Star Army

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RP: 188604 [Pumpkin Eater]: A New Adventure (After the New Years Party)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gunhand4171
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Werner's suite:

Ulysses had been sleeping in today. He finally was to have some time off and he was spending it away in Nath Tower, his new "home." He had been sleeping quite peacefully, that is until he heard a knock at the door. "I'm sleeping, go away..." He called, figuring it was just housekeeping, trying to come in and clean up. However it was not the case.

Aashi made her way into the room with her key card and stealthily crept up on the sleeping man. She slunk into the bed behind him, wrapping her arms around his midsection. Werner smiled softly. "Mmmm... Hello you..." He said bring a hand up to hers and giving it a squeeze. He turned his head to look at Aashi and look at her sleepily, but still happy.

"Hello to you, too. Want to go on an adventure?" Aashi asked, enthusiastically studying his face with her bright blue eyes.

"Adventure?" He asked groggily. He laid his head back on the pillow and held Aashi's hands. "Five more minutes please...?" He pleaded.

"Five more minutes," Aashi said as she laid her head down on the pillow, black and blue hair spilling out from behind her and running down the edge of the bed. He had turned over and held Aashi with a soft smile on his face while he caught a few extra minutes of sleep. He woke up several minutes after his five minute mark. "Thank you." He said giving her a soft squeeze. "What kind of adventure are we getting into this time?" He asked looking over at her.

"Bringing the Vek back to their home world. One trip at a time," Aashi said with a grand sweeping gesture of her legs off of the bed. "Hmmm, we really need to get coffee pots in all of the rooms. Either that, or an espresso bar."

"The Vek are leaving? Alright..." He said sitting up. "Let me get dressed first, then I can make some coffee." He said giving her a peck on the cheek as he slid out of bed and went to take a shower.

"I'll wait for you," Aashi said, laying back down languidly while her skyfish spun circles in the air and eventually followed Ulysses to the bathroom, hoping to shower, too.

As Werner stripped down and got in the shower, Aashi heard an "Aaaah! A!" Werner had just slipped into the shower when he noticed the Manta follow him in. "You spooked me silly girl. You want to shower too?" He asked holding out a hand to the silly manta.

It flew forward, to where the water would pour out and wiggled its ribbons that trailed behind it.

He sighed with a smile. "Alriiight." He said as he took his shower, allowing A to splash and play in the water. He teased the manta, splashing it with water as it flew by him before he got out and dried off.

Aashi was idly playing with her datapad and moved up out of her position to gather some of his clothes, save the duster, and handed them to him after he had wrapped the towel around himself.

Werner smiled and took the clothes, "Thank you Aashi." He said with a smile. He walked back into the bathroom and threw his clothes on."Alright, time to get you some coffee." He said moving to his personal coffee maker, and started making a nice pot of coffee.

"Thank you[/u], Ulysses," Aashi replied as she lay down and stretched her back against the soft bed. "So this adventure... you're willing to come along?"

Werner looked over from his spot in the kitchen. "You're really asking that?" He asked with a teasing grin. "Of course I will tag along. I need to keep my girl company." He said pointing over to A who was nudging him with its nose belligerently.

Aashi's laughter rung out from the bed and she rolled onto her back. "That's good, then. She needs the company. We... we both do, to be honest." Aashi looked vaguely wounded by some unknown threat as she went on, "I've been staying here too much, not seeing you enough, and just... generally, oh..." she stopped talking for a moment, then began again. "Just generally feeling not myself."

Werner stopped grinning, and walked over to Aashi. He softly pet A as he walked over to Aashi and threw his arms around her. "It's okay Aashi. No matter what I am always here and you can always talk to me..." He said breaking the embrace to look into her deep blue eyes. "Use your empathy..." He said taking one of her hands in his and intertwining their fingers.

Aashi wasn't hesitant to do as he asked, and opened herself up to both feel what he felt and to let him feel what she was going through. It was a rocky path he had to go through to get to her real inner emotions. Her inner happiness and the refuge or safety and solidity were places far from the entry mouth to her feelings. Werner could feel it all, having made this trek through Aashi's emotions before. He had become fairly adept after his multiple experiences. He learned what he needed to do. To Aashi, the path to Werner's emotions were wide open. To her it would appear like a harbor of calmness, warmth, love, and safety for her to safely protect herself from the whirlwind of her emotions.

Werner said softly. "Aashi... you are so troubled... What's wrong?" He asked placing a hand to her cheek and adding another link to her.

Aashi was comforted by his ability to soothe her and replied, "Nothing, not anymore."

He smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Good..." A chime sounded, signaling the coffee was done. "There we are." He said standing to fix Aashi a cup.

"Cream, please," she cooed from her place on the bed, which she flopped into further and languished in for the time being. "Thank you for that, Ulysses. I needed it."

