Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 (Psychopomp) The Test


Inactive Member
The instructor would be standing tall on his platform looking down on all of the fresh recruits who had just made it out of basic. "So y'all want to join Psychopomp? Well first you gotta pass this simulated test."

"This test is based on a points system. You get points by completing objectives, bonus points are awarded for completing objectives faster and meeting the challenge requirements. Points may be spent to purchase equipment and other commodities. Points are lost through failing to complete objectives and a large deduction for each time you die. At the end of the test your points are added up and you are given a score based on that score you will be assigned to different teams. Is this understood?"

A loud "Yes Sir!" Would be yelled back from the cadets. The Instructor would then continue.

"For this test you will fail imediatley upon your points hitting zero. There will also be an overall bonus objective and you must learn the rest of the rules as you go along. The bonus objective for all of you is to find one of our operatives who will be in the simulated scape. You will be awarded a lot of points for finding and working with this operative."

"You may now talk amongst yourselves before entering the simulation pods." With that the instructor would leave and almost imediatley the cadets would begin to break off and form into groups as they formulated plans and created alliances with the others.

Ediblebat would make his way over to Kyro."Hey who are you?"

Kyro would just stare at the creature and simply nods. Utterly confused about his current situation.

Ediblebat says "Hi you want to be apart of my team."

Kyro tilts his head and turns towards the creature and states "I'm confused, who are you, more specifically, what are you?"
Ediblebat says "Shukaren Daur."

Kyro nods silently then looks around the room for anyone else that isn't human
Edible says "Who you looking for?"

Kyro looks bad at the Foxman and states "Where am i exactly? I've never seen anyone that looks like that." as Kyro points at Ediblebats ears.

Ediblebat thinks for a few moments then says "I don't know."

Kyro reaches out to touch the fox man's ears to see if they're real.

Seeing two people acting strangely in the middle of the crowd an Elysian woman would interrupts them. Batting Kyro's hand away form Edible's ears she spoke. "I wouldn't do that the Daur are very protective of their ears. I'm Eva by the way nice to meet you." She would hold out her hand for a handshake.

Ediblebat shakes her hand.

Kyro turns to face her and when he sees her wings quickly takes 5 steps back in shock.

Kyro then tries to grab his sword then realizes that all his weapons are gone. He then takes 10 more steps back and shouts "NO!"

Eva would walk up and grab Kyro by his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Ediblebat is confused at what the Kyro is doing.

Kyro then relaxes then replies "Am I not a dead man, have you not come for my soul?"

Eva would look at Kyro dumbfounded. "What!? No!"

Eva would look over at Edible. "Does this guy need help." She thumbed at Kyro.

Ediblebat says "don't all humans need help?"

Eva shrugged. "You good point."

Kyro then clears his throat and states "So, if we are to do this 'Test' Im going to need a well made Black powder rifle and a Long sword."

"Black powder? Where the hell have you been?" Eva would state matter of factly.
The Instructor would come on over the loud speakers. "All right all of you it's time to get started hurry to the pods and get suited up."

Everyone would then begin to run to the pods and close the doors.

Ediblebat says "I want a plasma rifle"
Eva would start running to one of the open pods. "That can wait until later lets go!"
Kyro then starts to dash past everyone else releasing from Eva's grip before grabbing her and Edibles arm toward the pod.

Ediblebat allows himself to get dragged.

Eva would break free of Kyro's hold and with a great flap of her wings would land in the nearest pod quickly closing the door.

Kyro enters the pod while the door shuts behind him dropping Ediblebat.
Feeling sad Ediblebat walks to a pod and gets in.

A countdown would start with the cadets getting loaded into the virtual scape at the end. Each cadet would end up in a random area and all would have nothing on them save for basic clothing a survival knife and a pistol with 1 clip. Each cadet would start off with 10000 points
Ediblebat would be dropped off in a city while Kyro was dropped in a forest with Eva in the mountains.

Kyro begins to take apart the pistol he was given and inspects it.

Ediblebat takes his gear and starts walking.

Kyro proceeds to put the gun back together and climbs a tree to gain a vantage point.

Ediblebat looks for the highest point of the city.

Edible would see a skyscraper shooting up from the center of the city. Kyro on the other had made a poor choice of trees to chose and could just barely see over the top of the others though he could view the mountains that were to his East a good distance away.

Ediblebat looks for loot in the city.
Kyro proceeds to lurk through the woods being very perseptiv.
Ediblebat would find a meals worth of food in a dumpster that was still good and managed to get a few coins from people passing by. The coins would change into points his datapad would show that his points would increase by 400.

