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Senate: Passed Proposal #75 - Memory Backup Protection Act

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Proposal #75 - Memory Backup Protection Act


1. To protect the rights and lives of the Yamataian people.

2. To reinforce the following laws:
Every citizen and plebeian has the right to their own thoughts, opinions, and mind (Proposal 3, Item 8).
It is illegal to clone (make physical copies of) or ST-clone (make mental copies of) any Star Army citizen/plebeian/soldier that you do not own without their consent (Proposal 39, Item 2).

3. To strengthen the Star Army of Yamatai.


1. Anyone who commits the following dishonorable acts:

a. Uses a mental backup (ST) machine to make a copy of someone who has not been confirmed as dead (or missing and presumed dead for over 2 months), with the exception of the military project below listed in Item 4,

b. Uses a mental backup (ST) machine to bring back ANY person's copy (citizen or not) for any malicious purpose to include mental, physical, or sexual abuse,

c. Attempts to steal someone's identity through soul-transferring themselves into an occupied body,

d. Tampers with stored mental data,

...shall be punished by being put to death and have all copies of their mental backups (if existing) erased.

2. Yamataian citizens have a right to back up their minds every three months. Citizens should write a will dictating how and when they should be revived. The Yamatai Star Empire (or agencies thereof) shall keep backup centers in all cities with a population of 5,000 or more.

3. The existence of a mental backup will not be considered in murder (malicious killing) or cases. The defendant will be tried as if he had killed the victim permanently. The existence of a mental backup, can, however, to be used to mitigate the punishments for accidental/involuntary actions resulting in the death of another.

4. Template soldiers (basic ST "Starting" personalities and information) are acceptable for production by the Star Army of Yamatai. This is a clarification relating to the mass-production combat arms Nekovalkyrja and sprites.


Ketsurui Hanako
Senator for Hanako's Star
While this is a good proposal, I think the matter of who these rights protect is in question. I think that needs to be defined more before I place my vote.

Does some who commits treason against our great nation worthy of this protection? What of those that commit suicide? Or what of instances where the information that the deceased holds is invaluable to the safety of our nation?

Or even, what of instances where the person who is believed to be deceased is actually still alive? This would mean that the ST clone is illegal and the medic that brought back these deceased would be punishable by death.

If someone acts against our nation, then they should not be protected under the same laws as our citizens or allies that do.

- Tange-Katsura Ayana
Senator for Jiyuu
Does some who commits treason against our great nation worthy of this protection?
This protection applies to all, including criminals.

Or what of instances where the information that the deceased holds is invaluable to the safety f our nation?
The Emperor could make an exception if it was really necessary. That would be the only case where it would be allowable (or someone could sacrifice themselves to bring the person back, but that is not the way things should go). It has to be this way because it's all too easy for injustices to be deemed "necessary" under the pretense of national defense.

Or even, what of instances where the person who is believed to be deceased is actually still alive? This would mean that the ST clone is illegal and the medic that brought back these deceased would be punishable by death.
That's why the wording says that the dead should be verified dead or the reviving party should wait for 2 months. If the mistake is honest, the courts should find the person not guilty.

If someone acts against our nation, then they should not be protected under the same laws as our citizens or allies that do.
They are not, but we are an ethical nation and we should adhere to certain standards of conduct in dealing with all peoples, even the ones we fight.
If I may be so bold, Senator Ketsurui, wouldn't this mean that the 2 month waiting period would also apply to high ranking military officers taken during a high risk military operation?

If so, then someone close to you would already be in violation of your proposal since they did not wait 2 months to make sure that your previous copy was indeed dead, before resurrecting you after that incident in Eve's stronghold.

My point is not to embarrass you, but to remind you that in this time of war, we do not always have the luxury of being able to wait 2 months to establish that any of our own- our friends, family, comrades are truly dead in the hands of the enemy.

I would also like to point out that this wording starts a vicious cycle, because if criminals are protected under this law, this means that our actions to remove their ST back-ups would ALSO be illegal.
this means that our actions to remove their ST back-ups would ALSO be illegal.
OOC: Right...and jail staff get prosecuted for giving lethal injections. No offense Kim but that wasn't a very good argument.
Wes said:
this means that our actions to remove their ST back-ups would ALSO be illegal.
OOC: Right...and jail staff get prosecuted for giving lethal injections.
OOC: We both know that what executions are a special case and are not considered murder. BUT people HAVE argued that executing someone for killing someone else is UNETHICAL and WRONG. People DO call these JAILERS MURDERERS. Not everyone feels that Capital punishment is morally right. This is the point Ayana is making.
Ohara abstains. Since ST backups don't really work for Phods yet, we have no stake in this and really don't feel qualified to contribute a vote either way.

We're concentrating on curing common diseases first, if anyone's curious.

James Jameson
Senator for Ohara

(OOC: He changed his name to a more human-sounding one... Okay, fine, I forgot his first name. His last name has always been Jameson.)
Lor votes in opposition to the proposal. The Fyunnen caste requires a rapid capability to replenish our ranks in time of war, especially as the SMX push against our defensive lines. To wait until a warrior is confirmed dead ties our hands, and being unable to utilize template data to train cloned Helashio which assist us is also problematic.

However, the representative of Lor moves for the second portion of the proposition to be presented as a separate proposition in itself.

That is all that we have to say on this matter.

Ret.Commander, Aegis of family Yaweh of the Fyunnen caste of the Lorath Matriarchy.
Now, to note, I am personally against these things in the first place. I, personally, believe that it makes death insignificant in the long run. Death is supposed to be that irrevocable limit on life. And we revoked it.

However, I personally support the proposal. Without something like this, there is the possibility of a utopia coming to existence. And, contrary to popular belief, a utopia is not a good thing.

War or not, sprites are what are, to a obvious point, are used to 'cloned warriors'. They can be replaced, and can replace positions. Although it saddens me to actually have to say that, let alone be correct.

- Maysaki Yuumei
Motion to close.
Voting Results:

YES: 2 (Hanako Worlds, Warmaster Worlds)

NO: 1 (Lor)

ABSTAIN: 1 (Ohara)
I would like to know why my vote was discounted and my points were never addressed. I feel that this is a great dis-service to the notion of democracy and hurts relations between the different fleets when our concerns are disregarded.

~ Tange-Katsura Ayana
You never actually made a statement of voting.
After going back through my transcripts and the questions that were unanswered; I feel that I had made it clear that my vote was in opposition of the proposal due to what I felt was vague wording about who this would protect. I also felt that it is contrary to offer this protection to criminals because they are usually punished for serious crimes crimes by permanent irreversible death by execution and deletion of their ST back-ups.

In the future, I must made sure that my wording is clearer and I should more aggressively pursue the answers to my questions that would cause me to vote either way on an issue.
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