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Approved Submission Psychopomp Bulk Submission

Alex Hart

πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
Submission Type: Bulk, company
Template Used: None
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:psychopomp_cybernetics:super_soldier_initiative

Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:psychopomp_cybernetics:super_soldier_initiative

Faction: None
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) N/a
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) Technically yes
Contains New art? (Yes/No) no
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) Not sure

Notes: All of these were thought to have been approved, so I'm just helping out by making a bulk submission for @Ametheliana to take a look at.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
  • 3-day approval timer on gene manipulation unless there's any objections
  • 3-day approval timer on MEME unless there's any objections
  • MEME approved
  • Gene manipulation approved
  • 3 day approval timer on remaining submissions (SHAM, Super soldiers, OGU)
call me over critical but there is a couple things that, to me at least seem like valuable info to include on the SHAM page,
  • what happens when power source is damaged/removed while in use
  • the extent of firearm durability, maybe incorporate DRv3 into it?
  • how many and where the hardpoints are located
  • is there any penalties for overworking the muscles/hardpoints/skeletal structure
I by no means think this article is unreasonable but again, to me at least, some parts of the page almost leave certain values to user discretion which could have impacts on RP from a player's POV like disagreements on what kind of use certain features may constitute or how much the muscle augments help out with speed, strength and such.

Just my little bit of input, I think its a cool concept and I only bring this up for the convenience of others if their character encounters someone with this equipment or if they're looking to rp a char with the equipment themselves ^^
There is actually no firearm durability, as I edited it to be vulnerable to firearms in the interest of balance.

Additionally, the system WILL NOT WORK without power from the bioelectric generator, and only the bioelectric generator.

Muscles will not be enhanced, joints will not be strengthened, ect.
If those things are not already stated in the article, can they be made to be stated?
Reactions: Wes
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