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RP: DION Senate Proposal to Move Government

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Within the walls of the grand cathedral, an old, gothic structure tucked away in the southern district of Funky City, the Democratic Imperium's senators were gathered.

The building, carved of stone and marble, was a lasting testament to the past, one of the few structures that survived the Battle of Nepleslia. It was certainly a stark contrast to the dystopian structures that dominated the rest of the skyline, but the old building, majestic as it was, had its own sinister attributes, mainly two ivory-colored spires which pierced beyond the layers of smog in the sky. The complex was boxed by a large metal wall which protected it on all sides, and four gates rested on each side. Each one was closed and protected by an APC full of a dozen soldiers.

Cameras and turrets kept a vigilant eye on the surroundings of the cathedral, eager to answer any threats early and with deadly efficiency.

Within the cathedral, Premier Robert Davis sat, his hands clasped on the wood of the huge, polished table which extended in a wide ring on the ground floor. Behind the table where he an the rest of the senators sat, were empty wooden pews, 15 rows of each leading to a closed door. Light poured down through the clear glass windows above and the air, dusty and warm, drifted lazily through the open space.

In the center of the large wooden ring was a holographic projection of the starmap, along with scrolling text showing various calculations and projections regarding the conflict with the NMX.

It was these projections that darkened this day and brought Davis to propose a piece of legislation he had never wished to be necessary.

"Senators," he began. "The war and the loss of Rok'Veru have left us with very little buffer space between our homeworld. Although our defensive fleets are powerful, it is a great risk to the future of this Imperium if we do not take into consideration the possibility that war may befall Planet Nepleslia itself. The NMX are expected to strike soon, and when they do, we will meet them with everything we've got."

He paused and swallowed. He then broke his grip and rubbed his bearded chin with a steady hand.

"But when they do come, we will have lost our mobility as a government. It is, therefore, that I open debate on taking this valuable time and using it to relocate our government to Nepleslia Prime, where it is less susceptible to attack from our enemies. Consider this vote carefully, my fellow senators."

He motioned above him briefly before returning his attention to the circle of senators around him.

"What say you, senators? Do we leave behind the past for the future, or do we hold onto our history for our national pride?"
An audible clearing of the throat was heard from Kennewes' sickly senator, Pratrino Roachmere. The meek, skinny man stood, his thin frame appearing to barely support him. Though, his eyes burned with a defiant fire as he gripped the chair next to him tightly and raised a finger towards the air.

"I disagree!" Patrino breathed, for a moment, "Our people... hah... are strong...! We... ... will weather any attack from the Mishhu, and we..." The Senator stopped to quickly drink up a glass of water, then continued his heated response. "And we... will not give in... to our fear... If these monsters... want to... ... take this world from us!"

At this point Patrino seemed to be in a frazzled state, from only a few seconds of using his voice.

"Then they... will have to pry it..." Senator Roachmere raised his hands, presenting his thin, wiry fingers, "From our cold... dead... hands!"
Having heard of the proposal beforehand, the Senator of the Star System Delfium Melchoir Vel Steyr had prepared a small report. Other than time, the elder Vel Steyr also had the benefit of a scientific background and a personal research team. He politely pressed the ill-used buzzer on his table and rose to speak with the conviction of a corporate CEO that he once was.

"Pride and immediate security issues aside, the nation as a whole would benefit long term from the movement of government to Nepleslia Prime, which geographically is the new center of our now expanded Nepleslian empire."

The bespectacled man then transmitted the report to the attendees.

"The colonies are still horribly underutilized. With the movement of government would also come the movement of manpower. Refugees from Rok'veru alone have caused the colonial economy to grow 200%, easily covering the economic loss of that planet. Projections show that we can match the production capabilities of our neighbours in the future if we make this move."

