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Senate: Passed Proposal 118 - Yugumo as a Major Corp

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RP Date
YE 44.9
RP Location
Kyoto, Yamatai
Senate of Yamatai
Proposal #118

This proposal establishes Yugumo Corporation as a Major Corporation under Yamataian Law in the Yamatai Star Empire.


1. Whereas the Yugumo Corporation has been operating as a subsidiary of NovaCorp for some time now, and using NovaCorp's status as a major corporation to obtain the privileges of a major corporation via delegation instead of directly, making it already de facto major corporation,

2. Whereas the Yugumo Corporation has become a major corporation though large volumes of sales of starships and other war materiel to the Star Army of Yamatai and has become a key part of the Star Army Military Industrial Complex during the Kuvexian War and in preparation for major and necessary expansion and colonization-preparation expeditions the Star Army plans to execute in the coming year, eclipsing the sales volume and importance of its parent NovaCorp by a significant amount,

The Yamatai Star System hereby proposes the following:

1. The immediate addition of the Yugumo Corporation as a Major Corporation under Yamataian Law with access to restricted military technologies as designated by the commander of the Star Army of Yamatai under its own power rather than through a parent corporation, and as a member of the Star Army Military Industrial Complex.

Signed and voted for,

Taisho Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako
Senator of the Yamatai System
That was a relief, the first one was not something hugely controversial - it was straight forwards. Airwin took a few minutes and looked up who Yugumo Corporation was and read some of the information about their products and history. He was there by telepresence, as that he was still on Akina after the funeral.

"Akina is a yes, that is my vote"

He made a few notes about technologies, he found the handling of restricted technology to be an interesting point in Yamataian law. This topic very much referred to the issue of technological responsibility which was a pressing topic of conversation as the MERN demilitarized.
The volumetric image of Shimizu-Motoyoshi Akina appeared impeccably dressed in a duty uniform, en route to Nataria from the Akina system, and on the way to Yamatai after. Her hair was up in a neat bun with holly used as ornamentation. She waited her turn, and nodded towards Airwin.

"I thank the senator from Akina for their time. The Nataria system votes yes. The evidence is far and away in their favor, it will strengthen the Empire as much as anyone else. They have an established record and it makes this vote a very clear matter as far as I am concerned."

The Taisho did submit some voluntary paperwork indicating her connection to the company as a memo to the proceedings, just so it was clear to anyone in the public that was not somehow aware of them. It was very public, after all.

"I am honored to be a part of this august body. It is my most sincere hope that we can work together, for the Empire."

"That will be all for my time if there are no questions."
She finished.
Sachiko simply said, "Xiuluria votes to allow this proposal through."

She had taken the opportunity before voting to place a bundle in front of each senator. Each one contained four squares of chocolate that looked like gift-wrapped boxes. The squares had extremely low melting points, something no manufacturer could replicate. When placed in the mouth they would instantly melt to reveal a second round chocolate within, each four had different fillings; gooey lovefruit, creamy chocolate ganache, thick caramel, and an herby pine type of flavor indiscernible to most in the room that was an elven treat. Given the cut-and-dry nature of the proceedings, she knew the gifts would not be seen as uncouth. Innovation of original goods with high product quality was expected and appreciated from where she was. If anything, she thought the last minute and hurried choice was timely. After all, it was only because of competition in the marketplace that the craft of something as simple as making chocolates could be elevated to such heights.

She pulled the rectangle of chocolates that had been for one of the senators that had not appeared today and unwrapped it slowly, trying not to draw attention as she slid the red and green painted square between her lips. Closing her opal eyes momentarily, she tested for any flaw in craftsmanship on her palette. Her brows knit, wondering if the outer shell folded in under the heat of her mouth too quickly. As the chocolatier who had made these early Year-End gifts by hand, she was being too hard on herself. But even so, she looked worriedly around the room, nervous to see a look of dispeasure on the face of anyone that had tried her sweet treats.
"Fujiko votes yes on the Senator of Yamatai's proposal." said the volumetric image of Yokota Tamafune wearing a modern fusion of Lianjia and neo-militaristic Nepleslian clothing. A rather bored aide was tasked with handling the non-existent paperwork at this session. When Sachiko placed the gift for Fujiko, the silver haired woman's face instantly lightened up.

