Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 (Psychopomp) Field Op


Inactive Member
Edible and Kyro had had the luck of being assigned a room together. The day had just begun and last night they had been told to meet on the flight deck to be introduced to the rest of Team Jericho and to be assigned there first mission. The meeting was set to be in an hour.

Kyro would get ready for the day and leave the room to go to get some breakfast before the meeting.

Ediblebat remains asleep.

When Kyro makes it to the mess hall he would see Eve sitting down at one of the tables already. She would see him and wave for him to come over.

Kyro would walk over to grab some food then sit down at the table with Eve, "Morning."

Eve would beam back at Kyro. "Good morning. I hope you slept well. Don't want to be tired for our first mission now do we? Anyways where's Ediblebat?"

Kyro would look up with a serious face and say "You didn't hear? He died last night." then starts to eat his breakfast.

Eve would pout. "Don't lie to me! We were all together at breakfast then the two of you went back to your room." Eve would finish up her food and clean up. "Give me your room key I'll get him."

Kyro would finish and start to clean up as well. Laughing he would say "Golly! Can't take some dark humor can we? I'm not giving you the key though. The brat is better off sleeping then awake. Plus I've already tried, I don't think you'll have any luck either."

"I believe that you did try but you don't know how the Daur are. Just let me try if I can't do it you can say you told me so ok."

Kyro would sigh, "No, you don't understand. I wake up at 4:15 every morning for exercise and I don't even hear the kid breath. When I check he's fine. He might have a disease I don't know about." He would place down the door key on the table. "Listen if you want to try, be my guest. However, He's not waking up." Kyro would walk out and start to go to the fitness center.

"The kid is only 12 no way he would wake up at 4 in the morning!" She would yell before storming off to the room.

When Eve got to the room she would quietly open the door and walk over to Edible. She would lean over him and shake him a little. "Edi you got to wake up it's almost time for the meeting."

When Kyro got to the fitness center there would only be one other person there. He appeared to be talking to himself however. "I don't care where they're from or what they are, they're both to inexperienced and impulsive for this mission. The only good newcomers for that team are the Elysian."

Kyro would ignore the conversation knowing it was about him and Eve. He would walk over to the exercise equipment and start to get his 'After breakfast' work out in.

The stranger would spot Kyro as he moved on to the next piece of equipment. "Oh well speak of the devil and he shall arrive. Hey there Kyro I'm Ace. I'll be working with you on your first mission."

Kyro, not looking at Ace and focusing on his exercise would state. "I know having imaginary friends keep you from insanity, but it also can lead to insanity."

"That makes no fucking sense man. Anyways I wasn't talking to an imaginary friend. Aries can you show yourself?"

Aries would respond. "He's going to freak out you know."

"Just do it."

"Ok." Aries would then project herself into the room standing right next to Ace.

"Oh, well I would shake your hand but, I have a feeling you would respond the same as ghost from where I come from." He would then laugh and then hop on the equipment and go to the bench press.

Ace would scoff at Kyro. "I wouldn't take much longer in here the meeting is in 15 minutes."

Kyro would find one of the larger numbers on the weights and start lifting 125 lbs crossbar still not sweating. "this place is too easy I'm taking a shower." He would place down the weights and then walk to the showers. "They should make this place more of a challenge. I don't sweat here anymore."

Ace would chuckle as he put away the 400 lbs dumbbells he was using. "Too easy he says. Liked to see him flip a car." He would then head off to his room for a shower.

After a 5 minute shower Kyro would place his clothes on and start sprinting to the Flight deck.

Back in the Room

Ediblebat wakes up then tries to find something to eat.

Eve would follow him out. "Hey Edi how you feeling? You sleep well?"

Ediblebat would see that the mess hall was starting to close for breakfast. He would have to hurry if he wanted to get anything to eat.

Ediblebat doesn't hear what Eve says and runs to the mess hall.

Upon reaching the mess hall he would be thrown a bag of food. "We're trying to clean up now git!!"

Ediblebat gets the food than sit right where he was standing, and starts to eat.

An announcement would come over the PA. "Will the rest of Team Jericho report to the flight deck immediately."

Ediblebat is confused.

