Star Army

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RP: 188604 [Psychopomp] Skins and Scales For Sale


Inactive Member
Komodo System, Komodo Alpha, YE39
Princess Class Yacht

Komodo Space, as the Princess Class Yacht containing the Psychopomp representatives, was a flurry of hails and messages coming from multiple ships. They barely had time to take a breath before they had several pings, and a message.

Craft entering Komodo Space. Identify immediately or risk hostile action.

The message repeated many times.

Ship sensors indicated several craft approaching, many of which were smaller craft, but there was one larger Kouken Destroyer within interception range. The general feel of the messages were stressed, like they have been dealing with issues for some time now.

Nomine approached the console and held the button down, opening up a wide-band tranmission to all the ships currently pinging them. "Good evening, my name is Nomine Asakura, representing a company called Psychopomp. I was told I was to be expected by the commander in charge of the Vekimen military?" She would say, having the pilot of the Yacht slow it down so as not to get an unfortunate blast shot into their cockpit.

Comms were silent for several minutes, but in that time several small fighters filed in next to the Yacht, and they were pointy. A pod with what looked like blades forming a mandible at the front of the craft, 4 large guns and explosive ordinances hanging from under the fuselage.

Follow attached coordinates to appropriate landing pad. Prepare for VDTF Security Forces to meet you. You will be given further instructions there.

With orders received, the Psychopomp crew had their direction, flying towards Komodo Prime as the escort peeled away to go back to their patrols. The surface of the planet, was untouched. There were absolutely no signs of civilization, until of course they noticed the massive metal square that began opening up as the craft appeared. Space Craft going underground...

The pilot was under a lot of pressure. It was a fairly tight fit, and he was relying on sensors heavily to get through the tunnel that clearly didn't go straight down. Looking out the bridge viewport, they could see several turrets bristling, looking at them carefully, but never doing anything until they came into a massive underground cavern.

The only light illuminating the area were either what came off the ship, or what came off one of the landingpads, indicating where they should land.

Nomine took the elevator down, waving off the guards that came with, the bay doors leading out of the ship opening as she approached them. Taking her first steps out onto an alien world, the Psychopomp representative crossed her arms and sighed. It wasn't as impressive as she'd thought, though the alien make and design did seem suited to what little she was told of the Vekimen. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness, glowing slightly as she waited for the security forces to meet her.

What she heard was the sound of boots on metal from the ship. Turning her head to see, she saw two armed and armour aliens facing up the gangplank. Before she could say anything, a stern, gutteral voice sounded from right behind her.

"Turn back around, ignore them," A tall creature ordered, in similar combat armour, though this ones seemed far lighter than the two on the ship. Nomine would turn back around, to see four more Vekimen slipping out of the darkness and into view.

"Are you the only one?" The one who spoke previously asked, stepping forward.

"There are others in the ship. I told them to stay. I am the only one, as far as you have to be concerned with." Nomine would nod, eyes looking this way and that as she noticed the others slinking out from the shadows.

The main Vekimen nodded. "Please announce all weapons, or anything that can be used as a weapon," He ordered, walking around the woman. She could hear a chittering faintly, and it was obvious two of the Vekimen were talking to each other by their body language. The leader ended it quickly with a harsh snarl, before taking Nomine's arms and lifting them up. It was strong, clearly not a request, but it didn't hurt.

Nomine, despite her enhanced and reinforced skeletal structure, weighed less then one-hundred and fifty pounds; she was easy to lift for the stronger alien. Not at the least disturbed, she looked down at herself and blinked. "A forty-five pistol strapped under my skirt, right thigh holster."

The Vekimen began patting her down, rather thoroughly infact. His hand even went under her skirt, pulling the .45 out of the holster and looking it over. Then he put it back. If this were a security search anywhere else, Nomine would have a pretty solid case for inappropriate conduct. There was almost no where his hands didn't wander. "Anything else you would like to announce before we lead you to the Sraralumee?"

She felt the pressure of the Vekimen's hands wandering around, saying nothing of the fact their culture didn't seem to have any issue invading another's personal space, though for the sake of security and remembering all the turrets bristling - Nomine accepted it as a reality of life. "No." She simply replied.

"Good. Follow the lights along the floor to the rail system," The Vekimen ordered, pushing the girl a little to get her walking. She could hear continued chatter, slightly quieter now.

Nomine quietly activated the translator that had been uploaded into her OGU, blinking once to turn it 'on'. A series of random gibberish began sliding off the right-side of her vision, until it began bunching up and coalesced into proper Trade. She decided that if she was going to have to sit and negotiate with the people of this system, Nomine would at the very least not be in the dark of what they might whisper about the newcomer. With that done, she continued to follow the lights along the floor.

