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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Three: The Meaning of Love (Day)

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YSS Kaiyo, Wardroom
4日 2月 YE 39

While the rest of the crew off in the medbay getting their Soul Transfer data backed-up, Princess Ketsurui Aiko sat calmly in the Kaiyo's wardroom enjoying breakfast alone. It was the way she'd been taught by her samurai teachers back at the palace on Kyoto, and it was the way she enjoyed to have it now—in seclusion. Except for her yojimbo's student William, a Nepleslian boy who'd come along on her journey to make sure the young Imperial maiden didn't miss even a single social beat. Rei, Aiko's samurai guardian, stood watch just outside, content that her charge was safe.

Unbeknownst to the princess, today was Love Day. Though it was a special holiday created by a sister she'd never met—a day that promised to encourage romantic pairings between the Empire's citizens—Aiko had never heard of it. Similarly, she and Wil were unaware of the L'Kor pheromone outbreak taking place in the medlab a deck away, providing most of their comrades on the Kaiyo with an amusingly thematic bout of lusty flirtation and sensuous flare-ups.

"Wil-kun," Aiko asked quizzically, stony-faced and rigidly proper, as always. "Why are my eggs fried into the shape of hearts?"

Indeed, the ship's cooks had prepared breakfast as such, alongside a variety of flat Abwehran pastry discs with jelly in the center. Plus bacon. There was always bacon on the YSS Kaiyo.

William had recovered from his self taught training session and was keeping Princess Aiko company inside the wardroom. After smelling that weird stuff by the medlab, he had some odd dreams. And they included Aiko. Hell, he couldn't get her out of his head! When she spoke, it shocked him from his reverie.

"Oh, it is Love Day, your grace," he replied quietly. "Shall I ask the cooks for something else?" he asked, walking over to her. He was fixated on her jet black hair... the flowers in it... 'Damn it, pay attention...' he scolded himself. He was doing that a lot lately.

"No, it is quite alright," Aiko responded, delicately cutting her food into smaller pieces, anyway. "Odd that whatever traditions this holiday carries with it include stuffing yourself with themed food. Or do you think it's just our ship?"

The princess shifted her legs underneath the table, cadet blue tights gliding against themselves freely and easily. As she switched which leg was crossed over the other, her left toe brushed against the Nepleslian's pants. It was momentary, but enough to startle Aiko nonetheless. She was usually so careful to keep out of contact with others unless it was necessary, like it had been that night in Kyoto.

"Ah, apologies, Wil-kun," she offered, unaware that he'd passed by the medlab on his way here just as he was unaware that he'd caught a whiff of potent L'Kor mojo. She saw something strange in him, though, as she looked up from her plate at his face to apologize. "Is something the matter? Shall I ask for Rei-san's assistance?"

When Aiko's toe touched William's leg it sent a shock wave through his body. 'What the hell just happened?' he thought to himself as the wave passed over him. He looked down and shook his head. "N-no your grace, it's quite alright. I am fine," he answered, giving a slight bow. "Do you require anything?" he asked, his eyes dropping to the floor. 'What the hell is going on...?' he thought again as he tried to calm his racing heart.

Aiko cocked an eyebrow at William's response, examining him there in his seat. After a few seconds, she gave him a sidelong smile and returned to her food. But she only wanted another bite, so took it and then pushed her chair back and away from the table.

"Nothing, no," she replied at last, standing up from her seat and immediately moving toward the main passage and her sword, which sat leaned next to the doorway. A proper weapons rack for it hadn't been installed there yet, so both she and Rei had to make do for now—and perhaps forever—but it was no matter. Except for moments like this, when she'd reach out and miss her mark, sending the blade clattering disgracefully to the floor.

"Hmpfh!" Aiko huffed, irritated at her own moment of clumsiness for a moment before turning back to William. "Don't tell anyone!"

William had finally looked up as she stood and moved to follow her. He stopped, however, when she dropped her sword. William studied Aiko as she huffed. 'She is even cute when she is mad...Damn it stop that!' he scolded himself again.

"Of course not my lady, I wouldn't tell a soul," he replied, bowing slightly again. As he stepped over to her and tried to grab his own swords, he accidentally bumped against her shoulder. Another shockwave radiated out from the point where they touched. "I am so sorry your highness... Please forgive my clumsiness..." he said, stepping away and bowing. 'What is wrong with me!?!' he thought again.

"You don't do that again and I'll remember not to dishonor my ancestors like this again," Aiko replied as William stepped back, kind of annoyed that he'd touched her this time, but not letting it show too much through a face of good humor.

