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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Three: Kakuchō Genjitsu

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The Ham Lord
Inactive Member
YSS Kaiyō
Captain's Suite
6日 2月 YE 39
1800 Hours

It was time for a change of pace for the XO and captain of the Kaiyō. They chose to settle in to the VCE chairs on the ship to experience something out of the ordinary. Before they hooked in, Eden moved her hand over to hold on to Misaki's hand.

"This will be fun, where do you want to go?" Eden asked.

Misaki looked over and gave a smile, "Where ever you lead me." She stuck out her tongue playfully and squeezed Eden's hand.

"Then let's see where I lead, sweet child," Eden said, excited to be doing this with Misaki.

Once in, they found themselves strolling down the street in Kyoto, still hand in hand. The tree-lined street was less than chaotic, though it was busy and around them people moved about their days, children played together as they walked, and the atmosphere was overjoyous. The trees were in full bloom and the flowers were intermittently falling from their branches as a soft breeze swept through.

A puppy was in front of them and Eden smiled at Misaki. "Let's pet it!" She hurried forward and let the dog sniff her hand, then gently grabbed Misaki's and led it towards the puppy.

"Aww it's so-- Gyah!" She was tugged and almost fell down, but regained her footing as she crouched down in front of the dog and held out her own hand out of Eden's guidance. She was smiling, uneffected by her near fall.

"I'm sorry, Saki!" Eden gasped as she realized what she had done. The puppy opened its mouth wide as it was allowed to sniff their hands and nibbled wildly on Saki's fingertips with its sharp puppy teeth, not nearly strong
enough to draw blood or hurt, but enough to tickle the Neko's fingers with its mouthing of her.

"Saki, the puppy wants to eat you up, too!" Eden remarked.

Misaki blushed behind her smile, letting the puppy happily nibble. "I think we made friends." She moved her other hand to pet the puppy, making her movements slow and warm to not show any sign of harm.

"I think we did," Eden said, smiling. The puppy's owner began walking away and the puppy happily lapped at Saki's hand before it had to follow its owner. "It's nice seeing things almost as cute as you, Saki.

Well look at that!" Eden pointed to an ice cream stand and pointed to the sign that said they could make ice cream flavored like anything, as long as the customer brought in a small sample. "That Iroma ice cream cart could make milk and honey flavored ice cream that would taste just like you. Want to bring in a sample for them?"

She blushed even harder, looking to Eden with a confused and somewhat petrified look. "W-What?" She was thoroughly confused and was rather sheepish, even if this was all fake except the two of them.

"I am not serious," Eden replied. "Though they do offer that service, if you're ever so inclined. For now, tell me about the things about you I do not yet know, my love. There are so many of those things that I want to be immersed in them." Eden knew this was not the way to answers from Misaki, but she didn't quite know any other way to ask.

Misaki seemed to calm down, and took her hand, "I'll have some vanilla, and then we can talk things." She gave a smile that broke her petrified stance, showing she was no longer as confused.

"I will get you some vanilla, my milk and honey girl." Eden floated over to the ice cream vendor and got two cones of vanilla and set one in Saki's hands. "Eat up!" Eden said jovially.

Saki took it with a smile and walked over to a bench nearby, sitting down and taking a quick lick of her ice cream, "Ask away Mo- Eden." She blinked, "Yes, Eden-san."

Eden moved her cheek over to nudge it against Saki's own and eyed her, smiling. "You're so cute, Saki. I want to know everything! Everything! But I guess I should narrow that down... What do you find yourself laughing at most? What makes you smile more than anything in the universe?"

Saki thought for a moment, "I am going to say the way you nuzzle in your sleep, though you keep me warm." She closed her eyes in a big smile before attending to her ice cream.

Eden watched Saki lick her ice cream up with sparkling, happy golden eyes. She wanted nothing more than to be nuzzling Saki right then and there. But, instead, she held back and licked at her own cold confection.

"Do you like being alone when you're without me?" Eden asked.

"I know how to make do, but I do prefer to be with you." She answered, completely innocently and honestly.

Eden asked, "Do you like it more when I kiss you or I hug you?"

"Both." She responded as she licked some of the cream leaking down off the cone on to her hand, her ears tucking back to not get in contact with it.