She was afraid the first vote she would actually be apart of would have been chaotic. But this was a very straightforward one. Especially given the evidence of their presence in the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector and their patron clan. An example that led her own patron clan to move into the chaotic Fujiko Region.
She was getting used to these a bit by now, and as her hologram showed up, a first time for her, there was a bit of worry that she would actually show up to be able to vote. But when she could see and cleared her throat to test her sound, she nodded along with the others.

"Shugosha votes yes to the proposal. This has been a long time coming to a respectable company that should have been a while ago."

Having said her piece, the girl tilted her ears back and tried to sink into the seat of her chair as if to hide.
Anslen was there in person, he stood with the confidence of someone who was wining an election. "Essia votes in favor. not including them is an oversight, one that we shouldn't have to convene a vote of the whole senate to correct." He said before resuming his seat.
Shretas was also there in person, his bulk matched only by the cup of steaming tea he slipped from, standing near the back of the room and somehow harder to notice. "Shurista votes yes. This will open trade opportunities and a precedent for Shuristan shipbuilders, material suppliers, and technicians to spread their skills, even if very few are currently employed by Yugumo. Though I do stand in agreement with the senator from Essia. This could have been handled in a simple communication."
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"I would like to remind the Senators of Essia and Shurista that the Corporate Support Act of YE 23, section 6 requires additions and removals via full proposals. Slow, yes. But it at least allows any one else a chance to be recognized for their contributions or lack of them to the empire." Tamafune said in response to the comments of the respective senators.

She omitted slim from chance as those not connected knew of the uphill battle there is trying to get the Star Army of Yamatai to look outside. Why should they, SARA was perfectly capable of producing and designing on their own.
"No government has made no mistaken laws or rulings, even my own. But to look outward is to find the future, Senator," Shretas rumbled. "The Senti have fallen behind in many ways, ways we did not need, and survived by learning from the death and destruction we found on our way here. I would remind the senate that I am a historian by trade. Born in and raised in the halls of the Grand Library. It was only when we looked outward did we find you and your precious flickerlives and reincarnation by machine. It would behoove our youthful friends to consider the ability to decisively look to the future, as it is easier to fight laziness and complacency than one's own oaths."
Sachiko had seen enough war on this planet to know Kitsurugi-sama could have hand-waved her friend and longtime colleague's company through without any recognition to proposing it. Her hands tightly cupped over one another in her lap above the intricate crimson embroidery that depicted holly leaves, mulberries, and snowflakes atop a sheen of iridescent fabric that matched her eyes. She had felt lucky to see her government working without incident. She held on to the hope to continue to be so lucky.
Koyama's volumetric projection looked on as the vote seemed unanimous. Or nearly so unless one of the remainders voted not in favor. "Jiyuu votes yes on the proposal the senator of Yamatai has put forth." her silence finally broke. But the back and forth between the Shuristan and the senator of Fujiko. Returning to Yamatai for sessions of the Senate was a tedious process considering her being on active duty. And more often than not appearing regularly in her uniform. She'd tweaked the projection to display her wearing the Type 35 for the proceedings.
Airwin crooked a brow as he observed this dialogue that followed the votes of some of the senators. This interaction was interesting to him. He said nothing, his projected image remained poised in posture and returned stoically in emotional expression as he took a few more notes. He was still researching the many laws that had already been passed or rejected by the body presented before him and those who came before them. He awaited the tally of votes and the session to conclude.

1. Yamatai
2. Akina
3. Nataria
4. Xiuluria
5. Fujiko System
6. Shugosha
7. Essia
8. Shurista Flotilla
9. Jiyuu


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