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RP: 5th XF [Private] Taiie no Iori: The Journey Begins

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Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
ON> Taiie no Iori

"Shuttle 21, you are cleared for paddock West 05. Welcome home." The controller's comm shut off without feedback, leaving Yukari staring at the base below her. She'd never seen an Iori before ... civilian bases when she was piloting, and the Kyoto College once from the air during Mindy training, yes. But never an Iori ... she pushed the feelings of awe aside and focused. Her keyboard was tucked safely away in one of the shuttle's compartments. The pilot said she would treat the instrument with great care after hearing it, bringing a smile to Yukari's face. "Will I get to see the Taisho today, pilot?"

"Hai Seitô," the pilot said simply. "The Taisho should greet you after landing."

"Eh?" Yukari blinked. "But, I am only in my normal uniform."

"It will do." The pilot swung the shuttle across toward the paddock, silently relaying data back to the controller's station.

Yukari's lips pouted at the answer, but there was little she could do. Smoothing out her uniform habitually, she adjusted her hairbun as the shuttle landed gently and powered down. The pilot stood up from her seat and took Yukari to the back of the shuttle, opening the rear door.

Katsuko had cleared her days schedule for the arrival of Yukari; she figured it only practical considering she had taken the time to select Yukari from a long list provided to her by personnel. Selecting someone to be her assistant was not an easy task. Several high ranking officers more than fit the basic qualifications, yet something about this cadet had caught her attention. Katsuko's ways were unorthodox, bringing in a cadet fresh from college into a position on the base.

"Taisho, the shuttle has clearance ..." Katsuko acknowledged the cold voice of the AI, something that would need to be changed, added to the ever growing list. The station had been out of depot for less than six weeks, yet it was borderline disaster. Cargo containers, smaller boxes and equipment still crowded the wide corridors and but three-quarters of its compliment had arrived, but it didn't frustrate her in the least. She had gladly taken the assignment off the Akuro in hopes of getting some actual work done, and to better accomodate the growing need for those who served beneath her.

The fleet admiral stood motionless, hands cupped within each other behind her back. Her standard white uniform bearing its usual crests and insignias as well as her Type 28 perched within its holster all in its usual prestiege. Her bluish hair held back by a crystal hummingbird clip she had bought on the Hikari last leave. Her silver eyes catching first glimse of Yukari as the door opened. "Welcome aboard Cadet", she chimed, giving a breif nod to the pilot behind her.

The pilot bowed promptly and deeply, then left Yukari's side. Yukari also snapped to attention and bowed. Motoyoshi-Taisho was what she expected ... yet not. Her appearance and immediate demeanor struck Yukari as both cold and warm -- something that left her unsure of this surprise assignment. Yukari had had only a brief second to gather details of her surroundings; they also left her slightly unsure, though she did her best to hide it. "Seitô Suzuka Yukari, reporting for duty, Taisho."

Katsuko smiled, "At ease Yukari, how was the flight? I hope you weren't too disrupted by being reassigned so quickly. I had your belongings brought to your new quarters." She could gauge the young woman instantly, probably surprised that she would greet her in person rather than sending a member of her staff in her place. It would be unlike Katsuko to do anything of the kind, perhaps why she needed somone of Yukari's intended position all the more. The pilot gave Yukari a pat on the shoulder "Told you, you didn't need a different uniform ..." With that the young Geshrin headed towards one of the alcoves to file her final reports with the flight control officer. Katsuko lent a slight smile to her, as she was a former member of her beloved 17th Armor Wing on the Akuro.

Yukari brought herself up from her bow, resisting the urge of her eyes to blink uncontrollably with confusion. This was a Taisho? So casual ... and kind. The Hive battles must have done little to her spirit, Yukari thought. "Iie, Taisho. Not at all. It was ... sudden, no more." She did not turn her head to face the pilot after being patted on the shoulder and spoken to; instead, she smiled nervously at Motoyoshi-Taisho for a moment before straightening. "Thank you for transporting my belongings so quickly ... and for having my keyboard on the shuttle."

"I couldn't let you come all this way without your keyboard, music is something we share an interest in. I have played the flute for several years now." Katsuko motioned Yukari towards the door to the bay. "I have had the chef prepare a small lunch for us, so we can discuss why it is that you were brought all the way out here. Do you need to stop at your new quarters before hand?" she questioned, passing a nod to the several pilots which now came into the bay, since it was scheduled they would be out of it before now. They quieted their chatter upon seeing her and headed towards the other side of the bay, knowing that she didn't want any disruption.

"I need answers," Yukari thought to herself. But the mention of both music and food was more important for the moment. "Thank you very much, Taisho. Lunch would be very good right now!" she said, a bit of an embarrassed smile on her face. At least her stomach had stopped growling. She made sure to note the reaction of the pilots -- for all her warmth, Motoyoshi-Taisho commanded respect and not a small amount of fear. The contrast was good.

SET> Katsuko's private dining room

The pair headed down the corridor and entered a lift, Katsuko idly commanding the computer with her link as to the deck she desired. She turned to Yukari, and said, "What kind of music do you play, Yukari?" She tried to make the sudden awkwardness of being in a confined space with someone she was not familiar with a little easier for her. Spite her rank, and her experience, she still feared the judgements of those who first met her, knowing all too well she was never what they expected.

"Ah, anou ... " Yukari hated it when she did that, healthy as it was to think before speaking. "I play the koto some, Taisho ... but I learned many old songs from the library at the College. They sound very real." She paused again. "And I am learning to play the guitar without secondary memory."

Katsuko nodded. "Such dedication is important, and from your record and some brief discussions with some of your former professors, dedication is something that you have no problem showing." A kind compliment, and a rare admission of her own processes. The door opened and Katsuko lead Yukari towards her private dining lounge, two chefs stood at the front of the room, putting the final preparations on their food. Katsuko sat first, and motioned to Yukari. "Please, be seated. I am sure lunch will be in front of us momentarily." One of the chefs brought her bubble tea and then went down to Yukari. The Santo Hei Yamataian said lowly, "Tea or something else to drink, ma'am?"

