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Senate: VOTING Proposal 121: Servicemember Lending Safeguards [Withdrawn]


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Kyoto, Yamatai
"The Senate of Yamatai has been rather sleepy lately," Senator Maeda Yusuke of Tami said. "Fortunately for the Empire, the proposal I present to you now should do little to upset that tranquility."

Today was one such calm day in Kyoto, and he stood behind his assigned desk in the Senate Chamber. The Senator from Tami wore a forest green double breasted suit with brighter emerald colored pinstripes that each couldn't have been more than two threads thick, and his wild mane of blonde hair stood as monumentally as it always did. Nonetheless, Yusuke spoke in his unassuming and boring way that lacked any of the flash one might expect from him at a glance.

"It's a simple one about making sure the members of our Star Army stay as comfortable at home as they are aboard KFY ships," the Senator continued. "We don't legislate on the Star Army. That's Taisho Yui's domain. But we can set financial regulations for banks and other creditors, and that's what this proposal does. No enlistee in our Empire's fine fleets should be tempted by greedy promises of easy cash, which the Star Empire would ultimately end up paying back in most cases. This proposal places restrictions on creditors to prevent them from taking advantage of the Empire's brave defenders. Take it or leave it."

Senator Maeda then sat down. At the press of a button on his desk's volumetric display, the proposal's text was sent out to the members present either in the flesh or via telepresence, and was additionally provided to each and every Senator's administrative office.

Proposal 121: Servicemember Lending Safeguards

To protect members of the Star Army of Yamatai from indebtedness to private banking institutions. Specifically, this proposal seeks to restrict creditors by providing simple guidelines for loans made to military personnel and ensure the costs of such agreements burden neither individual servicemembers nor the Yamatai Star Empire.

1. No creditor may issue a loan to active duty Star Army personnel with an interest rate in excess of 5 percent.
2. No creditor may approve any loan for active duty Star Army personnel whose personal assets cannot cover the buyout option of their enlistment contract at the time of the loan's origination.
As the text scrolled across his screen, Shretas gave a soft nod. "Shurista will vote yes. The forms of predatory loans that this bill would prevent have been of interest to me. These... Pay Day loans, I believe they are called. My culture does not have much of an issue with this form of loaning behavior. I have found the way some lenders bury their terms in legalese and behind honeyed falsehoods to be... Disturbing."

Rubbing at his hand, he noted how the skin was turning pink, in stead of its normal blue grey. Certainly explained his recent tiredness and lethargy. The Senator had spent much time in Yamatai's medical centers, buying enough time to train his replacement. "Perhaps a finalization of the bill should include basic lending term definitions and the right to the borrower to a contract review before signing. A plain or simple terms translation, so to speak. I apologize, I am not sure at this time how to implement such a solution to your bill, Senator Maeda. The presence of it or lack thereof will not change my vote."
From the seat of Nataria, the perfect projection of Shimizu-Motoyoshi Akina ran the legislation through her aides, bouncing it back and forth with them, and the lawyers as she went over possible fallout, nodding along silently to the feedback as much as the proposal itself. Summer did make things go slower on Yamatai, that was her only idea about the quiet nature of the day-to-day.

She waited for Shretas to finish and rose, "As long as the protections granted herein are made clear to our soldiers, I would like to see a provision to request the Star Army include this protection as part of the information in the enlistment information and downloads?"

The redhead raised her hand with a 90 degree angle at her elbow, "Pending such provisions, Nataria endorses this proposal. Aye." She returned to her seat and watched the proceedings while staying in contact with her team on the rest of the particulars. It was fairly straightforward at face value.
Senator Iemochi considered the proposal. "I agree we should protect our soldiers from predatory loans. However, I believe as written, the law could prohibit a loan to a service member to cover the costs of their buyout. We do not wish for any service member who doesn't wish to be in the army to remain in it due to not being able to afford the option. So that should be clarified. However, long as that clarification is made, I don't see any reason to not vote in favor of it."

Anslen nodded, "While I do think we can quibble about the exact percentage, the fact is that the intrest rate should be in accord with the risk and the time value of the money. As the Senator from Tami has noted, loans to Star Army personnel are low risk. That said, I feel I must warn this body that if greater returns can be found elsewhere, this may dry up the availability of loans to our service members as well. If this happens, and it may not, we will need to adjust the percentage to ensure a fair and free market for all. I also echo the concerns of the Senator from Virgina, but do not see a reason at this time to vote against it if that clarification is made."
Sachiko, the Xiulurian Senator, rubbed her thumb and forefinger against a small wooden carving. It had been made many years ago to look like a long bodied creature with a breathey snout and piercing furled wings. It had a playful gesture, despite its powerful draconic features, and was soothing to look at.

