Star Army

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RP: 188604 [Psychopomp] Operation "Cardboard Crackers"


Inactive Member
YE 38
Dawn Station
'Lap of Luxury'
Private Room

Nomine, once again, found herself returning to the station that began it all, though this time it wasn't for buying or selling. It was for advertisement; an investment into the present and future. It hadn't taken her long to find out what exactly was needed, a face that could speak to the people, a background that would entice one's curious appetite, and a unique trait that could bring it all together into the best form. Revenue. She had looked through dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of possibilities. She combed through them all with a fine eye until, out of nowhere, one finally popped up, catching the young woman's attention. A look-alike that was so uncanny and out of this world that, if it hadn't been for the fact her occupation was leagues apart from the original's, Nomine would have fallen for it.

This person was a pornstar and movie actress both.

The woman that went by the name Ketsurui Hanako was famous, beyond famous; she was a legend in the Kikyo Sector, having made a name for herself over the entire length and breadth of her career in the Star Army. There were movies, documentaries, books, and perhaps even a few biographies thrown in of the woman. She had no need to stoop to having a career in the entertainment industry. In other words, Hanako herself was off limits, hence the popularity of this other one. A taboo of fetishes, of dark enthusiasts everywhere; fantasies were often made of legends as the Thirty Fourth Rule remained ever true. Thumbing through the forms of contact, Nomine bore through the agent that represented her talent, discussed a price, and found herself talking to the copy-cat herself. They both agreed to meet on Dawn Station to discuss further terms.

The venue had been decided by Nomine, though she knew nothing about it, having only glanced at it's description and what it offered the exclusive clientele that walked through it's doors. The 'Lap of Luxury' offered what 'The Grotto' could not. Privacy. It had the authenticity of Yamataian rocks and climate-controlled waters, but the pools were small and tucked into individual rooms meant to further enhance the atmosphere of privacy. Ameneties were included, at one's request, fine dining and wine; perhaps even a court of jesters if one wished it. The Lap of Luxury was famous for being subtle, yet gracious, in it's offerings so long as one could meet it's exorbitant price range.

Nomine had taken the steps required to ensure they wouldn't be bothered for a long time, stressing the point to the staff members as they acquiesced to her stringent demands. She did not want the world to know that Aikawa Ayumu was here to meet her. It was business but class demanded she wear something casual, if only to avoid suspicion. A black leather cardigan jacket over a red dress with a black belt with a gold buckle clasped around her waist, black stockings and a pair of black ballerina-esque shoes with straps finishing off the ensemble. If anyone saw them together it would only appear to be a nobody being reeled in to get her heart broken by a famous personality; food for the paparazzi. Nomine sat down on one of the retractable seats, it's cushioned leather an expensive comfort she was willing to sacrifice to ensure things would settle well. She crossed her legs.

The door suddenly burst open as a ball of fun seemed to just slam into the room.

"Hajimemashite!~~<3", a small, perky young woman suddenly barged into the room. Despite being just about five feet tall, she was dressed to 'impress'. The knitted white sweater and flesh colored shirt underneath simply drew any male's gaze, while the short skirt and thigh high stockings teased with their slim boundary of soft and creamy Absolute Territory. Even without makeup and dyed hair, it was clear why Aikawa Ayumu was considered The Hanako Actress. Pidgeon holed or not, it suited her well. "Nice to meet you - Bob said you had a good offer-desu?" she happily asked, plopping herself down. With the sheer amount of curiosity that radiated off of her, a strand of brown hair stuck up like an antennae.

If, and only if, Nomine hadn't been trained and raised under the regimen she owed her childhood to, she would have been utterly overwhelmed by the sheer exuberence being displayed all at once. She had yet to do anything to impress but the fact that merely entering the room would have silenced all had it not been just Nomine herself was enough for the Psychopomp representative. Her composure maintained, she smiled and nodded. "Nice to finally meet you in person, Miss Aikawa. Your resemblance to Ketsurui Hanako is ... impressive." She began. "And, yes, I do have an offer for you if you're willing to take it."

She leaned forward to examine Ayumu's features, either unashamed or uncaring of casually glancing over the actresses physical body. Up close, she could see them now, just slight differences that no one from a distance could make out. An almost perfect picture. Aikawa Ayumu was perfect for her purposes. Now - to sell it.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" Ayumu energetically replied. "It's really nothing on my part, really," she dismissively waved, an embarassed blush on her face. However, the actress was quick to notice Nomine examining her from head to toe. "Ah, if you want to take a look, just say so-des!" the young woman replied. Reaching down, she immediately grabbed the edge of her shirt and sweater and began to pull it up for Nomine's peering eyes.

