Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Inactive Member
I was just wondering what the deal is with psionics. I mean I have read their is Telekinesis, Telepathy and basic Pyrokenisis, but what about Empaths, Clairvoyance, Precognition etc.

I can understand how some of these could be a problem, but low grade clairvoyance and precognition could be intresting, and real empathy, the ability to feel and alter others feelings, could be interesting.

Also their seems to be a lack of detail about the psionics avaiable. By this I mean, what are the limits and scope of telepathy, with how much finnese can telekinesis be used and what can be done with Pyrokinesis. :?
Hrm, I really don't have any guidelines. I remember Jenn (former GM here) and I had started a chart, but it was based on the old numbered skill system. That said, I'll allow whatever is logical and seems reasonable to the players and I.
I was also wondering if parents could decide to geneticly engineer their child with certain abilities, that is to say if they where rich and influencial enough. What I mean to say is can you play a character who is Geshrin, but lets say stronger than normal, with telepathy/empathy, completely blue (no whites or iris') eyes and markings on the back of his hands.
Yes, they certainly could, unless it was a natural conception, of course.
Oh no, in this character I'm considering creating one or both the parents are sterile in a way that is not curable by medical science, and so the father puts his considerable wealth and authority to bear to have a son created who is geneticly a mix between him and his wife, but with aditional properties. Of course their could also be a sub-race of Geshrin, but I didn't think this was a great idea.
Genetically enhanced Geshrin kids are common, I believe.

... Within reason, of course. :) Also, you'd get more leeway if the character was military rather than civilian.
If Precognition was allowed, would it be a few seconds before it hapaned, or something that was a fair way off in the future, and thus only showing a possible future?

If it does show a few second's into the future, and sees this near constantly as a sort of overlay as well as the present, can you imagine what sort of combat advantages this would yield? Being always able to see what your oponents next move would be ... great
I've never had precognition on SA before...if I allowed it, it would be something fuzzy and not necessarily the future-to-be, for obvious reasons. I can only determine and reveal so much about the plot's twists and turns. Beyond that, it's all up to the characters' decisions as to where the story goes.
Precognition would be sort of bad to have in an RP setting. If you're writing your own story that'd be fine, but RP doesn't always go the way you want it to and if you try to force things on other people because your character "saw it in the future" I don't think people'd be happy. And if that's only a possible future, I don't know why you'd want the ability to see it, because it's likely not going to happen. There are also other, more plausible (in this setting) ways to tell what an opponent's next move would be, like telepathy and that sort of thing.
Point taken. Any form of long time frame precognition would certianly muck up most RP's. On the other hand it might be intresting to see some NPC casting prophsieis or something of that sort, possibly working for StarArmy, and using Precognition to see flashes of likely events.

However it is also possible if their is very short time-frame precogntion, perhaps a second or less. This would eliminate any massive plot changing effect, yet still mean that someone would have a certain edge over non-precogs.
By the way, are the Mish the most powerfull telepaths yet encountered?

If they are, how does their strength compare to that type of Seraph, you know the really psychic type?

As the Neko's telepathy is geneticly programmed into them, isn't it possible to create one (or several) with telepathic powers to rival the Mishu? Even if this is impossible, it should be able to create a creature whose mind actually is some form of psionic void, anti-telepathy, which would severly disorientate or harm any telepath that peared into their minds, or tried to control them.
You know the guys that do starwars did something like that. In the new jedi order series they introduced a creature called the ysilimari, i'm pretty sure i spelled that all to hell. Anyway this creature, which looked like a salamdander, created a bubble around it and in this bubble, the force didn't work. So if you trapped a jedi in this bubble they couldn't do jack crap. It was actually a really cool plot turn for starwars, because they soon developed a planet where these existed in mass quantities and they made a jedi task force go there to stop something. I don't remember much more, but that whole anti thing works. I like it.
By the way, are the Mish the most powerfull telepaths yet encountered?
As a race, yes, they are/ Individually, a certain Mishhu might not be as strong as a high-powered neko (like Naraku).

If they are, how does their strength compare to that type of Seraph, you know the really psychic type?
The top seraph telepathy is between the nekos and the Mishhu in terms of raw power. Nekos tend to have better usage and control, though.

As the Neko's telepathy is geneticly programmed into them, isn't it possible to create one (or several) with telepathic powers to rival the Mishu?
Maybe. Nekos aren't the only ones that are genetic constructs, though.

Even if this is impossible, it should be able to create a creature whose mind actually is some form of psionic void, anti-telepathy, which would severly disorientate or harm any telepath that peared into their minds, or tried to control them.
Maybe. There are small portable device that do this that are commercially available. Look for the Kikyo Corporation under the organizations list.
If someone has skill level 10 in telepathy, what does that mean they can do?

Do you get extra abilities as you go up skill levels in telepathy?

You said that Seraphs have more raw power than Neko's, but Neko's can do more with it and have better control. How is this shown in the skill level system?
There is no skill level system in the Star Army RPG. In fact, there are no numbered stat systems at all.
In that case what is the meaning of this (taken of a character bio):

Species Abilities
10 Active Stealth (17S)
10 Language: Japanese
10 Hemosynthesis: Basic
10 Neko Holography (Holographic clothing)

Intrinsic Abilities
08 Anti-Grav. Field: Basic
10 Martial Arts
10 Telepathy: Advanced
10 Pilot Lamia M2

Let me geuss, there aren't any in the new character generation system? Or their something else going on because 10 Telepathy: Advanced looks like some form of skill system to me.
That bio hasn't been updated yet. ^_^;
So there has been a change. Right. OK. And now there is now way to see if someone is better at something than someone else, or gauge power. I suppose this puts a lot of pressure onto role players to behave responsibly and the GM to handle NPC's well
I believe the numbers system was removed because it wasn't being used, and so was just making things more complicated without adding benefit.

And yes, this puts more pressure on the players and the GMs not to get into pissing-contests. ^_^