"Xiuluria votes yes," Sachiko said curtly. Her silver tongue was curious to taste the low hanging fruit that another senator had dangled. But, in her experience, such observations were never well-received, no matter their acuity.

She looked back down at the toy as her fingers felt the ridges of the scales idly. Her nephews had shared it as children as they had shared death during a war for the Army of the Precious Sword along with Sachiko's mother. This was a quality of life bill that would have been an infinitesimally small change in the grand scheme of their shortened lives had it been passed thirty years ago. But it was important to Sachiko to help push even the smallest changes forward so that they may help the lives of those that fought now, lest her family's sacrifices be for naught.
Yusuke listened to the commentary while making a personal tally of the "yes" votes that had been submitted in spite of concerns, his eyes passing over — or straight through — each of his colleagues as they spoke. Normally he would have waited for Yamatai's senator to weigh in before addressing anything, but the Senate's longtime beacon of leadership had been promoted and now served as the Empire's premier. So Senator Maeda wasted no more time before responding to the first wave of questions and suggestions for Proposal 121.

"To begin with, I will say this straightaway," Yusuke began, having stood and brushed the wrinkles out of his dark green suit coat. He didn't address the Senator who'd asked about it but glanced over to Anslen when he replied. "The second provision of this proposal's intent is to prevent creditors from lending to Star Army personnel who cannot afford their buyout absent a loan. This doubly protects the servicemember and the Star Army itself. No soldier should trade their oaths to the Empire for an oath to some bank. And then further, the debts incurred by those who cannot afford to buyout their enlistment contracts in the first place would then pass on to this government, which is committed to providing minimum comfort to all citizens.

"I am sure the rare soldier so dissatisfied with their service in the Star Army as to resort to borrowing money can find accommodation through clause 3c of the Star Army Enlistment Contract's Buyout Option," the bleach blond-maned Senator added. "Or at least find a way to get themselves dishonorably discharged. Kuvexians still in the sector have been known to assist with such," he grinned with a universally obvious touch of sarcasm that would make it impossible to take the statement as a real suggestion or anything more than some boring political humor.

The Senator from Tami then moved on, nodding respectfully to Akina's station as the Senator from Nataria and her voice as representative of the billions of Nekovalkyrja produced upon that world. Shurista's member, too, mentioned similar informational subjects, so Yusuke passed an acknowledging look over Shretas' seat as well.

Sachiko of Xiuluria hadn't said much beyond her simple "yes" vote, which Yusuke appreciated as the most deft kind of commentary any politician could provide. He thought it reflected the wizened Elfin diplomat's wealth of experience — though this left little for him to salute on the Senate floor. Yusuke himself most often only ever voted without commentary and he found Sachiko's like-minded decision today refreshing. So his Minkan brain interfaced wirelessly with his console and sent her a text message that only stated one word: "Perfect," and nothing more.

"Thank you for Nataria's confidence, Lady Shimizu," Senator Maeda said. "Your suggestion is gladly received, but I believe the future inclusion of any information as to this bill's impact is the responsibility of the Star Army. Any such disclosures would be up to Taisho Yui's admirals and their staffs, as this proposal only impacts civilian institutions and guides their interactions with the Star Army from a regulatory perspective. If Nataria or any other system would like to put forward recommendations for the Star Army should this proposal succeed then such text is welcome and can be appended to the law. Perhaps, however, Premier Ketsurui-Shinjuku could give her thoughts on the matter, as her Star Army department would likely implement the dissemination of any such advice to enlistees."
Yokota Tamafune, dressed in her usual Lianjia Qixong Ruqun clothing, looked through the messages she was getting from some of her constituents on Fujiko. Plus Rufusland and Ukmirt since Rufusland had too small of a population and the Reds of Ukmirt were a large enough majority to prevent local Yamataian efforts to have a referendum to elect a senator.

There was the occasional message of support from "civilized" Regional Corporations on all three worlds that saw the benefit of the bill, hoping the logic would be extended to the rest of Yamatai.

But the vast majority of the message volume (mostly duplications of the same message) were coming from the regions in “rebellion”. These “members of society” were known for their loan sharks and did not want to see momentum that could see an end to their money making schemes.

She promptly archived the sender addresses/unique messages for later analysis by the FDC public security apparatus and deleted them as she received them. With the populations in the Regional Corporations being the majority, she didn’t have to pay attention to them and their votes didn’t count unless they were paying members of the FDC per the system charter.

She raised her eyebrow at the comment that service members that didn’t want to be in should just get dishonorably discharged. Considering all of the negatives compared to getting just slightly above dishonorable when you do buyout your contracts, it would be a very stupid plan of action to enact. Perhaps SAoY needs to enact stricter loyalty and personality matches from enlistees since they don’t actually need them. Not that they would listen to her, she’s just a senator of Reds.

