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Senate: Passed Proposal#120 - Formation of the Yamatai Emergency Management Agency


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RP Date
YE 45.1
RP Location
Yamatai Senate
Senator Caeyara was the new kid on the block when it came to the Senate. He had refused the offers to take party lines and had so far maintained his Independent position. When it came to disasters he was no stranger to what the lack of planning or the over-dependence upon the military could do in a time of crisis. While many Senators, as he had read in recent history had devoted themselves to legislation that was self-serving, he was only interested in one thing and that was the continued survival of this place he had given all of his hope and people. He appeared in a red and black Aest Vyrdi, when his telepresence was projected into the Senate.

"My fellow Senators, I come to you with a new proposal. I feel this is a matter which is non-partisan, and important to the people of Tsenlan, Akina, and the Empire as a whole. Please take some time to review the document, and I welcome any need for amendment or consultation be it that I am new here in this governmental body. It is an honor to meet with you tall today, and thank you for your time," he said as he sent the document for their review.

"Yamatai system votes yes," Hanako said. "Being prepared for emergencies is an essential responsibility of all governments."
"As a suzerainty of Yamatai and within the folds of her planet, there are some points in which we Xiulurians will work hand in hand with Yamatai's Senator in order to meet and uphold the requirements." Sachiko said as she abstained from looking to Hanako when mentioning her current senatorial position. "That being said, it is agreeable and a fine introduction to your values, Senator Caeyara. Akina's lucky to have you. I vote for it."
"Let the record show that the people of Tami vote 'yes' to Proposal 120," Senator Maeda of Tami said from his seat when the roll call went out. He paused for a moment, listening to info feeds beamed directly into his head from staff members working elsewhere in far-off Senate offices. "First reaction polling indicates the establishment of a seed bank is both welcome and requested on Tami. My fellow citizens believe the relatively remote location of our system is an ideal place to host such contingencies."

The blonde Senator went quiet again but did not cede the rest of his time, mulling over the bill's text in the almost-silence only cut by those constant background murmurs that usually permeated Yamatai's Senate chambers.

"Point of information," Maeda said after some long few seconds. "Per subheading three of the Constitution of the Yamatai Star Empire, 'THE IMPERIAL PREMIER,' will this new agency be formally added to the list of departments whose leadership is appointed by the Premier, or will its leadership be selected by the proposed Senate Emergency Oversight Committee with subsequent administrative functions falling to the Premier's government?"

With that asked, he made a small wave beside his head to let the next representative speak, and continued reading whatever was on the screen inlaid into his Senate desk.
"What are the penalties that can be imposed on regions not in compliance with the Agency's standards?" Senator Iemochi spoke up, "The Proposal doesn't enumerate what powers they are being given in order to incentivise or support this endeavour." He hummed as he read it over again, "If certain Senators, Governors or regional leadership decide that this kind of planning takes away from budgets they want to spend on fancy tourist attractions and golden statues, for example, what can the Agency do to incentivise against frivolous spending?"
"I believe the shame of needing to constantly ask for help should be sussinct enough. To spend enough on a statue that one cannot feed their people? Worlds have died for lesser things." Shretas gave a chuckle. "But I do agree. Incentivization was sorely lacking in the bill. I apologize for my cultural expectation of volunteerism and expertise."
Airwin listened to the feedback with short nods, he took some notes for his own sake as he continued to learn how to navigate the Yamataian legal system. On a personal level, he found it absolutely ridiculous that one would need the incentive for survival planning, the need for a silver spoon in the mouth though was not something he was foreign to. He first replied to the Senator from Tami, "The agency would become an official department, the oversight committee is to involve the Senators in the development of the emergency management plan for their worlds. It provides a level of personal responsibility to the elected official to play a role in the security of their own jurisdiction," he explained. "If you have a suggestion for a rewording of how the committee operates beneath the standard role of the Premier's administration of the department, I would welcome it." Airwin figured that it was best to see what those who had tenure within the Empire would do in this situation.

"In terms of incentives, and punishments. I have to admit, for someone like myself coming from a situation where our emergency planning failed us. I find it uncomfortable to think that an elected official requires honey to sweeten the security and protection of civilization. In all truth, this would be a federally funded government department, so in terms of incentives, I'd hope the approval of the constituency would involve an understanding and expectation of their safety during crisis and disaster," he said in careful thought. "It simply should be a mandatory requirement, I believe the Empire has already witnessed firsthand during the Kuvexian War and previous wars that not having this type of agency in place can have consequences in itself. How would you and others in this body suggest we incentify the need for civilian survivability through a crisis?"
"No suggestion," Senator Maeda said back after leaning forward to speak those two words directly into his mic, causing an almost comical amplification of his voice. "Your clarification here during deliberations ought to be sufficient reason for the government's clerks and bureaucrats, if the proposal passes, to amend the Constitution's text and place the future Emergency Management Agency on the roll of departments whose leadership is appointed by the Premier. Thanks for making your proposal's intent clear, Senator."

