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Senate: Passed Proposal 82, Armed Forces Reporting Act

Karma Mechanic

Inactive Member
Senate Proposal #82
Armed Forces Reporting Act
Submitted by: Tami


1. To protect better inform and prepare the Senate and other parts of the governement of the Yamatai Star Empire for any and all matters in relation to the Star Army of Yamatai


1. Each year starting with YE 30 and continuing a least once each year after, the Star Army of Yamatai will issue a status report(Titled: "State of the Star Army of Yamatai, YE [current year]") on the state of its the armed forces, its fleets, its overall morale, and its goals. The Star Army will not be required to provide classified data however.

2. The report will be prepared and presented by an officer of a rank no less than Chui.
Vax nods. "Ohara votes yes."

(OoC: Vax is always in support of more paperwork, especially if it's to be done by other people.)
This bill has been on the docet for over two weeks.

With three votes for and no votes against.

This bill passes.
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