Eve would tap Edible's shoulder. "Maybe we should hurry I'll see you upstairs."

Ediblebat turns around.

"See you there." Eve would then leave.

Ediblebat follows Eve.

Flight Deck

When the two make it on to the flight deck they would see a man tapping his foot looking quite pissed. "You're late. By a lot. This will be the first and last time got it."

Kyro standing further away from the man would say to Eve "Told you not to waste your time with him. This guy wasn't happy when I got here either."

"When 1 of you are late all of you are. The last group died on me and now they send me you idiots! God fuck it all!"

"So, hemorrhoids aside, Who are you? And I wouldn't labeled people inexperienced as idiots. Even I know that difference."

"I don't know who you think you are but dumb and inexperienced get you killed out there."

"You don't think I know that? I've seen more young men and woman die from that countless times. I know what you're talking about. However, I'm here to listen to you and not get on your bad side, so lets just end this annoying conversation and get right to the facts on our mission."

"Oh, OK I'm nether dumb or inexperienced so I should never die yay!"

The man would stand up slowly. "Fine you want to know what's going on? You're here to meet the rest of your team which as of the moment is only me and my AI Borris, everyone else died from the old group. Now Team Jericho'sjob is to scout out locations blow them up. That is what we will be doing today, however since it is your first mission you get a handicap. We will be working with a good number of top operatives for this. One is a team who are already on the ship. They unlike you are already prepared. The other operatives ate already in the field."

He would start making his way to one of the ships on the deck. "My name is Michael York by the way and I'll fill you in while we are in transit."

Kyro would walk towards the ship and when he got on he would wave Eve over. "Quit fooling around we have a job to do!"

Eve would walk on to the ship and slap Kyro. "I was right behind you."

Kyro would laugh "I don't feel pain, nice try though."

"You're lucky you don't otherwiseI might push you out mid-flight."

"Funny, but I want to get paid. So wish to join me Angel woman?"

"I'm on the ship aren't I?"

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for take off. You know, conversations build multiple relationship, even some you may or may not expect."

"Play your cards right and maybe you'll be seeing more of me." Eve would then walk farther into the ship signaling the end of the conversation.

Ediblebat follows the two into the ship.

Michael would then speak up. "Everyone on board? Good."

The ship would then take off and Michael would begin to brief his squad.

"While we are working with professionals this time don't get used to it. OK so our mission here is to infiltrate and destroy an enemy facility. When we touch down we will immediately begin. Any questions should be left to the to the field operative."

Michael would then fall silent for the rest of the flight. When they arrived at their destination Team Osiris would come out from farther in and jump out onto a rooftop. Michael would follow after.

The operative would be by the door into the building. Ace would call out to Nomine. "Hey Nomine how you been!?"

Nomine raised a hand in greeting as the familiar Ace called out out to her, "Ace! Hey!" She'd reply with a smile on her face, walking over to meet him half-way. Whilst they were enjoying a nice, "cozy" flight from home base to here, Nomine had been hard at work gathering what limited and actionable intelligence she could from the surrounding area.

With a playful and friendly push towards his shoulder she leaned over to take at the additionals
coming along for the ride. Team Jericho, if she remembered correctly. Their names being - well, that was probably better off asked in person. Manners and all.

"You dog, you," Nomine smirked. "Anyone else coming along or is this all we're expecting for the rest of the operation?"

Michael would be the first of Team Jericho to get off the craft and head over to Nomine. "Greetings I am Michael York leader of team Jericho. What are we looking at?"

Kyro would just stand next to Eve and Edible off the ship not talking standing tall at attention.

Eve would shoulder the other two out of the way. "I understand that after we get all of our gear on one of you will be informing us on our mission details?"

Ace and his team would head inside to start prepping their gear for the mission.The group already knew what they would be up against due to Kira reviewing the info before hand.

Kyro would look to Michael and say "So, when do we load up, Sir?"

"As soon as you want gear is right over there." Michael would point to a large duffel bag by the door.

Ediblebat would grab some gear, then backs off.

Kyro would go over to the dufflebag and open it up and see whats inside. He would grab the Rifle, Pistol, and a Long-sword along with some ammo. "Alright, I'm good. Whats that on your chest?" Kyro looks at the body armor on Michael.

