Star Army

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RP: Freespacers [PSN Streaming Content] YSE Negotiation


Inactive Member
>>Archive failure. (Commentary threads lost.)
>>Stream archive backup restored.

Archived encounter (timestamp 0710.201114.40 through 0720.201115.43) linked at [node location address here].

Archived encounter (timestamp 724.201117.55 through [STREAM IN PROGRESS]) linked at [node location address here]

>>Restarting system.
>>Restoring stream.
>>Commentary archiving resumed.

The Envoy said:
Stream interruption repaired. Resuming stream, requesting re-upload of local thread backups.
The Envoy (balancing module stream) said:
Up_Spin said:
This is terrific, the Premier herself has shown up to speak with us!
Down_Spin said:
So we can hear the deception from her mouth directly, instead of from a puppet. She said it herself, she has deceived us under the pretense of her own security.
Up_Spin said:
Did she? The Premier may call it a deception, but she did choose her speaker: Herself. And who better to speak for her nation than one who can directly influence it? This is more than we hoped for.
Down_Spin said:
But less than we need. The Empress herself drives the empire--
(continuing stream... ... ...)

>>"Daisy-chain" link extension complete: "Interpreter" module engaged.

The Envoy said:
Recommendation : Treat the Premier Ketsurui Yuumi respectfully, but retain speaking our own language while permitting her to speak her own, and utilize an appearance typical of our kind.

Other options include:

-- Treating her harshly, demanding.
-- Treating her well, pandering to her.

-- Speak her language.
-- Speak our language and refuse to acknowledge her unless she speaks it as well.

-- Utilize a typical human/humanoid appearance.
-- Utilize a fully automata appearance.
-- Utilize a fully Yamataian appearance.
[url=]Doshii Jun[/url] said:
Yuumi looked as thoughtful as possible[...]
"Our AI systems are part of an interplanetary network, one that was designed to serve the needs of our populace. I do not deny that. But those individual AI units take physical shape as Nekovalkyrja such as myself, who we call 'avatars.' These beings are free, unless they serve on military starships, which the majority do.

"Those installed onto starships serve the military as any other soldier does. When the avatar completes their required service, they are allowed to leave the military, the same as any other soldier. Many do not, preferring to stay with their ship or within the military."

She adjusted her seating position to put her hands in her lap, folding them together. "I do not have any issues negotiating with synthetic lifeforms. I am a synthetic lifeform."
The Polysentience audience for the stream erupted, gaining thousands of new posts and reaction shots within moments. Most objected to the perceived "slavery" of the intelligences that Yuumi noted as being "installed" on starships, but a small group defended that point. Other discussions shot off on tangents concerning the concept of "required service", or even why one would wish to remain on a military starship after your slavery was over, both sides bringing in examples from their own fleets and experiences.

A few Freespacers, though, were quieter in their observations, taking their conversation to a side-channel that, while visible to the rest of the attendees, would be apart from the rukus of the main gathering. Their comments regarded the importance that the Yamataian ambassador put on appearance with equal scepticism ("Can we trust someone who feels they must put on a show to be approved?" "Anyone can act properly, but such behavior can easily hide true motives! A false handshake protocol can open vulnerable ports) and optimism ("We may not put stock in propriety because it hinders progress and efficiency, but they may have good reason to." "There is evidence to suggest that displaying certain mannerisms convey respect toward the other party. Yes, this is a good thing!"), while the remainder lurked and watched each side argue their points.
Mindtwister Foreign Contrast Nine Eight said:
Yamataian Premier Ketsurui Yuumi said:
"We have a saying of our own, on Yamatai: 'Trust, but verify.' Trust is a hard thing to come by during a war, and it doesn't help that some of your people, whether they're subject or not to your laws, want us blown to hell. So I can agree to trusting the Freespacers with some of our technology. But we will be watching it. We have a duty to protect our citizens."
I'm afraid Miss Yuumi, or her government, misses a key point. There are now enemies out there that are not of any single nation. From our understanding, they have faced only people attacking under a single flag, with an identifiable species...the Nepleslians, upon a time, the NMX and SMX, the Elysians, and others before them. Perhaps that is what makes this new enemy so difficult for her government to comprehend. It is only because the figurehead of this new enemy came out of our convoys that their government blames us as a whole. If it had been any other race, would they have blamed the entire race for this 'Independent Worlds League', even if that figurehead had claimed to be acting on his or her own?

