The Hoshi's C-IES made connection with Yukari's AIES and supplemented the team with a wider view of the actual battle field, as well as the capability to view things at a greater range.
Maybe ignorance had been bliss though: Gemini One was withdrawing from the combat zone, but Gemini Two, Three and Four were fearsome Diamonback battle hovertanks. Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra groups were identified as similar NDI squads to the one they were currently fighting.
They were totally outnumbered! At least the cloud had a silver lining: the closest group, Gemini Diamonbacks, were about twenty-one kilometers away east - this thankfully allowed them some breathing room, though all of the other squads formed a rough noose that slowly worked to encircle them.
After identifying the effective range of the diamondback missile batteries, the Hoshi's C-IES offered to make contact with them in the parking lot of a supermarket sixteen kilometers west-south-west. As some of the NDI assets in 'Funky City' (which really looked more like someone had detonated a nuke in it and wiped out all life rather than the actual real world city) were capable of dealing harm to the dropship, it would have to go in stealthed and would not be able to provide any assistance against their immediate threats.
The Hoshi would arrive to the rendez-vous point in sixteen minutes and depart five minutes later, regardless of if they would have had reached it or not.
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Nyton's full volley of mini-missiles tracked the Super Phalanx. The later swiftly abandonned the intention of finishing Morita off and raced away, turning its tac drones and carbines to destroying the homing warheads before they caught up with it.
Sensing Tom was in a pickle, the Kairyuu abandonned the prospect of running after James and turned its light plasma cannon Tom's way, firing the weapon despite the cover Tom now had. With the blast radius the plasma annihilation disk had on contact, and Tom perhaps not being able to notice the attack due to his cover-turned-traitor, the odds of the Raltian's survival seemed rather remote.
Morita and James, sadly, were hardly neglected. The Ocelot turned toward the ruined building they were located (Morita lying on the roof while James was on the first floor) and opened up with its NXT-04 plasma rifle. The weapon, far larger and stronger than their power armor analog, sheared through the middle of the building and gorged it with a roiling, hungry energy that quickly expanded in an explosion to destroy everything in its path!
As the building below was sundered by the Ocelot's attack, the Phalanx was overtaken by the few mini-missiles it had failed to shoot down and had its body mangled beyond recognition. What was left of the Phalanx soared a bit further, spurred by its own momentum as well as the missile impacts which had caused the death of its pilot, to finally drop back to the street with all the grace a falling anvil could muster. Taurus Five had been eliminated.