Yukari could not help but blush at the attention. Her music professor had always thought it odd when she tried to play without secondary memory. She murmured a quiet "arigatou, Taisho" and followed the blue-haired Yamataian into the dining lounge. It was not as fancy or grand as the Nozomi's, even if it was bigger -- a reflection on the Taisho's personality, perhaps. Yukari made the mental note as she took her seat, bowing to the Taisho before doing so. She smiled at the chef. "Ah -- Irish Black tea, please."

The first chef disappeared into the adjoining room to get the tea. Katsuko mentioned, "I apologize for the lack of decoration in this room, I am unsure how long this fortress was in depot, but whoever decorated it could use a lesson or two in interior design. One of many things, I want changed around here." The other chef came over and presented Katsuko with her meal, lifting the silver cover of the plate to reveal a small stack of crepes, with lobster and a sweet creme reduction. "Thank you, it looks delicious," she said. The chef did the same before Yukari ... then, taking the covers, he went into the kitchen beyond, passing the other chef who delivered Yukari's tea and then rushed to leave as well.

Yukari smiled and thanked each of the chefs when served. They were very quick on their feet. "Ah, hai Taisho." Her eyes looked over the food with a hint of hesitation, as she'd never eaten lobster with creme or crepes before. The aroma, however, dashed any thoughts of holding back. Her mouth nearly overflowed with the saliva of desire. She bowed to her food, said a quick "itadakimaaasu," and reached for her fork. It stopped about a centimeter from the lobster. Her eyes then slowly looked up at the Taisho. "Sumimasen, Taisho." She took her fork back and sat in the chair, smiling.
ON> Katsuko's dining room, Taiie no Iori

Katsuko cut off a small piece of crepe and ate it. Setting down her fork and swallowing, she said, "The assignment I requested you here for is one of great importance in the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet. The title is rather unglorified, yet the duties shall no doubt be career advancing beyond what the standard delpoyment could offer you. You are to become my administrative aide." She took then the opportunity to sip upon her bubble tea, looking to Yukari for a response to her description of the assignment.

Yukari listened to Katsuko's voice closely, searching for clues beyond the Taisho's words. Why would a Seitô be so important to the 5th XF? The lack of glory was welcome, as she had no taste for it ... but advancing? "I am not far from my cottage," she thought. "How much farther do I need to go?" She nearly choked on the sip of tea she was drinking when "administrative aide" was mentioned. "Gahck -- so sorry, Taisho!" She quickly put a cloth napkin to her lips, making sure she had not messied herself. "I, do not know how to respond, Taisho. This is a great honor."

"You are a talented indvidual, worthy of such position," Katsuko said. "Yet I admit it will probably push your limits. Running a fleet is not a simple task, nor is aiding the person doing so. You will be responsible for everything from accompanying me to important meetings, my schedule as well as doing a lot of administrative and command work here on the base.

"Unfortunately your current rank will not allow you to function at the level I need, in turn I will be raising you to the rank of Taii. Such a climb in rank is most deserving of your talents, however it will also take hard work, long hours and some potentially stressing situations. The Fifth Expeditionary Fleet is known for its training programs, something that we will be focusing on intently in the upcoming months."

Yukari could only look at the Taisho dumbly, cheeks red from the praise. She quickly corrected herself, looking to the side of her. Helping someone run a fleet? What had she done to deserve this? She briefly recalled a training session she'd helped guide for new freighter pilots, and she had helped her professors with new students ... but an entire fleet? Yukari's ears burned further at the mention of her new intended rank. The points about long hours and hard work meant little as they were -- freighters required long hours and lots of work -- but when that work was in a field she didn't know, how was she to handle it? Perhaps she would only be her secretary. That would not be so bad. Something in the Taisho's voice, however, didn't suggest that. "I am always ready to serve the Empire to my fullest, Taisho, whatever the need."

Katsuko nodded. "Well then, that is set ... Let's finish our lunch and head up to your new office." Picking up her fork, she then added, "Is there anything in particular you would like to know about what is ahead of you?" She then took up one of the peices of lobster, enjoying its sweetness.

The opportunity to get answers upon her, Yukari could only look down at her plate and taste a bit of the crepes. She nearly died at how good they were, evident by the wide smile on her face. She looked up to the Taisho, still smiling. Her pensiveness melted as quickly as the crepe piece on her tongue. "Anou ..." She took another bite of the crepe, dipping it in the creme sauce for the fun of it. "Will I be given command of soldiers, Taisho?"

"Yes," Katsuko said, "you will be given a level of authority here on the base which will increase over time. You will also be responsible for making sure my personal security force is in tune with our travel plans, making arrangement for my transport aboard different vessels in the fleet. Also handling some of the communicaton, deployment strategizing and other solutions for the fleet's management."

Taking another sip of her tea, Katsuko continued. "I must admit, I have high expectations, and perhaps am a little forward with what my intent is; for you to become a high ranking officer of this fleet, I mean it not to go to your head. But for us to both understand what it is that I have called you in to do. It is likely occasionally you will even be giving orders from me to people twice your rank, especially now."

Yukari gulped down the rather large bite of lobster she was chewing after she digested Katsuko's last statement. The natural order of rank did not involve her giving orders to Taisas, let alone Shoshos ... but then, she had been commanded about by Junis for what seemed like several months, though it was only a day. Most of what she heard sounded like the duties of an assistant, as the orders stated. Deployment strategies were the work of executive officers, not assistants. Yukari silently wondered the Taisho was worried about an inflated or deflated ego. "I understand, Taisho. My pride will not get the better of me." She touched the napkin to her lips before speaking again. "But how will your officers feel about a Taii giving them orders?"

"They will adapt; most of the officers in this fleet have been trained in this fleet right up from the lower ranks of the armor wings," Katsuko said. "They know I have a very set style, and they respect my desicisons. We have been though life and death together, if anyone of them wants to challenge me, they best be up to the part. They know well that I have been, and will continue to be fair, but also do what is the best for the fleet. Something that you will learn quickly: performance is based on more than raw ability, it's more so gauged by one's ability to grow. Sometimes one needs a bigger situation to grow into, to reach what their potiential will allow. All it takes is for someone to see it, and make it so."

