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RP: UCS Zenpyou [Prelude - Simulation] No Win Scenario

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((Splitting the Simulation off to a seperate thread for flow))

Emers said:
Miu walked into the Simulation room. It was rather large, with a good number of climb in “fake” armors laying around. Some were occupied, cadets and officers stalked the area, speaking to each other and trading tips. None of them seemed to pay any mind to the pair as the strolled in.

Miu walked up to an empty machine and climbed in. She began strapping down and securing the device to fit her rather petite frame. The simulation helmet then fell down over her head, and the heads up display clicked on, showing nothing but darkness. Assuming Ira had done the same she began doing her com check. “Cadet Ramirez, are you ready?” She said sounding some what softer then before, more professional. Miu was a serious woman, and she took her drills and training very seriously.

During basic training Ira and Miu had been stationed together, but their pilot training had occurred at the same school, just under different officers. This was going to be a rather new experience for her and Ira as they got used to each others styles.
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Ira said:
Ira climbed into the armor next to Miu's and began situating himself. The sensor helmet flushed down over his head, and the under mesh fit firmly and snugly around his body. His HUD switched on and Ira began cycling through possible missions. He heard Miu’s voice chime in over the simulated radio. “Yea I’m here, just selecting us a good warm up mission.

Miu wanted to see what he had? Ira wanted to see what Miu had. He wanted to see how she would do in the face of certain death. “Alright….we have to wait a few minutes, one of the other simulation modules is pairing us up with other recruits and cadets…so it will take a moment.” Ira’s communications switched off.

Five minutes passed and the simulation started up. His heads up display lit up with friend or foe targeting. He looked to his left to see that Miu was on point, and at the head of the pack in a V formation of seven Tenshis.

Ira had mini missile launchers on his shoulder and an anti neutron gun in his hands. He looked around, and saw five other live participants. Below their feet was a large Oval shaped craft, with “Civilian" marked on his heads up display.

“Ok, the mission is simple," he said taking charge of this little mission. “We have to protect the transport until it can power its FTL drive and poof on out of this simulated system.” Ira’s voice was calm, but the hint of smugness seemed it be over-riding it as he spoke. In truth, he was filled with glee at the prospect of this mission.

The recruits and cadets in the squadron confirmed Ira’s sit-rep, and Ira turned his head forward to look at the stars. It was nothing but open space. No rocks…no planets, just sheer beautiful cold open simulated space. “Squadron leader…what are your orders?” Ira said to Miu.
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Emers said:
Miu heard Ira’s response and drew silent. She shut her large dark orbs, and exhaled deeply, preparing her mind for what was soon to come. Of course it was only a simulation, but the reality of it was these things could get pretty “real” she knew she may end up feeling pain or even worst frustration. The short amount of time felt like an eternity to her as she sat and silently waited for the cadets and Recruits to form up for the Simulation Ira was apparently going to pick.

The simulation came to life, stars began to form, but they did not twinkle, they merely shined their faint light on them over a million miles away. Ira handed in his situation report, “My XO on this one eh Ramirez.” she sneered forming a cocky smirk across her pale facial features. The transport was well below them, and vanishing from a ways behind. Her calculating mind went to work as the formation advanced. “Slow it down.” she said in the best command voice she could muster. “Open space, a massive civilian transport…and this is a combat simulator. She snarled. “Get back to the ship, all of you! She said sharply. She had deduced that an attack was imminent, well that was just pure common sense. But considering the facts she already knew, one was coming. “We can fake them out, make them think the transport is alone. Then we can ambush them if necessary, and try to buy our civilians some time, you got that, lets move it!”

