Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP (non-canon): D&D PROLOGUE: Fortunate Meetings


🎖️ Game Master
The small Village of Brandson, in the northern reaches of the region Belok, in the nation of Drakeshire, Year 454.

A scream is heard outside the village, and all goes silent. Another scream is heard and the chaos breaks. Woman and children run to their home. A large human barbarian runs towards the center of the town, wielding his mighty greataxe, and swings his head around, looking for the signs of trouble. "Wolves! Wolves!" A scout comes sprinting into the village center. "A pack of wolves has been spotted, not half a league to the east. At least four or five of them. One of the older boys of the village was headed that way roughly an hour ago. It's Talarin, sir." The barbarian looks at the men of the village that had gathered. "Well what are you waiting for? Arm yourselves!" Some of the men were already armed with personal gear, while some ran home to fetch their's, and a few sprinted to the village blacksmith shop where the master blacksmith was already handing out weapons and armor. "Go kill those nasty curs," he would yell as he tossed people the well-needed gear. Within minutes, a large force was armed and began marching to the east. "Scout!" The barbarian yelled, "Run ahead, find the pack's location, make sure the boy is alive! Men, quicken pace!" The group quickened to a hustle. After three or four minutes the scout ran back to the group. "Sir, the boy is alive, the wolves have him surrounded a hundred yards that way, he'll be dead within the minute." The barbarian whipped his head behind him. "MOVE!" Then he took off at a dead sprint. Suddenly, there was a flash of light from up ahead. Three wolves came sprinting out of the forest, which the men quickly cut down. Immediately they sprinted to where the boy was. It shocked them to find the alpha wolf of the pack lying dead on the ground, a smoldering circle of dead flesh in it's side, the red headed boy huddled near a tree. The barbarian stepped back and turned to Talarin. "What did you do, boy!?" The boy looked up at him. 'I..I d..don't k..know sir."

A very small hamlet, name unknown, along the souther border of Belok. Year 455

"Sneaking around, hiding in the shadows, picking locks! You're well to becoming a thief one day, but what good comes of such a profession." In one of the houses in the hamlet a mother was yelling at her daughter. "We don't want you acting like this anymore! Do you understand me?" The door to the house swung open and out walked a pale faced human girl, with brown hair and shiny silver eyes. "I understand you mom, but I think you're the one who doesn't understand me. You don't even trust me!" The mother followed her daughter out of the house. "Don't use that tone with me Denkou Matsumora! You are my daughter and as long as your living under this roof you will do as I say!" "FINE!" Denkou walked into the house and a minute later she runs out of the house. "Where do you think you're going?" "Away from here!" Came the shout from down the road. Wit those final words the girl sprinted away from the town. She traveled north, since she knew there was a city in that direction, for many days and nights. She scavenged what food she could and stole the rest from town markets that she passed. When she finally reached the city of Belloksh she found shelter in abandoned buildings. For many months she hid within the city, stealing what food she could, before she started doing petty missions for the locals. People would pay her to deliver secret messages and when she started receiving jobs to deliver secret military information to the troops in enemy territory, she learned that she could make a much better living selling the information to the enemies, and then delivering it to the troops anyways. However, while selling the secrets to the enemies she started eavesdropping on the higher officers. She would then learn secrets of the enemy army and selling those secrets to the Drakeshire military. She worked as a double agent for months before she was discovered by the enemy Madsonians. When assassins came after her she was forced to flee Belloksh and hide in the forest. It was over a month before she decided it was safe to leave the forest and hid in a small village nearby.

A military outpost, in the enemy nation of Madsonia, fifteen leagues from the Drakeshire border, Year 456

"Keth...Thamior...Enialis...Oskar..." A mail carrier stood in the middle of a large group, handing out mail as she pulled it out of her bag. Off to the side, a young soldier, around 20 years old, sat on the ground, resting against a building. As he sat and sharpened his longsword, he wasn't really paying much attention to the group, since he wasn't really expecting much mail. "Aurelus," the mail carrier called out. The soldier perked his head up a bit. "Aurelus!" The carrier called again. The soldier dropped his stuff and jogged over to the lady, who handed him a single envelope and winked, "Congrats." . Curiously, he looked at the front of the envelope to see that it was from military command. Remembering what today was, he excitedly opened the letter.
To Private Aurelus,

On this day of 456th year after the creation of Drakeshire, you have served a full term of 48 months in the Royal Army of Drakeshire. Since you have opted not to reenlist, you are hereby discharged from the service of the crown. At noon tomorrow an escort will arrive to return you safely within the boundaries of Drakeshire. We thank you for your service.