The words of Yukari's history professor rang true in her mind -- the Taisho was a leader, through and through. "For her to bring in an outsider seems strange," Yukari thought. "But .. her followers must trust her, to be with her this far." Yukari tidied up the last bit of crepe, which had gone quite fast, and took a long sip of her tea before speaking. "Taisho, I am a barge pilot who asks too many questions and thinks too much. I was put into the College because I had served so long as a Juni. This situation you speak of ... is very big. Nonetheless, I will not fail you." Yukari took another sip of tea, her cup hiding the grimace of sheer horror on her lips. She couldn't recall when she had become so brash, but the words had come naturally.

Katsuko smiled. "Good, then ... when your finished we can head up." A nod was given in affirmation as the chef emerged from the kitchen with perfect timing to clear away her plate. Katsuko had barely touched the food, yet the chef wasn't offended, as he knew she had at least eaten more than usual. Her appetite of late had been less than what it had, with more concentration on the breakfast than any other meal. The other chef then emerged and brought them two thermal cups, with the 5th XF symbol upon them, Katsuko's with her usual green tea with lemon and then for Yukari the Irish black tea she had ordered earlier.

"Enjoy your day, and welcome aboard Yukari," the chef said. "I hope to recieve the Taisho's meal plans promptly two days in advance, as well as her travel plans so that I am not slaving for meals that will not be attended." He then bowed slightly to the Taisho and left the room headed back into the kitchen.

"Ah -- hai, Taisho." Yukari wished she wasn't seated, but she bowed a little anyway. Most of the lobster remained, but she had taken a good stab at it. Her tea cup was empty. The wealth of food still on the Taisho's plate made Yukari wonder how dedicated the Taisho was to her duties. She could only go so long without food. She blinked at the thermal cup of Irish tea; she'd never been much more than a "one-cup-a-meal" drinker, but she smiled. She then nodded at the chef and commited the instructions to flagged secondary memory. "Hai. I will submit them as ordered," she said with a smile. The realization hit her that for all the orders she might ever hand out, they would never equal the orders she would take. She smiled inwardly at her own attempt at wit. She then looked at the Taisho, signaling her readiness to leave.

Katsuko got up from the table, grabbing the thermal cup of tea and headed towards the door, and then out and into the corridor. Several officers and crewmen in the hall snapped to alertness as they saw her walk through.

Yukari followed close behind with her cup, noting the crew who responded by committing their images to secondary memory. She made a mental note to procure extra memory for her brain later, as it might be needed and the base networks would not be safe. The incident with the Sakura's crew had taught her the importance of hiding information all too well.

SET> Katsuko's offices

After getting on the lift again, Kasuko engaged it toward the level below the command decks where her offices were located. A moment later the door opened and they stepped out onto the deck. "Right this way ... " Katsuko said to Yukari as she motioned right and then headed down the corridor.

The corridor was probably one of the finished decks onboard the fortress. Its walls were painted a dark burgandy, and the hall was marble floored with several statues, vases and a rippling fountian in a large alcove at the end of the hall towards which they headed. The fountain featured a hummingbird spouting water from its beak into a massive pool. At the other side of the pool were clear doors, with the 5th XF logo, that spanned the entire far side of the alcove. Rare orchids, flowering plants and other flora decoratively scattered the hall. Katsuko's issued boots clicked on the marble floor. The deck seemed almost deserted, save for the security personnel posted at some of the office doors, and then at the security desk, which was not visible from where they stood, as it was opposite of the massive doors to Katsuko's offices and behind the wall.

Yukari dutifully drank in the setting, committing it to primary memory for now. The Taisho's sense of decor was not as lacking as she had thought. The stockpiles of things in the bay made more sense now; the fortress really was being built around them. The loud clicking of boots on the marble floor were a worthwhile thing to note as well, as anything not standard issue would make a very different sound. She looked up and smiled at the hummingbird fountain and pool, finding it much more tasteful than the giant Neko fountain in the Empress' Palace, though she would never say so. The flowers lent a warm, casual touch to the room, which was appreciated what with all of the heroic statues. "Magnificent, Taisho," Yukari breathed.

Katsuko smiled as they continued, pausing before the doors. The AI said lowly, "Good Morning, Taisho," as the doors parted. Immediately inside the door was a single long rectangular desk, held in by a concave wall. At either side of the desk there was a flag, bestowing the flags of Yamatai, held in the highest and then that of the Taiie Colony below. Two NH-17Rs, ranked Santô Juni, sat on both sides of a Geshrin female Chui in red security uniforms. They all stood in unison, the Chui saying, "Hai Taisho ... " Katsuko headed off towards the left of the wall, the marble floor encased the symbol of the Star Army, and the wall behind the desk a metallic hummingbird with the 5th's motto.

"Araaa ... " Yukari said quietly. The office was truly impressive, conservative as it was. She thanked herself for taking the Yamataian body instead of the Geshrin, as the visual and audio data poured into her brain. She noted the Junis' presence, their Type 28 SMGs in their hands and at the ready in a second. She wondered what the Chui was responding to; Geshrins didn't normally have telepathy. She obviously was no ordinary officer; Yukari noted that and continued to follow, standing a moment to admire the large Hinomaru in the floor.

Another set of doors, smaller and tinted opened before them. Tapestries of fine painted cloth and other art covered the walls. The room was divided by a half wall, with another set of doors on either side of the furthest wall. Before it was a large "L" shaped desk, with several computer terminals behind it. On the same wall that would be the back of the concave wall from the other side, was a massive holodisplay of the current region of SA space that was devoted to the 5th Expeditionary Fleet, upon it was several markers of deployed vessels, intended colonies, and other items of importance.

"This will be your office ... " Katsuko said. "If you wish you may change some of the decor ... I must admit it was done with my tastes." She walked over to the pedestal which held her prized Yama-momiji Bonsai.

