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SACN [Private]Galar Vanatosk


Inactive Member
To: Shoi Kohosei Galar Vanatosk, Star Empire of Yamatai
From: Cadet Hiragi Natsuko, United Outer Colonies
Subject: (none)

WHAT THE HELL GALAR?! You just LEFT her?! You didn't even say goodbye. You're a freaking idiot, she CRIED!! Galar she cried. Don't you owe her more than that? Doesn't she deserve better?
RE: (none)

What should I do, Natsuko-San? There was no time! I had to leave so quickly. But that doesn't matter now. Are you still with the 17th? Where are you stationed? But then again, you both are part of the UOC now aren't you?

I love Ai, and I want to do what I can, but there's now a wall between us.

Can you at least tell her I that I still love her? Hopefully, someday, I can tell her in person.
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