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RP [Premier's Office] The Empress, the Premier and the Kami


Premier's meeting chambers

Vishta’s reception on Yamatai thus far had been more to her liking than the one she experienced on Nepleslia. The Nepleslian meeting had been very much based on public relations, which meant there were a lot of cameras and an audience. Yamatai on the hand handled this meeting with a what Vishta could only say was like a therapeutic exercise in calm. On Nepleslia and Asura she had a full escort. All one hundred of her royal guards accompanied her. Here Yamatai however, she had brought only ten of her Guards.

Vishta had not visited Yamatai in nearly a decade, and yet she found even with war on the horizon that felt safe. The synthetics were war like, and had a powerful military apparatus. But they had their manners. The Yamatians generally kept their word which is why as a whole the Gartagen people liked them. Vishta did as well.

Her meeting with Yuumi was something Vishta secretly was excited about. Yuumi to Vishta carried a respect, and even when pressed the woman remained calm and in control. A personality trait Vishta herself admired and endeavored to emulate in her rule.

Vishta had landed in her Yacht directly on the landing pad of the Imperial Palace, which was behind the building. young Empress, dressed modestly for this meeting, she wore a crimson robe that fitted snugly around her body, and showed off her well toned and athletic blue skin. Her guards trailed behind her in their white enameled power armor, though they kept their heavy weapons in the Yacht. Vishta instructed them to do this, not due to fear of offending the Yamatians, but rather as a sign of respect. Vishta trusted Yuumi and Yamatai with her life.

The nekovalkyrja that met Vihsta on the landing pad wore a modest red wrapped dress that fell to the ground and hugged her slender form. She stood tall and proud at her full, petite height of 5 foot 5 inches, well, 5 foot 9 inches with her heels. Dark brown, wavy hair fell past her shoulders to the middle of her back. Familiar crimson eyes appraised the entourage as she approached the Gartagen, the palace guards flanking just a few steps behind her in grey uniforms. "I trust you reach us well, Empress?"

The shape of her eyes, the curve of her cheek were familiar to many across the Yamataian Star Empire. The image of the Kami was everywhere in the Empire. And now, she stood before Vishta and her entourage in flesh and blood. The eyes were kind and patient as she regarded the Gartagen. "I am Ketsurui Chiharu and it is a pleasure to meet you," her tone was friendly, polite as she bowed in greeting to the Empress. "Yuumi-san will be joining us inside, she had something come up at the last minute that delays her. She sends her apologizes but will join us later for tea."

Vishta once more found her smaller stature once again noticeable as she lifted up her chin to look at the much taller Chiharu. A taloned blue hand delicately came up in a calming motion. “Oh, her apologies were never necessary.” The Empress said calmly. “I of course came to this world to meet you as well Chiharu-Sama. I am honored and elated to be able to meet the spiritual leader of the Yamataian people.”

Vishta advanced on Chiharu, her blue eyes looking the taller Neko up and down. She was a lovely thing. Like all neko she was graceful and dangerous. Once more Vishta found her self admiring the intricacy of the Yamataian mind set. Synthetic, engineered and always with purpose. “Hrm.” Vishta said as she stared at Chiharu.

Chiharu watched Vishta with a polite smile. The Gartagen Empress was a species she was unfamiliar with. She had read up on their unique biology and some of their history but she wanted to know more about the culture from the Empress herself and not a data feed. "Please, follow me. How has your diplomatic tour been treating you?" She gestured politely towards the door and began to walk with practiced strides towards the elaborate double transparent Duradium doors that led into Yuumi's office, edged with gold colored trim against grey marble reinforced Duradium walls.

The living Kami's footsteps clicked gracefully across the landing pad, the gait was smooth but she carried herself like she was wearing body armor and a weapon. It was telling, she might have been dressed elegantly and femininely but she was a soldier recently returned from a battlefield. She only walked a step ahead of the Empress, lingering to walk beside her into the building. She did not seem to regard the Empress's honor guards with more than a polite smile. "I heard that you were visiting the Lady Blackspear last? I pray that the Asuran winter did not treat you poorly?"