When there was a lull in the voting, Tamafune merely stood up to indicate she wanted to be recognized. “From your clarification on the second provision Senator, it sounds like a ban masquerading as a cost-saving measure to provide for the many. We should not be implicitly encouraging servicemembers from wrecking their lives with a dishonorable discharge because they can’t afford to buyout their contract. While they should just not re-enlist when their contract is up for renewal, why would the SAoY want to hold on to a disgruntled individual?" she said before pausing to imitate breathing. "If the cost to the government is truly the concern here, perhaps the servicemember should be given a choice of another government service to serve in while paying off the loan. The servicemember is removed and perhaps will regain another perspective of how they can best serve the empire while paying off the loan. This is the only hindrance I have to voting yes on the bill as proposed. The first provision is an excellent foundation to promoting fairer loan practices elsewhere in the empire. There are still those out there that wish to exploit those in need as opposed to merely conducting a fair business transaction.”

Finished, Tamafune sat down again and waited for the Senator of Tami to respond.
Anslen frowned at Yusuke's 'joke'. "I think the Senator from Tami will find after closer examination that neither of his proposed reasons are correct. First, and I can't believe I have to state the obvious, a loan isn't some sort of oath of loyalty. It's a contract to exchange getting the money you need now for a bit more money later. Second, if someone is getting a loan to leave the Star Army, Then they will no longer be in the Star Army and their debts are none of the Star Army's concern. So no, you aren't protecting either the soldier or the Star Army. Given that neither of the reasons given actually apply and the nature of the second part as being deliberately overly burdensome and obstructive. I can't support the second provision. I move that the second provision be struck from the proposal so that we can pass the first provision, which it seems we all do agree on, to be passed into law."

"Seconded," Iemochi added.
"I would hope the Senator from Tami was making a dry joke," Shretas gave a soft smirk in response to senator Tamafune.

"Unfortunately, while Shurista is still in the process of translating and condensing our revised code, there is not currently an exchange rate between the Shuristan water credit and the Yamataian KS. No Shuristan bank is currently viable for buyout of Star Army soldiers, and thus we will be forced to either abstain or vote yes on a bill that has no effect on the Shuristan populace. Even those of us in the Star Army. I am afraid almost no Senti in the Star Army can buy out their contracts at this time due to this and the second provision. Any who do would be forced to stay in Yamatai and work for KS to pay for their loan. Senators Volontany and Tamafune make solid points. Most Senti do not have liquidatable assets to back such loans. Our assets tend to be in heirlooms, artisanal products, and skillsets. Things that Yamataian manufacturing places at fairly low value."

He considered for a moment. "My duty here is not necessarily to my species interests, though, or even those of Shurista. It is to the community of the Empire."
"The Senator from Essia is correct that soldiers who leave the Star Army are no longer the Star Army's concern," Yusuke said from his place in the Senate Chambers, having not sat since he last spoke. "However, those who cannot afford to buyout their contracts absent a loan will shift their debts to the Empire nonetheless. Every Yamataian citizen is guaranteed basic housing and a minimum income. Should a soldier who cannot afford to buyout their contract take out a loan to do so then it ends up being the Empire's money, provided to every citizen who needs such essential help, that pays the debts incurred to leave the Star Army."

Senator Maeda paused for a moment as real-time information streamed into his mind from his constituents on Tami and analysis from his staff. The blond man's icy blue eyes didn't seem to focus on anything as he absorbed the information before continuing. He was himself a Star Army officer, having served in the Ninth Fleet under Taisho Hokusai who subsequently led the Third Fleet when both formations together liberated Essia so that the Separa'shan could live free from financial slavery. So along with his constituents, he had some relatively strong feelings on the topic and rejected many of Anslen's assertions, but kept himself as composed as ever.

"We fought the Kuvexians so that every citizen of this great Star Empire — no matter their planet of origin — would continue to be assured our way of life instead of the Interstellar Kingdom's," Yusuke said after his seconds of silence. "I will reiterate what I've already stated. Those who cannot afford their buyout should be able to find accommodation through clause 3c of the Star Army Enlistment Contract's Buyout Option. They should not be tempted by Kuvexian-style financial greed and make a bank their master instead of living up to their oaths to the Empire.

"As I said upon the proposal's introduction earlier this session: 'Take it or leave it,'" he said. "Every Senator has the option of voting 'no' if that serves the interests of their star system. But I will not remove the most essential thrust of Tami's proposal based on misguided perspectives."
"Senator of Tami, 3c requires the judgement of the Commander of the Star Army on extenuating circumstances. That seems hardly a mitigating factor to indirectly forcing individuals to remain in their contracts if, as you say, rare individuals are so unhappy being in.

