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Senate: Defeated Proposal #83: Definition and rights of the individual Act


Proposal #83: Definition and rights of the individual Act


1. To define the rights of those that are brought back through ST.
2. To protect those that might have no knowledge of the events or crimes that occurred after their last ST back-up.
3. Establish protection under the law for the sentient beings; person, neko, plebian that are affected by ST revival.


1. The individual who is brought back through the process of an ST is considered a person, with individual rights that may or may not be unique to them despite the circumstances of their creation.

2. A person who is brought back through the ST process accidentally, i.e. the original person has been discovered to still be alive has the right to create their own life without being restrained by the confines of the original personality and are encouraged to find their own way.

3. A person who is brought back through the ST process illegally, still retain their individual rights and are their own person and should not be held accountable for the crimes or events that may have occurred after the last ST back-up of the original person.

4. An individual, who (after revival) wishes to be tried for the crimes of their past selves may do so to absolve themselves of the sin and can no longer be tried again for that same crime if another version of themselves does prove to exist.

5. All individuals who stand accused of a crime are entitled to a fair, expedient trial by a jury of their peers.

6. An individual who has been found to violate the laws governing the protection of the society or commits a crime against another being are no longer protected by the laws that protect the laws of the innocent. They forfeit the protection of their ST back-up into the hands of the law enforcement agencies so that a fair punishment can be determined without risk of death to escape criminal proceedings.

7. If an accused individual is found to be innocent of the crimes they are accused of- the law enforcement agencies agree to release the ST back-ups and give the individual back their rights as a citizen; and no longer be tried for the previous crimes they are accused of.


In our nation, we have little fear of permanent death and our technology provides us with a chance to be revived. Our laws though, are slightly vague as to the rights of an individual who might be accidentally revived when they are in fact, not really dead.

We need to offer these duplicates the same rights as a regular individual and see about helping them towards their own lives- they should not be carelessly thrown away or unfairly extinguished based on the impatience of another.

~ Tange-Katsura Ayana
I vote NO, do to item six. ST data should never be accessible to anyone or usable other than its owner and the owner's designated revival agent.

Then how do you propose to enforce:

Proposal #75 - Memory Backup Protection Act said:
d. Tampers with stored mental data,

...shall be punished by being put to death and have all copies of their mental backups (if existing) erased.

If NO ONE can legally access or control the ST back-ups aside from the owner or owner's designated revival agen?
Those proven in court to have violated another's ST rights will have their data automatically dropped by the computer network it is held on.
Which is controlled by who exactly? That would mean someone else not the owner or the owner's designated revival service.

In technicality, it is the same thing- someone has to make the order to drop the data, so yes, someone else has control of that data that isn't the owner or a person that the owner has in control of it. A law enforcement agent taking control of the ST back-up could simply be placing a "HOLD" order that prevents that person from being revived before the trial is over.

So what's the real issue here?

If the person is innocent, the hold is released and they go on and cannot be tried for the crime again as I state in part 7 of my proposal:

Lor and affiliated colonies vote YES to the proposal. I feel that this law will mesh well with the extradition proposal.

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