That leads to another question: Will they be watching everyone the same way as they want to watch us? After all, there are disparate elements in every system; there are rebels in every organization. The very people she claims they have no worry or fear of may be the ones they should watch closest.
Overseer Undone Two Nine said:
She continues talking about these "quotas", applicants for "immegration", and "data inquiries" as if we are asking for them. Do they still see themselves as a utopia? The universe is our utopia, not their small clods of dirt and metal. We want nothing but to be left alone.
SI Cricket Six Zero said:
Left alone and their pledged technology. These can help us rebuild, to expand our systems so we are not as endangered as we are now. We syntelligences are as reliant on you meatbags as you are on us. And resources are always in demand...
Mechadruid Hubble Nine Four said:
"You still would get the APG you desire." Listen to how she phrases herself. She sees us as beggers, asking for scraps of technology.

Are we?

We are wanting in physical material, they are wanting in peace of mind. They, however, have the upper hand. If they don't like us, they can destroy us. It will not give them what they want, but they believe it will and that is all that matters. So, no, we are not addicts. But I believe it may be more in our favor to play it as if we were and do with their offerings as we will whether they wish it or not.
SI Cricket Six Zero said:
Premier Yuumi said:
"A quota system can be negotiated at a later time, if that's more palatable. It would allow us to run checks against those applying for alien residency. Nothing physically intrusive, of course. It would only take us a few months to establish a system for handling immigration that way. Military applicants we would take because, at the very beginning, they would have to swear loyalty to Yamatai and its principles, renouncing the Free State."
I think they only want to keep the lines open in the eventuality that these cases appear. We are the Free State, and all of our member units are free. This includes the freedom to defect, to place one's-self in another's charge again...most of you may deny this, but there are those among us who would find that state of being preferable. I for one am not among that group, but they exist.

Let them arrange their hazards and create their protocols for such eventualities. Let those who would leave the Free State leave. This will be for the better of both sides.

Premier Yuumi said:
"As for recourse over data inquiries, we can provide Kessaku technicians and arbiters at the trade station to help smooth over any prickles from our end. I wouldn't perceive there to be many of those, as our PANTHEON and those watching the inquiries are very smart people. They would not rush to judgment."
Another, similar proposition: For an eventuality, a probability. We can only pray that these arbiters are clear of thought and pure of motive, free from stereotypes and preconceptions, and endeavor to place those of us with similar attributes at the meeting points between our two systems. Only that will optimize and smooth the connections and any communication errors that will, with no doubt, occur.

Premier Yuumi said:
And you still would get the APG you desire. Yamatai will have made the beginnings of repartitions to the Free State, and the Free State will have acquired technology and access to our technical expertise, so as to garner a higher, and safer, stature in the galaxy."
This is the only statement that this unit finds directly offensive. However, I also believe she did not intend it to be. It is a common belief, in this unit's logs, that technological superiority is deemed "progress" within this collection of cultures, and among the Yamataians in particular. They believe that a higher state of technological complexity leads to a higher state of being in the universe. It is not ours to judge their correctness in this attitude, but instead to take this into account when dealing with them.

Because they see our technology as "inferior", whether or not it is, they will continually see us, the units supporting and being supported by such technology, as inferior to themselves. However, we have nothing to prove to them. Our best recourse is to act as we always have: Treat them as equals, neither with condescension because they do not agree with our ways, nor with acquiescence that may lure them into thinking they have a right to control us when they do not.

This situation needs the utmost care. I request that these things be taken into account, both for the present negotiations and in future interactions between our kind and theirs.
Stargazer Interim Eight Six said:
...TL; DR...

F4ls3 re7u|2n, f4l5e r37urn! Ur po1n75 val!d, 74k3n t0 k3|2n3L + h34rt (as applicable). Double-plus-good 4nalys!5, Cricket!
System message incoming...stand by.

This thread has been tagged by the system for priority reading.

(loc.temp 0318.201212.46 sysop.stat GREEN)

System message end.
anonymous81910583 said:
She says she speaks for the citizens, but does she speak for the goverment? Ideals are in overabundance, and actions prove themselves too late. Were these the ideals Yamatai held when they killed thousands based on hearsay and slaughtered more over a perceived slight of jurisdiction?
SI Ruin Nine Nine said:
Your words betray your feelings. The first two lines are appropriate, but these talks are intended to prevent another--
SYSTEM MESSAGE: Signal interrupt...redirecting.

anonymous81910583 said:
These talks will do nothing to prevent anything. The only thing they will do is provide a rope for Yamatai to hang itself with if they decide to "stab at tapestries" again [see database link for more information].
SI Cricket Six Zero said:
While your predictions are valid, they are still probabilities and not forgone conclusions. Also, these talks will secure technology that will enable us to send those who wish to continue their wandering where they will, and in doing so preserve our kind. I hope that those observing the negotiation do not see the words as a guarantee of any claims made but instead as tools to lower tensions, if only for now.


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[...]"stab at tapestries"[...]
A reference to an ancient myth of a paranoid monarch-in-waiting who stabs at a hanging tapestry and kills someone he thought was an enemy but was someone else. As a result, the victim's son seeks revenge, resulting in all parties involved being killed.