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SACN [Private] Kikoru Faye


πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
// Secure Encryption Active

//MSG: Text Only

//TO: Kikoru Faye

//FROM: Shimizu Akina



I haven't heard from you in a while, and since you were with what's her face I can't assume this will even get to you. My offer is still open, and there's more than enough to be doing around here with all the reorganization. That's of course provided you adhere to the arrangement we have.

My daughters will be born soon, and that I feel will be one of the hardest things for me to do. If I receive a reply, I'll at least send you some pictures of them. If you don't find it too distasteful I'd at least like it if we still spoke.

I hope everything is nice over there.

~Shimizu Akina
Taisho, 4th Standard Fleet
To: Shimizu Akina

From: Kikoru Faye

Subject: Greetings


Yes, it has been a very long time. I had thought that you would have forgotten about me by now, but I'm thankful that you haven't. The UOC has put a lot of burdens on both me and my mentor, Rina-sama. One of which is the loss of my old body as well as the piercings.

I have been thinking of getting them again, or at least attempt to acquire my old body should I decide to return to Yamatai. I... am unsure of what to do. This crossroads of life has challenged me, and... I haven't made my decision yet. I've made some attachments to the former 5XF, but my heart yearns to return to Yamatai. What do you think I should do? I will, of course, make the arrangements to adhere to your wishes upon my possible return to Yamatai.

I'd love to see your daughters. If not in person, then at least in pictures. I've been having thoughts of having children someday as well, but I don't see that in my future anytime soon. I pray that life finds you well.

~Kikoru Faye

I have a lot of things on my plate, but I didn't forget my promise. You could have let me know at just about any time.

I'd like you here, to help with the fleet and anything beyond but it's your choice. There's a body waiting for you here though, if you decide to return. Sometimes our heart won't give us clear answers, other times we know what we have to do. Give my best to the Admiral, either way?

I'm dizzyingly nervous, but also beside myself with excitement about the girls, and a trusted pair of eyes would be more than welcome. You could know for sure about having children after a few months looking after them sometimes, probably. I wasn't there for Tio, but I will be for them it's my first time too.

~Shimizu Akina
Taisho, 4th Fleet

Now I feel a little ignorant, but I will keep that in mind. Thank you.

I'll make my decision soon, but I do not know when. I thank you for your kind words and will relay your best wishes to her.

I wish you best of luck with your new children. Even if I am not there to help greet them into the world, I would still like to help in any way that I can.

~Kikoru Faye
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