"Yes, by all means," Nomine replied, smiling as she sat up from her seat as well and pulled off her jacket, folding it neatly as she let bare her shoulders. "I will need to see if you are as popular and erotically enticing as the advertisements, magazines, reviews, and documentaries claim."

"Of course," the Not-Hanako replied, pulling her shirt and sweater over her head. Though they were in the little meeting room right before the small changing area, it didn't hurt that she already started, given the privacy that was paid for. However, Ayumu's air-headedness seemed to stop there as she begun to expose more and more of her soft, silky skin. "But besides the money we're getting in exchange, is your company reputa - reput - " Her cheeks took on a pink glow as she slid her skirt off before stepping off towards the changing room. "Does it look good-desu?" Ayumu asked.

The company of course; asking about her own body would have been rhetorical. Just as she had offered, the sight was exactly what hundreds upon thousands upon millions of men had dreamed about. Save for a face that was only slightly different from Hanako's own, and brunette hair, Ayumu might as well have been Hanako's sister. More importantly, she was a dead ringer with makeup. Even the underwear she wore looked like something the legendary Shosho would wear - no detail was missed.

Silver eyes appraised Ayumu's body, not as one would out of sexual interest, but to ensure that if she was going to be using it's appeal to the world as a tool; it had better be a functional one. She smiled, politely, and followed the girl into the changing room, hands deftly moving back to undo the ribbon that held her dress together and pulled it apart; letting it fall neatly around her feet. "If by good, you mean impeccable, then yes - we've only just started up after all." The Psychopomp representative answered, bending down to undo the straps to her shined ballerina-esque shoes, pulling them off. "A better question would have been to ask me how our company would use you to meet their status quo." Nomine replied, sitting down on one of the benches as she worked her stockings off, dainty fingers sliding through light-skinned legs as she unabashedly lifted them up one at a time to pull off the tight cloth.

"Why do you ask about the company's reputation? Are you afraid of losing popularity with the public?" She would ask, head turning to give Ayumu a side-long stare.

"Oh, definitely!" Ayumu began, removing her underwear as well. Politely folding all her clothing, even her panties, she put it all away into her basket before wrapping herself in a towel. "I try and make my fans happy," the not-Hanako innocently smiled. They both knew exactly what she meant though, and she was very good at it. "How a star looks is a big deal, and who our buddies are is part of that," Ayumu explained. The words she used were grader level, but the concept she was speaking about wasn't. "How we look is everything-des!~" the not-Hanako practically beamed.

The two had to wash first before stepping into the onsen, but, that wasn't a hassle at all. Leaving the changing room, the two entered the outdoors, the traditional Yamataian Onsen recreated in exacting detail.

There was little need for modesty as she followed suit, stripping out of her delicate nothings, leaving the neatly folded pile of clothes into a basket adjacent to Ayumu's own. "Of course, I suppose with great fame comes an even greater responsibility to appease the masses," Nomine replied. "Though I don't think you'll have anything to worry about our company. We cater to their desires just as you do - though our methods are different from yours." She would retort, an almost genuine smile being sent back towards the beaming Hanako clone.

After their rinse, she, in all her glorious nudity, stepped towards the edge of the steaming onsen and dipped her foot in; then stepped in and quietly submerged herself. She looked towards Ayumu and gestured for her to follow suit, specifically for her to come and lay by the onsen's edge with her. "How long have you been in the business, Miss Aikawa?" Nomine would ask, making conversation.

Aikawa nearly splashed right into the onsen, rules or not be damned.

"Ahhhhh~~~~~" the not-Hanako sighed. "That hits the spot," she sighed again, leaning back up against the rocks. It took her a moment to realize that Nomine had said something. Ahoge perking back up with her, she apologized, "Gomen, gomen! I sorta forgot for a second we're doing business stuffs and stuff-des." Ayumu thought about it for a moment. "I don't know. Several years now? It's not like I'm going to get old anytime soon," the not-Hanako admitted. "What does your company even do anyways?" she asked, curious.