General Ivellios Liadon
Royal Army of Drakeshire

The next 24 hours seemed like the longest in the world Aurelus waited for his opportunity to return home and see his parents. Everywhere he went, his fellow soldiers were patting him on the back and yelling out, "Ready to go home soldier? Hehe!" When the escort arrived he packed up his stuff and threw it on a horse that they were providing for the journey. About two leagues from the border, as they approached a large hill, smoke could be seen in the distance. "Halt!" Yelled the lead escort. He motioned to one of his two men to scout ahead. The horseman rode until he was about twenty feet from the top, the dismounted and slowly crept the rest of the way. When he reached the top he lay on his stomach and peered around a bush. He turned around and motioned to his leader. The lead escort watched intently before turning to Aurelus and the other. "He spotted a force of roughly thirty men, marching in this direction from Drakeshire. You're on your own from here soldier, we have to return to the outpost and notify them of an approaching force and then notify command that an enemy force is suspected of having been within the borders. I'm sorry, but we have to take the horse too. Good luck." At that point the other escort had returned and the three of them took off back in the other direction, leaving Aurelus to fend form himself. After a detour of roughly a league to avoid the enemy group, he continued and by nightfall he had reached the forest that marked the border of Drakeshire. There he set up camp. In the morning he continued on his way, knowing that his village was only a league or two away. By noon the village was in sight. However, he noticed something odd. After sprinting to the village he slowly stopped, starred for a moment, and dropped to his knees. Before him was the remains of his village, burnt and charred. From where he knelt he could see dead bodies littering the ground. Then, with a leap, he took off running towards his home. He crashed through what was left of the door. "Wife? Children...anyone?" He didn't have to look far for there in the corner was the remains of his family. After weeping for what seemed like hours Aurelus stood and yelled. "I vow, to all of you, that I will bring you back from beyond! I will find the highest of clerics, the holiest of the holy, and I will return you and this village to what it once was! This I vow!" And he turned, and sprinted out of the city, into the northern wilderness.

The large city of Belloksh, in the region of Belok, Year 456

A young quarterling shuffled through the market, trying to buy supplies. Her adoptive parents had sent her with a supply list while the two of them waited with their wagon. Being merchants, their wagon was always a target of raids. Sorri, the quarterling, had also been abandoned as a child, due to her being half-halfling and half-human, it was never a popular race with the locals. She quickly purchased her stuff, trying to avoid as much direct contact with the locals as she could. Once all the goods that were needed were acquired she made her way out of town. When she reached the city gates she shrieked as she saw smoke coming from the direction of her family's wagon. She sprinted over and saw a mob around the burning wagon, her adoptive parent dead next to the wagon. "There she is, get her!" The mob turned and started chasing after her, at which point she fled. She hid well beyond the city walls, in a forest, trying to stay hidden from any people or voices that she could hear. Later that night she returned to the wagon and scavenged what supplies that she could. At that point, she fled again, trying to retrace her steps to old trade routes and find people that were friendly to her family that could help her. She would travel through forests, away from the sight of roads or trails. In her spare time she would discipline herself through studying her holy book and learning about her deity, The One Who Is. Through prayer and sheer luck she avoided most of the people chasing her and was rarely discovered. That is, until one night she had set up camp in a forest when she was awoken by voices. She peered outside of her bedroll and saw two figures talking, ten feet from where she slept, rummaging through her stuff. Suddenly, one of them yelled out. "She's awake! Don't let her escape!" The two figured lunged at her, from which she barely escaped. Sorri rolled towards her pack and grabbed her quarterstaff which she swung towards her attacker. "One Who Is," she muttered. "Protect me from these evil men. Guide me away from them, and protect me from harm." She picked up her pack and sprinted off. Behind her, she could here the two men trip over each other, but she was well out of hearing range before they could manage to get themselves up. From there she traveled, looking for protection and companions whom she could trust.
The Village of Brandson, Year 456

