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Senate: Defeated Proposal #80 - Nepleslia's Ultimatum


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Proposal #80 - Nepleslia's Ultimatum


1. To protect Yamataian interests.
2. To combat the Mishhuvurtyar.
3. To reestablish diplomatic relations with Nepleslia.


1. We must send Nepleslia the following message:

2. If Nepleslia cooperates with the Mishhuvurthyar, takes any offensive action against Yamatai, or fails to comply with our above requests, we must declare war on Nepleslia and retake their space, for our own protection. This will begin with the forceful strategic dismantling of the Star Miltiary of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.

Submitted by Ketsurui Hanako on behalf of Ketsurui Yui.

(Note: Although the actual warfare is a military manner, determining international relations is still the job of the government. )
"I fail to see how bullying Nepleslia is going to improve our relations with them. If nothing else, it'll make us out to be even more villainous considering we do not know the true nature of the situation beyond what Melisson has told them.

Shouldn't the motivations of why the SMX are fighting us be all the more reason to try to stop the war through some other means than trying to crush everyone else around us?

Isn't it the fear that Nepleslia is growing far too strong that it was sought to control their military growth?" Ayana looked pained that they had started threatening Nepleslia.
"The Mishhuvurthyar are killing our people. Does it matter why? The threat needs to be eliminated." Hanako darkly pointed out. "I realize this will not help relations, but we cannot afford to have them make a treaty with the Mishhuvurthyar."
"From the information we were just given by the Premier, doesn't the idea of your parents brutally killing all of your siblings and then shoving you into the deepest well that find make you want to revolt? I'm not even sure how I feel about this new development but the fault for how this started ultimately lies with us.

We need to start thinking of a different way of stopping it other than this war, since it has gotten us no where. It feels like the SMX are trying to liberate themselves from us and they feel like they can't move on until they make us pay for all of our sins against them. But I don't see how we're really any better except we don't eat our enemies as we rape them.

I don't forgive the SMX for anything that they've done. But butchery and slavery are not going to work this time. Why should we give people a reason to rebel against us? If an enemy suddenly wanted to talk to us, wouldn't we try to hear what they have to say? Or would we just kill them all?" Ayana replied calmly. She didn't feel any pity for the SMX or for what they have done and are doing but the rage in their actions made more sense if they are nekovalkyjras as well. We are their sisters and we've given them freakish bodies and then have banished them from the light... we've created our own demons now, She thought bitterly to herself.
"If the Mishhuvurthyar wished to talk with us, they would have. Instead, they went to Nepleslia in a desperate attempt to find new allies through defacing us."
"Maybe it's time we more actively tried to communicate with them. As scared as I am of Melisson and what she has done, perhaps it's time we go to her," Ayana said very slowly. The notion of standing before Melisson terrified her and the idea of being among the SMX made her skin crawl but desperate times called for odd measures. she would be afraid but she would stand before Melisson and negotiate some sort of cease fire. Diplomacy hadn't been tried as far as she knew and the only thing that would be lost is well... nothing that wouldn't be lost if the war continued.
"I have attempted to communicate with her when she went to Nepleslia, but I was ignored. I am willing to try again, though," Hanako said.
The Nepleslian Ambassador, Jack Miller, entered the Yamataian Senate chamber.

"You guys want to tell me why I just got a report from Rok'Veru that there's a fifty thousand-ship Yamataian military fleet blockading our homeworld?" Miller took a moment to also look over the proposed legislation, and looked up in disgust, simply glaring at the assembled Senators.

"So this is how you're going to end this? Killing us?"
"Why are you the one to talk to Melisson, Hanako? You and Melisson's name come up together quite a bit, and it irks me a little. Some might even go to find it suspicious, but I'm not declaring that." Maysaki paused a moment, strumming her fingers on the table.

"I vote against this proposal. If we do this, Nepleslia will just hate us, to put it simply. This might cause that war that you people oh so dread, but even if it doesn't it has one lasting effect. The citizens, the PEOPLE that people fight this war to defend, of Nepleslia will dislike Yamatai. Hopefully just the government and military, but probably not. In turn, being that there is quite a few of the Nepleslian empire about Yamatai, talk will spread. For those who don't already begin to dislike the empire for this, Yamatai's citizens will be swayed to sympathize Nepleslia. That means the Yamatai empire faces a bloody end internally... Something I am guessing you want to avoid."

Maysaki paused a moment. And then the usually sleepy senator continued, "Ask for a session among senates if that pleases you. Not just some text document, but people to people. We'll talk. I suspect the Mishhu are mostly just stating to Nepleslia that it's not the Mishhu's target. Even if that was Melisson's goal in that meet, I doubt the hatred spawned from certain truths being said will send Nepleslia on a war path."

Frankly, even if it did I would fight along side them... But she kept that bit to herself.

"On top of a senate meet with Nepleslia, I have it in my mind that I will request... Probably afterwards, to meet with the a authoritative leader of the Mishhu, be it Melisson or otherwise. To talk Diplomacy."

She paused, then shrugged. "I'm done talking, by the way. Long winded thing..."