"Planet Nepleslia is already a mature ecumenopolis. There is nothing more we can do here."
"I should have... ... expected as much... from you, Vel Steyr." spoke Patrino, throwing a distrusting glance at Melchoir. "The figures do not... hahu... they do not matter! If... our sons... and daughters... ... stand to fight against... this assault... then we will not let them... be the only ones!" The Senator put a hand to his head for a moment, and took a few moments to breath in his next words. "What will it say... to the Marines... the people... if we stand... and run?"
Melchoir was considerably irked, throughout the four years he had been working for a progressive Nepleslia there had been old-guard type characters like Patrino blocking his way. He should have been used to this, but the Kennewesian Senator was illogical, and the Vel Steyr was all about logic.

"Fight? You can barely breathe!" The Scientist interjected angrily. Perhaps if he would not listen to logic, then maybe precedence would work. He did not take into account though that his little spat would make Patrino oppose him (and by implication the vote) on personal grounds.

"My fellow senators I implore you. There wasn't time to evacuate all of Rok'Veru when the Mishhu attack came. Those that are left behind are now either living incubators, battlepod brains or zombie infiltrators. The latter were behind the covert attack on Golding Station, way behind the frontlines! Before that happens again we MUST move goverment, or at least some of the population before it is too late!"
Senator Roachmere coughed violently into a fist, the forty-two year old man didn't like to be reminded of how horrible of a condition his body was in. His dark, green eyes, rested defiantly on his political opponent. It was progressive, colonial-nuts like Melchoir that angered him the most. The way he saw it, Vel Steyr was only advancing for personal gain. If the government moved away from Nepleslia to Nepleslia Prime, the Northern Expanse would benefit, including Vel Steyr's own position...

...Kennewes, on the other hand, would be left as only a marshy barrier to prevent the advance of a tentacled onslaught, rather than an important core world, just as the all the others of 'Old Nepleslia'. His people were still in the process of improving the quality and infrastructure of their world after it's occupation by the Reds a few years before. So it was imperative that he do what he could to prevent the center of Nepleslia moving away any further from his world.

"Your... lack of faith... is ... disturbing, Vel Steyr..." responded Patrino, actively targeting the younger Senator this time. "Those green tentacled... ... freaks are not even flying above our skies... and you are already... proclaiming defeat! What will you... will you do next... Senator? Appeal to the Yamataians... ... for protection... and leave your fellow Nepleslians... to die...? Is that all our... our homeworlds are to you...? Meatshields for your profit?"
Regnier's eyes clicked audibly, focusing on Roachmere. Ever since he had joined the senate he had always been amused by the fact that he was younger than himself by almost ten years and was in far poorer health than he was, cybernetics notwithstanding. But now was one of the few times he had to actually listen to everyone instead of just reading the transcriptions usually done by his audio captioning program that he loved so much back home.

"Though I am as willing to fight as anyone, I will have to agree with Mr. Steyr here. The benefits from moving the central government's location for the outer sections would be greatly pleasing to our more enterprising citizens. I am particularly interested in how much our colonies could benefit by the shift in economy. Our core worlds, should they still be standing after this, are plenty developed and would barely be harmed by the move if at all."

"As for pride, let us clarify, Mr. Roachmere. We are simply talking about moving our legislative government. These aren't fleet movements aside from perhaps our own personal escorts. The defensive fleet that stand guard over the heart of Nepleslian patriotism will not be weakened for this, and they will have no reason to fight any less ferociously. And besides, moving to 'help stimulate growth in our colonies' could show the nepleslian people that we know there is a future for us, because we don't believe in defeat."
Sentator Haytham Quezzil appraised the words of his fellow senators with the wary ears and darting eyes of a businessman who had to choose between tax investigations or bankruptcy. He liked the idea of colonial investment, maybe because his personal interests were there, but also because virgin lands always encouraged the arrival of refugees and immigrants. They couldn't... sell the idea of the Imperium with Nepleslia these days, with the Street War of a few years ago and the persistent disregards for sovereignty the Yamataians loved to demonstrate every month a Ketsurui princess hadn't gotten herself killed and been canonized.

It was a bad business, either way.

But the colonies offered hope, something that the old systems couldn't do anymore, and security just by being that much further from the grasp of YSE intrusion.

