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Laz Public Network [Public] Our differences


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Regarding recent political events;

In a situation where vanquishing an evil (saving lives from a threat for example) must be done at any cost (often survival) may include performing an evil yourself. If however, the motivation is compassion and not cruelty, it was a necessary evil.

The concept of evil is defined by morals rather than logic, making it subjective - an opinion.

A person - or even a nation - who disagrees with you and doesn't share your opinion isn't necessarily stupid or wrong or evil.

They simply share a different opinion. One might argue that their opinion should be conquered or their people destroyed, that they must be hated and that they cannot be co-existed with.

A society in which all citizens share the exact same morals and opinions is an undesirable thing due to not just its lack of diversity but simply because of its commonality with cults and military regime because no new opinion or discovery can take place.

One must come to terms that they cannot control the opinions of others. To do so is logically reprehensible, not merely morally reprehensible due to the potential for the morals selected to be unable to grow or be replaced - thus the society in question being harmed as a result.

The evolution of opinions, morals (and as a result society itself) cannot take place. The society is stagnant and the people and their freedoms suffer as a consequence as a person will be persecuted for their opinions.

This is the death of free-thinking and the death of freedom.

Is this truly the extent of your disconnect from reality, Yamatai?

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