Star Army

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Purchased Aether Device to install...


Inactive Member
Toshiro has purchased an Aether Generator from the YSE surplus to operate as another power source for the Yggdrasill, for expandability and redundancy. I was wondering a few things.

1. Would this boost or alter any specs other than power?
2. Will this cut the D-Gun's charging time from 7 min to something else, since the Antimatter Generator can be focused solely on the weapon?
3. Would a newer, more efficient Mishhu-built Positron Cannon (same weapon type) be better suited to this configuration than its Nermian ancestor (D-Gun)?

Note that the Aether Generator would be set up in the place the Interdiction Device was once placed--it was removed due to IC illegality.
1. It might make you easier to detect in some cases.
2. Probably (5mins?)
3. That's up to you.
While we're on the subject, what is the possibility of fitting an aetheric device acquired through undisclosed means to a powered armor?

Is it legal?

When is it not legal?
It's legal, unless it is used as a weapon.
Ah, I see. Thanks, Wes.

It might be worth putting that up on the wiki, if you haven't already.

Also, it might be worth setting up some treaties over what's legal and not within the Yamataian empire.

"Empire". Man. Sounds like Rome all over again.
I was under the impression Aether Weapon Tech was a Military Secret. You can buy Aether Tech? I though the idea of "Unlimited Energy" would be a bad thing to hand out. Just the ability to reverse Engineer that would be enough to have larger, more capable engines appearing. Do they explode if not built right? Can they somehow not be reverse engineered?
There's a candy machine that uses this technology, I think it's been adapted to civilian use. Aether generators aren't the same as aether weaponry, though. When it was discussed before, I brought up the comparison: Solar power is free energy, but it doesn't break the economy because it's still expensive to set up and keep running. The same goes for aether generators; if it has a long lifetime, it has a high cost, too.

As for reproducing the tech, a 1880s gunsmith who took apart an AK 47 wouldn't be able to make an AK 47, and that's a pretty small technology gap. Being able to capture something and take it apart doesn't let you replicate it, unless you already are nearly at the same level of technology, already.