It wouldn't be pretty, though. He expected to see rioters thinking they'd be flying skyscrapers through hyperspace with them in them, landing them on the surface in some messy hodgepodge. Protests in the capital burning effigies and house government flags of the Senators who voted for the proposal, and Roachmere being crowned 'Wise Cancer Man' by the proles. What a terrible era to live in.

"Well, gentlemen. I'm of the opinion that this is the only solution at this point. We're constantly at war and being attacked from all sides, and our very centralized economy is too vulnerable to interdiction by 'foreign agencies'. Moving the core of our command structure to the colonies may be the most beneficial solution to the new and growing Nepleslia."
"The logistics of the move are being planned already, should we come to that decision," Davis said. "I have already ordered the NSS Acadia to make way here before we scheduled this debate. We'll be using that ship as an immediate transport. Construction of our facilities on Nepleslia Prime should be an easy undertaking as well. We have the space and the manpower to start fresh."

Davis sighed deeply, a thin frown forming on his lips.

"The arguments for moving are logical and compelling, but the argument for staying is impassioned... if not inspiring. To leave the planet, to the people, may indeed seem like a sign of weakness on our part, and I want to sincerely avoid any emotions of abandonment that our move would implicate. Just how, if we come to this decision, can we do that? And, for those in opposition to the move, how can we justify taking this enormous risk for our country in staying, if the worst-case scenario is a complete collapse of our governing structure?"
In an unusual turn of events, the seat of Delsaurian Senator Laj Vinross Yu remained vacant in this discussion. A young lady in formal business apparel stood next to his empty seat, looking particularly out of place, her expression showing that she realized this quite well. Some would instantly recognize her as the same attendant that Laj always had with him during his senatorial matters.

"I apologize for Senator Vinross Yu's absence," the attendant said graciously. "There seems to be some sort of problem happening on Fortuna... I've been, uh, asked to represent his best interests until the situation is settled." It was painfully obvious that she didn't know the full extent of the situation with Laj Vinross Yu, but all things considered, not many did at the time.

"I believe that Senator Vinross Yu would be in favor of the move of government," the young lady said, shifting her weight onto another short-heeled foot as she gave her announcement. "Government presence in the colonial systems would benefits their growth, and it would put the senate in a favorable position to eventually retake Nepleslia Core should it fall to the enemy."
The Senator from Nepleslia Prime sat absolutely silent during the meeting, listening to various suggestions, rebuttals, and points of concern.

There appeared to be only two options: 1. Leave and risk a moral defeat, or 2. Stay and risk losing the seat of government. Clearing his throat, the Senator stood up after the Delasaurian Senator's assistant was done speaking.

"Gentlemen, if I may speak frankly, but not relocating is a fucked up idea." Garza took a sip of some whiskey, resting on the table in front of him.

"We stand to lose a whole fucking lot if a majority of our government is destroyed by the squids. Even if we win this war, who is to say that we won't revert to bullshit factional warfare as a result of a weakened central government?"

The Senator from Prime grasped his glass of whiskey and emptied it, setting it firmly on the table. "And all of this fuckin' bullshit of 'running away' being demoralizing is just that. Any true Nepleslian would unquestioningly suffer the shame of retreat so that they would live to fight again. That being said, I vote we relocate."

The Senator turned to Davis. "Since the invasions, the 3rd Assault Fleet has been ordered back to Prime. As I understand it, they're ready to assist in any possible manner."
It looked to be that reason and logic was to prevail this day. Melchoir slumped back into his seat with a smug grin. Nepleslia's interest was all in a day's work for the Vel Steyr brothers. The Scientist took out his datapad to compose a message that would automatically send itself once the senate session ends and InterNEP connectivity is restored.

Patrino's face reddened considerably as the vote seemed to sway in favor of the move. At this rate, it would be impossible to sway the room in the other direction. Usually, the Senator wouldn't get this active, and the result began to show as he began to clench his chest. He growled, gasped, and grunted as he pulled out a pair of pills, and threw them in his mouth. He took a quick sip of his water, and sat down as his body began to settle. His eyes wandered the room, as he silently considered the rest of the Senators.