And then she made for her sword. From her perfectly posed stance, upright and straight, she bent at the waist and reached down for the white blade laying across the wardroom's doorway. As she did, her legs stayed straight, though she had stepped one in front of the other and offset their placement for a more solid balance. Every inch that her hand reached down to grab the katana, her standard issue Star Army pleated skirt slid up those cadet blue tights and over her plump, statuesque rear. Then, just when her fingers wrapped around the weapon's sheath, the Nepleslian boy could catch a peek of her black Star Army panties that gently kept everything wrapped up and secure.

For the length of time it seemed to take her to retrieve her sword, Aiko was back to her impeccable posture in a flash. She glanced back and gave William a nod.

"Our secret, then," she said with an awkward grin that seemed pretty fake. "Right, Wil-kun?"

William's eyes bulged and his face went from pale to various shades of crimson in the matter of milliseconds. He quickly averted his gaze as she stood up. When she spoke to him he nodded. "Hai... What do you plan on doing with the rest of your day your highness?" he asked, his face slowly returning to normal.

She regarded him with some scrutiny again, brow angled with wonder at his odd behavior. The Princess Aiko really was oblivious about such matters, though surely it wouldn't make a difference if she wasn't. The boy was hopped up on fresh L'Kor lust, after all!

"Whatever Eden-taii directs me to do," Aiko said plainly, as if there was no other answer. "Do you know where she is? I should be on duty by now, in all honesty, and she should be attentive enough to make sure. That's how a Star Army captain should be!"

More scrutiny was extended in Wil's direction as she paused, removing the thought of Eden's failure from her mind.

"What about you?" she wondered, still looking the Nepleslian over with her big red eyes. "More training with my yojimbo? Or is there something else you'd like to do?"

He knew exactly where the Captain was. "Umm... The Taii is indisposed at the moment, your grace, My sincerest apologies," he said to her. "Last I saw her they were doing some kind of backup?" he said more as a question than a statement.

When Aiko asked her question he nearly blurted 'Just hang out with you!' but managed to catch himself. "I... I already trained, and Sensei Rei allowed me to take the day off from training. So... I can assist you in your duties if you would like," he offered.

'Smooth...' he told himself.

"Look, Wil-kun," Aiko said, uncharacteristically breaking the back and forth niceties and assumption of sincerity between them. "Are you sure you're capable of assisting me today? What with the sweating and stumbling more than usual. Is your demeanor part of the 'holiday cheer,' as they say? What exactly is Love Day, anyway?"

She really didn't get it—any of it. From a holiday that didn't celebrate her dynasty or the Empire's glory to William's kind of blatant crush—even if it was enabled by alien pheromones—the Princess was lost. Not in the helpless way, but in the way that frustrated and confused her enough for her to drop even a modicum of formality and well-practiced procedure.

William's face fell as Aiko spoke. He realized that, through what functional parts of his brain that were working, that he had screwed up. He let his head hang. "I am so sorry, Princess... I don't know what the matter is... It must just be the holiday..." he said ashamedly. "Love day is..." he tried to find the right words to describe it. " is the celebration of love between people. Some look for it on Love Day and some celebrate the love they already share with others... if that makes sense..." he said in an attempt to explain.

Attentively listening to William's account of the occasion, Aiko simply glared at him for a while and continued to do so after he finished. Complete silence reigned between the princess and the samurai's ward for what seemed like hours—probably for both of them. After a few seconds, though, Aiko's cheeks flushed a rosy red so intense that she could definitely feel it enough to turn away to hide her face and stare at the door nearby. Long, thick ribbons of her hair fluttered with the centrifugal motion of her core and bombarded William with her pretty scent.

"Alright, then," Aiko said after a time, still facing the bulkhead. It was very unlike her to not address anybody face-to-face. But then she did turn, the blush gone from her expression, looking determined and noble as ever. And without warning, she reached out and grabbed him by the wrist. "Since Nepleslians love guns so much, you will help me practice and perfect my Service Pistol drills. Guide my stance and tell me where it is wrong. In this, you have permission. Not even Rei-san may object.