As I offered before, if money and resources are the true concern here would it not make more sense to shift them to a civilian government organization of their choosing to pay off their buyout from the Star Army?" Tamafune said again, ignoring the implications from the senator about them supporting Kuvexians.
"In light of your take it or leave it attitude and outright disregard for the concerns of your colleagues, we need to make a few things clear. The universal basic income system used by Yamatai among its constituents is not designed for paying off the debts incurred for whatever reason someone left the Star Army or any other debt incurred by a Star Army soldier, including but not limited to financial student aid, family medical aid, or any other loan program unlike the single, most often least expensive debt we have been focusing on." Shretas looked to the others, noting their concerns.

"And then, when we offer concerns and seek solutions, you accuse us of acting... What, like a failed economy? Isn't that a little speciest, Senator? Especially given that predatory loans and capitalism were not the reasons for Yamatai's war against the Kuvexian kingdoms. As though a five percent interest rate cannot be predatory. The bill fails to specify the application rates or take into account average wealth. Your system may have an absurdly high standard of disposable income. Not everyone's does. Look at Essia's economy. The pre industrial artisan's economy and then the availability of cheap, fast Yamataians goods. Gashmere still reeling from their civil crisis, the Elysian Frontier is stirring, and Shurista has her own cancers. Has your species's  perfection blinded you to the needs of others, Senator, or are you going to make other futile attempts at dismissing the arguments of your respected peers?"

Shretas steepled his hands in front of him, taking a deep breath. "I now agree with my governor. Shurista votes no. Absolutely. This bill is no longer worth salvage to us, and we will make no further comment on the matter."

He pressed the button for his vote and closed out his console.
Anslen was rather aghast by pretty much everything that Maeda said. From what he saw as economic illiteracy to disrespecting citizens in several different ways, to his absolute inflexibility. The Separa'Shan took a breath, and shook his head, "Compromise is not a dirty word. However, if there is none to be found here, then I must vote against the proposal." He said, pressing the button to register his vote.

The Elysian Senator from Virgina nodded along with Anslen's words and silently voted against it as well.
Kára Kurogane, having had the luxury of her relationship to the ruling family of the NDC covering her buyout before her service had even begun, listened, somewhat embarrassed at her own fortune while using her business sense, another luxury of her upbringing, to ponder the objections. Once the hubub from the Shurstan Senator's remarks had died, she spoke. "Koukotsu moves for amendment. I had a thought, then a second that proceeded naturally from it. One, I propose rather than any loan, it be above a capped percentage of their pay. Any loan at all could leave a soldier not on the prestige system but rather drawing pay unable to make an expensive purchase that would require financing, but not be excessive. This leads us to the unconsidered question of how does this affect those on the Prestige System, in lieu of a paycheck, differently than those drawing pay, in general?"
Anslen considered Kara's proposal. "My understanding is that the Star Army uses what are called 'pay grades', I think that we would be able to define it as a percentage of their pay grade. Which applies regardless of if they are on the prestige system or not. That seems like a fair solution." Anslen suggested.
Tamafune motions to second the motion for the proposed amendment of the second provision.
Yusuke leaned forward in his chair so his lips were directly in front of where he knew the wireless audio pickup vectors converged in front of his desk.

"Before this proposal is amended or withdrawn we should wait for more systems, particularly from the Yamataian core where most of our Empire's citizens live, to weigh in," he said. Senator Maeda's voice would have been too loud within the Senate Chambers if not for the speaker volume automatically compensating, but still sounded full and like it was exceeding the microphone's peak recording values. "Please be patient, there's no need to rush on this matter."
Three for, two against, and two non-votes. Proposal 121 should have by all rights passed by now. Maeda Yusuke had spoken with the Imperial Steward about it and was assured that everything was in order. But Yusuke knew that the abstentions would turn quickly to last minute "no" ballots should a tally be published in the senatorial records.

Such was how things operated in the Senate of Yamatai. This was a place the Senator of Tami had served longer than any of his other peers, and yet he didn't recognize many of their new faces as anybody different than the agitators who had come before them. These insignificant star systems always had a way of muddling the process while representatives from loyal core worlds remained largely quiet — despite outnumbering the most vocal incendiaries — perhaps confident that the Empress Himiko would always protect the Star Empire from subversives by way of her absolute power to approve or deny any law.

"Proposal 121 is hereby withdrawn," Senator Maeda announced one sleepy day that hadn't seen much business at all. "I thank the peoples and Senators from Nataria and Xiuluria for their support, but little further input has manifested. Perhaps one day the wider Empire will be ready to take action on this matter."