in the spirits. Once your dead, that's it. An end to the pain and anger I feel inside. It seems wrong to me to continue that pain when it has naturally ended." Sacre explained.

Miles looked up at her with an apologetic look, "I'm sorry I had no idea, I know you've brushed over it before but from what you're saying it sounds pretty bad I'm sorry for prying." All hints of his joking attitude had gone and he was back to usual Miles. "I can't even pretend I understand what you must have had to do, the worst I got was beat up by my brothers and some of the other kids."

"Well I should thank you for all your help and keeping me alive, and for what it's worth I hope you don't leave us just yet I honestly don't think the medbay would function without you. And hey, if you ever need to talk with anyone I've always been a good listener."

"uuggg. Your still not getting it. I'm not telliung you so that you can be apologetic about something you never did, you simpering fool. I swear, if it wouldn't be an instult to rocks, I'd say that you were stupider then one. I'm telling you because someday there is going to be someone else who doesn't want their backup and you'll need to be able to empathize with them. See their point of view." Sacre explained angryly. Although not all of the anger seemed directed at Miles.

"That's it, I'm done, your out of the tank. You can take care of yourself without me babysitting your whiny butt. I swear, you could probably open your own label with as much whine as you put out, but I don't think anyone would buy such a cheap overabundant whine." Sacre added as she stormed off.

Miles blinked as his fellow medic continued to educate him, he was about to open his mouth to appologise again but thought better of it when Sacre stormed out of the room having just compared his attitude to bad wine. "Hey wait-" He called after her, he felt bad about having misunderstood her intentions so often but had no idea how to fix his mistakes. "She's probably right too, I do whine a bit..." He said to himself with a dejected sigh.