Miu’s Tenshi would stop firing its thrusters and do a complete 180 turn, she would then send the command to the transport to open all of its docking bay doors. “ Ira you and three of the recruits set up in the flanking docking bay. The other two, follow me to the bow launch bay.”
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Ira said:
“Sao, Otibo, Vasquez, you three are with me…file out people.” Ira said in his icy voice. The squadron did as Acting Commander Miu commanded. Ira’s group moved into the docking bay, and set up a defensive perimeter at both bay doors. Ira and Recruit Sao guarding the left bay door, and Otibo and Vasquez guarding the right.

“Bay secured and evacuated, the transport is manning its battle stations…well the four battle stations it does have….a pulse cannon to deal with asteroids, and a weak shielding system.”

The Simulated transport captain reacted well though. He chimed in on their personal comm. systems giving them a report. ‘We have twenty one unidentified vectors on approach, 4.5 million kilometers away…approaching fast.”

Ira looked to his fire team. “Don’t get jumpy…just sit back…we got few minuets before the shit hit’s the fan so rest easy.” He said so that Miu and the entire squad could hear him.

A private channel opened in Miu’s suit. "Hey uh.... as your XO it is my duty to bring in to the light some concerns…Nagatori, why are we hiding behind the civilians…shouldn’t we be protecting them instead?”

Ira knew this violated Peacekeeper doctrine, it was rather foolish to attempt to use this ship as a shield. But then again with twenty one bogeys closing in on them…it probably did not matter.

Indeed over four million kilometers away, twenty one Mindy powered armor suits were racing across space…their simulated pilots intent on attacking this civilian transport. Over five hundred simulated lives in Miu’s hands. Outside of the simulators, young cadets, recruits and officers not participating had taken an interest and watching the POV and over head displays of the simulated battle.

Scrolling from right to left across the various screens were the words “Gobi scenario.”

A lot of the people would know this scenario…it was a no win situation.
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Emers said:
Miu sat in front of her two lackeys with her forearm mounted pulse gun leveled at the closed bay door. Her cadet and recruit were several meters back behind supply crates, seeking cover. Miu did similar hiding moving to hide behind a bulk head. She heard Ira talk to her subordinates over the communication system and felt him doing his best to keep them at ease. The simulated captain alerted them to the fact that they had 21 incoming marks. They had some time before the enemy arrived. Miu began handing out further directions. “Captain, shut down your inertial dampeners, use the excess power and divert it to your targeting systems, and shields.”

Ira chimed in soon after discussing his concerns. “You think I don’t know that?” She said sharply. “Look if we go out and engage we will probably just end up getting annihilated in a matter of seconds.” “We may have put our eggs into one basket, but this will force them to fight on our terms.”

It was not the best Idea, nor was it Peacekeeper doctrine….but this in Miu mind gave them the best chance for survival. “When they get in close enough, and I give the signal, fire, but not a moment before.”
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Ira said:
Three individual squadrons of seven screamed through space. Mindy powered armor armed with a variety of anti armor and anti ship weaponry came through space like a pack of wolves hungry for wounded prey.

Miu’s squad waited in the bowels of the transport poised to launch an ambush. Ira saw the raw vicarious of Miu’s tactic. He could not really form an argument except for the fact that she was technically using these simulated civilians as shields. Ira just responded to Miu “Yea…you may be right, I’ve flown this simulation before…the civilians always die any way.” His voice was melancholy, filled with disdain for the tactic, but he did understand it. Miu was playing the Co on this one, and he would follow her commands.

The enemy had come line of sight range, and began moving to surround the transport. “Just stay still…” Ira said softly over the short range communications net work.

Out side of the simulation the gathered Peacekeepers were being taken back with suspense.
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Emers said:
Miu switched on to the personal communication. Patching in to Ira. “Twenty one enemy units…we won’t be lasting very long…unless…” She stopped and began thinking for a moment, gritting her teeth and coming to accept the fact that their was no plausible way for her to win this. Damn that Ira, damn him for trying to embarrass her. “Ira when we get out of this I’m going to KILL YOU!” She growled loudly. She paused and was panting over the open channel. “When those doors fly open we are going to fire everything we have, I want you and your team to then launch out of the bay doors and fly away from the ship as fast as you can.” Her voice was stern and frustrated, but she had to make a call, and in a real situation similar to this one the civilians had to come first, their safety was the pledge of all Peacekeepers.