Each had fair points, but Patrino seemed to agree with the views of Garza the most. Perhaps there was honor to be savored in their people by falling back to fight again. Not only that, suffering the factional warfare that tore the planet apart a few years ago was a fear that always rested in the back of his mind. The whole situation only made him sick again, and he rested his forehead in his palm. It seemed there wasn't much more that he could say.
Ioannes Calero brooded in his chair throughout the meeting. The small radio transmitter he kept in his ear to keep him up to date on the political realities of his homeworld of Rok'Veru was silent.

"Gentlemen," he spoke, "Perhaps you have heard of what happened to my planet." He stood, buttoning the front of his fine silk suit. "One of the core worlds of the Imperium has been lost. Taken from us by an alien horde. I hope you are intelligent enough to understand the fact that the populace knows this. They know that we know, and their eyes are on us. The Mishhuvurthyar are at our door step, gentlemen, and they will not leave unless we throw them off." The Senator's words dripped with anger.

"Now, what you are proposing is to tell the people, the forty billion inhabitants of the Nepleslia system, the billions of other residents of the other core worlds, that we cannot win this battle. That their leaders are leaving them to the wolves. Now, I am sorry, but relocating the government? This is fucking treason. There won't be any more profits for the corporations to make, no more resources to exploit. Not for us. We will lose this war if we lose the faith of the people. Nepleslia will crumble."

Calero leaned over the table, his dark, furious eyes moving from one official's face to the next. "We are the leaders of this nation. If we run, why must we expect anything more from those we've asked protect it? I don't know about the rest of you, but I will be damned before I give up the heart of the Imperium, of our entire race to those bastard squids."

"Rok'Veru votes against relocation."
He was silent as he listened to the impassioned arguments on both sides of the field. The logic of the move against the never-surrender defiance that rested as a core value of the nation... the two positions tore at Davis, the progressive leader who sought so much change yet was old enough to know and embrace ideals of old.

"The... offer of assistance is noted, senator." He finally replied, to Garza, after Calero's words finished ringing throughout the cathedral.

"I don't expect this decision to be easy," he said, speaking up, looking with blank eyes through the streams of data that flowed. "For all my life, I lived on this planet. Planet Nepleslia was always the center of our nation, regardless of what name we gave our ruling body or whatever colored uniform happened to rule that day. Nepleslia stood above our infighting and corruption, our subjugation, our independence and our freedom... Nepleslia was, and still remains, the only constant as we continue to evolve as a people and as a nation."

The Premier's cane tapped against the ground as he pushed his weight on it to help him to his feet.

"We all have our ties to this planet. And, I, as a father, must confront them too. I must explain to my son why he has to leave home, the one comfort he could hold onto despite all the chaos surrounding us. And Nepleslians all across the planet must now ask their families the same question that I am forced to answer this day: Why?"

He brought both his gloved hands down on the table and leaned forward, bringing his attention to each senator equally.

"Every time we engage in these arguments, our debates, we detach ourselves, little by little, from the average Nepleslian's life. We try to address their concerns, and the decisions we make shape their lives, but do we really understand why we make these decisions? Behind the numbers and the logic, behind the passion and the fire, why do we make these decisions?"

His face hardened.

"We try, as clumsy as we are, to guide the nation, to give it a sense of purpose and direction, a hope for a better future. To hear it... the weight of this decision... devolve into an argument between economics, survival and pride, it makes me feel like, despite all the perspectives presented, we really can't, no matter how hard we try, answer all the needs of our citizens... because the average Nepleslian embodies all these pieces and so much more..."

There was a long pause and a deep, sighing breath from the Premier.

"The best we can hope to provide is an answer to that pressing question: why?"

"With that, I motion to vote."
Davis’ figure was suddenly outlined by a blinding light as chunks of metal flew through the room, ripping holes in walls and people alike. A deafening noise would follow, then a deep rumble, then darkness as in a fraction of a second the entire building collapsed on itself.

Silence and Darkness would follow.

Those that had not been crushed would find themselves buried alive, deaf, blind, and surrounded by the stone of the building that had stood there only moments before.
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