"its armor there are some pairs in the bag for you guys."

Eve would grab her own equipment before returning to the others.

Michael would begin to explain their mission. "So for this mission it's pretty simple Ms.Nomine here is going to show us the way into the facility from there we have to reach the reactor at the center, set explosives then make it to the roof where we will be extracted. Team Osiris will be there to bail us out if we get into shit so deep we don't know which way is up. Got it?" Not waiting for a response he would head inside and start on his way to the garage.

Nomine had long since equipped herself in the gear that the teams now wore themselves, her small frame looking so very awkward bogged down with military-grade gear. Her vest and armor had little markings to it, carrying a neutral color pattern that associated itself with no known nationality or army. An assault rifle hung from her neck by it's sling, a casual but practiced hand resting on the pistol grip, finger under the trigger as Nomine looked over the crew she would be taking through the facility in a few minutes time.

"Right, as Mister York said, this mission's as simple and easy as it can get. The facility's an old weapons manufacturing plant that belongs to someone we no longer have an appreciation for. They screwed us over so now we're screwing them over,"

Nomine would pull out a crudely drawn but accurate rendition of the facility plus the route they would be infiltrating through. A series of red circles and arrows marked patrol paths and stationary sentries plus several black dots marking automated security and surveillance cameras.

"The main entrance is guarded by mostly third-tier to second-rate mercenaries armed with your standard ballistic vests and rifles. Two at all times are posted nearby to alert the main garrison, which consists of about two dozen or so men, women and others spread out amongst the plant. If any of you screws up, we'll have to rely on Team Osiris to back us up and that causes problems which leads back to us. So try not to shoot unless you're sure you have a shot and the other guys aren't looking his way. Automated security cameras monitor the perimeter with heat, pressure, and motion sensors; which will most definitely trigger a silent alarm if not a full-blown alert, so try to keep things nice and slow until we get inside."

Nomine would then place a finger on the eastern side of the facility, dragging it from right to left, "We'll be approaching the most weakly defended part of the plant, a single watchman aided by two security cameras pointed down our approach. Now they don't know we're coming so we won't be facing much resistance once we penetrate the walls and get inside. From there, I'll lead you to the generator and you guys can do your thing. The explosives that came with your kit should be sufficient enough to set off a chain reaction that should, hopefully, destroy it and the surrounding area with enough ordinance that the owner will know that we shouldn't be fucked with. Ever."

With that, she looked around at the team and hoped that the newbies would understand the pressure that's on them right now, "And that's all. Get five minutes to yourselves, get set and ready. We'll move once the sun hits the horizon." Nomine would say, smiling as she rolled up the map and pocketed it. She hoped they were ready for this, she really did.

Kyro would Smirk as he grabs his armor and puts it on, "Well, then this will be an easy mission. Wouldn't you agree Eve?"

Eve would simply nod her head when Nomine finished talking then went inside after Michael.

Inside Team Osiris would finish suiting up in their respective power armors and grabbing their usual weapons. Ace would get on the comms and address the entire group. "Once the mission starts everyone is to go radio silent. Also airbikes are in the garage for everyone for transport to the staging area just outside the facility. Good luck out there all of you."

Kyro looks to Eve and says "Soldiers first." With his hand on the hilt of his sword he starts walking toward Michael."Shall we get going? Sir."

Nomine sat up off the empty munitions crate she'd pushed over for a make-shift chair, bending down to pick up her rifle as she did. Her previously smiling face had turned into a somber, tight-lipped one as she looked over Team Jericho once more and nodded. The rare times she got to come out to the field and the most she did today was a simple four-point reconnaissance sweep of the facility. It wasn't even for anything important; this mission was pure sabotage and destruction of all assets. There wasn't going to be an under the table deal after this, if there was, it was highly likely to be a hostile take-over of any remaining belongings and estates on Psychopomp LLC's part.

Rolling her shoulders, Nomine whistled to grab Team Jericho's attention, her hand sheathed in the power armor she wore rising up to form a fist and a thumb; directing their eyes towards the right-side of their current camp. "Jericho, bikes are that way, come on. We need to get a head start before Osiris and Mister Jack decides to say 'screw the plan' and goes in himself."