“We are going to piss those bogeys off, and try to draw them away form this transport, to give them time to spool up their drives and slide on out of here.” She then closed her end of the channel, and began priming all of her weapons in a bid to launch an alpha strike. She spoke to all her entire command. “When the bay doors open, dump everything you have on to the first target you see, then punch it out and move away from the transport!”
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Ira said:
Ira smiled as she showed her sensitive side. “Anger and denial, that’s the first signs of love.” he responded to Miu, completely feigning ignorance of her threats. “Your plan is ballsy…that’s the kinda stuff that will end up with a book written about you if it ever really happened.’ he said as he shut his channel and began priming his weapons.

The Mindy’s moved into surround the transport on all angles, and were demanding to be allowed to board the craft. Miu had a plan…Ira respected it, and he had seen some cadets make command choices that ended this simulation rather quickly. Ira decided he would have simply surrendered. But he was under Miu in this one and would follow her orders to the letter.

The doors to Ira’s bay glided open revealing four of the Mindy power armors floating a few meters out. “Alright now.” He said as he began dumping his anti neutron fun on to the first target he saw. Their was no sound in a vacuum, just the noises of the simulated Tenshi compensating for the weapon’s vibrations as it discharged three rounds per second. A the hiss of his missiles flying out, and the chatter of his fire team as the unleashed their own alpha strikes. Two Mindys had their shields breached and shattered under the barrage. But they were simulated Neko pilots. So it came to no surprise to Ira when the surprised simulated enemy returned fire, and Ira felt a sharp sting in his belly. His suit was speeding up and went tumbling into outer space. He grunted loudly into his open comm at the sudden shock of being hit. He had been his close to seven times in actuality but the maiming hit was the most prominent. Sao did not even make it out of the bay, but the other two flew out light bolts of lightning thrown down by the hand of Zeus him self.

One Mindy imploded a second later, the other regained control and went into pursuit after Ira. That left five who quickly formed up and gunned it after the rest of Ira’s fire team, the glow of their thrusters flashing brightly, and the growing dm as they moved deeper into space. The built in AI was spouting Ira’s condition. “critical power failure…armor breaches…life support failing. It said in a repeating cycle.

“Blah blah blah…Miu…see you on the other side.” Ira said. Four seconds later a bright flash illuminated the hull of the transport as Ira self destructed his armor(Not sure if that’s cool but I will edit)and took out the mindy that had started firing on him.

(Rewinding back to Miu)

On Miu’s bay, she would find three Mindy’s in her sights…baring their weapons in just as the bay doors flew open….
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Emers said:
Miu and the other two members of her fire team cut loose on the superior Mindys, catching them off guard. They simultaneously lifted off of the bay’s deck and charged them, dumping their weapons on to the surprised Mindy’s along side of Ira.

In the commotion they blasted into space, and punched it in the opposite direction of Ira’s fire team. When they hit their maximum speed, Miu and her squad turned around and glided backwards through space, firing her missiles and weapons wildly in an attempt to get all of them to pursue her. A dull flash could be seen near the Transport as Ira activated his self destruct sequence. Two members of her squad were already down with in a split second.

When the pursuers caught up with Miu she and her men would begin dancing evasively through space using their stabilization thrusters to throw them selves up down left and right and to dodge the attacks. “Keep it moving, don’t get hit, we need to buy a few more seconds!” She shouted over her channel so that all of her squad could hear her.
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Ira said:
The three Mindys out side of Miu’s cargo bay were caught off guard as missiles and pulse blasts flight at them. Their shields flickered, and dissipated under the sudden alpha strike, and one was blown backwards, the other two came to life and pulled away allowing the three man team to make an exit from the transport. The enemy squad on the aft section of the transport quickly came to life and were trailed after the fast moving Tenshi’s Catching up was going to be a problem because as they made chase, the Tenshi’s were riding their own momentum and using their thrusters to maneuver while firing into the Mindy’s squadron. They were having trouble keeping the formation together, but they began all six of them gathering a target lock on the Tenshi’s.

