Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: UOC Government Proposal for the Restoration and Growth of the Yuukan System


Inactive Member
Shinichi stood nervously before the Assembly. He had waited a long time before submitting this, perhaps too long, but he wanted everything to be right. "Ladies and Gentleman of the Assembly. Citizens of the United Outer Colonies. It is with great pleasure that I submit this plan for the revitalization of the Yuukan System before the
Assembly." As Shinichi spoke, a volumetric window appeared in front of every Assembly member, as well as a larger one that those who were watching the proceedings could read.

"It has been mere months, since an unknown force descended upon Yuukan I and the Halo ring surrounding Yuukan's inner solar system destroying the lives of over seven thousand people. They sent no warning, and left no trace. While the Peacekeeper forces work on figuring out who was behind such an attack, life must go on. This document is composed of two parts: restoration, and growth."

Shinichi reached down and took a drink of his water before continuing, his hand shook as he put the glass to his lips. "Restoration. An amazing word that when uttered brings awe. In order to restore Yuukan we need three things: Safety, Resources, People. Safety is utmost now, Yuukan sits far outside the safety of the UOC borders,
and until that dreadful event had no protection other than the Peacekeeper base that was on Yuukan 1.

I hereby propose the construction of 2 Peacekeeper installations on the Planet of Yuukan 1 as well as the construction of a Peacekeeper station in orbit of Yuukan. Not only does this assure those of the Yuukan system that they are well protected, but it enables the training of new peacekeepers within the Yuukan system as well as the production of Peacekeeper vessels that will serve to protect this great Nation.

Resources. No great undertaking should be started without first assuring that you have the resources necessary to do such. This project will require a large amount of resources, some of which are even provided by the planet. Yuukan has proven to be a resource-rich system. We can tap these resources to produce the raw materials necessary to reconstruct what was lost, to construct the
future buildings. In addition to our own natural resources Kakatuma Heavy Industries, a key provider of not only resources but innovation to the United Outer Colonies has offered their aide to the people of Yuukan as well.

People. Nothing can be accomplished without those willing to work for it. I propose starting work aid plans, for those who need jobs. Come to Yuukan, build a home. Build a life. Using governmnet incentives such as decreased taxes, even a bonus to those willing to come to Yuukan to live and rebuild. Businesses will see incentives to open branches or move to Yuukan as well through various methods, one of which being 5 and 10 year tax breaks.

But let us not forget those who have fallen. In the heart of the new city, a memorial will be built honoring those who were lost to this tragedy. Not a stone memorial, cold and unfeeling. A living memorial. In the heart of the city, around the capitol, a forest will be planted. A tree dedicated to every person who was lost. The only way to access the capitol, is on foot. It will remind all look upon of those who are with us no more.

It is with the greatest degree of humility that I submit this for review." When Shinichi finished speaking he sat down in his seat relieved.
"I don't see any problems with this proposal and I grateful that we have someone so passionate about moving forward to propose it. The question is really, how much of Yuukan's original resources are still there? We definately need to look into exploration of other systems for resources to help our growth and to support our growing population and industries," Ayana replied thoughtfully. "I'll have to think on the matter more closely to come up with more suggestions on how we can execute this idea."
Alexander looked up from his spot at the table, nodding along as they spoke. He looked at Shinichi and Ayana thoughtfully a moment before speaking.

"At present, the solar systems within my care are still in development." He said quietly, sipped at his tea, and held the cup with saucer underneath. "I would be willing to ship Yuukan resources. Also, would Siren not be able to aid in such matters?" He asked.