Eden bit her lip and watched, then went back to asking questions as she said, "Both? Mmmm. Where is your favorite place to be out of all of the places you've been?"

"I like the Quarters, the asthetics are well chosen and well placed. It really brings out the place compared to the regular bunk rooms." She looked back over, some cream on her chin, "Plus, my roommate isn't that bad either."

"No? My roommate is better than wonderful, so I can understand." Eden sighed happily, "I love getting to know more about the way you feel, Saki." With that, Eden slung an arm around Saki's waist and rested her hand on the side of Saki's hip. "In every sense of the word," she added.

She purred as response and happily went to licking away at her ice cream, looking very content and together. She got a few bits and pieces of Ice cream on her here and there, but was overall clean.

Eden smiled as it fell on Saki and with her index finger, wiped away the splashes of cream that ended up on the other Neko.

"Eat up, my child. It's good for you. What's your favorite food, Saki?" Eden asked.

"I like all kinds of seafood, from shrimp to mahi." She answered, taking a slightly bigger lick. She looked over to Eden's golden eyes and just looked into them as if to see if they would stare back.

Eden looked ecstatic. "That is what I like, too! Do you like raw fish? Nigiri or sashimi?"

"Like I said, all kinds." She looked over, "By the way, my favorite color is Regal Blue." She rubbed her chin to remove some more errant cream before going back to licking away.

Happy to know more about Saki, Eden rubbed her cheek against her again, this time on her shoulder. "Thank you, my sweet. I like to know things like that. I like to know all sorts of things about you, to be honest." If she were being honest with herself, she would realize she didn't know if she could feel this way around anyone else, let alone the fact that she never had before. Eden was being honest with herself, to an extent, and realized how special this love really was.

"I will bathe you in regal blue clothes of all sorts when we make it back to Yamatai," she said, knowing that a VCE shopping trip would result in little tangible effects. She wanted to spend all of her money and then some on Saki. She wanted her to have all sorts of shiny, blue, plush, and beautiful things.

Misaki was mostly finished with her ice cream. At this point, it was melting on her hand, which upset her a little but she kept herself ignoring it to focus on finishing the shrinking scoop of vanilla. Almost like she wasn't paying attention, she licked to the slightest bit too much with a bad holding angle and the already fast melting scoop of vanilla fell from the cone. It made contact with the ground with a barely audible splat and Misaki blinked at the cone as if it had betrayed her. Then she sniffed, "Aww...."

Eden gasped, seeing that the ice cream had fallen and looked to Misaki's face, seeing the utter look of despair.

"My love, it's okay! My sweet child, it'll be okay." Eden said as she kissed Saki's cheeks multiple times. She then picked up Saki's ice cream-stained hands and began gingerly licking them, intermittently kissing them at the same time. "It wil be okay. We will fill you with shrimp and mahi and you will have your fill of good food and I will feed it to you to be sure it doesn't fall on the ground. I promise!"

She sniffed again, leaning into Eden with a look of being helped, "T-That would be nice." She sniffed again, showing that it actually was real that she didn't want to lose her cream.

"I want you to be well fed. Gravity does not. But, I do. Let's go." Eden picked herself up from the bench and offered her hand for Saki to take and get up, as well. She smiled delightedly, the prospect of sitting across from her lover at a dinner and feeding her as she got to watch her eat overjoyed the captain.

Misaki took the hand and was led, floating a little so she could focus on making sure her cheeks were dry before going back to ground. She didn't say anything but was ready to be led around.

"We should go to this place up here," Eden said, pointing to a restaurant that was narrow and had a holo screen out front that showed off a spectacular lineup of sashima, nigiri, bowls, and rolls. Eden then asked Saki, "You want to?"

Misaki nodded, "It sounds nice, I have a desire for seafood and noodles," She blushed, "And you as well." She walked up almost onto her, and kissed the back of her neck.

"Let's go, then," Eden said, happy to have gotten a kiss from Saki, and led them in. Once inside, a waitress looked up from her position in the middle of the long, narrow restaurant to hurry over to them. She asked quickly, "How many?"

Eden put up a peace sign and said, "Two, please."