She'd call out before heading towards the garage where the airbikes were held.

Kyro would walk away from Michael and start a jogging pace following Nomine to the garage. "I don't know how to ride these, 'Airbikes' you have." he would state following her. "Only once have I seen a bike, only once have I seen a metal ship fly. Never in my life have I seen a Metal bike fly."

Nomine looked confused at his words, turning her head to regard him with a quiet gaze, her eyes having a light glow in the waning of the sun's cycle as it slowly drifted into the distant horizon, "That's ... where are you from?" She'd ask, stopping in front of one of the folded up airbikes as they lay motionless, waiting for someone to come along and activate and use them.

She placed a hand on the folded up frame and sighed, running a hand over it, "This is your standard Nepleslian airbike, a variation of the many ZA K-133's you'll undoubtedly have a lot of time to get acquainted with on our way to the facility," Nomine points towards the front.

"This little beast that looks like it can rip your hand off is responsible for powering the frame as it's activated, actively sucking in the air in front and around it for the ra-" She see's his hand and nods, stopping.

Kyro would place his hand up signalling a pause, "Nepleslian? Never heard of it. To answer your first question, I was born in Zacron, a few days from the largest fort in the Osmanian hold. Anyway if I'm going to figure this out I need to do it myself. It waste less time."

She blinked, having never met anyone before that - "Zacron? Osmanian hold? Right, I won't ask any questions .. I read up on your dossiers already. What was available anyway. I didn't realize no one had the courtesy yet to teach you where we get most of our business from."

Nomine took a step back from the bike and held her hand out towards it, "Feel free to try it out but I recommend you take it slow until you get used to how it handles. And try not to touch the throttle when you get on; this model's notoriously sensitive and isn't friendly to new riders."

Kyro hops on the airbike while she was still talking and pints at the throttle, "This?" he then grips it, but doesn't turn it. "Give me a secon-" he pulls the throttle then hops on as soon as he felt the bike fly forward but doesn't crash into the wall. Kyro also lands on his feet and says "That was interesting."

"... Right," Nomine didn't seem entertained by the idea that her life was in the hands of a native from another planet she knew nothing of but at the very least she was secure in the knowledge he wasn't a complete idiot when it came to unfamiliar technology. Or maybe he was just lucky.

"Just know this thing clocks in over 330 kph with flat terrain and zero obstructions, it'll turn at a touch and one wrong move you'll fly into the air and crash into a tree. So .. respect the bike, okay? I'd rather you not die before we even get to the plant."

She'd smile afterwards, getting onto the bike he'd just vacated. Laying her rifle down in one of the compartments, she got comfortable and turned it around to face the garage's exit, "For now just hop on a bike and get used to it first."

Kyro would hop on another bike look at it for a second and then say "I don't know what 'kph' means but I'm just gonna do this and see what happens." He then safely drives out the garage and waits for her to leave.

Eve and Michael followed after the two. In the garage were enough bikes for everyone except that there were two that were missing.

Michael would speak. "You don't need to know how to drive these your riding in the back. Hop on."

Michael would clamber onto one of the bikes and Eve got on another.

"I'm already on one Michael. Hope i don't crash on the way there." Kyro would then chuckle at his dark humor.

"He means get onto the passenger seat behind him." Nomine would point her chin over, gesturing to the obvious space another person could and can occupy.

"Do I look like a Manzy?"

"It's going to be a long ride if you don't get on the back."

Kyro would get off and hop behind Eve's seat, "Because I'm not one of those Fuckin Manzy's."

All six members of Osiris would come out of the garage on their airbikes using there PAs' thrusters to go faster zipping by at speeds close to Mach 1. Weaving around obstacles and drifting around the turn with precision disappearingfrom sight.

"Damn they're fast!" Kyro would look outward to them and state.

Ediblebat would come running down the stairs. "Sorry I'm late. I got... Distracted. Yeah distracted." He would then hop on behind Michael.

"Punch it we're already behind schedule." Michael would then proceed to hit the accelerator so hard and audible slam could be heard. His bike would zoom down the road barely making the turn.