Kyro would come to a clearing after walking for a while. A person was standing at the other end. Upon seeing Kyro they would bolt in the other direction. An objective would appear on Kyro's datapad, 'Objective: Catch the runner. Must be alive. Bonus: Catch unharmed'.

Eva would wander the side of the mountain before finding a fresh water stream that lead into a cave to a pond with fish in it. Eva decided to set up in the cave and start living out of it.

Kyro would then bolt at max speed to the other end of the clearing then look for tracks.

Kyro would find some tracks from his prey though they were quite messy and would be harder to track the farther into the woods he followed.

Kyro runs into the woods while still following the tracks. He also checks his back and sides to make sure he's not followed.

As Kyro follows the tracks he gets close enough to see glimpses of his prey as it rushes through the trees. Looking back it sees him and quickens its pace now heading in a different direction.

Kyro heads in the direction of the runner to cut him off. Once he gets into position he then waits to tackle him.

Upon reaching Kyro the runner would stop and look around trying to find a way out but could see none. Screaming something before charging at Kyro he brakes a brach off one of the trees and swings wildly.

Kyro grabs the branch and brakes it in his hand then grabs the runner by the throat making sure not to harm him/her in the process.

The runner flails about in Kyro's grasp clawing and scratching at his arms to little avail. All the while he was screaming in a language Kyro did not know as if trying to call to someone.

Kyro using his other hand checks his magic paper to see if the words have changed. As he checks he pins the runner against the tree so his flailing would be less annoying.

Kyro's datapad would remain the same except for their being a new line. 'Bring prisoner to city.' While Kyro was looking at his datapad the runner's partner would appear. He was a large heavy set man with a hunting rifle slung over his shoulder he could be the runner's father or brother. Either way he was pointing his rifle at Kyro from a safe distance yelling at him in the same language the boy was using.

Kyro slings the runner over his shoulder then bolts deeper into the woods. He then waits behind a large tree peeking out from the side with his mouth over the runners mouth still having a good grip on him, he waits to shoot the other runner when he shows himself.

As Kyro goes to cover the hunter fires a shot but misses. The hunter stands where he is and aims at Kyro's tree waiting for him to come out.

Kyro comes out from the tree with the runner in front of him then shouts "Put the gun down or he's a dead man!" then points the gun at the runners head.

The hunter breathes before squeezing the trigger knocking a branch down on top of Kyro before dropping the gun. Hands in the air he kneels.

Kyro Then speaks to the hunter and says "Do you understand me? Who are you?"
The hunter unable to understand Kyro says something though Kyro can't understand.

Kyro picks up the rifle slings it over his shoulder then the runner over his other shoulder then brings up the hunter and puts him in front of himself with the pistol facing his back. With the runner over his shoulder and the brother 3 feet in front of Kyro he walks North toward the giant metal object while whispering under his breath "Sorry, I hope you're not harmed when I bring you to the city."

Kyro continues to walk north while looking for food or small prey to hunt easily.

Kyro would come out to a lake there were no boats or any way to get over the lake other than swimming or taking a long hike around it.

Kyro directs the hunter to walk around the lake after taking a drink from the lake, then proceeds to still look for more food or prey.

The hunter stops moving and just stands at a distance from the lake and refuses to move the boy is also struggling again even more desperate than before.

Kyro takes a couple steps back from the lake confused then directs the hunter in the direction now 15ft away from the lake shore. Keeping his eye out still for food or prey, while also peering over time to time at the lake.
As Kyro walks away from the lake a large snake comes out from the water. Many scars riddle its body and it is missing an eye. It hisses at Kyro and the others and immediately the hunter bolts disappearing into the forest again.

Kyro then bolts it deeper into the woods, while still keeping track of the lake. He knows the snake is too large to follow him deeper into the woods.

The snake circles the part of the woods that Kyro disappeared into for a while before finally giving up and returning to its watery home.

Kyro continues to walk in the woods with the lake still in site. As he continues to walk around he still searches for small prey and wild berries or plant like food.

The animals seem to be avoiding Kyro every now and again a rustle could be heard as a small critter scampers off in the other direction. Some questionable looking berries however are all around the forest.

Kyro picks some of the berries and rubs them against his arm if they give him a rash their bad if they don't then he will pick all of them and save them for later.

No rash appears but the berries do make his skin feel itchy.

