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Senate: Defeated Proposal 109 - The Tobacco for Export Act

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Ovine Member
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On this particular day, Senator Jushimoto was not at his best. The elderly senator was without his favored hanten or his whining tea kettle. He'd clearly been roused from his nap by some terrible force and made his way stoically back to the senate chambers with yawns on his lips. Now that he took his place again to speak, the explanation made it clear.

"I have a proposal to make today." He told them, his voice almost moaning in pain. "My constituents have been destroying my inbox so furiously to the point that dearest Mimiko, my personal assistant, has decided to take the day off for the rest of eternity."

Koji stopped so he could cough an adorable little old man cough and mourn the loss of his favorite secretary for a moment before going on, "It seems that all the Jiyuuian farmers on Koukotsu Two have spread word that they might be much more prosperous if they could sell tobacco instead of rice. At first I dismissed this as some fool revolutionary notion from the former members of the UOC."

There was another pause for coughter and sighs. The senator shook his head, clearly despising the notion of actually having to do something. Eventually, he opened up a floating volumetric window depicting a raw, fresh leaf of tobacco. "It's a filthy habit, I'll be the first to admit. But those Nepleslians sure do burn a lot of this stuff. Now, from what I understand: a tropical climate makes for better 'cigars' tobacco, which are the big brown ones if I can remember correctly. Currently, the law does not allow for tobacco to be grown or possessed by Yamataian citizens. What I propose today is that tobacco be permitted in its raw form only."

He had to give extra emphasis on that part, lest he be immediately lynched. Or at least, that's how he imagined it.

"This tobacco could be shredded and packed, then exported to a Nepleslian processing facility. Before I was a senator, I was a farmer; so I have to reluctantly admit that our climate is well-suited to the growth of this plant. Crop yields would be rather high, and farmers could afford to expand. I'm sure there are systems with large tropical climates who could also benefit from this provision. Please forgive my intrusion and consider my proposal, members of the senate."

Then, having spent his energy for the moment, Senator Jushimoto slumped into his chair and let out a little childish huff. He was much too old to crusade for causes or take his role as 'voice of the people' seriously. However; he was also much too old to pick up the hoe and go back to farming, so re-election was his only option.
Senator Hanako appeared on the volumetric conference line, dressed in her resplendent military regalia. "I would support this proposal on economic grounds, provided the law focused only on Yamatai's frontier worlds; in essence, this could be an opportunity to promote population expansion and increased colonization."
Senator Gunther Bordolf of Daichi chose to speak up.

"My fellow senators. How can we even consider this proposal when it amounts to violating Yamataian law? Per the law books.
Tobacco is illegal, and transporting it is considered a crime. So how can we sanction people growing an illegal substance, and then shipping it from Yamatai space for sale.

While I do not care if the Nepleslians want to smoke. I reject this proposal because it is a violation of our laws."
Hanako raised her eyebrows. "You are aware that the purpose of the senate is to change laws?" she pointed out.
"Yes, I am aware of that. But this proposal does not address the fact that Tobacco, possession, shipment and usage is illegal in Yamatai. Further to my knowledge there is no shortage of Tobacco in Nepleslia. So what is the point to produce crops that will have to compete with their locally grown. The profits from such a venture will not be worth it. If the people want to grow something other than rice, chose a product that is legal." He replied.
"Perhaps my colleague from the Daichi system would be assuaged if we were to add a few caveats to this proposal?" Koji had up until this point been wincing with each one of Gunther's words-- as if they were striking a hot steel against his flesh. Now, however, there was something in his wheelhouse: punishing evildoers who dared besmirch the good name of the Empire and her subjects.