Nomine's bike whined as it neared top speed, the wind buffeting the front of her vehicle whipping her hair around as she stayed in relative formation with the others. The HUD displayed in front of her blinked away to make way for the mini-map, it's contours and lines smoothing out to show roads and infrastructure. At their current speed and heading they would make it to the facility in record time, despite the set-backs in time. As the six weaved through the dilapidated and broken streets of what must have once been a vibrant, if low-priority, metropolitan area. Vehicle husks lay discarded on the sidewalks, as if some terrible disaster swept through the area, leaving the bones of a city behind.

A perfect place for a weapons plant. She thought as another turn came, the bike shuddering a bit as the turn proved a little more tricky then it first appeared, though Nomine was quick to adjust by applying some finite amount of weight and torque to the vehicle. Thing was a piece of junk waiting to break apart. Eventually the outline of two smoke stacks and a series of upper rail-lines connecting construction equipment and cargo containers appeared off in the distance, a wall of steel and barbed wire separating it from the outside. They had hit and finally arrived at the outer-most perimeter of the plant.

Nomine slowed the bike down and brought it to a halt, it's engine seeming to wheeze as the throttle was let up; it's air turbines powering down as she got off and grabbed her rifle along the way.

"We're here. Eastern entrance should be towards our north-west, down this road here," A gloved hand pointed down towards what appeared to be a street filled to the brim with old newspapers, refuse, and the odd shirt or shoe. "After that we'll, hopefully, approach the place from it's blind spot, avoid the cameras and take down the single guard there without anyone knowing or raising the alarm."

She nodded, "This will be fast and simple once we're inside."

Kyro would get off of Eve's airbike and ask "Can I have a map of where the cameras are or do we have to find out ourselves?"

Nomine pulled out the crappy little hand-drawn map from her pocket and tossed it over to him, "There you go, if you really wanna be specific. They don't have many pointing out towards the streets, for obvious reasons, mostly centered around the entrances and checkpoints inside the plant itself."

She pointed at the wall they stopped in front of, "Asides from the barbed wire here and the high walls there won't be any surveillance until we hit the eastern entrance."

Michael would get off his own bike and look at the compound. "Do the cameras have a swivel or are they stationary? How much do they cover?"

Kyro would hand Michael the map "They appear to have limited vision. That's all I can figure out Sir."

"There's one stationary camera and another mounted up high that maintains a three-hundred and sixty degree swivel. It takes a grand total of four seconds for it to make a full turn to it's left, and another six for it to go back to it's original position. It's not a lot of room to maneuver but I'm sure you guys can handle it."

Kyro would nod "So, we have to time it so we can get to the door? And there is only one guard correct?"

"I can handle the guard. Seems he's taking a patrol across the wall I'll nab him at the corner then you guys need to book it."

Kyro would nod again "A good neck snap should do. Alright Ill wait for Edible and Eve to get over here, then we'll go when you nab the Derk."

The guard slowly approached their side of the wall, the assault rifle in held in his hand relaxed, the man lulled into a false sense of security due to the city's ghost town status. He'd never have expected to wake up to what he was about to walk into as he rounded the corner - and was subsequently met with the business end of Michael's gun, then the butt-stock as it was smashed across his face, the momentum of it slamming the right side of his head against the wall as he fell.

Nomine nodded, walking over to pull the badly beaten security guard around the wall, propping him up and dusting him off so that it seemed he just decided to get lazy and take a five minute nap, she looked back at the others, "Right, let's go. Camera's coming our way in four."

She would promptly warn before starting a jog towards the entrance their new "friend" came from.

Kyro would run, at Olympic speed, right for the door and stop next to Nomine and wait for the others. "That was easy."

Nomine looked up at the first camera, it's angle dangerously low, causing her to hug the wall as the second one with the bird's eye view above made it's rounds; it's mechanical whirring audible over the dead city's silence.

"Easy, sure. I have no idea what we're going to have to deal with inside, though so, like I said before; try not to bring any attention over unless you're sure you can deal with it."