With that order, she moved toward the doorway and it opened in her path, pulling William along behind her.
YSS Kaiyo, Rec Room: Holographic Chamber One
4日 2月 YE 39

With the Ketsurui Samurai yojimbo Rei ordered to stand guard outside, Princess Aiko and the Nepleslian boy William entered one of the Kaiyo's holographic training chambers. Wil, as he often would, checked the empty room for threats—not that any could be expected—and found none. Still, he wasn't one to shirk on the small duties like this that his surrogate mother Rei allowed him to undertake. At the room's control panel near its door, Aiko scrolled through the volumetric projection array's options and quickly selected "firing range, outdoor," and then spent a few more seconds deciding upon the locale. One stuck out to her in particular and she chose it with a charming, toothy grin on her face that she reserved for moments that she knew nobody could see it. Soon, the simulation began at the place that had pleased her so much to see: the wilderness of Nepleslia Prime, the Democratic Imperium's crowning colonial accomplishment.

A wooden framed awning appeared over the pair and they both felt the room's temperature increase to that of a warm summer's day. Corrugated steel shaded them from the holographic sun beating down overhead and each of the structure's pillars separated a shooter's station that had a little wooden table that was arranged for comfortable seated rifle practice. Around them stretched a grassy, gree landscape filled with white birch trees and shrubbery, all except for the pale, yellowy dirt shooting range carved out in front of them. It went out to 500 meters but had rusty steel targets in the shape of a man in front of some stations as close as 25 meters. The range terminated at a soft, moss-covered that hill rose up and disappeared into the sparse forest. Metal folding chairs with cardboard backrests were scattered oddly around the place, and the range officer's station itself at the far right end of the area was unoccupied. The sound of cicadas whirred in the background, but not so much as to be a huge distraction.

Once it was all loaded up, Aiko moved past William as the private grin faded from her face.

"So this is the kind of place your people favor?" she stated more than asked, knowing full well that Wil had grown up in an orphanage on Planet Yamatai. She unbuckled the gold pistol belt of her Type 35 uniform and set it on one of the workbenches, along with her katana, and then took off her jacket. "Beautiful scenery, but too hot. How troublesome."

Indeed, the Princess was already sweating as she revealed her chest and arms and tossed the white-paneled service tunic onto one of the chairs. All she was left with was her Star Army issue black sports bra, though she was beginning to wish decorum would allow her to shed the tights she wore—or maybe she regretted happily choosing Hanya for their simulation. Had she been born earlier than YE 38 and experienced older Nekovalkyrja bodies, she might have cursed the fact that NH-33s could sweat. Thankfully for both her and Wil she only knew the reality of today's life in the Star Army.

"Go grab me a gun," she ordered, tipping her nose upward toward a conspicuous gun rack that had been provided for them. It was loaded with pistols and rifles of every make and manufacture available, and stood at the back edge of the range's shelter. "And one for you as well. We obviously can't use the real thing in here."

William followed the princess dutifully into the room and watched as the scenery began to change around them, he was awe struck by the sight. He had never seen anything in Nepleslian space before, and it was a sight to behold. As he took in the landscape and turned back over to Aiko, he blushed to see she was only wearing her sports bra. He quickly averted his gaze, as the L'kor pheremones had finally started to wear off. Yet, now it was only his true emotions driving him onward.

"Y...yes m'lady." He said softly, walking over to the virtual weapons rack. He looked the weapons over and decided to grab a type 33 service pistol for the both of them. He quickly hurried back over to her and bowed deeply, offering her the fire arm by holding the barrel and presenting the grip to her. "Will this do m'lady?" He asked softly.

Aiko scoffed, unfolding one of the arms that were crossed underneath her own rack so that William could place the pistol in her hand.

"Of course," she affirmed, not even looking over at the weapon. She'd hoped that he'd pick one of the Nepleslian guns that used real bullets—as real as the holographic chamber could make them—but would have given the same haughty reaction even if he had. "Few weapons other than a Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol are fit for a member of the Ketsurui Clan."

"Yes Ma'am..." William replied, placing the weapon into her hand gingerly. He stepped over to the firing range and looked down at the targets. "Whenever you are ready, your highness." He said looking back over to her.

The Princess' long, elegant fingers wrapped around the NSP's rubbery pistol grip, looking so unsullied that it seemed almost wrong for her to hold such a weapon. She placed her feet in an offset bladed stance and fluidly raised the gun to shooting position, quickly letting off six shots in quick succession at a close target. Each rang out with a metallic twang that echoed loud through the open air as they struck their targets. Downrange, one of the humanoid silhouettes was blotched with four blast marks on its chest and two on its head. Aiko lowered her pistol just as smoothly as she'd raised it and set it flat on the table with its barrel pointing to the front and away from the nonexistent bystanders—other than Wil.

"Now you," she stated with a neutral expression, showing no signs of joy that she'd done so well. Aiko was Yui's daughter, though, and had been able to skip Star Army basic training because of the abilities imparted on her by the Mistress-Taisho. "Show me how to do better."