Silver eyes flash through the darkness as a figure makes its way through the night. The figure peeks behind it to check for followers and a pale, female face becomes visible underneath a hood. The girl takes off towards a large estate where it silently jumps the fence and lands behind some bushes. She quickly scans for guards and sprints towards the main house. She approaches a back door and silently works her magic. After only a few seconds i soft click is heard and she slowly pushes the door open and slips inside. She makes her way through the house, checking each room as she went. Finally she found what she was looking for. After picking another lock she slipped through the door and beheld her prize. On a table not thirty feet away was a necklace. But this wasn't an ordinary necklace, it had nine jewels on the front. Four rubies, two at each far end of the row jewels, two jades, next down the line next to the rubies, and for the center three jewels were three large diamonds. The best part, however, was that each jewel had its own enchantment, plus another enchantment on the gold necklace itself. The girls heart raced as she thought of the fortune she would make selling this thing on the black market. She began to approach it and suddenly and arrow sprang from a wall. The rogue barely dodged it as she bent backwards and listened to the arrow whistle past her ear. She pulled it out of the wall and examined it.
"Poisoned! Damn it Denkou, pay attention!"
The girl slowly made her way to the necklace, paying attention for traps this time. As she took her last step a high-pitched shrieking noise sounded throughout the mansion. The girls head whipped around looking for the alarm trap, but didn't see anything. "Ehlanna curse it! MY wizard contact said that this place was free of magical traps. She sprinted towards the door just as a green gas started seeping into the room. She tucked and rolled as several arrows shot right over her, and dashed out of the room. As she sprinted out of the mansion and ran towards the wall where a guard was already waiting. The guard charged at her, but she made quick work of it with a well-aimed swing from her short sword. She quickly climbed the wall and took off into the night.

That next morning Denkou awoke and made her way to the marketplace. She had worn out her welcome here and it was time for her to move on or risk being caught, so she needed to supply herself before she left. She cloaked herself and put up her hood, before hustling on her way. When she arrived there she found it crowded, as usual. As she scanned for guard she saw something that wasn't quite a common thing here. Down an alley she could see a human, clearly very hungry, huddled in a corner. Deciding to act on her better nature she approached him and asked what was the matter.
"I haven't eaten for a few days," the human answered, "I ran out of food and have been taking shelter in abandoned buildings. But its okay, I can fend for myself."
Denkou rolled her eyes as she motioned for him to follow. She then approached a fruit stand where she quickly slipped a few apples as she walked by. The motion was barely noticeable and she didn't slow as she passed the stand. She then proceeded to a bread stand and attempted the same thing. This time, however, as she took her goods the large group that the merchant had been haggling with left, leaving just the merchant and the rogue.
"Hey!" The merchant yelled as he glanced over at the potential customer. "Guards!"
A pair of guard ran over and one of them called out, "That's the girl from last night. Backup!" Suddenly, a large human barbarian wielding a greataxe came rushing into the marketplace.
Denkou immediately sprinted off, grabbing the human by the hand and pulling him out of the city. "Let's go. Now!" The two of them sprinted out of the town, not looking back as they dashed into a nearby forest. They ran for several minutes before slowing to a stop and catching their breath.
"You didn't have to do that," the halfling said. "But we appreciate that you did."
"It's okay, I had worn out my welcome there anyways. Where are you two headed?"
"Nowhere and anywhere." Came the response from the human.
"Good, because that's right where I'm headed."
"I could use the extra company."
"Denkou," the rogue offered a hand to him.
"Aurelus, fighter." He shook the rogue's hand. The fighter's answer came in a stern, soldier-like manner. The two of them looked around at each other with grins before taking off deeper into the wilderness.
"You know," Aurelus started. "I think this is the start of something."

A forest, roughly three leagues south of the Village of Brandson, Year 456

The duo wandered through the woods for several days, scavenging for resources. The fighter hunted while rogue scouted out the area for potential dangers. On the second day, while Aurelus packaged and preserved some meat from his recent kill, Denkou came sprinting into camp.
"Orcs, I saw several, not far from here."
Aurelus sprang up. "No time to waste, pack up camp."
The group immediately started packing up gear, not wasting any time to organize it. They were about to leave camp when three orcs came barreling into camp. They stopped to examine their opponents before charging, aiming at the fighter since it seemed the toughest opponent. The rogue dodged out of the way and then leaped at one while it charged by, stabbing her sword into it's back. The fighter parried a block from a second. As he began to swing back at the second orc, the third one, who had disappeared in the frenzy, jumped out of the forest and swung a heavy blow right towards the fighter's side. Suddenly a flash could be seen from the side and a blue ball of energy slammed into the orc, throwing it several feet back. As the orc sprung up to find it's attacker, a sorcerer leaped from the forest. The redheaded half-elf readied himself for battle, his bright blue eyes glaring down his opponent. After muttering words of magic and waving his hands a dog appeared out of nowhere, charging at the orc. As the dog bit at the third orc's ankles, a large lizard dropped from a tree above, landing on the orc's shoulder and rapping it's tail around it's neck. The new distraction gave Aurelus enough time to take down the second orc with a mighty blow. With divine assistance, Denkou stealthily layed her opponent to rest from several well-aimed blows. Between magical attacks and the animal distractions the new sorcerer made quick work of the last orc. Once the battle of was over, the stranger approached the other two.
"You guys alright?"
"Good thing you came!" Responded Aurelus.
"I was visiting my family in a village to the north, but many of the towns people, including my father, are busy searching for some silver-eyed rogue that's been robbing the place up." He glanced over at Denkou with a grin and winked.
Aurelus chuckled. "My name is Aurelus, and this is Denkou."
"The name's Talarin."
"So where you headed?"
"Nowhere in particular."
"Funny, that seems to be the new trend these days. Want to tag along?"
Year 456, in a town far from Belloksh, somewhere near Brandson...maybe Brandson. If you witnessed the following incident and can provide more information, call your local authorities.