She sighed and tried the door, leaning over to test the door knob, which was such a strange thing to have nowadays with automated doors and security barriers being so prevalent. These guys really didn't think anyone would come after them, huh? Nomine wondered to herself, then found that the knob offered little resistance other then, of course, a bit of rusted springs and terrifyingly high-pitched squeaks.

"Jeez .." She complained, easing off on the knob a bit before pushing the door open, which at the very least compared to the knob was easily done. Peeking in, she checked both corners of the make-shift security/lounge room, a few archaic CCTV systems mounted on the far wall in front with a couple of chairs and tables scattered around; there was even a leather couch just laying in the middle taking up half the space.

"Right, we're clear, let's get inside, shall we?" Nomine would step in, rifle raised as she entered and went straight towards the left-most exit door. The interior was kind of crap, apparent when her shoulder only just lightly tapped the wallpaper, it fell apart; crumbling like some decayed and mummified remains. There was even a small indented hole busted into it.

"Place is a dump, I .. couldn't tell from the outside. Right, let's stack up and get ready to move." She would look over towards the rest of her comrades, seeing what they would do.

Kyro would follow her "Any surveillance in here?" he would look at her with his sword in his right hand and the pistol is the other.

"Doesn't seem like it, we must have lucked out and hit their security room first," She idly pointed at the CCTV monitors lined up against the wall, an old keyboard with another more trashy looking computer attached to it.

"Ready to go?"

"Where I come from, this building and its security is shit." He would then walk to the computers and inspect them. "Metal scraps, glass, copper, nothing too valuable but I'll take the copper." He would grab the copper from the computer then walk to the other side of the room. "Hey! There's a door over here!" He would point at the door 10 feet in front of him.

"Shhhh," Nomine would put a finger on her lips, shaking her head in disbelief. "Yeah that's great, a door .. but unless you plan on walking into their bedroom I'd recommend just sticking with me. Straightest path is through here."

At that moment the door Kyro so loudly pointed out started to open, a man's voice, groggy from what must have been a pretty okay nap said, "Hey, Thomas, shift change man ... wait, what the fuck?" He stared at Kyro ..

Before the man could run Kyro would rush and stab him through the chest with his broadsword then say "Should have stayed asleep... Now I'm going to slaughter all your friends..." he would then pull out the sword and decapitate him. Kyro would smile then walk into the room carefully.

The interior of the room he entered was just that, a dainty old 'bedroom' with a crappy spring bed laid down in the middle, empty canisters of freeze-dried snacks and ration packs littering the floor around it. A porn magazine laid in the corner, strangely pristine and immaculate considering the state of the place. A blanket lay discarded next to the bed, previously used by the one that now laid dead with his head rolling around on the floor.

Nomine saw this happen and immediately regretted taking on the role of leading a bunch of newbies into the fray, dossiers or not, there wasn't anything that could prepare her for the certain instabilities or personality disorders an individual might have. She quickly pulled open the door she was standing next to and peeked out to see if anyone heard the commotion and, seeing that the coast was clear, looked back at Kyro.

"Are you done? I mean, I know I said take the shot only if you can guarantee a kill, but did you really have to do all of that?"

Kyro would walk out of the room and walk back to where they needed to go. He would also wipe the blood against the shirt of the body that he just killed. "I did a little research, I do not approve." He would continue to walk.

With a sigh she opened up the door she'd previously closed and walked out, Eve and Michael following after with Edible waddling along behind like some crazed, heavily armed baby duckling. The team would find themselves in a long corridor, it's fluorescent lights flickering on and off as whatever electrical circuitry keeping them alive slowly died. Down the long hallway were some double doors, it's windows half-cracked as if someone kicked them open one too many times.

Nomine led the way, as her job was to guide them to their objective with minimal issue, going down the long hall she kept her eyes trained on the end of it in case someone decided to come through unannounced.

Kyro would continue to walk quietly but appear to walk normaly *humming an unfamiliar tune to everyone else quietly*

As they reached the end of the hallway, Nomine and Michael approached the double doors and, with a quick glance at the other, nodded and pushed them open; their weapons raised to react to any unseen threat on the other end as they watched the opposite ends of the new room. It appeared to be an old refinery of some sort, a gas-burner by the look and smell of things, long since decommissioned in favor of the jury-rigged connection the facility now had to the high-tech generator in the center. It's thrumming could be felt through even their armor as it sent out a constant stream of energy into the cables connected to it.