"O-office, Taisho?" Yukari blinked at the room. It wasn't an office; it was a command center, possibly the hub for the fleet. "Where are the technicians?" she thought. The display was quickly set to primary memory, with the markers linked to ship histories and statsitics she'd stored while en-route. It was an impressive set-up ... but more impressive was the beautiful little tree. She approached it carefully, a smile on her face. "It is a beautiful bonsai, Taisho. No more decor is needed with such a tree."
"I'm glad you have an appreciation for such things. Bonsai like a fleet requires constant care and patience.â€
Yukari blinked at her apparent dismissal. "Hai, Taisho. Wakarimashita."

The doors shut, but the sigh did not fall upon closed ears. Yukari looked about her office and its desks ... and let out a sigh of her own, falling into the guest chair of her desk. She briefly wondered why she had such a chair, but with a swivel of the chair, the sight of the lovely bonsai erased all questions.

"I am ... a flag aide." Yukari said to the bonsai. Flag aide... a title no Star Army officer has ever carried officially, she thought toward the bonsai. At least to my knowledge. Her eyes noticed the false viewport above her, providing a glance of the starfield. My Taisho is weary of me already. I did not make a good impression. The tapestries on the walls were truly beautiful, Yukari thought. She felt very new so close to them, as if their age alone gave them sentience and intelligence beyond any library she knew.

She shook her head, swiveling on the chair to read the displays. They all meant something, yet they didn't. The duties of a flag aide are to serve the Taisho and the fleet. "Intelligence officer" does not rise to such responsibilities. The information on the displays went straight to her secondary memory. She would decipher them later.

"KAMI, set up a physical server inside my room," Yukari sent to the PANTHEON of the fortress. "Download parameters are information directly dealing with Motoyoshi-Taisho. Encode it with the maximum authority my position allows me."

The computer acknowledged the request.

Yukari briefly scanned through her memory for information about the Taisho and sent it to the server. She swiveled again and looked to the bonsai tree. Questions suited it more than facts.

"Failure is not an option, is it, bonsai-dono?" Yukari smiled, gracefully leaving the chair. "All I have been through today ... a final test for this assignment, neh?" She bent down and examined the tree's fine red leaves. "You will help me, bonsai-dono?" She giggled a little. "Sou ... arigatou."

With that, Yukari turned on her heels and wordlessly accepted a report from one of the Junis guarding the Taisho's office. It said the Taisho was asleep.

Quietly, Yukari stepped out of her office and nodded to the Juni who sent the report. "A Taisa from the Akuro might expect to see the Taisho; allow her to. Inform your detail to politely bar all other entries." The Juni bowed, acknowledging the order.

"KAMI, filter and flag reports for the Taisho into her network port and hold them there, unless a situation requires her authorization."

"Affirmitive, Suzuka-Taii," KAMI responded.

Walking down the halls and past the fountains and pools, Yukari sent out other small orders, including one querying where her belongings were. The lift took her to her quarters quickly, where a Santô Hei was just leaving. He bowed sharply; Yukari bowed in return and smiled, thanking him. He left blushing. Stepping inside, she realized how spacious it was, compared to the quarters she normally had on freighters. It was bare inside, of course, but that would change soon enough.

Immediately, she found her keyboard, lying on the double-sized futon mattress. The Taisho somehow knew she preferred Japanese-style sleeping arrangements. She shrugged it off, picked up her keyboard, and began to tweak the equalizers with secondary memory as she went through a few reports. Sleep would come later, she thought; there was too much to learn right now.
>ON: Taiie no Iori

Yukari smiled as she pushed a stray lock of hair from out of her face. Kept in a loose ponytail, she folded up her keyboard and closed the small windows in her vision. A lot of information at once, she knew, but she felt it had to be done. Thankfully, appointments existed to take her eyes off the various pictures and words scattered across the air in front of her. The most important one was a new officer for the Taisho's security detail ... a one Ushiba Matsu. She put her things away and left her room, quietly passing the soldiers in the hall as she went to the docking bay the officer was to arrive at.

Matsu was sitting in one of the chairs across from the loading dock, reading up to the stats of the new station that she was now serving on. She was happy to get off the Akuro and ever happier to be serving the Taisho firsthand.

The number of corners Yukari had to round to reach the shuttle bay was far too many for her liking. She made a note to schedule the next arrival for a shuttle to one of the nicer bays. Stepping over the clutter and around the technicians fusing this and that together, the Taii approached her intended target quietly, but with a smile. The bright gold hair pin made Ushiba stand out pointedly among the various other Nekos under the light ... and the violet hair! She stepped into Ushiba's vision, waiting for the petty officer's head to rise and acknowledge her.

Ushiba was so far in to her reading that she had failed to realize she had been on board the Iori for the past 10 minutes. When the new person entered the environment, the fact that she was not still in the void of space hit her suddenly. "Oh my, how long have in been here," she said to herself as she quickly rose to salute the higher ranking officer. "Ushiba Matsu, reporting for duty, ma'am," was her response to Yukari.

Yukari had to flash a wider smile. At least the officer was polite. "At ease, Ushiba-Heisho." A glance revealed much about the officer -- well kept, but also a bit on edge, as the pin showed somehow. Yukari wished she could see inside the footlockers, but she would have several chances later. The NSP at the officer's hip wouldn't be enough; she made a note to get the officer an SMG as soon as possible. "You're familiar with your orders?"

Ushiba started to pick up her small belongings that she had laying around the crew compartment of the shuttle. "Not really ma'am, but I would expect that you are about to tell me?" A smile came upon her face as she said this. It was more than obvious that's was why she was here, and also to maybe show her around the ship.

Two soldiers came around to take a piece from between Yukari and Ushiba. The Taii smiled at the soldiers, then at the officer. "Yes, I will." The Taii gestured for the officer to follow her. "Your orders are quite simple, Ushiba-Heisho. Protect the Taisho with your life." She stopped a Santô Hei and whispered to her for a moment; the soldier bowed and dashed off. "The recommendation we received speaks highly of your skill in demolitions. Not a quality I'd expect a security officer to know, but the Taisho's letter was insistent."

