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Laz Public Network [Private Message] To Shosho Morioka Naoko


Inactive Member
Dear Shosho Morioka,

As we have not had the pleasure of meeting face to face, I must beg for your forgiveness for the rudeness of asking a favor without a formal introduction. I am Grand Admiral Dominic Valken, in charge of Nepleslia's 4th Fleet. It is rare for communications between citizens of our two nations, especially ones serving actively in the military. Most communications are done between our officials and leaders rather than ordinary citizens. I have heard rumors that you, or at least the Star Army, are planning an expedition into the former UOC territories. I'm not asking for confirmation or denial, merely explaining why I am sending this message to you. Yours was the only name to appear in the rumors.

Many of my personnel are Jiyuuians evacuated from Tange who have little to no information about family members who are missing. If you, or anyone you know, comes across any information about Jiyuuian refugees, especially names, I would ask you to inform me so I can pass that information onto my personnel.

At this time, I cannot offer any sort of recompense for your troubles except for my gratitude and that of my subordinates. I ask this as a personal favor, not as a member of Nepleslia's armed forces.


Dominic Valken
Grand Admiral, Commanding Officer 4th AASP Fleet

PS: I do hope that my predecessor, the former Admiral Wazu, was not too much of a nuisance to you.
Grand Admiral;

I want to apologize for only now replying; it would have been improper for me to comment until we had at least been underway, as I have taken command of the Task Group which has officially formed this morning following the Intergalactic Relations Conference.

It is true we are currently moving to assume duties as peacekeepers in the former United Outer Colonies region of space, as we are obligated as an Empire to not only reclaim our wayward state, but to rebuild it from its rubble. At the moment this is not a secret and I am pleased to be the commander of this effort. It is long overdue.

As I understand it you have acquired many Jiyuuan refugees from the area. Please assure them, and be assured yourself, that any information that we come across in our occupancy which might re-unite separated families will be forwarded as the situation occurs.

However, you can understand that taking a written account of each Jiyuuan recovered would be a difficult undertaking. When I order the census I will bear your request in mind. Even so, due to possible sensitivity conflicts, I may not be able to fully give you your wish or grant it priority. A more specific request may be helpful.

Any Jiyuuans who wish to return to their original homes to recolonize will be granted the full protection of the Empire to the extent of my power, and complete amnesty from any national crimes resulting from their departure the same as if they had never left. It is my personal wish to see the recolonization of this area of space bear fruit, as many of the planets, which are rich in natural resources, and furthermore habitable, were spared and are still of good use. Though these planets were their homes for only a little while, please assure them that should they wish to return, no limit exists for their fortune save that which they impose upon themselves.

And if they should choose to return to potentially defend any colonies that form, there is a place for them in the Star Army.

With Regard,

Shosho Morioka Naoko,
Admiral, Task Force Lantern
Star Army of Yamatai

--- Wazu, who?
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