The two approached the glass-and-stone, multi-story structure that was the Imperial Palace, the seat of Yamatai's civilian government. Vishta could look up and see the star of the planet beaming light into the halls of transparent floors and walls. Officials of all shapes, sizes and colors scurried about, attending to the business of the citizenry.

Military guards were absent. In their place were police officers, crisply dressed in navy blue, Nepleslian-style uniforms and peaked caps. Each wore a badge with a silver flower behind and a cold interior. They were armed, but only with a service weapon.

One prepared to open the door for them.

Chiharu-san, my office is open and available. I'll be there soon. The words were written in Yamataian calligraphy on a text panel that appeared before Chiharu. A translation into Trade ran along side it.

Vishta walked with Chiharu keeping pace. Where as Chiharu’s footsteps clicked with a graceful rhythm, Vishta moved with a catlike silence. Vishta’s motions and head remained place forward, yet her eyes bounced around taking in the sights and sounds of this building. “My tour has thus far been very fruitful. I have met the Nepleslian Premier, as well as the Empress of Asteria. She was a fascinating woman, and the first Empress I have actually met face to face.”

Vishta’s guards kept their distance, and Chiharu would find her polite smiles went largely without response. They for the most part did their best to remain invisible and not hinder Vishta or her hosts. “That was the first time in my life I have actually seen snow. The chill winds are deadly to my people, but the world was one of the most beautiful things I had ever witnessed. I was fortunate-” It was then Yuumi spoke interrupting The Empress.

Vishta smirked. “Well, I hope the Premier is not too busy to see me.?” She said looking up at the guards with their crisp uniforms.

"Almost time." Chiharu allowed the officer to open the door for them and continued into the building towards the Premier's office. "I remember the Mikado from another time before all of this. I look forward to seeing her in this life that we have been graced with. I haven't gotten a chance to travel much since I returned to Yamatai." Her smile was soft. "I am envious of the freedom to travel but it'll return to me again, soon. How is the weather in C'tualkishaan this time of year?"

Vishta blinked at Chiharu’s question about her home world. Her lovely sapphire eyes found Chiharu’s own crimson eyes. “Well. Gartaga is a harsher world than Yamatai or Nepleslia. We in our past fought a savage war that made the world much harder to live on. Even before our war Gartaga was a rocky craggy arid world. Commonly temperatures can easily boil water in mere moments. Static wind storms can ravage the sand-seas. But for the most part we experience clear skies and warm winds. You experience rain, we experience dust. The Mikado actually; before she was Mikado, and after you knew her, tested herself on our world. She has become something of a paragon among my people...being the first off worlder to survive on her wits in the sand sea.”

From behind the Gartagen empress, one of the guards looked quite different from the rest. Most different was his height, as he stood almost an entire foot above her. Second was his regalia, he wore more of a uniform fit more for a general than a guardsman. Lastly, he seemed to be paying attention to the conversation rather than just Vishta's well being.

Dhunjhik Kayn, the Grand Commissar of the Union, quietly listened in on the idle conversation with his own idle demeanor as he made silent notes about the famed Chiharu of Yamataian lore.

The nekovalkyjra's expression was thoughtful as she pictured the landcape of Gartaga as Vishta described it. "Survive on her wits in the sand sea?"

Vishta smiled warmly. The smiled seemed to enhance her beauty as it drew wider. "Yes! I have only read this of course. But rumor has it, the Mikado purchased a few knives and spears, and walked off into the sand sea. The sand sea is...a collection of sand dunes that stretches for thousands of miles. Ever shifting, like the waves of an ocean. The fauna that reside in it are beautiful, resiliant, and utterly dangerous. The Mikado lived amoung them for have of a solar cycle. Or so the rumors say."

"Bhelith is as dangerous and resourceful as ever then; time has rewarded her determination," Chiharu smiled warmly. Her crimson eyes fell to the more elaborate shadow above and behind them. "Is this sharani behind you one of your advisers?"

The man stepped forward and bowed formally, "I am Dhunjhik Kayn, Grand Commissar of the Gartagen Union." He rose from his bow back to his full height. "I am accompanying Her Majesty as both security and advisor if she wishes." He kept his words short before moving back into his silent observer's stature.