The second squad had finished off the rest of Ira’s fire team and were heading back to the trans port which was being blasted into. She was returning fire until her turret exploded. Her shields failed, and explosions began forming all across her hull. Seconds later the transport lost power as was simply floating in space, unable to handle the assault the enemy was laying down on it.

Ira climbed out of his simulator arm, and began checking him self over. He was quite shocked to find the small crowd that was watching the mission. He heard cheers, but noticed the officers were stern faced and making discussions.

He felt a soft pat on the back. It was Sao and his officer. Sao smiled. “You did good.” He said smiling with his Jiyuuian face. Ira saluted his officer, and went back into being at ease. “Don’t tell me that, tell Nagatori…she made the plan remember?”

”Oh I’ll tell your commanding officer.” Sao’s own officer said in a steely unemotional voice.
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Emers said:
Miu and her men were returning fire but it was not enough to the superior Mindy armors. They were holding them back, and the whole plan had been shot to hell. “Screw it!” she howled. “Fall back!” She said turning about and punching her thrusters. She heard a loud grunt and Leena a female recruit on her left flank had been hit and was sent tumbling through space. Miu diverted her course and swooped down grabbing the out of control Tenshi by the ankle, and started booking it. An implosion flashed as her other wing man was destroyed.

Miu had taken hits and her shields were completely gone, having gained a head start she cranked her burners and began disengaging from combat.

She fled into open space, hopefully escaping pursuit of the Mindy’s. She gritted her teeth and squinted at her head’s up display. Leena was suffering from simulated wounds, broken bones, breached armor. All she could do was run and hope the diversion worked in favor of the transport.
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Ira said:
The Mindy’s broke their chase as Miu vectored away from the combat zone. They halted their target locks and turned back to the ailing transport ship. But for them it was too late. The Vessel was suffering massive failures on all fronts had hull breaches all over it. It had managed to spool up its FTL drive and began its transition out of this sector. In a flash of energy she was gone. But the civilians had indeed been saved. A rare but possible occurrence in this particular simulation. Miu in sacrificing her squad had saved 200 out of the 500 lives on that transport.

But the toll was high. Miu and Leena were the only two surviving Peacekeepers. So for the simulation she got as high as she could have gotten and that was a Pyrrhic Victory.

Out side of the simulators the crowd began clapping and cheering at the squadron’s score. Hoots and hollers would follow when she exited her simulator.

Ira merely clapped softly and smiled. “Yea she did do pretty good.”

Sao shook his head and slapped Ira’s back. “We all did…considering it was three to one…man I did not expect us to do THAT good.”

Ira turned away. “Neither did I…damn…I am hungry.” he said turning away from the crowd that was now applauding Ira and the rest of the seven man squadron. They did do good, Ira thought as he walked out and into the promenade. But had it been real that would have been over three hundred lives lost. Ira knew that they had much room for improvement.

Coming into the mess hall he headed straight for the very end of the line grabbed a tray and waited with for the line to advance so he could get served. Hopefully he would see Miu…but chances are she was quite enraged.
Re: [Prelude - Simulation] No Win

Emers said:
The simulation then ended and Miu not missing a beat hurriedly climbed out of her own simulator. She toppled over as she tried to bolt out of the damn thing and fell on to the deck nearly smacking her fore head. Her companions helped her to her feet and applauded her. She sheepishly smiled, but struggled to look for Cadet Ramirez. She saw him leaving the room.

Miu smiled again and accepted the praise from her comrades, but began pushing through the crowd in an attempt to go and confront Ira.
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