Kyro ignores them and looks for berries that don't do anything when he rubs them against his skin.

Ediblebat goes to the market to buy a plasma rifle.

Most of the merchants would brush off the small looking kid with a chuckle and a pat on the head. Some even gave him sweets. After a few hours of walking a man would pull Edible aside. "Hey kid what are you looking for?"

Ediblebat replies reluctantly and says "A plasma rifle."

The man would chuckle. "And what would you need that for?"

Ediblebat replies with "To kill things of course." with a smile on his face.

"Ooookay... And just how are you going to do that?"

"To aim at people and monsters faces and pull the trigger."

"Ok then here." The man would pull out an old rusty plasma rifle and hand it to Edible. "Things old but it still shoots just fine.

Ediblebat takes the rifle then says "Than i guess i won't blow up your shop today." then leaves.

"Oh OK its nice to be of hel... WAIT WHAT!!"

Ediblebat runs off out of the city.

While Edible makes his way out of the city his data jockey would go off with the text. 'New Objective: Go to Lancelot Lake and neutralize Lancelot' A map would then appear showing that the lake was to the south.

Ediblebat heads off towards the Lake.

Edible would arrive at the lake the water standing still and nothing moving as far as he could see. There was a forest at the far side of the lake bordering it and the road behind him. The mountains were to the east and the plains were to the west.

Ediblebat fires is M9 once and says "Come here Lancelot, were going to play a game." Ediblebat says this in a psychotic way.

The water would stir slightly but other than that nothing happened. From Edible's distance the ripples might have been hard to catch.

Ediblebat walks into the forest.

As Edible passes the lake the large snake would once again break out from the surface of the water and launches itself at the young Daur.

Ediblebat jumps on the snake, then says "Your my new friend." then tries to take control of the snake.
The snake tries to buck Edible off its back and whips itself around furiously trying to get to Edible but it fails and so launches itself back into the water.

Ediblebat jump off before he goes into the water, then Ediblebat says "come back to me or else i will get angry."

Kyro only gets a little suspicious and takes 2 hand fulls of the red berries then gives one of them to the runner. about 6 per hand. He then eats his waiting to see what happens.

The runner eagerly eats the berries but refuses to eat any more.

Kyro smiles then continues around the lake and gabs 2 more hand fulls of berries.

The lake starts bubbling on the other side but nothing else happens. Kyro comes to the side of the lake that Edible is on.

Kyro continues to walk around the lake and keeps his eyes on the water ready to run deeper in the woods if needed.

The sound of an airbike's engine could be heard in the distance. The sound would get louder as the bike gets closer. Anton Hertz was the driver he would break out from the treeline. He would roll out from from his bike and grabbed his 80mm Gatling Railgun off the back. "Get on the ground with your hands behind your head or you'll become part of the scenery." Anton was be in his Aggressor Heavy Assault Armor 1B.

Ediblebat turns to the sound, then sees kyro Ediblebat then screams to Kyro "Hey Kyro!"

Ediblebat says to the man and ask. "Excuse me sir are you a nice person?"

"Do as I say and we'll be right as rain."

Kyro sees the Metal man and books it into the wood stealthily making little noise. While still moving North, with his hand on the runners mouth.

Anton would shout. "Oy!! you big guy with the boy stop now or I'll smash your face in!"

Kyro stops then looks up at the metal man and shouts "And who are you metal man? I'm on important business from my higher-ups."

"I'm the guy whose going to put a bullet in your skull if you don't listen to me."

"OK!!" Ediblebat takes a nap.

"The hell?! Wake up you bumbling fool!"

Ediblebat doesn't wake up

"I said get up!!!" Anton would kick Edible.

Ediblebat gets up then says "You said get on the ground now you want me to get up. OK."

"What I want is for both of you to get your lil asses over here and to get on your god damn knees with your hands behind your heads!"

Kyro begins to walk toward the metal man and asked while walking "What's you business here? Why do you want us? I'm just a simple man, with a small man."

Ediblebat does what he is told.

"Listen up! I'm Anton and I'm the guy who could help you or hurt you and it all depends on how this lil 'talk' goes."

Kyro places the runner against the tree and ties him w/ his shirt against the tree then gets down on his knees with his hand on his head.

Anton would set up a NAM Plasma 'Chaingun' Turret. "Don't move else this ting will out a bullet right between your eyes." Anton would then walk over to the young boy and unties him. He then drapes the boy over the back seat of the airbike.

Kyro makes a quick statement to Anton and says " My magic paper told me to bring him to the city unharmed, why are you taking him?"