"I do think this Act should make some concessions for the currently existing law. Extremely strict control of the crops would serve not only to regulate potential criminal products but also act to protect the farmers whose crops are to them their very life." He suggested, standing once more with furrowed and determined brows. This footage would be shown on local news outlets back on Koukotsu later, perhaps the only thing that would keep the elderly senator from having to actually campaign for the election. "Theft of tobacco from these fields should be a crime just as punishable as slave-trading or disconnecting a military Neko from PANTHEON. If we levy high punishments, and strictly regulate the crops themselves, we can ensure that they stay in the hands of the farmers."

Jushimoto wiped the back of his hand across his enormous eyebrows. He was actually beginning to sweat, which was odd for the normally-cold, hanten-clad senator. He typed a few bullet points in to the proposal while he added them out loud, "These crops should also be required by law to maintain a constant volumetric barrier from the moment the seeds are planted until the moment the crop is harvested. Only authorized farmers and employees of these farmers may enter the barrier. They must register all tools and equipment with the owner of the land before working it. These are measures that most of the larger farms already have in effect to prevent crop theft. Requiring them can prevent would-be evildoers from setting up their own small farms for the purposes of getting their crops 'stolen' intentionally by the highest bidder."

Finally, a smile and a sense of confidence was growing in the elderly senator's tone.

"And furthermore, the transportation of the shredded raw tobacco must only be undertaken in approved, secure containers. These containers will be locked with a two-part encryption key on the ground-- and can only be opened by the client on Nepleslian soil who has the other half of the encryption key." Koji clapped his hands, now thinking himself a real genius for basically proposing what everyone was going to be doing anyway, "Finally, anyone caught using tobacco grown on Yamataian soil can have a special charge automatically added to their prosecution for 'Aiding in Theft of Tobacco Intended For Export'. This way, it's more risky to use local tobacco, and the criminals might just stick with smuggling in Nepleslian tobacco the way they currently do, ne? Oh, it's marvelous."

He couldn't help himself. The old man was just glad to be on top of something for once.

"Simply marvelous."
Senator Ketsurui Kotori's projection, garbed primly in a stately kimono, blinked incredulously at the ongoing discussion.

"If I may," she raised her hand politely for attention. "Would the spirit of our lawful ban on tobacco be... that it is bad for our citizenry to be at all involved with it? That the use of it hinders our health and that of the bystanders exposed, as well as spread indesirable odors? So, this law is made to protect the wellbeing of all our citizenry and keep their environment a wholesome one."

"Loosening the law so that we can grow and export it is something which seems untenable morally," the black-haired senator of planet Kotori continued. "Because we could permit a subset of our citizenry to profit from it, we would abuse of the vice of citizens of other nations - some of these our allies - in tacit approval that it is okay to contribute to hindering their health if it lines our pockets with more money. It is no less than a demonstration of approval for the produce, which would clearly misrepresent us however conditionally our handling of it would be."

"As representative of Planet Kotori, my answer is Nay," Kotori narrowed her amber eyes. "There are more ways to pursue imperial pride and prestige than battle or political gain, and resisting temptation to be less than we are stands as such for me. There are wholesome ways to pursue prosperity and this is not it - let us explore those instead of avenues that would make us morally bankrupt."
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"Oh, what a wonderful rebuttal!" Jushimoto clapped his hands with a gleeful smile at the end of Kotori's speech. "Such a well-spoken young lady, and so very--"

The old man stopped abruptly. Mainly this was to cough and wheeze, but also to keep himself from wholeheartedly and passionately agreeing with Kotori. Mentally, he put down her name on 'Jushimoto Koji's List of People To Invite To His Office In Kyoto For Tea' and busied himself trying to come up with a response. Eventually, he decided that his constituents were the ones causing him so much trouble and so they could act as his voice. A pop singer had recently purchased a small cabin on Koukotsu II and now she was writing him letters along with all of the angry farmers as if any of this affected her.

"I am going to let everyone read one of the messages I've received from my constituents," He said, "as I believe it sums up the desires and logic of my people."

Within seconds, the former floating projection of a tobacco leaf was replaced with flowing text as the voice of famed singer Koga Akemi filled the senate chambers and the teleconference line.