He smiled knowingly and added cream. "I know. And it's no trouble at all. I think I have gotten pretty good at it." He added, bringing the freshly poured coffee over to her. She took a few heavy sips from the cup after he had brought it to her and her smile warmed as she drank it.

"Thank you, Ulysses. It tastes wonderful." She took another few gulps and asked. "How is your sister? I haven't seen much of her, recently."

It was Ulysses turn to look detached...well more so than normal. His eyes looked away and he shrugged. "I don't know. She hasn't talked to me in a while..." He chuckled softly. "She is not the little girl I used to know." He said softly to himself.

"Oh, Ulysses," Aashi murmured. "I'm sorry, I thought you would have seen her since the I'ee invasion. But you haven't, have you? I'm sorry, again, truly." Aashi went to him and set her coffee cup down and hugged him around his shoulders, setting her chin on him as she did. "I'm sorry she is so different. But you don't have to carry that burden."

"I know..." He said returning the hug. “I just missed the little girl she used to be. I don't know who she is anymore, and she doesn’t want to have anything to do with me as far as I can tell..." He replied.

"Oh, I get that. Let's go on our adventure," she said, releasing from the hug and grabbing her coffee to gulp it all the way down. "We'll have some fun!"

He smiled softly. "Sure. Let’s go." He said throwing on his coat and covering his bald head with his beret.

She grabbed her bag, full of knives and guns, and was out e door. "Let's go!" She trotted down the hallway after they exited the lift and looked at her painting, gasping as if she'd never seen it before, said, "It's beautiful, Ulysses!"

Werner chuckled softly. "You can't get used to seeing it can you?" He asked, throwing an arm around her shoulders as they walked.

"Nope!" she replied ecstatically and when they had gotten outside, went to the passenger door of his car, though the air field was nearby. "You know, we really should get me sunglasses!" she said, hand covering her eyes in the blaze of the sun.

Werner smiled and handed her a spare pair of sunglasses from the glove compartment. "I have an extra set when I forget my glasses." He says passing them to her before he took off towards the air field.

"Oh!" Aashi said, grabbing her familiar as it was now used to doing when they drove. She smiled as they drove, the sand and sun both hitting her gently as they made their way there. She liked the feeling of freedom in the car, effortlessly getting from one place to another. She liked being with him, most of all. The feeling of security and ease of communication between the both of them. She stepped out when he had parked and made her way to the Pumpkin Eater, which had several hundred Vekimen on it, already. "Are you ready?" she asked Ulysses.

He nodded. "Yep. Where you want my stuff?" He asked as the pair walked up and into the ship, making their way past all the Vek on board.

"Anywhere on the bridge is fine," Aashi replied.

Werner nodded and made his way up to the bridge, setting his rucksack next to him as he took the Co-pilot seat next to Aashi. He started flipping through preflight checks like he had done so many times before. "Alright... all green on my end." He finally said looking over to Aashi. He then looked over to A and smiled. "Come here my girl!" He said cheerfully.

The familiar ran into his arms as Aashi prepared for takeoff.

"So, Ulysses, have you been back to Akemi's without me?" she asked him as they got off of the ground.

Werner shook his head. "No... I have never been to Akemi's..." He replied, as he petted the manta in his arms.

"Oh that must have been the cantina we went to," Aashi said, confused.

"Yep we sure did." He replied as the ship lifted off the ground and turned skyward. "Remember? We went and danced." He added.

"I remember that quite well." Aashi set herself up at the helm on the bridge and asked him, "Comfortable?"

He smiled and looked over at her. "Of course I am." He said as he pet the Manta and watched the sky fly by them. He reached over and put his hand on her arm rest. "So what is the plan?" He asked.

"Take them back," she said simply. "Nothing more to it. Hang out in the meantime."

"That sounds good to me." He replied. "How long is the flight time?" He wondered.

She replied tersely, rolling her eyes, "Hours. And hours."

Werner smiled and gave a shrug. "All well, more time we get to hangout. We haven't hung out on the Pumpkin Eater in a while. I was missing this ship." He replied.

"It's a good ship," Aashi said. "Not like my old one, but a good ship, nonetheless. How are you, Ulysses? I mean, really really. How are you?"

He placed a hand on her's and gave her a reasuring smile. "We will find them Aashi..." After he heard her next question he sighed. "Hazel and I got into a huge fight... Got to the point where I punched the bulkhead, left a indent of my fist and cursed her out." He said looking away, slightly ashamed of his actions.

"I've never seen you upset like that!" Aashi said, astounded. "What made you get so worked up?" She opened up empathy as his hand was on hers and tried to understand his feelings. When she did, he was opened up to the reassuring feelings she had for him.