Off in the distance a series of black-market 3D printers were hard at work converting raw materials into digital blueprints that would, eventually, become a cheap source of reliable military grade firearms. There were around half a dozen guards currently milling about, either watching over the workers tending to the machines or conversing with each other. Their presence had gone unnoticed for the moment. At Michael's direction and orders, Eve took up cover behind some fallen over gas canisters and got ready to cover Edible as his kiddish frame ran over towards one of the major power lines connecting the generator to the rest of the equipment. As Michael turned, he quietly mouthed for Kyro to get on the other end in case one of the guards came over to do a pass on their location. Nomine spun around and looked down the corridor they'd just come through, weapon raised.

Kyro would walk to the other side of the door holstering his pistol then Nods at Michael. Whispering "When do we start Killing Derks?"

Michael seemed too focused on keeping an eye on the guards that he didn't answer.

As the little fox got to work planting the explosives, his trained hands and deft fingers arming them as fast as they were attached, his enhanced nature coupled with the training received enabled him some minor acrobatic feats as he scaled the generator and planted the final explosive dead center; hopping off afterwards. He ran back towards the group and pulled out the detonator.

"Big boom." He said simply, before running back into the corridor, past Nomine.

Eve followed suit, at Michael's beckoning and tapped Kyro on the shoulder, as the both of them ran past Nomine as well; giving her ample reason to believe the explosives had well and truly been planted. And without any shots fired.

Kyro would turn and say "Time to get the hell out of doge." and start jogging at a very fast pace quietly.

Nomine quickly followed suit, running after the others, her pace getting faster as she saw Edible's finger press down on the big red button; tossing the detonator away afterwards. For a second or two it seemed nothing would happen - then the first explosion came in the form of a loud, eardrum shattering roar, followed by another, and another. A part of the ceiling broke off and nearly smacked Kyro in the face, though luckily it was held onto by a few stray cables and wiring and just missed him by a few centimeters. The team would hit the security room when the final explosion rocked the facility itself, causing tremors in the ground as the generator began glowing and whizzing with a loud hum.

Their bikes just on the other side of the wall, Michael and Eve would get on their respective vehicles, Edible hopping onto the back of Michael's. With literal seconds to spare before the entire city block would be engulfed by an explosive chain reaction, Nomine hopped onto her own and started it up, looking back to make sure no one was left behind. The guy they left slumped over started to wake up, though ...

Kyro would hop on right after Eve and just say "I'm pretty sure none of us want to die so..."

The bikes unfolded, starting up, their throttles being pushed to the limits as the team made their getaway from the blast zone. The distance between the wall of the facility and them grew for a few seconds until a large mushroom of black orange smoke sent a shock wave out, rocking the bikes as they rode away. Then the generator finally gave in and detonated, the subsequent explosion eclipsing the walls; literally incinerating the guy as he got up from being thrown over. No time to even scream. The commotion made the working people that still lived around the block in what businesses survived came out to see what was going on. Nomine rounded a corner, following the rest of team Jericho as the wave finally hit their portion of the street. They died without a single scream, simply incinerated away as collateral damage.

"Well, that's one way to leave a lasting impression .." Nomine remarked to herself.

Kyro would respond with "I wonder if that man I stabbed got out ok."

With the facility long behind them, the small convoy of PP LLC 'employees' made their way towards their rendezvous point with Team Osiris, picking them up along the way as they headed to the extraction zone previously mentioned. All in all their impromptu mission took about fifteen minutes to execute, barring a few small mishaps here and there, Nomine found that she could be satisfied with the end results rather then the actions leading up to it. This would hopefully be the last time she would have to go around chaperoning the new team around, though.

The tall, three story building a few city blocks down from the now ruined plant was in sight, their escape plan hopefully still waiting for them once they got there.

Kyro would hop off the bike and start to run into the building going up the stairs to the roof.

The rest of the group would be close behind Kyro. When they made it to the roof Team Osiris would be boosting onto the roof from the street. The heli would land soon after to bring them to the spaceship.