Vishta waved her hand at Kayn dismissively. “More like one of my servants. I had intended to do this meeting with you and Premier Yuumi unaccompanied, but, he insisted for my safety. Technically, he is third in line of succession to the throne if something were to ever happen to me.”

Vishta continued. “Apologizes for the distraction, my dear Chiharu.” Vishta then shifted to Kayn. “This is Ketsurui Chiharu, the spiritual leader of the Yamataian people. The ship we used to get here is a Chiharu class star ship. Some worship her as a god. You did well to bow to her before addressing her directly, my good Commissar. I suggest you keep doing it.” The blue sovereign said with a hardness to her normally soft voice that indicated her “suggestion” was in fact a command.

"One can never be too cautious in turbulent age. My legend proceeds my reality, it seems," Chiharu offered the sharani a warm smile. The crimson in her eyes glittered like rubies in the light. "It is good to have people close that wish for your safety but are not stifling your freedom. No one likes a cage or a gilded leash."

"As one who spent time in a cage. I can attest to that Madam Chiharu." Vishta said as Chiharu's eyes glittered in the light. "But I must diverge for a moment. You are a vision of beauty and loveliness among a race renowned for its beauty and loveliness, my dear Chiharu. Kayn. Is she not lovely?"

Kayn responded quietly and respectfully, "Yes, your Majesty." He felt his empress's voice weigh on his mind considering his attendance. He kept it hidden however, as the last thing he wanted to do was make her visibly and audibly angered.

"You flatter me, thank you," Chiharu responded softly almost shyly. "I am glad to see you have gained your wings again. I would like to visit Gartaga in the future and learn more about your people and your culture. It is hard to truly know a people's heart without being among them. I have been back longer than we have told the citizens of Yamatai. I wanted to know their heart before I returned to them as myself."

Vishta liked that. Chiharu was worldly and preferred to test things before making a choice. “My people have been allied with yours for over a decade. It is an alliance we cherish. We have monuments to you on or world. Of the other races we have encountered in the Kikyo sector, the Yamataian spirit is the one that the people of my world venerate. Say what you will about Yamatai, her people are courageous, thoughtful, and beautiful. When Yamatai needed us, no Gartagen complained. When the Lorath attacked Gamjie, Yamatai reacted to it almost as swiftly as we did. I, and others were not surprised. If you are their spiritual leader, then you Madam Chiharu have inspired a great people. For that, you have my respect and admiration. As well as the gratitude of my people.”

Vishta paused. A taloned hand reached up to her head and adjusted her thick tendral like hair, so that it continued to stream down her back. "Apologies. I am sure you know the spirit of your people. I suppose I assumed you would like to know what your friends thought of you."

"I appreciate hearing how you feel about them. We have come a long way and I hope for us to keep progressing forward towards a glorious and peaceful future. It just saddens me that our path has been stained with blood, some that I added and some that I spilled." Chiharu paused for a moment, her tone softening further. "One of the first things I did when I returned was go to where my Fleet was entombed and memorialized at the central temple. It is... humbling to see the shadows cast by yourself. I have never thought of myself in this way."

Vishta continued to smile as Chiharu spoke. “You are humble and graceful. True leaders do not seek power, they have it thrust on them. Tell me my dear Chiharu. I am very curious. I had intended to visit Yamatai last on my tour. When I received your invitation I was elated and surprised. So elated that I diverted my tour to come early. What prompted you to meet with me?”

"You are someone and a people I do not know, I wished to start my journey at the beginning of this new year with a new friend. The support since the announcement has been overwhelming and I wanted to focus on the heart of the Nation first. But I did not want to neglect our allies or overstep my boundaries, so I had to wait for when Yuumi-san's schedule was open for meeting," Chiharu offered a friendly smile again. "But the actual business portion of our meeting will be conducted appropriately by our gracious Premier."

Vishta listened as the Goddess of Yamatai spoke. However her question had not been directly answered. This did not cause any irritation in Vishta, Chiharu simply was not used politics. So Vishta opted to press on. “That makes a lot of sense. I suppose I should be more direct; what is it you would like me to do for you lady Chiharu?”