Though she couldn't feel a thing, Nomine leaned her head back and closed her eyes, taking in a moment to rest as she let the water catch her body and lift it slightly. It was business but at the same time it wasn't, for all the staff knew they were secretly lovers meeting once every blue moon to consumnate their relationship with the other. "Hmm, of course. Nekovalkyrja. You're not the first one I've met," She would exhale, hands coming to rest on her bare belly. "Ah, a good question. Psychopomp LLC provides the civilian and private sector with quality, affordable genetic and cybernetic enhancements. For the war-torn and martially in need, we provide teams of mercenaries capable of winning the war all by themselves."

"Uh. I'm Yamataian-des," Ayumu sheepishly corrected her. "I'm, uh, guessing you're Nepleslian-desu?" she asked. The history between those two nations had been anything less than friendly over the years despite the governments claiming otherwise. It had always been a cold war, with animosity on both sides. It wasn't surprising when a Nepleslian was misinformed about one aspect or another of Yamataian society, and vice versa. Nomine's head turned to face Ayumu, a strand of hair falling to the side as those silvery orbs regarded the Yamataian, nodding.

"My apologies, I had assumed the copy was near-perfect. With Soul Transfer technology I am surprised you did not simply move over." It was sincere, that much was certain, if only because she'd rather not insult a celebrity capable of pulling in talent, revenue, and good public attention. "And no, I'm not Nepleslian," She smiled. "Watashi no kuni wa Yamatai-desu, demo .. mmm." Nomine shook her head and she seemed to think better of herself. This was business after all and not a personal outing.

"Anyways. I'm sorry if I offended you. I simply believed you were a Neko cosmetically designed to resemble Minkan." She would say, the next words that came reminding them of why they were here. "But, enough of our race - I have assured you of my company's reputation. Would you be willing and interested to be our advertising spokeswoman?" Nomine would ask, crossing her legs underwater. A habit.

After a blank, confused stare as most of what was said flew over her head, the actress spoke.

"Uh, what are we talking about again-des?" Ayumu asked, all too confused now. Thinking about it for a moment, she added, "I could advertise for you, but, what is it that you even sell? Or do?" the not-Hanako asked. It seemed she was completely clueless as to what Psychopomp did given her tone of voice.

She didn't seem too concerned over the lack of understanding, despite having explained the general outline of their products and what Psychopomp offered. If anything, Nomine's patience for the actresses clueless nature was near unlimited as she explained, again, with a smile on her face.

"Psychopomp LLC, that is to say, the company I work for and the company you will hopefully help achieve a modicum of success most large chains already have a monopoly on, sells services that you should be familiar with." She would emphasize this by cupping and grasping her own chest, hidden behind a fog of steam. "Enlargement of the breasts, the pe- .." Nomine paused, nearly frowning as she found herself, for some strange reason, struggling to say the word in front of this ditzy actress. ".. The man's sexual organ," She continued. "Muscle enhancement for better strength, reinforcing or completely replacing one's own bone structure with an enhanced exo-skeleton that doesn't interfere with the body's own natural processes; making them stronger and you faster, healthier. Better overall."

She would then place a hand on top of her head, water dripping off the length of her arm as Nomine resorted to using her own body as a physical example. "We have technology similar to Soul Transfer technology where, at the transferee's request, we can, at their moment of death, make a back-up of their mind and place it into a custom-built body of their own choosing. Services that Yamataian citizens may have, those on the outskirts of civilization might no-"

"Uh, enlargement of the what?" Ayumu asked, bewildered. It seemed that the rest simply flew over her head perhaps. Or, maybe she did get it, and this was the one part she didn't. It was very hard to to tell with her, considering how she seemed insightful one moment, and absolutely dumb the next.

"The penis, Miss Aikawa. The one thing all men seem to have an urge to make bigger?" Nomine seemed to help fill in the hole that was rapidly widening inside the actress's head. She wasn't sure how much of it was an act and how much of it was just a means of hiding the brief moments of unknowing intellect.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh.~ Why didn't you just say you make men's dicks big and hard then-des?" the actress asked. It was a good point. "If you skip around it with euphem-memeisms, people might not get it. Kinda makes deals harder-desu." She continued to lounge around, soaking in the good feels of the onsen. Even now, the water and steam seemed to provocatively dress her however she moved. In truth, it was a maddening occurance that had researchers baffeled.

"I .. never said anything about making them - well, so long as you understand, I suppose." Nomine seemed to consent to this, nodding. "Anything else you need answered before you decide to work with us?"

"Uh." Ayumu looked left. Then right. She wasn't sure. "What do you want me to do in the ads anyways?" Just hiring this not-Hanako wasn't going to be a magic bullet to their problems. What they had her do for the ads was important as well, and the truth of the matter? If Ayumu didn't like the pitch, she wasn't going to do it.