As William was about to walk up, another weapon caught his eye. "Oh!" He exclaimed running back over to the weapons rack. He put the Type 33 down and picked up a HHG High Hybrid Revolver. He looked down the sight, feeling the virtual weight. It felt comfortable in his Nepleslian hands and he smiled.

He walked back over and loaded 3 bullets and spun the chamber, loading it into place. He spread his feet, shoulder length apart. He let out a shallow breath and pulled back on the hammer. He aimed downed the sights, caught the moment between heart beats, and fired... The shot was much louder than Aiko's and the gun spat out fire from the barrel, but William took it in stride, allowing the weapon to carry itself up in a fluid motion and back down again. By the time it had come back down, it was cocked and he fired again. He did this once more, reloaded and fired 3 more bullets. He cracked the chamber open and released the spent shells. All his bullets landed there mark, around the center of the target with fairly decent grouping. He didn't say anything, but he smiled down range.

From her place beside him, Aiko put all of her wait on the hip furthest from William when he unleashed the HHG's loud thunderclap. Her brow furrowed and, had she less self-control, her mouth would have been agape in horror. Luckily, she did have self-control that befits her position as an imperial princess. Still, she felt a sense of wonder quiver through her body at the sheer magnitude of power that Wil's gun packed. The NSP could match it, no doubt, but in a way that masked its true potential. The High Hybrid Gun was raw and dirty while her NSP was coy and sophisticated.

"You've done well to handle such power, Wil-kun!" Aiko exclaimed, leaning toward him with her hands on her hips as she shifted from her previously dignified distance. Eagerly, the Princess put her hand out again like she had for the NSP, already ordering the revolver reloaded with 3 more rounds via a telepathic command to the holographic chamber's controls.

"Th...thank you m'lady." He said turning to her with a smile. "Would you believe that was my first try?" He asked.

"Truthfully, never," Aiko shot back playfully, flexing her hand as if to demand he stop stalling. "But I expect sincerity from my retainers, so I will take your word at face value."

William nodded. "Hai, M'lady." He turned back to the targets and did it again, following the same pattern that he did before, with the same results. He smiled. "Would you care to try, m'lady?" he asked.

"Wil-kun!" Aiko demanded, fire behind her eyes as her voice flared up to match. "I have not been holding my hand here beside you because I did not! Hand it over at once! You do not keep a Ketsurui waiting!"

William laughed. "Of course, Princess." He said placing the weapon gingerly in her hand. "Now just be careful with the kick. Don't try and force it to stop." He warned.

Aiko snatched the HHG away, taking a moment to weigh and feel it in her hands. It was barely heavier than the NSP and not much longer—both unexpected traits, given what she'd expected from seeing it as William fired—and its grip was awkwardly angled. It didn't seem like it had good recoil distribution or shot management. But the sound it'd emitted just moments before still excited her. So she stepped back to the firing line, took aim, and fired it.

Her first shot clanged violently when it hit the edge of a target and then again as it ricocheted over to another. The recoil was indeed poorly distributed through her arm, and far greater than she'd expected. The Princess had only ever shot an NSP before, after all, which kicked like a lazy breeze in comparison to this insane Nepleslian gun.

"Tch," Aiko grumbled, less embarrassed than she was annoyed that she hadn't prepared her strong Neko body to compensate. Then she aimed again. This time her arms bulged as if she was flexing, sweat beading over her soft, pure skin. She kept them flexible, though, feeling that she knew what to expect from the revolver after that first shot.

Two more rounds were snapped off in quick succession and Aiko remained steady, her powerful NH-33A musculature absorbing the recoil with a taut jiggle. But only one hit its mark and a puff of dirt exploded into the air a few seconds later against hill that marked the range's end. Aiko's eyes widened and she kept her arms raised to aiming the most well-known gun in Nepleslian space. Another telepathic command to the simulation's controls filled all eight chambers in the gun's cylinder.

"A stupid weapon!" Aiko barked furiously before pulling the trigger, and then again seven more times in quick succession. When it was done, not many shots having sounded to signify a hit, she slowly lowered the gun in front of her. Sweat dripped down her bare spine and glistened over her lusty abs as she heaved up and down on her legs with each angry breath.

William walked over slowly. "Princess, raise the gun again. And this time don't use your super strength. I will show you what to do." He said walking up close to her, and talking in a calming whisper. He was leaning over slightly so that they were exactly eye to eye, and he gave her a soft smile.

