Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Purple Usergroup?

Their primary usergroup is set to "Yamatai GMs." Much like Koku's is set to "Nepleslia GMs." Why? Who knows.
There is a forum usergroup for Yamataian GMs with a purple color. If it's set to be the default group, the name color is purple. Kokuten started it! He set his usergroup to default to Nepleslian GMs with the dark green color. :)
And that makes a difference? Co-GMs get a different color from regular GMs? Or just Yamataian ones? Why not just return things to status quo ante argumentum?

Ira said:
This is silly.
Your comment was unnecessary, not contributory, and can be taken as slightly insulting. If you have paid any attention to SARP, you will note that most arguments that occur are actually rather trivial. That observation does not prevent or stop them from occurring.
I suppose the issue is: do assistant GMs (co-GMs) go in the GM group? Thoughts?
From my experience, there are two types of co-GMs. 1) They are already GMs who are helping the primary plot GM out on a regular basis or 2) They are players unofficially picked to pick up the slack for the primary plot GM whenever said GM is unable to fulfill all of his/her duties.

If the Co-GM is a regular part of the plot, they should just have the blue tag because they are, in their own right, a Game Master. However, if they're just a pinch-hitter for the plot GM, they should remain as they are.
At the same time, I think it needs to be a case by case basis on the second set. Some temporary GMs need access to the full GM stuff, especially if they have to stand in for any real length of time.
Agreed on that Aendri. But if it becomes a regular or long-term thing, then said player should simply be elevated and acknowledged as an official (co-)GM.

So I don't see why Yamataian co-GMs need to have a special color.
The principle of the matter. Nothing more or less important than standing up for the principle of the matter.

Because if colors don't matter, then I am fully within rights to change the colors of the 4th Fleet members in the user group. There is no rule requiring that all regular members have the same color. Only the unofficial agreement not to.

As I said, either everyone returns to status quo ante argumentum (wherein all GMs have the one color and regular users none) or prepare to see colored users.
Do you think that we should just eliminate the concept of a Co-GM and make all of them GMs too?
I don't think it would resolve anything.

Most plots are the vision of one GM, who might then be supported one or more co-GMs. That is to say a tiered hierarchy, such as TFL. It's Gallant's plot but run by Kim and Kokuten at the moment.

But there are a minority of plots where there are two co-equal GMs (NSS Venus with Shotty and myself). In which case, it is perfectly acceptable to call either one of them a co-GM.

The concept is problematic only in that it has two (or more) definitions, depending upon the GM and circumstances.

Putting co-GMs and primary plot GMs on the same level in terms of forum access and authority is one part of a solution. That way, we can increase the pool of potential GMs. The major difference between a GM and a "co-GM" is really the circumstances of the plot and the definition which those people work under. Despite this circumstantial factor, I don't think anyone would argue that Co-GMs deserve less access, authority, etc than the Plot GMs.