Stepping through the corridor of the starbase, the Taii led Ushiba through what seemed a maze of bustling Nekos. "Your first task will be to familiarize yourself with the Taisho -- she's busy at the moment, but you'll meet her soon. Talk to your fellow officers; they'll tell you the things you'll need to know most."

Ushiba followed closely behind Yukari as she was led through the starbase to where she did not know. She was somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of Nekos crowding the halls. It reminded her of the down town section of a city or a busseling market place. "What is the Taisho like if I may ask?"

Yukari smiled, not looking back at the Neko as she opened the door to a lift. "That is a question I should not answer, Heisho," she said as the door closed and the lift went up. "I have not been on this base for very long ... ah!" She looked at Ushiba with her cheeks red. "I have not even introduced myself! Forgive my rudeness. I am Taii Suzuka Yukari, flag aide to the Taisho. That is why you are with me, and not her."

Ushiba leaned against the wall of the lift durring her time on it. "It's okay; we all forget things here and there. For instance I didn't notice that I had landed ... That is more or less the same principle in my book." Ushbia smiled as she leaned her head to the side a little. "So where are we heading since the Taisho is occupied?"

As the lift slowed to a stop, Yukari realized she liked the new guard. She was much more personable than the Junis she'd dealt with so far. "We are going to your assigned quarters, Heisho. If we are lucky, they will be ready for our arrival." The doors opened quietly, and Yukari stepped out. "All the information and tools you need will be provided to you, including a bomb-diffusion kit you can keep on you at all times. You will also carry a Type 28 SMG along with your standard sidearm." Yukari made a sharp right down the fairly barren corridor. "I am working on procurring a better primary arm with the help of your fellow guards."

Ushiba perked up when she heard about the chance of having a bigger gun to play with. As they walked the far less crowded hallway she started to think about what the Taisho must be like in person. She thought that she must be nice; the ones she is friends with and maybe a little loose if what all the rumours that covered the ship were true. Her mind cut at that point to fantisizing about the Taisho as hee mind was drawn away from the hallway.

"The Taisho will want to meet you, of course, but for now," Yukari put a hand on the roughly cut door of a small apartment, as it took a moment to open, "you should settle in. You are a few turns from my room, so you can talk to me whenever you need to." She smiled at the guard. "Rest, for the moment; you had a long journey on the Akuro, no doubt."

"Thank you; I'll find my way down to you if I need help, but I'll leave you alone seeing as you must have a great deal else to worry about." Ushiba bowed to her and stepped into the room, tossing her bags next to the door. She walked over to her bed and just let herself fall into its sweet and comforting embrace.

Yukari bowed and bid the guard a good night, turning on her heels. She idly brushed that stray lock of hair back behind her ear. "Hmm ... that was easy enough ... perhaps I can do this after all." Yukari's thoughts, in Japanese, was a bit more hopeful as she stepped back toward to her room. "Now, to work on the inspection ..."

Yukari's eyelinds were heavy after she reached her room. It'd been far too long since she had rested, but there was not anything to be done about it. Being a flage aide came with a lot of responsibility, which she could handle. Yet the deluge of information wore her brain down. Much of it was labeled with new filters she hadn't used in the College, so it was held in limbo until she rewired her brain properly.

There were reports from all across the Iori: updates as simple as a door being fixed to shield generators being s hut down to rework some small conduit. Material was coming and going constantly. The population increased at a slow but constate pace. Defensive systems were in place, though the interdiction field was being "unreasonable," the engineers working on it wrote. Fire control was online, but weaponry was still being put into place, and while live tests were rare, everything appeared functional.

Dealing with the information was a burden off of the Taisho's mind, so Yukari was happy to handle it. But she hadn't received instructions on when to sleep. She laughed a little at that, lounging in one of two 'comft chairs' her quarters had. She must tell you when to sleep, Yukari? she thought.

The Taii realized she hadn't explored the room futher than the chair and the guest futon. Her eyes reminded her how tired she was, so an expedtition to her futon was in order. She stood slowly and walked to the holographic door in the back wall, which opened for her. She poked her head in before stepping through, the door shutting behind her. To her right was a small kitchenette, about two meters deep, with two electric ranges and a half-oven, with various cupboards, drawers, a little sink and a half-fridge.

The ranges were too cute to sully with bad cooking just yet, she decided. She looked in the shallow cupboardsand found a bag of smoked koi chips -- a relative delicacy for a freighter pilot or a cadet, but merely a gift for a flag aide. Yukari made no sounds as she swiped the bag with a feral grin reminicent of her former Nekovalkyrja body.

Yukari looked to her right and found the little closet futon's rice-paper door open just a bit. The mattress and sheets were off-white instead of red, and the interior had holographic wooden walls. Yukari knew she would sleep well as she stripped down to her bra and panties, and climbed into bed.

The mattress comforter was silky and heavy. An aroma of old wood filled the little room. The lights dimmed once she closed the closet door, and KAMI posted a floated "do not disturb" sign on the hall door. As she snuggled into the covers Yukari let her wavy heair out of its ponytail and took a deep breath of the wood smell of the comforter. It was all so ... lavish. Yukari blushed; the Taisho was too kind, if it was all her doing.

The heavy comforter sunk down on her as if it were alive. She had never been more pleased to be trapped.

Work, however, was not so easily bound. A reminder popped into the space above her head, damaging the ambiance. Yukari had a pout on her face, but the reminder was right. Luckily it vanished in the face of the pout anyway.

"Excuse me, Suzuka-Taii," KAMI said telepathically, his Japanese mechanical-sounding but polite. "Motoyoshi-Taisho has labeled this -- "

"It is fine, KAMI," she said aloud. "Please present the Yukika and her crew."

KAMI followed Yukari's internal preferences. A 3-D wire image of the Nozomi-class scout destroyer softly glowed above her, with various statistics to the right and opaque thumbnails of her crew to the left. Her brief time on the class' namesake taught her they were small, but little else. She noted where the bridge, engineering and torpedo rooms were on the image. It spun to show where the shuttle bay was. Yukari nodded, her eyes wandering to the thumbnails.