"Its called a data jockey and this one here is mine now. You two have lucked out you got yourselves some sponsors who are particularly interested in you guys." Anton would then open the sack on the airbike and pulls out 2 weapons.

Anton would toss a Yamataium katar with hollow, booster, concussion modification, massive, molecular knit, and monomolecular edge modifications at Edible. He would then toss a Yamataium long sword, massive, hollow, heated blade, flow shield, molecular knit, and monomolecular edge modifications at Kyro.

Anton would then get back on his airbike and holster all of his weapon before driving off.

The snake would then reemerge from the lake and slithers off towards the forest.

Ediblebat shoots the snake with the plasma rifle.

Kyro would then pick up the long sword and test it out figuring out how it works. Then he would get up and start walking toward Ediblebat.

The snake would rear its head back and give out a loud hiss before turning around and charging at Kyro.

Kyro would activate the flow shield and waits for the snake to get close to him. When the snake opens it's mouth he would then activate the heat blade and slice at it's fangs. Then using the 9mm would shoot the top of the snakes inner mouth hoping to hit the brain and do major brain damage.

The snake would stop and then change direction quickly whipping its tail at Kyro.

Ediblebat jumps on the snake then stabs it with his katar.

The snake would hiss again before wrapping its tail around a tree and then throw it at Kyro.

Ediblebat activates concussion modification, and booster into the snake.

Kyro hits the dirt and activates his flow shield for the debris that would surely come after.

Using Kyro's lower stance the snake goes to grab another tree before Edible's attack throws it sideways into the trees. The force of the throw would throw Edible off the snake. The snake would quickly recover and grab a tree which it would throw at the two before slithering off into the trees never to be seen again.

Ediblebat jumps behind Kyro before being hit by the tree.

The tree would hit the groung in front of Kyro tearing up dirt and rock before hitting the flow shield the force would push Kyro back but the shield would barely hold.

Kyro gets up then looks at Ediblebat and says "So, metal man, pretty scary guy, don't you think?"

"I think he was pretty nice."

"He gave me a magic sword so I wonder if to take it with a grain of sand."

"Its not magic, you silly."

"What is this sword then if not magic?"

"They're just modifications."

"Oh, like a bayonet on rifle?!"

"Yes, but a lot more deadly."

Kyro then turns North and starts walking. He stops then waves for Edible to follow, then continues walking.

Ediblebat follows Kyro.

Kyro ask "So, small wolf man, what is your name?"


Kyro replies "Weird name, Parents must have been cruel."

"What are parents?"

Kyro then looks at him and says "You an orphan then?"


"How are you here then?"

The two would be interuppted by a notification on their data jockeys awarding them for completing their missions. Kyro would get 500 points while Edible got 1200. A new objective would then appear a simple message coming across the screen. 'Survive the Hunt.'

Kyro would look down at the data whatzit then ask Edible "Do you know what this 'hunt' is?"

"Yes and we're the prey" Ediblebat says this in a serious way.

Kyro turns left then points at the mountain and says "Higher ground is safer ground. We should go up there and find a cave."

"Good idea."

Kyro starts jogging at a fast past toward the mountain after throwing Edible on his shoulders.

Ediblebat falls asleep.

Kyro asks Edible "So why are you here?"

The two would hear chuckling. "Do you think these two will give us a challenge sis?"

"Probably not bro but its always good to hunt."

Ediblebat wakes up then says "No and you should just leave."

Kyro hears the chuckling and quickly retorts with "But can you catch us?" He then puts on an evil looking grin and chucks Edible in front of him and screams "Run!" He then hightails it to the mountains.

"The little boy wants to tell us what to do? That's cute." A grenade would then come towards the two.

"I'm not telling I'm asking." Edible would retort.

Ediblebat hold the grenade for a second, then throws it back.

Kyro then starts to move drastically in different directions so that no one would figure out where he was going.

The twins would laugh again then another grenade would come. The grenade would go off omitting a very high pitch noise.

Ediblebat would jump out of the way, then use hid katar and boost out of the noise.

Kyro then places his hands over his ears and hums loudly.

The twins would come at the two cloaked they would focus on Kyro first hitting him with shock batons all the while laughing.

Kyro would get up immediately after then slices through the nearest tree making it fall behind him then starts moving drastically in multiple directions waiting for any form or movement or sound to swing towards.

Ediblebat Runs towards the mountain then stops.

