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Implemented Put Rumors Sections In Location Articles


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Some locations already have these, but it would be cool to make them more widespread by putting a section for them in a template for locations.

A player (I don't remember who) once told me:

What I LOVE are rumors sections. I LOVE THEM. This lets me add references to RPs that actually happened, but twist them, or only release a tiny bit of info about what happened there so people can interpret it their own way. I feel this adds an enormous amount of flavor to any setting and RP, when character actions filter out into the community and other characters can know about them (distantly) and respond to them.​

Example: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=system:ase-006&s[]=rumors#rumors_and_events

The point of this is pretty straightforward: fill the setting with lots of plot hooks that could be used to start RP threads.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
It occurred to me that if we used stuct I could make a central rumors page and a form to submit them.
First yea please add a rumors section honestly from all the rpg books I've gone through all the years and also stuff I've made its great for plot hooks. Maybe a rumor of ghost ships are pirates or some ancient monster eating civilian traffic.
Reactions: Wes
Also might as well put it out there but if any one wants help putting rumors in new and updated locations I'll be happy to help out just shoot me a pm.
Reactions: Wes
That is a really dope idea, not gonna lie. Like schere mentioned, I love those little footnotes in rpg books and stuff.
Reactions: Wes
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