KAMI tracked her eyes to Seitô Murasaki Aoiko. The Yukika disappeared, and a full image of her was opened. Yukari noted the Seitô's fine record ... but saw there was no College transcript attached to the bio. Yukari wasn't surprised; her Star Army bio was never updated with her transcript, either. The College wasn't good with follow-through anyway.

Yukari put the Seitô back with her eyes and brought up the ship's CO, Shoi Corro Adlich. She raised a curious eyebrow.

"KAMI, please refine the quality."

The computer did so, producing a much more photographic image.

"A ... raaa." Yukari usually wasn't overly fond of Nepleslians. Familiarity with conditions on Nepleslia didn't help as much as they should have, she knew. It was a source of shame, but she could not deny it. Nepleslians on the whole were strange, and unprofessional to the occasional point of dereliction of duty. On top of that, they were usually modified in sometimes ugly ways.

Those were the officers. She had wondered before why the Empire had let the Nepleslians in the Star Army stay -- especially the freighter pilots. After her 10-second meeting with him, she suspected Taisa Rufus Sydney's decision to stay had something to do with it.

She was suddenly glad the Empire had been so nice.

The Shoi was ... was ...

"Scrumptious," she said with some breath. It was a Nepleslian word that meant good-looking, she recalled. "He is scrumptious."

Yukari giggled, which faded into a sigh with a smile. This was no time to look lustfully upon fellow officers. She noted the important biographical bits -- his ties with the Taisho, his ability in a Super Phalanx -- then moved on quickly, only noting what she thought useful.

A yawn escaped her. "Liar," she said quietly in Japanese, but she couldn't live up to the accusation. Her eyes shut on their own, and with the scent of wood lulling her on, she slept. The bag of koi chips was lost to the covers.
An assignment. Aboard the Taiie no Iori. And the Taii was interested in her Anaba Super Karaoke Machine! The shuttle flight would have been too long if it had only taken a minute, being that it was quite a bit longer than that it took all of Ayano's self-control to not chat the ears off the shuttle's few other passengers, which consisted of low-ranking enlisted personnel like herself. It was much to the other passengers relief when a stray comment about the nodal system lead Ayano's mind along a path that soon slipped her into silence as she daydreamed about the countless trillions upon trillions of femtomachines waiting aboard the Star Fortress, all of which seemed to be calling out her name across the light-years of space that currently separated them from the Neko.

The landing struts barely had enough time to take up the shuttle's weight before Ayano, large duffle bag slung across her back, was out the hatch and into the bay the shuttle had alighted in, drawing in a deep breath and savouring the myriad familiar smells that came with it. "Alright!â€
A low "booong!" reverbrated throughout Yukari's room. She rose up from her bed slowly, rubbing her eyes.

"Suzuka-Taii," KAMI said telepathically. "A Santô Hei is looking for you. Hatsubutai Ayano."

"Ehhhh ..." Yukari pushed the door of her closet back, blinking at the lights once before they adjusted. "Who?"
"Santô Hei Hatsubutai Ayano," KAMI said again. "She is flagged as a 'KoIP.'"

"Kind of important person," Yukari said slowly. She stirred her brain from sleep and looked for the soldier. Why would a Santô Hei be flagged -- "Ahhhh, I see! Karaoke. You left her the module, KAMI?"


"Thank you, KAMI." Spinning in her bed, Yukari stepped onto the cold kitchen floor. She made a note to get slippers and a robe at the earliest convenience. Instead, she went back through the holographic door and into the den. She didn't give a second thought to the constricting jumpsuit uniforms as she dug for her standard-issue yukata. After putting it on properly and adorning some black sandals, she smiled then stopped.

She pulled the collar of her yukata and sniffed. " ... saaa." She wasn't ripe yet, but she was on her way. She needed to shower. But for now, she was presentable enou -- "My hair."

Yukari had no mirror available to her. Quietly, she opened the door to the hallway and poked her head out. No one. Effortlessly she left the floor and gracefully floated and waved down the hall and to the right to the shower/bath room. It was spotless, though there was a showerhead or two missing. She floated over to a mirror -- "Awww ... shimatta." Her wavy locks were mussed, but not tangled. She stuck a hand on one of the pockets of her yukata and took out the small hair tie. She was able to create a rather poofy ponytail, but it would do. She floated back to her room quickly and began putting out some snacks for the guest.

After all, if the timing was as her notes suggested, Hatsubutai hadn't waited long before seeking her out.
Ayano stared at the door, wearing a dubious expression across her usually merry features. The door stared back, unperturbed. Ayano looked to the spot that had been occupied mere seconds ago by a holographic arrow, but it gave away no hints either. Her eyes wandered up and down the hallway, curiously devoid of traffic for the moment, before returning to rest on the door.

The route that KAMI had lead Ayano through had been vaguely circular and left the engineer wondering about both the state of the star fortress's completeness and the resident AI's qualifications as a guide. After a particularly twisty course through an equipment-strewn corridor, the holographic arrow had eventually turned her down a hallway lined with doors more widely spaced than those on what the Neko was fast considering to be ‘her' corridor. Despite this however, it still felt like living quarters rested behind those doors, rather than an office befitting the personal aide to the 5th Fleet's Taisho.

Yet sure enough, it wasn't long before the holographic arrow she had been following turned away from the direction it had been pointing and focussed in on a particular doorway. Ayano slowed her brisk pace and came to a stop in front of it, bringing her to the position she presently occupied.

With her eyes back on the door, Ayano turned to the KAMI again. "KAMI... are you sure that the Taii is here?â€
>ON: Taiie no Iori

A Santô Hei does not get a chance to enjoy these often, Yukari thought as she put the finishing touch on the bowl of koi chips -- three different cups of dip. She'd seen the practice of "dipping" when she was working with a Nepleslian navigator, and it was a beautiful tradition. Take a chip, dip it into ketchup, sweet beans or light butter. Perfect. And milk to "top it off," as the Nepleslian would say. She giggled before KAMI interrupted.

"Suzuka-Taii, Hatsubutai-Hei is at --"

"Haaaiii hai, KAMI." She went to the door and opened it, not sure what to expect.