Aiko maintained her stare, glaring at the relatively undamaged steel target plates she'd set her sights on. Wil's voice helped settle her down a bit, but her blood still boiled because of the failure. She shot her irritated gaze over to match his after a moment and stayed here; letting his smile bring her down before her face darted forward again. Following his advice, Aiko raised the HHG once more and waited for the Nepleslian boy's instruction. That was why they'd come in the first place—so that William could share his Nepleslian love for firearms with her. Still, the Princess couldn't fathom why anyone would love the HHG.

"What now?" she asked.

William smiled and stepped closer. "Spread your legs shoulder length apart and put your dominant foot slightly forward." he said. Then he gingerly placed his hand on hers. "Now you want to have a slight bend in your elbows." He said as he softly put her arm into place. "Now when you fire, dont fight the recoil." He stepped up right behind her, his breath soft and shallow. His other hand placing its self on her other hand. "When the gun fires, follow the recoil path up and let the energy dissipate all on its own." He said raising her arms, just like it the gun would have fired, and slowly brought it back down. "Now try that." He said with a soft smile, taking a step away, but still only a few feet from Aiko.

Though the simulated atmosphere was summery and humid, Aiko's breath might have been visible right when Wil put his hands over hers. His chest pressed against her bare back and it made her teeth clench as she blushed like she had in the Wardroom earlier. Of course, she'd given him explicit permission for all of this after breakfast when he took the moment to indulge her curiosity about what Yamatai's Love Day was all about. But she hadn't expected this much!

"Hai," she said almost under her breath. Aiko would have mumbled just then if she her will and personality weren't so strong. "Don't fight the recoil."

Slowly, she squeezed down around the HHG's thick, awkward grip, losing a shot that was followed by the resonating sound of its brass against a target. And then she pulled again, firing in quick succession like she had before only a little bit slower and more measured. By the time she lowered the smoking revolver Aiko's nerves had calmed, her mood easing back to normal with each loud crack of the hammer striking primer. The targets she'd shot at were more thoroughly blemished this time, and in an orderly way. Not as good as her NSP performance, obviously, but good enough for Star Army work.

"You're a good teacher, Wil-kun," she remarked, hanging the gun on a single outstretched index finger in front of the Nepleslian's face so he could take it from her. "Rei-san would be proud. But I tire of this."

She stopped speaking for a moment as the big gun swayed besides her, waiting for William to act, though her attention was down at her targets. Aiko was pleased at her performance, and sounded doubly pleased that he had helped her do better.

"You'll show me more another time," she added, sounding almost like she was lost in thought. "I like how this simulation feels."

He smiled again, and dutifully took the firearm and slipped it onto his belt. "You were a good student, m'lady. Thank you, you are too kind." William replied softly, smiling at her "I like it here as well. It is nice." He said standing next to Aiko and looking out on the landscape. Wil looked out and smiled warmly at the scenery, closing his eyes to listen to the cicadas chirp away. In his carelessness, his hand softly glanced against Aiko's, lingering there.

"MEGAMI," Aiko said, still seeming distant, "end simulation."

The Princess didn't notice Wil's hand while the holographic landscape around them darkened its sky reddening as its sunset came on far too quickly and then became night. The sounds of wildlife remained into the brief darkness of Nepleslia Prime and were joined by the fleeting sight of a few fireflies buzzing around on the edges of the firing range. And then it was all gone, except for the chair holding Aiko's jacket and the table atop which sat her belt and sword. Aiko and Wil remained too, and the Princess stayed locked in whatever daydream kept her, but only for a moment before she felt his hand against hers and her eyes were cast over quickly to his.

"T-thank you," Ahe said, her voice barely faltering on the first syllable as she quickly stepped away to make sure they didn't keep touching any longer. He'd never heard her speech skip like that, though he couldn't be sure it'd actually happened. She didn't even grab her discarded uniform parts or sword as she made for the door.

William blushed and smiled sheepishly. "A...anytime, M'lady." As she began walking away he called out to her. "Um, M'lady... You might need these..." He said grabbing her jacket and handing it to her.

Aiko's advance remained unimpeded. The holographic chamber's door slid open before she approached and she continued through as William held up her jacket with his arm outstretched.

"Rei-san will bring them to my quarters," she called, not even looking back as she passed the samurai standing guard. "Thank you again for showing me how to handle that gun."

"Nani?!" Rei muttered to herself and shook her head, following closely behind.

William watched the two depart quickly and he looked dumbfounded by the events of the past few minutes. He looked down at the jacket and let out a small chuckle and quietly assembled her things, taking great care to not touch her sword by wrapping it up in a fine cloth, before quietly exiting the room to trail behind the pair.
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