Werner felt the empathy link open and he felt the reassurance that she was channeling into him. Aashi would feel sadness, apprehension, and repressed anger. He didn't want to tell Aashi what Hazel had said, not because he didn't trust Aashi. It was because he didn't want to hurt her with what Hazel had said. Yet he knew the two didn't have secrets. He rested his head against her shoulder. Another skin to skin contact point. After a moment's hesitation he opened the flood gates and thought back to the moment. "She called you a space goat and disapproved of me living in Nath tower. Said I am making everything more difficult for our company because I am getting too friendly with the locals..." He said softly.

"Hmmmm..." Aashi mused. "That's not very nice of her. I'm glad you two aren't very similar. What do you need to cheer up?"

He shook his head. "Just being here with you is more than enough." He replied, adding a new emotion to their empathy link.

Aashi was happy to feel from him what she was feeling and said, "Thank you for standing up for me. I know you did, and that means quite a bit to me. It means the world."

He gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "It's no problem Aashi, I would do it again too. Even to my sister. Because you are just that important to me Aashi." He replied.

"Thank you, Ulysses. That means so much. So, so much. I don't know what I would do without you, sometimes," Aashi muttered.

He smiled and stood, letting the Manta fly up from his grasp as he moved over to Aashi. He offered her his hand. "Come on. Let's go to the lounge and hangout. I will make us some food to." He said looking down at Aashi.

"That sounds good to me, but the ship is infested with Vekimen. Let's stay on the bridge, where they're not. Would you like to watch a movie?" Aashi asked.

Werner smiled. "It is tradition isn't it?" He said with a smile. "Let me go grab some snacks and I will be right back okay?" He said moving to walk to the kitchen to grab some popcorn and drinks.

"Okay!" Aashi said to him before he left. She scanned the sensors and got the AI ready to take over control of piloting before he got back. She set up the selection of movies, leaving many options for him to choose from.

Werner walked through the ship, making his way past all the Vek to get to the kitchen. He made a large bowl of popcorn and grabbed a few different drinks. By the time he had walked back in with the food and drinks Aashi had already the movie list up and ready. "Alright. Go ahead and pick Aashi." He said sitting down next to her, passing the popcorn and offering her one of the several drinks he had brought with him.

"Time to choose... Hmmm..." Aashi asked, "What are you in the mood for?"

"That is a good question..." he said looking through the list of movies. "Thriller? Horror?" He offered.

"Thriller and horror sound perfect," Aashi said. "The Last Night, it is." She turned on the movie and then went to the cupboard to get some blankets and pillows. She spread them on the ground and then laid down facing the screen.

Werner moved and helped her set up, then moved and laid down next to her, scooting up right next to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I have missed this..." He said softly.

"As have I," she said. "I like this a lot. I like being with you."

The movie started and the two laid in each other’s arms as the movie played. It was a Nepleslian movie about an entire NSMC squad, being hunted by the NMX. Thralls chasing them down on a derelict space station. Their ship destroyed and no way to contact the outside world, each soldier getting picked off one by one. Werner silently watched as Aashi looked stricken, not horrified but on the cusp of being so. She was pressing her finger into her mouth and watching the screen worriedly when a Nightmare type ( stepped out of the shadows and preformed, what is known in the movie business as a Jump scare. Werner jumped slightly. However Aashi remained cool and collected next to him and hugged his arm close to her, stroking his forearm with her hand.

Werner smiled and laughed softly that he got scared at the jump scare. "Well, this director is pretty good, even got me..." He said nuzzling up next to Aashi as the movie continued to play.

"They're great at what they do," Aashi replied. "I like it."

But before they could finish it, they had reached their destination.

"Time to unload the first bunch of Vekimen," Aashi said as she prepared the Pumpkin Eater to touch down for landing inside of the cave system.

"Ah..." Werner complained, teasingly as he stood and moved back to the copilot seat, talking with the Vek ground team to inform them of their landing. He then was heard over the loud speaker. "Thank you all for flying air Pumpkin, we have reached our destination. Please watch your step as you exit the vessel and enjoy your stay." he said before opening the ramp. "How'd I do?" he asked with a grin.

"You did wonderfully!" Aashi said. "Now to go back and do it all again..."

He smiled. "Well that just means more time we get to spend together." He replied, putting a positive spin on Aashi's choir.

"That does mean that, yes!" Aashi said, settling in to the same position to watch the movie as she had had during the first trip there. "Let's continue, shall we?"

"Of course." he said snuggling back up next to Aashi as they resumed the movie.

The pair watched the movie while the ship made its way back to 188604 for the second group of passengers. The two laughed and took turns getting scared at different sections of the movie. As the movie ended, the ship placed the in high orbit, on a track to land. "Well that is some god timing..." he said as he stood and helped Aashi up from her position on the floor. "That was a pretty great movie." he added.

"Yes it was," she said. "Let's get this second batch of Vek up and out of here...

"Roger that Captain Nath." he said moving to give her another peck on the cheek. "I will go get the next batch settled. Be right back!" He said before moving to get the next group of Vek aboard.