"Gooood ... ah ... morning? Taii?â€
>ON: Yukari's quarters, Taiie no Iori

The milk was gone rather quickly from Yukari's cup. The way she drank it, one might assume that under her human appearance lay the soul of a Nekovalkyrja. This was the truth, of course, but the milk drove the point down one's throat rather quickly. "Uwahhhhh," she sighed with a grin. The bowl of koi chips looked depleted beyond repair. Yukari patted her hips, happy her Yamataian body regulated her weight.

A Fox-class aeroshuttle/starfighter, Ryuuza sat at the control terminal in his chair waiting abit bored with a hint of a eagerness to get aboard and do something, anything but sit and wait for contact from Headquarters. He sat with his hand and forearm keeping his head up as the arm itself rested on the arm of the chair he rigged up himself.

He sighed and in 5 minutes if no one contacted him through the Datapa he was going to send a message to them, requesting to dock there. He then sat up and pulled out a old, wrench-type object which he had intentionally sharpend the edges eith the exception og part of the handle and converted an old tool into a decent, yet primitive weapon. He then began to tinker around with it, sharpening it, givingit a balanced, Jagged edge with nothing else to do.

Ryuuza wasn't much for socializing so his social skils were limited but he still had manners which kept him from saying stupid things in check.
An image appeared on the datapad's screen, as routed by the Iori's KAMI. It was a Nekovalkyrja, Nitô Hei, with shimmering black hair in a ponytail. She read something besider her, then turned her attention forward. She blinked only once before speaking.
"Santô Hei Ryuuza Kurodai, you are cleared for shuttle bay 26. Flight instructions are being loaded into your datapad. Please watch for construction crews. KAMI will assist your landing." Her image winked off of the datapad.
Ryuuza nodded to himself as he then maned the controls and approached the shuttle bay with caution. He was finally able to dock, which made him very excited but the excitment was withheld beneath his emotionless and calm appearance that seemed to be able to supress whatever he felt successfully.

With the aid of KAMI He then docked in Shuttle Bay 26 and then switched the power control to cnservative until he got his belongings out of the ship. then gathered his things quickly, consisting of 2 bags. One of mostly food and the other one with personal tools and books with notes. He then took out a notepad and viewed his assignment and then picked up his belongings and headed towards the entrance to the interior of Taiie no Iori itself. He then reached int one of the long and wide brown bags and pulled out a datapad with the map of Taiie no Iori.

He then made his way to Taii Suzuka Yukari's quarter's as instructed. As he neared his new commanding officer's room he then stopped and thn turned to his new quarter's and thought it might be better to drop off his thing's their and did so. He opened the cold metal door and dropped his belongings beside the door then exitted the room. After the door closed he looked for a intercom console of some sort, and if he didn't find one he would knock.
Instructions from KAMI appeared on Ryuuza's datapad.

"Ryuuza-Hei, a set of two buttons beside the doorframe operate Suzuka-Taii's door to her quarters. You may press the top one and enter."

The instructions were followed by three Japanese syllables reading, "Hu hu hu."
Skhaal scratched his head. "Alright, I guess I'll just go in then if KAMI says so ..." he said as he slowly went to press the top button to have the doors ahead of him open. He stepped into the room cautiously, not being able to help but feel intrusive, but then again KAMI told him to and used that to make himself feel a bit better about his action. He then called out a bit differently.
As soon as the door closed on Ayano, Yukari sighed. She liked the engineer, but despite the Neko's energy, Yukari felt like she had overwhelmed her. But the other engineers on the station were burdened with the mundane and had no desire to double their workload. Yukari didn't blame them.

Had she really just ordered those things? Playing it back in her mind, she'd been confident enough. She'd probed a little to ensure Ayano was capable and willing. She had even smoothed over potential problems by saying she would speak with the Taisho.

So why did she feel so lost?

Iiya, she thought. I must not doubt now. It is my first true day as flag aide.

She pulled her hair from its ponytail and went to her bed. The sheets and covers were put back into place, the pillow fluffed and the door closed. Stiffling a yawn, she decided to have a small breakfast after a shower. Collecting her uniform from the floor, she hung it in the closet next to the door. She looked with resignation at her open and unpacked footlockers; they would have to wait.

Yukari poked her head out her door. Seeing no one, she floated her shampoo from one of her footlockers -- and realized she had no conditioner.

"Mouu," she pouted quietly. "I left it in the showers at the dormitory ..."

Shaking her head, she walked to the communal showers. Nodding politely to the few other women in the shower, she chose a "stall" near the middle. She disrobed herself and put her clothes neatly on the bench behind her. The hot water was soothing for someone who hadn't showered in what felt like months. She sighed happily and let her wavy hair soak up the heat falling on her head. This is still nicer than the Oberon-class, she thought.

"Suzuka-Taii," KAMI said telepathically.

"Mouu," Yukari said to no one in particular. "Hai, KAMI."

"I monitored your conversation with Hatsubutai-Hei. I have found a M3-1c onboard an Irim-class gunship at the Star Army depot. The vessel's AI said the M3 was damaged during repair operations using the Ke-M91 converstion kit, but it can be repaired and made suitable for your purpose."

"KAMI ... I have found a Mindy already. Thank you though."

"Suzuka-Taii, an M2-1x is primarily designed for NH-17x, NH-22M and NH-29x. Motoyoshi-Taisho is NH-22C; an M2-1x cannot be modified for her."

The water suddenly became less pleasant. "KAMI, I am aware of the Mindy's limitations. It will be fine."

A stream of data flooded Yukari's vision. She absorbed it silently, her shower already ruined. At the end of it, she looked worse than when she stepped under the shower.

"Dammit," she muttered in Japanese under her breath. "Inform the commander of the vessell I would appreciate the Kylie very much. Thank you, KAMI." She squelched the connection abruptly.

"Shit," she said in Japanese. "Yesterday I was among clouds; now I am thrown upon rocks by an AI." She leaned against the shower wall, the water running over her face. "This cannot go on."

Yukari bent down to grab her shampoo -- construction crews had yet installed the little holders -- and poured a generous pool of it in her hand.