"Two?" The waitress looked to the bar and the tables. Both were filled up only marginally and there was plenty of room for the pair. She asked, "At the sushi bar? Or a table?"

Eden shrugged and deferred to Saki by turning to her and putting a hand on her elbow. "Which would you like,
my sweet?"

Saki shrugged as well, "It doesn't matter to me, my love." She semed to think as she was going to be deciding anyway by her feelings so she decided, "A table would be nice."

The waitress nodded abruptly and turned away from them, yelling out, "Table six!"

The sushi chef behind the bar responded, "Table six!"

"Here you are," said the waitress, more politely than she had addressed them when they first arrived. "Menus," she said as she laid them flat on the table. "Drinks?"

Eden looked to Saki, raising her brows in question.

Misaki nodded and leaned against Eden, "Surprise me."

"We'll take a beer to share," Eden said, smiling at the waitress.

The waitress nodded, "Right away!"

A moment later, two chilled glasses were set on the table and a large beer for them to share was set between them.

The waitress asked, "To eat?"

"I'll have some nigiri: tuna, yellowtail, salmon, toro —if you have it—, and wahoo."

"We have it," the waitress responded. "For you?" she asked, turning to Saki.

"The same, I can have noodles another time." She nuzzled into Eden's shoulder, not a care in the world.

"A bowl of ramen to share."

"Pork, duck, chicken...?" the waitress trailed off, moving her hand in the air as she said it.

"Duck, please," Eden replied. She then scooped up the menus and handed them to the waitress and began the process of tilting each of the glasses properly to pour the beer into them. She then took a long sip of hers and put her hand on Saki's. "Spending time with you... So much fun already, Saki!"

Misaki smiled and took a sip of her drink, and purred in response. "And it only just began."

"I can't wait for the rest, my love." Eden smiled as a plate was brought to their table.

"On the house," was all the waitress said as she dropped off what could only be roasted krab stuffed mussels.

"Thank you," Eden replied as she picked one up and put it to Saki's mouth. "I did promise to feed you."

Misaki opened her mouth and recieved roasted crab. She smiled and chewed behind a smile. She took another sip of her beer and took one of Eden's hands in hers, "This is nice, the food and the beautiful company." She leaned her head on the taller Neko's shoulder and rubbed her cheek against it softly.

"Thank you for that, my Saki," Eden said as she rubbed her lover's cheek back. "I love to be around you. Tell me more, tell me everything. What is it like being back on a Plumeria? What do you like about being on the bridge?"

"The Plumerias are my favorite because they are small, cute, and deadly. The bridge makes me feel like I am doing something instead of being another thing taking breath." She kissed Eden's cheek and layed her head down on her shoulder.

The sushi chef shouted, "Moonshine table six!"

"Moonshine table six!" The waitress called back to the sushi chef and went to the back of the bar where the sushi chef filled a small wooden box without a top for drinking, a masu, with liquid from a small bottle. He then poured some into his own masu and when the waitress had moved the masu to their table and set them down, the sushi chef raised his masu and yelled out to them as he looked lively and cheerily at the pair.

Eden looked to Saki with a dimpley smile and lifted her masu, tilting it a bit towards Saki, then looked to the chef and called out, "Kanpai!"

Saki smiled as well, lifting her masu and following Eden's example. "Kanpai!"

The chef was the first to throw his head back and drink, then Eden did as well. She enjoyed the AR experience and could feel the quasi-buzz setting in.

Saki did as well, and when she was finished she felt the exact same quasi-buzz. She giggled and leaned into
Eden while purring like a kitten again.

"My sweet little thing, you," Eden said, a smile now plastered on her face as she stroked Saki's hair with a hand while the other brought the krabby mussel to her mouth and sucked it out of its shell. When she had finished, she moved it back to the plate and the waitress took it off the table immediately. Eden looked to Saki,
"I like you being with me. Thank you."

"I like you being with me as well, you are welcome." She rubbed Eden's hand which was interlocked in one of hers. She was purring lightly and just kept her head on the Taii's shoulder.

"What do you want most of all in the entire universe, Saki?" Eden asked, hoping to fulfill Saki's wildest dreams.

"You." She answered, her eyes closing as she laid herself against her lover. Her dreams were not yet quenched, but would be soon.
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