Satisfied with Airwin's answer, the Senator from Tami fell back into his chair and resumed reading his screen. The other concerns regarding potential corruption didn't particularly interest him at all, as such was completely unheard of in the Star Empire. It seemed like pure political theater that did little to serve Yamatai's people, so Maeda Yusuke would not add his sleepy backwater world's voice to such discourse. He felt that legislation like this — which only required a report by each star system on what it had already done rather than requiring it to take new action — would have neutral outcomes at worst and was otherwise a positive move that would deliver awareness if nothing else. And so he prepared himself to wait comfortably for Proposal 120's passage and the next order of business to come up.
"We will disagree on that point," Shretas grinned widely. "The gentleman from Tami would make such an appointment, but I agree with the Akinan proposer that it should be the duty of the Senate to offer their civilian ability and expertise. Corruption comes in many forms, from complacency to laziness to selfishness. Which is why, as of now, the  entire Shuristan Civil Service fleets and access to the Grand Library is freely available to the worlds that need the assistance. You wouldn't want to be rescued by some backwater nomads, would you?"
Tamafune eyed wearily towards the Senti senator. They will all become experts of that culture by the end of the year with all the boosting of the best parts. She makes a note to look for a more balanced view of their strengths and flaws, the way on why they became what they are and not just what they are.

Tamafune, actually physically present for this session as she had business on Yamatai, stood up. Should could be seen wearing a cold but elegant fusion of a Hanbok and Yamatai clothing consisting of a maroon half-yukata tucked into a grey high-waist pleated skirt going down just below her knee, a black haori adorned with a large mitsudomoe Mon on its back. For once, her hair simply went down her back instead of being tied up high like usual.

"It is just the nature of anything derived from humans. But account for the lazy and corrupt than to give room for it to grow. At least without means to cut it down later.

But I believe it is best to see how it is implemented first and force actors to act to see how incentives and punishments can be implemented. Fujiko votes yes as the bill currently stands."
After a time, the volumetric projection of Akina stood in turn and raised from her seat. "I for one welcome the bill. It should serve as a way to better regulate and coordinate our response reaching beyond the capacity of the Star Army to intervene alone. I do not know how little faith you have in the leadership or constitutes in your system, Senator Iemochi, but in Nataria and the rest of the Empire this is a straightforward and obvious proposal to all. Such as it is, Nataria votes aye."

"I'm looking forward to being more prepared than we are."
She bowed respectfully to the chamber, and after sitting nodded her head towards the other senators.

Shimizu-Motoyoshi listened along to the rest of the proceedings while she took in polling data from Nataria and other worlds, setting up different processes in her mind for each.
I will get started on a page for the new department to put through the NTSE.
Why did this go through so quickly? I wasn't finished roleplaying and my character's system isn't listed in yes, no or abstain? I said that I'd get back to this after I'd woken up because I'm in Europe.
"Respectfully, I have total confidence in the leadership of my system. I'm worried about places like the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector which have corporate as well as national agendas. Ruling families and shareholders don't necessarily care more about people outside their constituency as much as having more money in their pockets for big fleets and monument's. Surely you're not so naive to suggest otherwise." Senator Iemochi countered the inferred slight from Akina. "I agree with the spirit of the Proposal, but it feels half baked to me. I would have liked to have seen this Proposal have some actual teeth rather than leaving the mechanisms of how this Agency will actually work entirely absent. As far as I see it, this Agency is just an organisation that is there to 'foster the spirit of cooperation'. That's fine, but I think that a government Agency for something as important as disaster relief should actually be able to leverage resources and officials towards that end in ways other than kind requests." The Elysian shook his head, "Virginia votes no. I would have liked to see a more complete Proposal."
Airwin seemed confused, he looked up the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector as well as the list of their Senators. Not a single one of those worlds had voted, nor did he feel their values aligned with or his motivations to have proposed such a bill. Akina and Tsenlan didn't seem affected by such things, it appeared he had run face-first into some kind of continued dispute between parties of which he was not a part. He took the vote's success in stride though, "My thanks to you Senators who participated for or against, your patience with my slow study of your ways is greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing this proposal evolve through our continued cooperation," he said in a humbled tone. Inwardly he took the slight victory with some contentment. Surely he could have produced a better bill, but he knew he would learn in time.