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Laz Public Network [Purchase Order] To: Lorath Commerce Board


Inactive Member
From: Irene Celes, MD

I would like to purchase the following for my private use, and have resolved to only purchase these goods from a licensed, legitimate dealer.

As I am a current employee of a non-UMC corporation, I will agree to any warranties or contracts of use that do not violate the business and trade laws of my home nation, the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. It is to my understanding that bootlegging and piracy has been troublesome in your region of space.

Purchase list:

  • “M'Cel” 40/30mm Grenade Launcher
  • (50): Rounds 40mm: Impact Detonation, Explosive Gel Slug
  • (50): Rounds 40mm: Landing Gel Release Slug
  • (80): Rounds 40mm: Lethal Intent Soft-Gel Slug, Lorath Medical Nanomachines (For first-aid purposes.)
  • (20): Rounds 40mm: Lethal Intent Soft-Gel Slug, Lorath Medical Nanomachines (For first-aid purposes.) w/ Pink Kaserine and Motor Control Suppressant Drugs
  • (3): Remote Medical Drones: Mi-Missile Variant w/ Control Interface
  • Pico-jelly, 30oz container metal type
  • Magnetically Contained Charged Plasma Saber
  • Helashio Adoption, Adolescent
Re: Lorath Commerce Board

Request confirmed and evaluated.

We have evaluated your request and have determined the majority of your order is able to be filled as is. Considering the nation which you represent, a minor tax will be added, however, we will conduct rapid delivery to your locale. We have also cross-checked your identification information with your home government, and have confirmed that you are authorized to purchase goods which are of a quality which civilians are unable to acquire without a license. However, one of the items has been denied due to Matriarchy guidelines involving shipping to alien species.

  • “M'Cel” 40/30mm Grenade Launcher - Authorized - 750 HS
  • (50): Rounds 40mm: Impact Detonation, Explosive Gel Slug - Approved - 100 HS
  • (50): Rounds 40mm: Landing Gel Release Slug - Approved - 250 HS
  • (80): Rounds 40mm: Lethal Intent Soft-Gel Slug, Lorath Medical Nanomachines (For first-aid purposes.) - Altered - We have decided to ship this item with nanomachine containment shells and propellant casings seperate to allow for user adjustment of propellant load to prevent excessive damage to targets. - 350 HS
  • (20): Rounds 40mm: Lethal Intent Soft-Gel Slug, Lorath Medical Nanomachines (For first-aid purposes.) w/ Pink Kaserine and Motor Control Suppressant Drugs - Altered - We have decided to ship this item the same as we will ship the other nanomachine shell order. We are also shipping gloves and garments for product handling safety. - 200 HS
  • (3): Remote Medical Drones: Mi-Missile Variant w/ Control Interface - Approved - 75 HS
  • Pico-jelly, 30oz container metal type - Approved - 500 HS
  • Magnetically Contained Charged Plasma Saber - Denied - We are sorry, this item is restricted to Lorath Matriarchy usage. As a substitute, we will ship you a free 'Stalwart Suppressor' plasma thrower and magnetic containment kit. We are confident some tinkering may produce the desired outcome. We are sorry for our inability to provide your desired merchandise.
  • Helashio Adoption, Adolescent - Approved - 5000 HS - Please forward additional specifications for appearance or other guidelines to our adoption agency in a separate message
  • Taxes: +75 HS
From: Irene Celes, MD

Due to my satisfaction with goods purchased previously, I would like to place an additional order for certain larger scale items, including a personal transport, a recreational bike and a bulk order of medical supplies. The additional combat equipment is being purchased for the purpose of protecting myself and a mercenary companion from pirates and NMX during a planned trip to the UOC for a medical conference in Jiyuu.

As always, I will agree to terms favorable to the Lorath Commerce Board so as to continue our good relations.

Purchase list:

  • (2): Lo-moto Motor Bike, Prussian Blue/Scarlet
  • (1): Journey-class Shuttle, Grey and Navy Blue
  • (2): ASX-102 Yuneron, Prussian Blue/Scarlet
  • Additional listed components.
  • (2): Compressed Packet Rifle
  • (1): 'Deviance' Shotgun Gatling
  • (50): Remotely Guided Gyrojet Guided Slug
  • (150): Fragmentation Slug
Request Confirmed and Evaluated

The Lorath Commerce Board has confirmed your order and has authorized the full order. Due to your return-customer status, your order is being shipped at-cost without additional tax or tariff for export fees. We have also included a war-time customer loyalty gift for your continued patronage.

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