"I wanted to invite you to the upcoming IRC, aside from that, I wanted to build a relationship and understanding with you and the people of Gartaga," Chiharu responded politely. "I have no other motives than that. My desire is to build up and improve the lives of my people."

“Ah.” Vishta said in response satisfied by Chiharu’s answer. “Well, I appreciate the intent to invite The Union to the International Relations Convention. Allow me to say that I will accept this invitation and make it very public who offered it to me. Madam Chiharu. I will bring this up with Yuumi, yet I learned that a certain Ambassador Sachiko held and audience with the leader of one of the Union’s member worlds. This was something of a surprise. Now I am not taking any offense to it out of respect for the Premier. Which brings me to another question. What is going on in Yamatai that an ambassador from Yamatai shows up without an official announcement?”

"This is the first year since the formation of the office of the Premier that someone is running in opposition. Yuumi-san is running for re-election with myself as her second. Sachiko hopes to win the office for herself, it seems," the nekovalkyrja's voice was soft, thoughtful. The information had caught her by surprise. Chiharu had been unaware of this development, she did not manage anyone or anything but herself.

That news had peaked Vishta’s interest. Yuumi was running opposed. Which meant that the victory could drastically change the dynamic of Union/Yamataian political interactions. “I see.” was all Vishta said. “Well. I wish I could be of some assistance. Yuumi’s guidance has been essential in The Union’s relationship with Yamatai. Naturally, this election is of great interest to myself. It would appear that this Sachiko is rather confident that she will win this election if she is meeting with a Member of the Union, one of our leaders.”

"She is confident," a voice called out from the end of one of the transparent walkways.

Ketsurui Yuumi stood at that end, dressed in a deep purple suit, cut with her usual white blouse.

This time, however, she was a little different. She looked no more strained, no more beleagured than normal -- which was to say, "durable as Yamataium." Vishta, unaware of the daily dress of the premier, didn't see it.

But Chiharu did. And it might have caught her off-guard.

It was a pin. A circular lapel pin, with the faintest rim of shiny brass encircling an enameled the red, white and blue symbol of Yamatai.

Next to Yuumi's blouse and atop the purple, the pin stood out. She spoke as she walked toward them.

"But she's also barking up trees when she should be fetching for her government. I had to fire an overzealous department head who did the same thing -- against her. Would that I could fire Sachiko herself, but doesn't look so good when the Premier fires her opponent." She reached Vishta and bowed deeply to her, but her smile went even deeper.

"Vishta," she said, coming up from her bow. "It has been too long."

Chiharu caught sight of the little pin and was confused by it. A thing to ask Yuumi about later on. She smiled to her friend and waited for them to continue on their way towards the office. She brushed a stray strand of dark brown hair behind her ear and held her hands loosely at her sides.

Vishta smiled as Yuumi spoke. “Madam Premier. It has been far too long.” Vishta said receiving the bow. Shortly after Vishta returned Yuumi the stiff Yamataian bow, that she had practiced in her youth.

Vishta looked at the confused Chiharu, and spoke in order to dispel what ever was vexing her. “The last time I saw the Premier, I was not the Empress, and I was merely a young girl, rather than a young woman. “Yes, it would look bad to fire your opponent. Appearances are everything. I will likely let my own ambassadorial department handle this Sachiko. In the meantime the proper Premier will speak with the leader of Yamatai’s closest allied nation.”

"A friend," Yuumi softly substituted, and then reached out with one hand, offering to take Vishta's. "One friend to another, no matter our titles."

Yuumi sent to Chiharu, a static to which the Gartagens thankfully could not be subjected .

"She looks happy already," she sent, not surprised. "That's something you have I can't match, Chiharu. That charm that's all your own."

"I'm just making small talk, you flatter me. What's with the pin?" Chiharu replied to the telepathic message with a polite smile to Vishta as she watched the two friends greet one another.

"Don't dismiss your talents. Especially that one. ... The pin is ... a reminder. For when my familial instincts might get the better of me."

