Star Army

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Laz Public Network Purchased what turned out to be a Lorath Artifact


Inactive Member
To: Lorath Antiquities Department (or equivalent agency)

I am a purchaser of salvaged bulk goods which come onto the market. I do this for various reasons; including securing materials I like, obtaining resources needed, or even ensuring that items belonging to my native government are returned rather than escaping into the civilian market. The reclamation of government or important cultural goods from these sources is an important effort which I take seriously.

In my tradings with various liquidation sites, some of which are anonymous, I encountered a sculpture which stood out which I did not fully understand the meaning or origin of. Seeing it as a piece of fine art, I obtained it. After searching for data on it, it seems to be a type of religious artifact of your people, and is apparently rare. I'm still not quite knowledgeable about it, but it was labeled "Priceless Lorath religious icon" in the data I eventually found.


Is this indeed a religious icon of your people, or a fake? I know the political situation between our nations is pretty tense, but that doesn't mean something like this can't be returned to its rightful place.

Taisa Kage Yaichiro
Star Army of Yamatai
Re: Purchased what tuened out to be a Lorath Artifact

Sender: Lorath Antiquities Department
To: Taisa Kage Yaichiro

Greetings, Taisa;

We have analyzed the data attached to the document in which you sent during your initial communication and have confirmed that you are indeed in the possession of one of our missing relics. We are deeply appreciative that you have taken the initiative to open dialog with us, and we would like to extend our thanks to you, Taisa.

Due to the value of the artifact to our people, we request that it be returned to us. We can arrange transport, alternatively, if you can provide secure transportation, we can authorize a single ship or small group to enter our space for the purpose of delivering the artifact. Furthermore, we would like to offer you compensation for your efforts in the form of one piece of non-classified equipment and/or digital currency.

Please send a reply to this message specifying your preferred method of returning the relic, as well as your desired reward which may meet 50,000 KS in value.

Furthermore, Taisa, we request information regarding the source of the merchandise in which you have acquired, if any information is available. Alternatively, we urge that further dialog be carried out for the purpose of perhaps initiating an investigation into the trafficking of such priceless artifacts.

With Eternal Thanks;
Lorath Antiquities Department
To: Lorath Antiquities Department (or equivalent agency)

I am able to dispatch a craft which can possibly meet with one of your craft at a point on the edge of what you define as Lorath/or former UOC space. As I understand that there is a territorial dispute in progress among other heated issues, I would rather that neither of us were compelled to enter the other's area of space any more than necessary. Doing so could invite additional conflict which could be avoided.

I am interested in some Lorath-made starship grade sensors, though if that isn't possible, the cash reward is also suitable. I thank you for that consideration.

As for the origin of this artifact, it came from an anonymous liquidation group which routinely operate on Lazarus Public under the simple header "Items for Sale". Whether or not they knew what they had, I have no idea. They obtain all sorts of things there with little real rhyme or reason. Just whatever they seem able to get their hands on in inventory. While I am not sure if it is something your government can practically pursue or prosecute for, I would recommend watching their inventory from time to time, as well as the inventory of the others, to catch more artifacts if they come up for sale. I know I recently obtained some of your Emfratec stoves from them as well.

Helashio slaves in stasis sometimes come on the market as well. I've just purchased nine of them, which I intend to readily send to my government for freeing from slavery. While I am not sure how my government processes such peoples or if you have an agreement with the Empire in that regard, I do know that the law guarantees their basic rights, so I see them being able to return to Lor of their own will if desired. I am not sure if shipping them directly to the Lorath homeworld would be legal, since I would technically be trafficking slaves in the eyes of the law.

Taisa Kage Yaichiro
Star Army of Yamatai
Sender: Lorath Antiquities Department
To: Taisa Kage Yaichiro

We are appreciative of your understanding of the sensitive nature of our territorial situation at this time. We will dispatch a small group of our ships to meet your own, and will conduct the exchange of equipment and relic via shuttle.

We will be able to deliver one functional Lorath sensor grid, with non-classified components and firmware. We will also deliver a KS card containing 7,500 KS in currency. Additionally, we acknowledge that you are in possession of Helashio, please prepare a listing of their biometric readings for our documentation process, once they are registered by the department which handles Helashio adoptions and exchanges, they will be registered as free individuals. We will also deliver a data storage device with a database regarding Helashio biology, psychology, and cultural information for the purpose of integrating the indivdiuals into free society.

Thank you Taisa, we hope that you accept the reward well, and that you will be vigilant for those which wish to further put a wedge between our peoples.

With Thanks,
Lorath Antiquities Department
To: Lorath Antiquities Department (or equivalent agency)


These are the biometrics of the Helashio in question, for your review. They consented to the scan and the disclosure of this data, and understand to what end it is to be used for. I am also required to determine and comply with the laws set forth by my Empire in regard to their status and well being, but I predict no conflict or issue with registering them and obtaining data in compliance with your laws. Depending on just what system is in place, it may actually expedite the process and make it much easier.

A civilian craft with the artifact has been deployed, though I will withold the Helashio at this time from that transport until I have determined the law of my Empire in this regard as well as if their personal wishes are to return to Lor. I thank you for your prompt response and understanding in this matter. A little mutual respect never harmed anyone, and I hope that our governments can still work things out.

Also, I just checked, and it seems that some crates of your missile warheads are currently for sale. I'm not sure what your policy is regarding those particular systems though.

Taisa Kage Yaichiro
Star Army of Yamatai