She then glanced over to the just having entered Jack, and preformed the scared art of the face palm. Yamatai is going to burn...
"So this is how you're going to end this? Killing us?"
"No one needs to be hurt. In fact, we are offering you a peace treaty that would force our ships to leave your space," Hanako explained.
Aegis scowled darkly during the debate which took place, but when Mayasaki worded the situation to Jack as she did, she could not bear to listen to any more of the same ill-will which befell her own people. She stood up from her seat and glared at Hanako.

"Girl, every time you speak to Melisson, you end up bringing disaster down upon the Empire and it's people. You're also in no situation to be handing out ultimatums to people anymore!

Your skills at diplomacy are laughable, this is apparent to my people, considering that we have sustained the losses of billions due to your methods. Prior to your 'interventions', our people were fine and without any problems to speak of, but as soon as you and your ship appear, people end up dead, and I don't mean your enemies.

It should be apparent by now that your military is unable to gain a handle on the situation. The First Expeditionary has proven time and time again that they are unable to drive back the Mishhu, and that they are incompetent in inter-species relations. Incidents such as the unlawful incursion on Nepleslian soil which Hanako conducted when in pursuit of Elisa Meta, the destruction of Taiie, the failure to coordinate your strikes on Vlaad and Bizankro, and the repeated damage which has been inflicted on the Lorath people, incidents like that indicate the nature of the First XF and the former ruling clan. We do not need to have our Empire ruined by such rash action anymore.

I, Senator of Lor and colonial holdings, propose that we designate a representative to speak for the Yamataian Empire which is not of the Ketsururi Clan, the former leading clan has made their faults apparent in regard to diplomacy, and the interests of this Empire."

Aegis knew full well her words were something which would either get her removed from her position, executed, or maybe promoted by her Matriarchy... she did not know which, but she knew what had to be said. Oddly enough, she felt the same adrenaline rush which she used to feel on the field of battle, and in that feeling, she found her own absolution for her actions.

"Mm, I almost forgot... Lor and Colonial Holdings votes NO to proposal number 80."
"I would be willing to talk to Melisson despite my sense of foreboding against going any were near her. Perhaps, a new face will help us in arranging some sort of diplomatic truce in the war. I would like to know what it is that the SMX really want from us aside from our deaths.

I would almost say that the Empress should but I do not feel that putting the former Taisho of the 5th Expeditionary Fleet and the ruler of our Empire in the same room as a very powerful telepath is the smartest idea in the world," Ayana offered again. She pressed her hands together on the little table in front of her. She didn't know what had gotten into her today, she was feeling incredibly more assertive than usual.
Maysaki couldn't help but smile warmly over to the senator of the Lorath, who spoke her mind entirely. I'll have to get a pastry or some such sent to her... Maybe a cookie. Nah... A cake. No lie.

She, however, raised her voice. Again. "Please... Keep the topic on this proposal. We'll do the diplomacy idea soon after, Mm? Wouldn't want to make a mess of words."
"One thing does lead to another, Senator Maysaki. I vote down this proposal because it seems like nothing has changed with Uesu stepping down and vacating known space.

We should not be threatening Nepleslia with destruction or Taisho Irim at their doorstep. We have no say in how the military functions but, Ambassador Miller, have your senators been able to even look at the treaty with Melisson at the doorstep? I can understand the delay, Melisson intimidates us all," Ayana looked at the Nepleslian man with a kind, hopeful smile.
Roxanne had been listening for some time, but she finally spoke, briefly and quietly.

"We should not blame Nepleslia for attemping what we have not -- speech. If we indeed are responsible for creating the horror of the Mishhuvurthyar, loathe as I am to admit that, we should not blame a wholly separate government for attempting to find peace with a member of our very own civil war. After all, did we not back Geshrinari Shipyards during Nepleslia's war?

"We have 50,000 vessels pointed at Nepleslia. Why they are not pointed at the Mishhu is beyond me. Military matters are, of course, not our affair. But what has been proposed to us is still horribly stupid.

"Yamatai votes no. Give Nepleslia time to consider our treaty, and use our 50,000 vessels to our advantage. Destroy the Mishhuvurthyar, once and for all, or go to the negotiating table."
(Just for a note. And on a first name basis, I think.)

Currently apposed:

Senator Maysaki
Senator Ayana (( I believe.))
Senator Aegis
Senator "Roxxy"

For it:

Senator Hanako


Senator [Essia]
Senator Maeda
Senator [Gashmere]
Senator [Ohora] (Albeit at this moment they have none.)

For majority, one more vote will have to go for apposed for this proposal to be repelled. If Ayana fully said no.

(( This is OOC... Well... Its not said by Maysaki or anyone I control at least. ))

"We're not blaming Nepleslia...but if they ally with our enemy, then they become our enemy. We need to be ready in case such a horrible event occurs."
The essian senator, Ssiryn had listened to what had been going on and found sense in Roxxy's opinion. If I may...." the half serpent said, rising up slowly. "I believe that we may be giving them the wrong opinion but jumping the gun like that." He said, bringing up the holographic display of the 50K ships around Nepleslia after a moment of fumbling around with the controls. "Is such a blockade truly necessary? Shouldn't the cycle of violence be broken by words and not action in this case? Violence only begets more violence afterall." He said and sipped a bit of fruit juice he had in a cup nearby.

Officially: Essia votes Nay. "I agree with the yamataian senator, such a congregation of warships can be better allocated elsewhere."
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