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Approved Submission [Protectors of the Alliance] A'unavas'rhi


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Material
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=raiconian_alliance:protectors_of_the_alliance:a_unavas_rhi

Faction: Raiconian Alliance
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) Yes
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) No
Contains New art? (Yes/No) No
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) No

Notes: A'unavas'rhi was originally supposed to take the place of a medium armor while Eldo'roshya would cover heavy armor. As it would not make sense for Eldo'roshya to be a medium armor (Due to the materials it is constructed out of), A'unavas'rhi will act as the main armor metal. Eldo'roshya will be submitted as the faction develops.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I need to ask @Wes on this one to make a call on whether the armor is medium or light. Tungsten carbide is an awesome Earth material, but compared to the light materials listed for starship and vehicle armor, I'm not sure it truly rates.
Well, I'd rather not make up a metal. (To avoid the whole, 'Why doesn't everyone else have this metal' clause)

=== Late Edit ===

Durandium is made of aluminum and nanotubes. Now, I can't judge the strength of nanotubes, but aluminum is far from strong. (Mohs hardness of 2.75.)

=== Later Edit ===

Did more research, focused on Nanotubes.

The shear moduli of carbon nanotubes is only around 2GPa, meaning they are very, very easy to cut. Tungsten Carbide sits at 274 GPa. Diamond is 478 GPa.

However, I think another thing to note is bulk moduli, which is a materials resistance to compression. (I imagine this is important for getting hit by high-speed projectiles)

CNT's have a remarkably high bulk moduli for their weight, coming in at 462 to 546. Diamond is at 420 (For a single crystal). However, Tungsten Carbide comes in at 630 to 655 GPa.

Where CNT's shine is Young's Moduli, where CNT's are the strongest material known to man on that category. Young's measure elasticity and CNT's manage to come in at 1TPa+. Tungsten Carbide only manages 530-700 GPa.

Doing research for SARP makes me learn the oddest things. At least I enjoy most of it.
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