A short girl was pushed out the back door of the inn, barely keeping her feet under her as she darted away toward the woods beyond the inn and the town it was nestled in.

"I do not shriek," Sorri Southpaw whispered, for some reason latching onto that part of what she had heard inside the inn while weaving through the buildings at the town limits and into the forest, turning toward the road to follow it while not actually traveling on it.


It had been a fine night. The last of her rations, some water granted by a kind staffer at the inn...a rest after those bullies had attacked her earlier that day. If only they hadn't shown up at that very inn not ten minutes after she did...

"AND HOW THE HELLS did she get away? There were two of us and one of her, it shoulda been spells, nothin'...and she got out clean!" The bullies were arguing among themselves over something that sounded like the failed robbery of Sorri's camp, arousing the curiosity of a few people around them. Sorri kept her ears open and managed to catch the gist of what was going on.

They were not simple thieves, it seemed, but friends of a friend of someone who had been a part of that mob, or so the half-breed halfling guessed. Memories of finding the charred remains of her adopted family's wagon and the battered and torn bodies of her parents came back as stories began flying among the patrons. The stories started fairly close to the truth: a traveling family was murdered, their wagon burned, and one of them, an adopted child, had escaped. This was dramatized within a few tellings, but eventually turned into the tale of an escaped halfling, fugitive from justice (Mob justice, the story's unwilling subject thought bitterly to herself), one who grew more dangerous with each retelling she overheard. The "shriek" of grief that someone described the first few times with dramatic flare became a shriek of a psychotic or of one possessed of a spirit...and the family went from a vaguely dangerous threat for a reason no one really knew to necromancers or evil priests wishing ill on the city of their demise and the halfling being the tool of that ill will. Sorri finally could take no more of the slander and got up from the table where she had thankfully gone unnoticed by the storytellers, but a hand gripped her shoulder and pulled her into a back room before she could scream or fight back.

"Quiet," a low voice whispered, then she was led by the hand through the kitchen into the walk-in pantry. All Sorri could see of the person leading was it was a male, about her father's age, and human. When they got to the pantry, he started pulling things from the shelves and putting them into one of a couple pouches. The pouches were nearly the size of proper bags for someone Sorri's size, and she noticed a few of the items he was packing for her: Into one pouch went a couple candles, some sewing thread (she already had scavenged needles from the family wagon, but the thread there was burned in the fire). Into the other, he packed as much food as he could that would keep over a long trip.

"Who are you?" the half-halfling ventured after a second or two of silence. The man turned and looked at her...he seemed sad, but managed a faint smile before he finished up packing and tied the last pouch closed.

"You don't remember me, but I knew your parents," he said. "I am truely saddened to hear of what happened to them, Sorri. But it is not safe for you to be in this area any longer. If ye've gotten this far, you know not to use the roads, yes?" She nodded. "Good. Jus' keep heading in the direction you're going, I'll try an' send these liars out a different route. Oh, and Sorri...your parents were good people, I know they raised you well in the time you had together. If'n anyone I know can live through somethin' like this, I'd bet this inn it's you. Just remember what they taught you and keep the faith. I'll be prayin' for your safety."

Sorri eyed at the man warily. In these lands, the effect of a prayer was thought to be determined by the deity being petitioned, or so her father had said. "Pray to who?" she whispered, but the family friend was already showing her out the back door.


Walking was a dull task. Sorri tried to keep her spirits up with songs that her mother had taught her, but she had to refrain from singing too loudly or she might draw attention she didn't want or need. It was already dark; she knew that traveling through the woods...or anywhere, night was never a good idea, but she really had little choice at this point. She stopped at a crossroads to rest and think. After a minute, though, and no ideas of where to go or what to do, Sorri prayed.

"You are the One Who Is. You give us everything we have, offer us everything we need when we ask. parents were everything I had. They have been taken from me and I do not know why. They had faith in your power, trusted in your protection, and this...this happened." She took a steadying breath but the tears still left her eyes. "They also said you have plans for them, for me, for all of your people. And that sometimes bad things happen. I want very much to believe that their deaths will mean something, but..."

She stopped there, crying into her backpack until the tears were no longer there.