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SACN [Private] To Motoyoshi Tio, from Motoyoshi Saito


Inactive Member
To Motoyoshi Tio
Crowned Prince, Yamatai Star Empire
Colonial Liason, UOC

There is no easy way for me to express my condolences or my sorrow for the loss of your sister. I feel not only sorrow, but guilt.

I know not how Kiyoko-Hime-Shosa managed to launch without alerting my subordinates, but I feel responsible for her departure...as well as the fact the the Akuro III was taken out. I did not consent nor order for either to be deployed. Kiyoko nor the ship which killed her were never even supposed to be outside of 5th XF space.

While I am upset that Kiyoko-Hime-Shosa would not come to me with her concerns, and am angered that Igarashi-Taisa acted of her own accord without contacting me, I am personally responsible for failing to prevent their deployment.

As such, I take full responsibility, and will relay this to the Empress as well.

This second part, however...is something I feel you need to know, even above your mother. While I love your mother and am glad to have served her, I feel that she is not the same person as before. Her actions speak of a person altered by her station.

With her experience with the Hanabusa, her relations and salvation of the Lorath, and our own brushes with destruction, the Empress should know above all else that to destroy a race for the actions of a few is a mistake with consequences that cannot be revoked. While I feel we were correct in our right to defend against the faction, I feel that the response posted was not one my Ka-chan would have endorsed.

Up to this point, my duties in holding the fleet together have prevented me from speaking my mind, as I felt maintaining my position to be important to the survival of these Colonies...but now I worry that I have stilled my tongue out of cowardice -- I was unable to stop Kiyoko-Hime-Shosa and Igarashi-Taisa from launching into their meeting of fate, and I was too cowardly to rise my voice against our Empress's actions...I assumed neutrality, and for me, that is the greatest source of guilt I feel.

While I wish to offer to console you, I feel as though extending a hand with your sister's blood on it is something I lack the courage or impudence to do.

With deep regret and condolences,

Taisho Motoyoshi Saito
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet
To: Motoyoshi Saito

Please then Saito, come to the assembly session today. We shall enjoy a peice of Freedom Cake in memory of my dear sister. I trust, that even with your attendance, that you fleet will be ready for anything.

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