"... Dumb broad. Zukan lucky. Always get easy one who is pretty."

"Easy bad. Fight more fun."

"Would the two of you shut the fuck up? She doesn't need to listen to your worthless chattering. But you are both right. I probably could have gone further, but that would just be boring at that point."

They certainly were quaint creatures, weren't they.

She supposed it was the same everywhere, even out here in a place rather isolated from the rest of the Kikyo sector. A pretty face and a willingness to just submit were amusing to most, but the fact a fight was welcome gave her a little insight into their race's interactions with others. Nomine fixed her skirt, adjusting it and her blouse as she continued on her way towards the rail system. Unbeknownst to her, her body was sweating profusely, most definitely due to the heat currently being blasted all around; the climate control keeping it comfortable for the Vekimen.

She got onto the rail cart, and the leader promptly removed his helmet. Horns, scales, predatory eyes glring harshly, and most noticably of all, the razor sharp teeth lining the inside of his mouth looked at her. "I do not understand why the Sraralumee wastes so much time talking to offworlders like you. She should delegate the task elsewhere," He growled, the massive incisors giving him a snaggletoothed appearance. He looked like a demon from older mythos of various cultures, black and white patterns, quill mane framing his head. However, the aura that engulfed them, the cart quickly smelling like that of a rotten corpse having been left in this heat for days was unmistakable.

Nomine sniffed the air, having just breathed in a whole mouthful of it, gently fanning the air in front of her with a hand as she replied with a composed and rather graceful. "Oh?" She would see just how much this one angry-looking, humanoid lizard creature would reveal if one was willing to listen. He did not seem to like her very much, that much seemed certain, and if the rumors were true he most likely wouldn't care much at all about her were it not for the fact she was here on business that could benefit them as a whole.

The creature narrowed his eyes. "You are lucky. Especially now we know the representative is female. It would be a shame if you were to get lost in the city. Delicate warmblooded female like you wouldn't last a minute," He huffed, snorting in annoyance. "And I do not enjoy playing babysitter."

She placed a hand on her lips and nodded, as if in thought, his words giving her a little more information on their race and making it all the more important she keep it as quick and professional as possible. It wasn't good business practice to get into conflict with a potential partner. A breakdown in relations did not bring profit, just trouble in the future. "I will keep that in mind." Nomine replied, again, as simple and neutral of a reply as any other. Very business-like.

The Vekimen snorted, but the train eventually stopped, and he grabbed her by the shoulder again. This time, he didn't let go as he pushed her out the door, and the reason was suddenly very clear. The dull red lights in the headquarters made it clear this place was absolutely packed with Vekimen. Tails, claws, scales, teeth, horns, and everything in between was everywhere, and not a single one had any less than 1 gold band wrapped around their right horn.

It was a tight fit, and she garnered more than just a little attention as multiple Vekimen stopped to look at her. Her guard didn't give them much time as he pushed her through, the other Vekimen staying behind.

"You will do eactly as you are told. You will relinquish your weapons. You will not say no to a mundane offer. You will accept a seat when offered, and you will under no circumstances stand up unless you ask or are given expressed permission. Is that clear?" He asked, taking her .45 out of the holster, hand stealing a rather controlling feel between her legs, breath washing over her face as his muzzle slided next to her cheek. "Break any of the rules, and I'll just take whatever's left of you after the Sraralumee is done with you..."

Nomine looked back towards the gawking Vekimen, examining them, noting the gold bands on their horns as she took in the distinctive features that they may or may not have had between each individual. It was like walking into a den of rabid dogs, ready to pounce on a piece of fresh cut, still bloody beef. She realized now what sort of people they were and it was best that, when she returned back, that she warn Romanov of the implications openly dealing with them might have. Though, she would not turn away a business proposition if it favored them in the underworld.

As the one responsible for "baby-sitting" her spoke up, she noted a marked change in tone and mannerisms as he seemed more touchy-feely then before. His demands were not unreasonable but she wondered if it was more for his sake or for the Sraralumee's. Perhaps they were one and the same. She smiled, turning her head, lips nearly brushing the Vekimen's cheek as she replied back in a softer tone. "Of course."

"Good," The Vekimen snarled, opening what looked to be an airlock door and pushing her through roughly. The door closed behind her, and after quite obviously locking, the door in front opened up, revealing a large room with a large table and many chairs. Strange chairs. More like... stools with a rest you could lean forward on.