"A friend. Wonderful.": Vishta responded softly holding Yuumi's own. "Well, I would be lying to you if I did not say this election did not worry me. The risk of the dynamic of Yamataian/Gartagen relations is disturbing to me. The alliance we share has served both of our states extremely well. Your council is largely what has allowed the Alliance to continue for as long as it has. This Sachiko has already caused something of an offense with in my own government. I have managed to keep that offense belayed, but if it happens again I may have to actually respond. I am not sure she understands proper diplomatic channels. So as you can see, this does make for some concerns. Tell me, does she have a chance of winning this....'election'?"

Yuumi turned, and the two leaders began to walk down the transparent walkways, arm in arm, toward a long, sloping ramp that led up to the next floor. As Vishta talked, Yuumi signaled for Chiharu to follow them, staying close to Yuumi's opposite shoulder so as not to be excluded.

"Yamatai believes in strong, steady leadership," Yuumi said, occasionally switching between watching where they went and Vishta's visage. "It is a fundamental part of this Empire's nature. It is perhaps why the Senate has often been mercurial in its whims. You may know what I want and what I do, but can you say the same of a room full of parochial politicians?"

Yuumi genuinely laughed, remembering. "Natrually, you know first-hand. It's that dynamic that leaves the Senate an unpredictable force. As for the Honorable Sachiko, I believe she is doing what she feels is right, what is best for the Empire even. Her station does not let her always see what that best thing might be."

She stopped at the top of the ramp, officials and aides and other workers sometimes walking, running or floating by. She turned to take Vishta's other hand, squeezing both.

"The fault is not hers. It is ultimately mine, as it must be, for letting her go and make these visits ahead of the IRC. The times are too sensitive for such underground diplomacy. We must be forthright with each other, as we always have been. As friends are."

Chiharu followed opposite of Yuumi, her heels clicking softly as she kept pace and listened to their conversation. This meeting was meant to be Yuumi's, she just sent the message to arrange the meeting.

Vishta remained silent as Yuumi spoke. “Oh I understand what you mean. We don’t have a senate. We have a council of grand advisers. Though they often physically fight each other. If necessary I can intimidate or appease them into do what I like. Democracy is such a strange thing to me. The people get to choose, yet it is as you say, unpredictable. Well. if there is anyway I could be of assistance to you, I am available. Though short of words, I worry that any sort of financial assistance may be view as a foreign power trying to interfere with your political process.”

Vishta frowned as Yuumi blamed herself. “She is still your subordinate however. Though these mistakes she has made...could be taken a sign of the future. Though the name Chiharu is a strong one to have at your back.”

"It is only because of her that the Ketsurui even exist. I don't think my back has ever been this well had!" She laughed again, then turned to walk with Vishta up the next ramp. "Please, though, Vishta. You say to offer me help, but it's my country, my people, who should be helping you. Thanks to you, we recovered from the Third War, and this Empire is as secure as ever knowing you and your people are near. I would love to help you, however I might, in this upcoming IRC. As treaty partners, we should think as one.

"Though," she added, with a twinkle in her eye. "If there is but one thing I could ask?"

"Anything. I said it before. If Yamatai ever needs or wants for anything they can ask. As a friend you may do this." Vishta then shifted a look to Chiharu who was still standing there but remaining silent. "As may you my dear."

"I facilitated the meeting to learn. I learn best by listening. I can get lost in my own words if I allow myself to ramble on too much," Chiharu replied with a shy smile, though she knew she wasn't required to respond.

"Do you have a transcript of, or recall the general discussion with the honorable Sachiko?" Yuumi asked.

“Yes.” The Empress said quietly. She then shifted a nod to one of the guards. A moment would pass but Yuumi and Chiharu both would receive a notification of a recording of the meeting that Khalena had forwarded to Vishta. Vishta respected this move by Khalena. The Vekimen leader could have kept this meeting private but she did not. “It isn't the meeting that concerned me, it was the...for lack of a better term, the way it came to be.”

Yuumi nodded to the guard, thanking him for the transfer. Across her vision came the notification; PANTHEON already was dicing up the data and extracting the parts Yuumi needed.

"Thank you," she replied, just as quietly, then took up Vishta's arm and started walking with her again toward their office. "Now, I'm going to force you to do something, Vishta. I know it will be difficult, but I think you have to do it. You owe me this."