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Gunther smiled at the theatrics.

"Senator Jushimoto. Thank you for that moving message from a performer.

However, it does not change my stance one bit.

How is a single crop product going to do that. At most this would allow a very small percentage of your constituents to profit. Your performer claims that allowing tobacco to be grown is going to promise prosperity to all who go there. I have to say I find that claim incredulous at best.

When the market is glutted and the price of tobacco drops what then? Then your people that you promise prosperity through tobacco are going to find themselves with a product that they can not make a profit from.

I say if your people want to make money growing crops, find legal ones that we can sell to our various allies as well as to the folks back home. Yamatai is in an age of new economic possibilities with trade between our allies. After all Nepleslia is but one Empire that we can work trade with. Why not produce cattle and other live stock. We all know Nepleslia loves their red meat. Our clean worlds will produce a better quality beef that I am sure they would love to consume in large quantities. I am also reasonably sure that a viable market could be made for meat products with the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. Our farmers have delivered several shipments to them, and they were widely received.

You want people to move to the outer worlds, and your constituents to have a better life. You need to take a broader view."
Kotori supported Gunther's words with a nod of her own. "Ketsurui Yui told me something once, in regard to mothers and their children. Sometimes, children want things. We have to balance what would make them happy with what would be best for them."

The almond shape of her amber eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "I believe it is worth suffering the displeasure of some and the loss of short-term gratitifation if we have faith that we do our people and others no undue injustice and that we avoid getting ambiguously hypocritical about our own value just because it may be convenient. I do applaud your initiative... but restraint here is what feels to me as wise and honorable thing to do."
As Kotori said her part, a new voice sounded through senate hall. "Dear fellow senators, if I may," Iwase Tomako, senator of Ahrbeg system clad in smart bussiness suit and present physically in the senate room. "Tobacco has indeed been banned for a very long time for various ill effects it has. That is correct, but it is still just a plant in the end and as senator Bordolf said we need a broader view. Indeed we could just increase a production and export of beef and other various meet. On the other hand why no do both? There is nothing stopping us from both sending out cows and produce a limited and controlled amount of tobacco. I think what senator Jushimoto's proposition is very sound."

"Like he said, we would have to keep watch over everything and make sure that the tobacco will be handled properly. Of course I think the market is not only with nepleslia, but with others as well. Abwehrt for example, or even Iroma. As we know there are certaint tensions between us and Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth. Opening more trade routes might actually help. Not to mention that if we are willing to grow tobacco and sell it to nepleslians, it might build more bridges with them as well."

"This all is why I vote Yes for this proposal." Tomako sat back down and smiled at everyone, pushing her glasses up her nose.
"We cannot vote until the actual proposal is presented," Hanako pointed out.
"As it seems we've reached an impasse in debate, I'll go ahead and post up the most recent draft for this proposal. Everyone will receive it momentarily." Said Jushimoto, giving a brief nod to Hanako.

Proposal 107
The Tobacco For Export Act


1. To promote economic expansion through access to new forms of agriculture
2. To heavily regulate the new crops and prevent the spread of illegal smoking

Proposed Law:

1. It shall be lawful for tobacco to be possessed by any licensed tobacco farmer, so long as he or she possesses it only for the purpose of growing and selling. This tobacco may only exist in its raw form. Any steps taken to process this tobacco other than shredding it for packing (which includes roasting, dehydration, boiling, pressing, or rolling) will immediately render it subject to the existing Yamataian Planetary Anti-Tobacco Act and all the laws therein.

2. During the growth and packing process, extensive security measures are to be taken to prevent theft. Crops are to be protected by a barrier and shipments are to be sent in only secured containers that can be opened by the licensed tobacco farmer and the importer who resides outside of Yamataian space. Crops and shipments failing to meet basic security standards will immediately be subject to the Yamataian Planetary Anti-Tobacco Act and all the laws therein.