Nomine pushed on, stepping into the large room, regarding it with an appraising eye as she once again took in the architecture of the people she was going to be negotiating man-power from. It was very spartan yet utilitarian at the same time. A simple people that could, at times, be civil enough to interact with off-worlders through trade and profit. She hoped that was the case, at least.

"Oh, you're here. Sorry, I was distracted," A cool, calm female voice said, lacking the gutteral tone previously. She sounded practically human. Almost indistinguishable, if it were for the barest hint of an artificial buzz. "Would you care for a drink of some kind?" The woman asked. Looking at her, would reveal a Vekimen, about 5'6" tall, wearing an outfit that did nothing but display how naked she actually was with how it framed her torso but drapped around her arms, shoulders, and thighs. "You are okay I hope? The guards I sent didn't hurt you did they?" She asked, the golden horn gleaming in the low light of the room. This Vekimen was very important, if she gained any useful information from the bands.

She noted the appearence that differed vastly from the others she had encountered, a much more aesthetically pleasing and 'royal' look that separated her from the rest of the Vekimen. The bands of gold she saw paling in comparison to the gold-laden horn belonging to whom she assumed to be the Sraralumee. "Yes, please." She would reply towards the offer of a drink, having nearly spoke out against it. "And yes, I am intact. They did nothing to harm me." Nomine would reply, looking towards the near-nude Vekimen.

"Ah, wonderful. I do not know what it is with visitors, but they almost never accept my offers. It's been causing problems lately," The woman sighed. "I have wine of your kind, as well as a rather pleasant drink we make from a plant found on this very planet. It has a earthy, sweet taste too it. Which would you preffer?" The Sraralumee asked, pulling out two very nice glasses, and pouring herself a soft, opaque blue fluid into one of them, and showing two bottles to her. "Which?"

Nomine glanced towards the familiar bottle of vintage YE 12 and then towards the much more mundane but polished bottle of their native drink. "I would not mind having a taste of the planet's flavor. Thank you for accomodating me." She would reply, looking towards the glasses next.

The Vekimen abided, pouring Nomine a glass and walking one over to her. "Yes, do accept my apologies if my guards did anything they weren't supposed to. Our security systems haven't been set up appropriately yet. You are, however, perfectly safe in here. No weapons are allowed, and is strictly a no violence zone unless absolutely required. No camera's, no microphones, no surveillence technology of any kind. You are free to speak your mind here as much as you like, and it will not leave here, as per my word. Make sense?" She asked, a smile tinging her voice as she placed her glass down on the table. "But first, please take a seat. We cannot be standing during discussions."

Nomine nodded, taking a seat at the table, delicate fingers clasping around the glass as she pulled it in towards her. "Of course, that is understandable. We at Psychopomp also try our utmost to ensure the client's privacy is not disturbed by any outside source, legal or illegal." She would then take a small sip of the drink, her tongue registering the sweetness and a hint of .. yes, something earthy. It was a thicker drink, like a watery smoothy, and warm. Obviously not refined. "My compliments to those responsible for creating this drink. It is .. tasty." She would say, nodding. With a smile, she would speak again. "So, shall we begin?"

Khelena nodded, taking a seat. "Certainly. I understand you are here for..." She started, looking at some crudely made... parchment on the table. "... Mercenaries. You wish to contract out my soldiers?" Khelena asked, taking a closer look at the girl. "You seem a little young of your kind to be needing Vekimen soldiers..."

"Yes, but the contract isn't for myself. I am acting in the interests of the company I represent. The CEO is interested in acquiring the soldiers to complement and reinforce our current roster. We do hope that isn't an issue as I have been given authority to trade in whatever goods you might require to make this worth your while." She would begin, noting that perhaps she should have gotten a body more suited to the negotiation table. Then again it was always good to be doubted and underestimated.

The Vekimen gave a toothy smile. "Oh? Alright. Well... Give me an idea of what you are exactly looking for, and we can continue from there, yes?" She asked, pouring some of her own drink into her muzzle and tipping her head back.

Nomine crossed her legs, folding her hands neatly on top of her lap as she continued. "I was told to negotiate for around six-hundred VDTF soldiers. Is that possible?" She replied, still addressing the Vekimen in front of her with a silent stare.

"Six Hundred? Hmm... That's a fairly big number. You just want the Vekimen, or do you want gear and the like to go with them?" She asked, resting her head on her hand, elbow supported by the table. "My soldiers are not cheap. And how few of them I have makes them worth even more. What are you willing to give to hire what is essentially an entire battalion of soldiers?" Khelena inquired.

"You would have all the services that Psychopomp offers, the initial fees waived followed by a sixty-percent reduction in our prices for twenty years."

