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Propulsion Broom

First off, why not use a vacuum instead? It's more effective anyway.

Secondly, can one turn up the propulsion system to max and ride the thing like a witch? That's what I first thought when I read "propulsion broom"
Toshiro said:
Secondly, can one turn up the propulsion system to max and ride the thing like a witch? That's what I first thought when I read "propulsion broom"

First thing that crossed my mind myself.
Well the trouble with vacuums has always been storing what you pick up. I figured with this you have the other option of pushing objects where you want it.

At the very least it adds variety? :P
If he wanted to make a vacuum, he would've made a vacuum. Instead, a broom has been made.

I like the idea behind this broom, give it a bit more kick and it can carry you around! Could be good for applications where dust is frequent and expected, but is there any tips on maintenance for the Propulsion areas?

Also, how is the battery recharged?
Also is it a push broom, or a sweep broom, a bit of description would be helpful. How is it controlled, and what happens if you let go of it, does it go sliding away from you across the floor? How long does it take for a full charge?
What manufactuer is this from?

I feel like this submission is wasting the review staff's time.
What the hell is that about, Wes?!

Wes, in the Miharu plot Blas went and gave his NPC caretakers a set of tools to clean the place up. He wondered how they'd do it, devised a set of cleaning tools, and decided to bother making a submission to share it with the rest of the setting.

...and you call it a waste of time?!

Granted, Blas doesn't submit tech submissions very often and in his enthusiasm to share he might not have covered all the desired criteria for a complete submission - something that might've been an enthusiastic spur-of-the-moment thing. It was far easier for him simply to invent it on the spot and not bother with the wiki and no one would've been the wiser, but he showed the goodwill to try and share it to - in his own way - contribute something to the setting.

Maybe you'd like to rephrase
I feel like this submission is wasting the review staff's time.
because I'm not Blas and I found it insulting. For someone whom stresses that he wants to make StarArmy a more welcoming place for newcomers and neophyte roleplayers, this certainly wasn't a player-friendly, constructive comment. Worse, it hints at player effort being somehow twisted into some sort of malicious intent and I find this very, very hard to swallow.
Well this submission doesn't really have a size listed, pictures, or a really well thought out description, nor does it really add to the setting or provide something that doesn't already exist. Using forcefields/engines to clean a ship is debatable in usefulness at best and really a bad use of technology at worst. I can't even exactly say what the broom is using to sweep with or why it would be called a propulsion broom (it uses forcefields right?). Based entirely on the first few responses to the submission, I did think this was a joke at first.

If you are going to submit something, put a little more effort into it than just a paragraph.
Thank you, Uso, for writing a post which outlined the perceived flaws of the submission... but that also tried to make it constructive and formative.
Okay give me a minute to work on it a bit. I did just get home last night guys. :P

Edit: Added a little more description. Still in work. Really this item while frivolous is just one of those things to add flavor to the background. I know we don't mention janitorial duties on star ships but cleaning still has to be done. How? What cleaning compounds are used? Soap and water? Nekoxy Clean? Is it automated? You know questions like that crop up when I'm writing and bug me. Ships may be all sterile thanks to the main computer but how are they kept like that? :)
The reason I expressed that opinion was because the original form of the submission did not seem well thought-out...and honestly I thought it was a thinly-veiled attempt to bring a witch's flying broomstick into the game.

I'll try to look at it more seriously now.

The Star Army does need detail on its cleaning systems. It's actually on my to-do list. So this could be helpful after all. Being a broom, it shouldn't be too hard to whip up a DOGA for it right?
If you're all arguing over a broomstick with a little extra kick (in the form of being able to support itself with jets of air that can push 10 pound chunks of metal away), I seriously wonder about all of your priorities.

Still, sometimes we are compelled to yabber about this sort of crazy - since nobody really pays attention to this sort of stuff in a sci-fi setting, so we're very very confused when someone brings up something other than aliens, big guns, lasers or space ships.

Ten points to Blas for bringing up this neglected issue - besides, some of the older people in the setting need something non-lethal to chase the young 'uns away with.

Now I've gotten an idea to overclock this design and turn it into a repulsor beam, rather than a flying broomstick. We have jetpacks for that.