Kyro continues to move toward the mountain at full speed while still moving erratically. 4 seconds later he hits the dirt.

The twins had been following Kyro. Upon reaching him they tie him up and Tyko would watch him while Angela goes out to attack Edible.

Ediblebat comes back for Kyro, then cuts the rope and boost him to the mountains

Tyko would spin around and fires a sleep dart at Edible. He then fires another shot at Kyro.

Ediblebat blocks with Kyro.

Kyro would block the Darts with his sword.

Tyko would fire 3 successive darts at Kyro while walking forward and drawing his staff.

Ediblebat uses concussion on Tyko.

Tyko blocks the attack and quickly whips his staff around at Kyros head.

Ediblebat holds the trigger on his plasma rifle then throws it at Tyko to make it explode.

Tyko hits the rifle with the edge of his staff causing it to explode in front of him. The blast would barely reach his power armor giving him a nice heat bath. Tyko would charge through the blast his staff emmiting a humming sound as its vibro modification turned on swinging it at Kyro and firing the pistol mounted on it at Edible.

Ediblebat uses Kyro to block.

Tyko would manage to hit Edible in the torso before he got behind Kyro. He followed by pushing Kyro's blade out of the way with one end of his staff and followed through by hitting Kyro in the head with the other end.

Ediblebat boost out of the area in the woods.

Kyro runs up the mountain at full speed his adrenaline kicking in again.

Tyko would look out at the turbo fur ball before deciding to chase down Kyro. Running up the trail after the man Tyko laughed maniacally.

As Kyro runs a hand comes out from a cave and clamps over his mouth before pulling him in. Not long after Tyko's laughter would fade off as he passed the cave.

Angela would see Edible fly over her head and began to chase after the fur ball but soon lost him amongst the thick foliage and trees.

Kyro decides to not move and just let whoever grabbed him do whatever. He was exhausted.

Ediblebat stops when he knows he safe, then tries finding Kyro again.

Eve would let go of Kyro's mouth. "You OK?"

Kyro would collapse against the wall of the cave then look at Eve then smile. "So, How's it been... Angel woman?"

"From the looks of it better than you."

Kyro looks at himself and notices all the dirt and rashes on his body. "Yeah well, I owe you my life now. Say, when did you find this place? Haven't been in one of these for a while."

"At the start. There's a lake with fish in it farther down."

"I think you mean a man eating snake with a bad attitude. Plus big metal men with huge cannons. At least I got this Sword."

"I don't know what kind of signals you're trying to send but I could care less about the way you swing."

"Hm? I don't understand? I'm saying that me and EdibleBat met a 30ft wide snake and a huge man made of metal that gave me this sword and him a flying dagger. Then two more cloaked metal men came after us when we were heading here."

"What ever all I know is that we just have to last a few more hours then we pass."

" Oh are you talking about this hunt thing? This Data Whatzit told me that as well. Plus what are Credits? because I got 500 from giving a boy to Anton, the metal man."

"What!? No! I mean this whole test. We just have to make it to night fall didn't you read the book?"

"What book? I was never given one of those."

"It's on the data jockey."

"There's a book in this? huh, what sorcery is this?"

Ediblebat makes his way back up the mountain in search of Kyro.

Eve would see Edible walking by and call out to him. "Hey over here!"

Turning back to Kyro, Eve would slap him on his shoulder. "That's a good one..." She would see his face then frown. "Oh you're being serious. How much of a hermit are you?"

"You know... I don't understand you sky people or your gadgets." He grabs his Sword then gets up. "But I do know how to fight" s he activates the heat blade then sits down again turning it off. "By the way, What are these?" He pulls out the Red berries.

Ediblebat walks over to Eve and sits down.

"Those are Choke Cherries don't eat too many at a time or you'll get really sick."

"Huh, I ate 12 hand fulls and I feel fine."

"Better start looking for something to wipe your ass with then."

"Ha, I think I'm going to give you these. anyway I'm taking a stiff." as he starts to relax a bit.

The sun would begin to set and a chime would sound across all of the data jockeys. A voice would come over the device. "Congratulations for passing the Psychopomp PMC test. You will soon be taken out and assigned a squad based on your scores."

The trio would then be disconnected and would return to their bodies in the pods. Some of the other recruits were already out of their pods and wandering about. Anton would come over and let them out of their pods. "Congrats I knew you could do it welcome to the family!!" He would slap them on the back quite hard the room across the room. "You all got assigned to team Jericho the guy in charge can be a hard ass but he has a soft side to him."