It would have felt nice to massage even the standard-issue stuff into her scalp and hair. But the pleasure was replaced with frustrated twisting and scrubbing.

"Suzuka-Taii," KAMI said telepathically.

Yukari licked her lips. "Yes," she said curtly in Japanese. The other females were conversing together.

"The commander of the --"

"Yes, KAMI, I see the message. Please suspend all low-ranking messages for 20 minutes; I must change."

"Yes, Suzuka-Taii."

The first thing he needs is timing, Yukari noted as she shut the water off and wrung her hair. She then realized she'd forgotten her towels. This day is already horrible!

Sighing, she wrapped her yukata on and haphazardly tied the sash. She did not look at anyone as she left for her room, floating.

Once inside, Yukari stripped the yukata in one clean pull, toweled off and went to her keyboard. Opening it, she queued a song she had not heard yet; a friend from the College had given it to her.

Suddenly, blaring synthesizers came from the keyboard's speakers. Yukari smiled widely as she bent down to grab some underwear. In only panties after the second verse, she sung along happily. Yukari practically danced into her uniform. Already she felt a little better --

The sound of a doorbell rung in her head, signaling someone was at her door. It ruined everything. The top of Yukari's uniform hung at her waist, her breasts not yet secure. "Wait just a little bit," she said in Japanese. "I must dress first." She bent over to turn her keyboard off. The lights dimmed at her request, as she had not yet time to even do her hair.

Then the door opened.

A tall, dark, alien-looking man was suddenly in her room. And she was topless.

At least two seconds passed. Her entire body turned red.

Another second. Yukari took a deep, deep breath.

One more second. The air seemed sparse all of the sudden --

Before she even uttered the words 'Get', Ryuuza had already began running out of the room, only to trip and then just roll out of the room clumsily. He breathed abit heavily, he then said softly "Sorry, Ma'am But KAMI Told me to do so...I apologize for this severely embarassing prediament placed upon us those uncomfortable 5 seconds." He then said quietly to himself "Damn you KAMI. He then let out a sigh of relief as his red face had slumped down so he was staring at the floor with his black hair overshadowing his eyes.
The door closed slowly and quietly after the stumbling figure, his words falling upon deaf ears.

Yukari just stared at it, empty. Her mind stalled. Stalled again. Stalled a third time. She hadn't moved.

There had been the glint of a rank pin in the dim. But the door did not just open for anyone. It ... couldn't!

She looked down at her chest, stark-white breasts firm and perky from the blood flowing to them. Her entire body was locked up, as if her motor functions had died, leaving her brain to replay the embarassment over and over in a fleshy, topless cage.

Thrown against the rocks. Then cast onto the beach as a deadhead is cast by the rolling sea. Screaming further would not help. And I am watched.

Mechanically, her body moved again. First her black sports bra, then the rest of the bodysuit, zipped up the front. She idly smiled at the grey panels -- she wondered if she was to have white ones. Grey was fine for her. Unassuming, blending in, not as noticeable. The rank pin did shine brightly from her breast, though, ruining the effect. She realized it was still her old rank, Seitô.

The wave of depression hit her suddenly. Two days ago, she was a cadet, about to serve on a prestigious ship. Then she was briefed on their first mission -- Yukari shut the thought out at that. She was here, now, and that was the past. The Mishhu were not her. She was not them. They had killed billions of her sisters; that was all she needed. At least, she told herself that.

What she needed now was guidence. A purpose. Orders. Orders more clear than, "help me with this." She had plenty of perceived orders. She needed concrete ones.

Orders. The other engineer ... oh no! She hadn't even heard him. Making sure she was proper, Yukari rushed to the door. She gathered a calm air about her and opened it, surprised to see him still there, head hung.

"Santô Hei Kurodai Ryuuza?" she said, her breathing oddly staggered. Too much adrenaline. "I am so sorry ... I thought my door locked. Please, stand." She bowed apologetically.
>ON: Taiie no Iori, Yukari's quarters

Ryuuza walked in differently, scratching his head now that she was decent but still felt it was his fault. "You may not have locked your door, but I still feel responsible for not at least..er...knocking first. So in a way it is my fault," he said apoligizing in a way.

Yukari did not rise from her bow. "Please, it is nothing ... I am sorry you had to see me that way."

"Let's just put the whole event behind us, it was embarasing and we don't need to speak of it any longer. Please just get to the assignment at hand?" he said very politely.
For once in her life, Yukari appreciated haste. "Yes, I understand ... let us walk while I explain." She stepped out of her room -- a silent command locked it -- and began walking down the hall.

Ryuuza nodded and followed her with a steady pace, close to hers only he stared down at the ground with his head slightly tilted down as well. it was a sign of low confidence.

"As you could see from your coming here, the Iori is being partially constructed around us." Yukari turned left, making sure Ryuuza followed. "We lack engineers to locate problem areas. For now, you are assigned to the main ship construction center, helping technicians there with their repair duties." She stopped for a moment. "Your file did not say you specialized in any form of engineering ... is there a specialty you have?"

"Not really, I guess I know a little more about weapons, but then again I enjoy constructing and maintaining ships in my head...but that's something I do for fun. I'm not quite sure what I specialize in really..."

Yukari nodded. "Then you will be fine in the repair bays. The 5th has older ships in its ranks that require repairs more often than we like, so you will be busy."

"Sounds good, can't wait till I can get working. I enjoy a good challenge now and again and it will further aid me by giving me experience." He seemed intrigued by work, it would seem, and nothing more. He also didn't seem happy but then he didn't seem unhappy either.

"You have been to your quarters already?" Yukari had noticed the lack of luggage on Ryuzza. She took a right.

"I have Ma'am; it would have been far too cumbersome if I had it with me and If I had it earlier...it would have been a...fiasco..." he said as he continued following her at a steady pace.

Yukari winced. "Sou ..." She took another left. "Part of your job will be to report to me on your progress through the warrant officer in your bay." She searched through the name in her head, but was too flustered to focus on it. "I will be bringing you together with two other recent recruits later. For now, you can return to your quarters."
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