"Play to your talents, of course. Your sex appeal has already spawned a cult following of millions," Nomine exhaled, wriggling under the onsen's water as she adjusted and re-adjusted her posture, before continuing. "We want you to market the obvious of what Psychopomp can offer to the general populace. Making their dicks larger, their breasts bigger. You wouldn't have to do what you don't already by yourself." She, of course, was referencing to her work in the entertainment industry, primarily the pornos.

"Just you saying Psychopomp's name would get us on the radar of, well, the millions that tune in to see you every chance they get. They'll wonder who we are, what we are for a while - perhaps even think nothing about us for a long time. Eventually one or two will start the chain by looking us up. One or two dedicated fans of Ayumu Aikawa can go a long way to convincing the enriched denizens of the Kikyo sector that we're a thing."

Nomine leaned her head back again, the tip of her pony-tail touching the marble floor. "All we want you to do is mention our name, use your natural charms to slip our brand into your daily routines. That's all we ask and it is the extent of the influence Psychopomp will have upon your current obligations."

"Chiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee~" Submerged all the way to her chin, Ayumu looked at the businesswoman with a leery stare. If it wasn't clear, and it was sometimes quite hard to tell considering her nature, the actress wasn't happy. "That's dumb-des," she pointed out. "I'm not gonna bother stuffing advertisement into my me-time!" the not-Hanako complained. "Why don't we just do something like, Hanako doing a secret-agent thing, where she tries to go all incognito, but we know it's her, and she like, gets into your store and asks for something to make one of her men's dicks bigger, but all euphemism like, and then the Psychopomp person says, 'Oh, yes Hanako, we can make your boyfriend's dick like this big!' or something, and they show with their hands, but all we see is Hanako's reaction. Desu."

The sales pitch, which Nomine should have made instead, came in a long, non-stop flow of thought. One that so involved Ayumu that she forgot to say 'Desu' for a moment at the end of it all. She was serious.

And there it was again, the veil of idiocy and bubbling cheer was pulled back, Nomine found herself paying attention to the bimbo's counter-offer. It was, crude, but considering her fan-base and the highly sexualized environment Yamatai offered; it wasn't the worst commitment she would have to make. Mister Romanov would not be happy with this outcome, but if it meant it could seal the deal then perhaps his happiness could be put on hold for the sake of the company. Then again, he did enjoy his women.

"I think you missed out on your calling, Miss Aikawa. You are very .. smart and seem well-acquainted with the business world for one so excitably cheerful. If making a commercial would better suit your tastes, then by all means we will accomodate you. I'm just here to make sure the deal goes through in the end." In the end, perhaps, Nomine should have simply gone with plying the girl's talents in a more simple and less complicated way. "Do you have .. hmm, an outfit, if this theoretical chain of commercials goes through, in mind?" She would ask, wondering if perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea to make her the official spokes-person and "mascot" of Psychopomp. Only if this went through, though.

"Oh, I got a whole wardrobe! I can definitely come up with a mascot for you!" Ayumu proudly swelled. Even the steamy onsen had a hard time hiding her pride, modest as it was. "Maybe we'll have the mascot based off the current Shosho version of Hanako, but now she's more shy and discreet, so she's wearing a trench coat and fedora and some shades over her usual uniform while she's shopping for a booster for her Yamataian boyfriend!" Already, it was clear that the actress could see it now. How it was going to look, how it was going to play out. "Teehee!~ This'll be so funny-des!"

But of course, all Psychopomp cared about was results. And boy, they were going to get them.

"Oh!" Ayumu suddenly perked up. "What if you starred in a follow up ad? You're cute too!" the not-Hanako offered.

Nomine found herself amused at the copy-cat's sudden influx of interest as the Psychopomp representative relented, choosing to go with an all-out public advert instead of the subtlety the CEO had wanted. "That does sound fun, and funny, yes. I can work on preparing it for you and, if it works out the way we hope, I can personally oversee that it continues." At the mentioning of the PR rep herself getting looped into a follow up ad, Nomine nearly frowned, but thought better of it as she sighed. It was all for the company. "I suppose, if it helps you along. I'm .. not very experienced in that regard, just so you know."

She found herself sinking deeper into the onsen, the water just coming up to greet her nose as Nomine buried herself in the safety of the steaming water.

What had she gotten herself into?