3. Theft of these crops and shipments shall be a harsher crime than smuggling tobacco. Smugglers caught with tobacco grown in Yamataian territories shall be punished with the crime of theft of these crops unless they can name their supplier. Farmers who attempt to sell security breaches or their own crops shall be punished with the crime of theft of these crops; their license revoked and their crops seized and destroyed.

4. The government shall issue licenses for tobacco growth based on location and economic conditions. Where there is no market for export, the government may revoke any issued licenses at any time to prevent growth for local usage. Any farmer whose license has been revoked will have three-hundred days to complete growing and sell his crop. After this time, the crop will be seized and destroyed.

5. Importers may only receive tobacco shipments outside of Yamataian territories. Tobacco is to be marked as 'For Export Only'.
Gunther, "Senator, you need to amend the second item of your purpose. Tobacco consumption takes more than the form of smoking. Our laws prohibit any use of it."
Hanako also chimed in: "I think the text should be re-worded to leave the choice to be decided by individual planets. I see this as good for the frontier worlds, but not something planet Yamatai itself would easily accept."
Kotori read the file sent for her purview, ears flattened back in an obviously displeased fashion.

"This is not an act which will get my vote for approval," she began. Ambivalent, she added: "But should it be passed I have no objection with the wording save the two points our peers have raised."
Within moments, Jushimoto had made the requested changes and presented to the senate.

Proposal 107B
The Tobacco For Export Act - Revised


1. To promote economic expansion through access to new forms of agriculture
2. To heavily regulate the new crops and prevent the spread of illegal tobacco usage

Proposed Law:

1. It shall be lawful for tobacco to be possessed by any licensed tobacco farmer, so long as he or she possesses it only for the purpose of growing and selling. This tobacco may only exist in its raw form. Any steps taken to process this tobacco other than shredding it for packing (which includes roasting, dehydration, boiling, pressing, or rolling) will immediately render it subject to the existing Yamataian Planetary Anti-Tobacco Act and all the laws therein.

2. During the growth and packing process, extensive security measures are to be taken to prevent theft. Crops are to be protected by a barrier and shipments are to be sent in only secured containers that can be opened by the licensed tobacco farmer and the importer who resides outside of Yamataian space. Crops and shipments failing to meet basic security standards will immediately be subject to the Yamataian Planetary Anti-Tobacco Act and all the laws therein.

3. Theft of these crops and shipments shall be a harsher crime than smuggling tobacco. Smugglers caught with tobacco grown in Yamataian territories shall be punished with the crime of theft of these crops unless they can name their supplier. Farmers who attempt to sell security breaches or their own crops shall be punished with the crime of theft of these crops; their license revoked and their crops seized and destroyed.

4. The local planetary government of a system may issue licenses for tobacco growth based on location and economic conditions. Where there is no market for export, the government may revoke any issued licenses at any time to prevent growth for local usage. Any farmer whose license has been revoked will have three-hundred days to complete growing and sell his crop. After this time, the crop will be seized and destroyed.

5. Importers may only receive tobacco shipments outside of Yamataian territories. Tobacco is to be marked as 'For Export Only'.
"While this verbage is now acceptable as far as format. This proposal does not get the approval from Daichi." Bordolf stated.
"After some consideration, Hanako's World must vote NO. The reason for this is that smoking, in general, should be eradicated and this would work against that."
"I vote yes in Ahrbeg's name. I still do think this would help with ecenomy on smaller worlds like the one I represent." Tamako said with a nod. She knew this was probably loosing battle, since only five senators were interested in this proposal so far, and three out of them voted no. Still maybe someone else would let himself be heard. "Besides smoking in Yamatai is pretty much eradicated and this would not make it worse. The security measures are meant to be very high and YNP is very succesfull police force. If Ketsurui Hanako-sama meant eradication of smoking in other countries, than I am afraid that with nepleslia alone it would be much easier to eradicate the NMX then smoking."
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