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[Pre-Plot Teaser] Return of the Occhestans !

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Inactive Member
*Yep, that's right, coming soon to a Star Army forum near you.

(keys oh-so-familiar music from some 'popular movie')

A somewhat fancifully told, but fairly accurate historical summary of the Occhestan's in RP from an Occhestan perspective. I'm hoping to have a full plot up and running fairly soon, hopefully on a new fully Occhestan ship that is currently under heavy development(along with a greatly updated version of the previous Occhestan standard power armor the A-279). The plot will likely be in fast SP format with occasional JP's if we can manage them. We will be accepting Occhestan and Helashio player characters of all backgrounds.

Of note we also just got a new Stealth Strike Craft approved the RFF-117c Vespera

Please feel free to speak up if you may be interested in joining the plot, or if you have any questions or comments!

*All outside references here are comedic in nature and are clearly satire; and will no way actually be included in any plot.
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