"That is a wonderful offer, if I knew what you offered and was even interested, miss..?" Khelena asked, her eyes continuing to bore into Nomine.

She stared back, smiling still. "Nomine, and yours?"

"Khelena Het'Laderen, but your kind just refers to me as Khelena. So, you are asking me for soldiers, and your offer only works if I actually buy something from your company. This seems... like a chince I suppose," Khelena sighed.

"I see, Miss Khelena. I understand your reluctance. Our genetics department has had a decade to refine it's technique, on both willing and unwilling subjects. We have a variety of genomes, DNA, and retro-viruses to counter any flaws one's body might have. My initial offer aside, that is for the sake of setting the future if you so wished to do business with us on a more personal level."

Khelena nodded, thinking about it. "Well, how about this. The Yamataians have a thing known as soul transfer, where they can implant the knowledge and skill of someone into another body. Do you have anything like that?" She asked, talling her muzzle with a finger.

"Though we do not have that, due to the monopoly they hold and the intense scrutiny we would fall under should we somehow obtain them .. Psychopomp has said services where, if you wish, we will grow a body to one's very specific tastes, tailor-made with a near one-hundred percent integration process where we will then take a digital imprint of your brain, personality, and individual nuances."

"And what if I wanted this technology to give me soldiers?" Khelena asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Then soldiers you would have. We do not discriminate the interests of a party so long as it favors us."

"And you can do this without cybernetics?" Khelena asked, smile growing wider.

"Though cybernetics are also a specialty, yes, we would not require the usage of such to grant you soldiers of war. They would be vat-grown, their individual genes manipulated and spliced into the creation of perfect specimen. They would be the strongest, fastest, toughest, and endure for two hundred years or more depending on the potential of the DNA gifted to us from your species."

Khelena nodded. "So if I said I wanted to replace this battalion in say... within a month, I could do that?" she asked.

"Yes. We have the facilities for it. We can accomodate the replacement within that time-span." Nomine would reply, nodding as she took another sip from sweet, earthy, pulpy drink.

"Here is what I am thinking. You want my soldiers. I will give you some of the best I have available to me, if you give me the equipment to make short term vatgrown soldiers. I want them sterile, and I want them to live no more then a handful of years. Their only purpose being to be soldiers that will listen to me. I have a bit of a population crisis, and I want to be able to defend my people without putting them at risk. Thought, as I am told, doing it this way will make them... imperfect. So, I do not want them to carry on that imperfections. Does that make sense?" She asked.

"Yes." Nomine replied, her answer straight and to the point. "We will supply you with the equipment, teach you how to use it, and within a month you will have your replacement disposable soldiers." She took another sip and closed her eyes, now holding the glass in her hands. "Understand that making fast, obedient soldiers will have some downsides. You would have to segregate them from the rest of your rank and file. Genetics is a delicate procedure and I give no guarantee they will seem the same to the rest of your men and women." Nomine placed the glass down afterwards.

"That, is actually what I want. I want them to have a distinguishing features. I want to keep them seperate. Their sole job will be to fight, build, mine, what have you. They are deliberately meant to be expendable, so that my population can focus on expanding the natural population, until such time in which I no longer need these genetic offshoots built to essentially die. Make sense?" The ruler asked.

"Yes." Nomine replied, again, straight and to the point. It was an understandable situation that required little in the ways of ethics and morals. They would be imprinted onto Khelena, there was no doubt there. Their culture seemed keen on the dominion and domination of one, after all. "Does this mean you are willing to deal with us, then?"

"More than willing to deal with you. I can make soldiers for the cost of 800 naturals? I have been finding it difficult to get a deal that good. Is there anything you need to do now to get this show on the road?"

"No, just the assurance you will consent to your end of the bargain. You will receive the required equipment and instructions on it's usage within a week." She would reply. "If there is nothing else, may I have leave to contact my employer and inform him that the deal has gone through favorably?"

"You can, with my permission, tell him right now. Please," She said, waiving her hand a little as a sign to proceed.

Pulling out a miniature datapad from her blouse pocket, she held it in her hand and began writing up a message back to headquarters. It was a few silent minutes of her typing the assessment, profit value, and how reliable or unreliable associating with the Vekimen could offer them in the future. As she finished, she sent it and slipped the pad back into her left pocket, nodding. "Then our business is concluded, Miss Khelena"

"Absolutely. Your guard will be waiting for you outside. You may stand now," She stated, turning back to the table to begin writing on the old style paper.

She stood up from her seat, nodding, then turned to leave and head out the doors leading into the corridor outside. There was going to be a lot of paperwork to be done after this.