Yuumi then patted Vishta's arm. "You need to let me visit your palace and stay the night. And!" She paused, the seriousness (or lack) of it lifting her spirit. "Chiharu must come with me. You have drinks and games you play; I know you do. I want to play them, with you and my most trusted confidant.

"I won't take no for an answer." She winked at Vishta.

"Well, that is a very tall order, but I think I can accommodate you both." Vishta said, feigning an ominous tone. "This is a most monumental task. I may have to invite the neighbor over to join us as well. I after this meeting will be making a visit to the Azorean home world to visit with the Iroma ambassador and leader. A relatively quick trip, provided the meeting does not drag on. But on my return trip I will stop in to collect the both of you for this little slumber party."

The idea tickled Vishta. She had never actually had a night like that in her life. The idea of it was too whimsical to pass up. Friends. The word sounded very alien to the young Gartagen who, due to her social standing, had had little family, and no friends. It was true that many of the people she met called her this. She opted to hope that Yuumi and Chiharu were genuine in their use of the term.

"I owe you a great debt then," Yuumi said, and patted Vishta's arm again as they reached the the floor where Yuumi's office was. "I seem to recall Gartagens also have liquor, but that it's not always pleasant for aliens. Should this be a 'Bring Your Own Booze' affair? Oh! You've met Bhelith, right? You should invite her.

"Chiharu is too nice to say it, but that bitch is crazy. It's impossible not to love her, you know."

And thus, Chiharu saw the premier of Yamatai, by all evidence a serious politician, going on like a schoolgirl.

"Bhelith was somebody I read quite a bit about and very much looked to as inspiration." Vishta said smiling and stifling laughter.

"Oh, I think Bhelith maybe interested." Vishta said. Then, in a moment of innocent deviousness gave in to her inner desire to be a horrible gossip. "She is pregnant. Showing. Rumor has it her retainers are forbidden to mention it! I have not had the heart to tell her how adorable she looked being with child. Though the swelling of the belly that I've noticed in Nepleslians, Elves and Yamatians, I find it worrisome. What if the stomach pops?"

Yuumi paused for a moment -- then burst into a brief fit of laughter, the sound reverberating across the palace.

"Vishta!" she said, holding up the woman's arm and kissing her hand. "Vishta. Vishta, dear. You're unmatched."

They started to walk through the front of Yuumi's division of the palace, passing by desks of clerks, deputies, assistants. No one was at the end of the plainly carpeted hallway with walls coated in volumetric depictions of locales across the Empire. Malifar, Gemis, Tami, idyllic Phodian homes. Yuumi and Vishta continued talking about the most famous empress and general.

"You realize I'm going to savage her. You've given me delightful gossip here, and I'm going to savage the hell out of her. She won't tell me these things!" She looked back to Chiharu. "Did she tell you? Tell me she told you and I swear I'll quit."

“She certainly did not tell me! I was being polite." Vishta said speaking to Chiharu as well. "I wanted to mention it but I found myself making sure my gaze did not glance across her stomach. Plus I did not wish to have her retort by bringing up my betrothed. I heard her last encounter with Heram resulted in a very popular brand of wine!” Vishta said in between giggles as she spoke.

"Wazu?" Chiharu paused as she heard another name she recognized from a lifetime ago. "Heram Wazu?" She shook her head no to Yuumi. "Naoko-san hasn't told me anything about being pregnant. I just sent her a message requesting a meeting. I haven't seen her since the Heavens fell." She watched them cackling and smiled, she was glad to see Yuumi relaxed.

"Yes, Heram Wazu. Actually I was hoping to get a bottle of that wine while I was here. I thought of sending it to Bhelith, but she may not be as amused about it as I was when I heard the tale of its brewing."

"You are engaged to my old Science officer, it's good to hear that he's still around.

"Yes. He and my Champion are off in space somewhere saving the universe as usual. In the mean time I come around and try to make sure an unnecessary war doesn't break out between the nations of the Kikyo sector." Vishta said nodding to Chiharu. "Tell me, Chiharu, how was he when he was your science officer?"

"He was intelligent and inventive. He was good soldier and scientist. I haven't seen him in years and I should send him a message like I did with Uso," Chiharu's expression was thoughtful as she tried to carefully pick her words. "We are drinking next?"