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SYNC Quamerat Eesis TO Neshaten Fleet Admiral


Inactive Member
To: Fleet Admiral of the Neshaten
From: Fleet Marshal Quamerat Eesis of the Gartagen Union Solar Navy

This is Fleet Marshal Quamerat Eesis of the Gartagen Union. Our long-range communications relay has recently picked up disturbing news from a Kuvexian starship. According to this intel, a large Kuvexian fleet is going on an attack course straight through Yamatai and Nepleslian space, going back as far to reach the Union. World's of note include Keren, Ether, Neplesia Prime....even Azorea. It lists many other worlds that I will transfer to you momentarily. This call is to formally request ships to join our fleet that we will be sending to intercept them before this attack occurs. We estimate the initial enemy attack fleet to be close to fifty ships. Reinforcements are unknown, but it should be expected they have some lurking somewhere.

To: Fleet Marshal Quamerat Eesis of the Gartagen Union Solar Navy

From: CIC - Vio'leca Hui'ye Cre'baya

I could not help but notice that your list of contacts do not include either of our allies, the Yamatai Star Empire, and the Poku Saeruo Degonjo.

Without a formal Treaty between our people, I am limited in what resources that I can offer. However, as a gesture of interstellar good will, I am diverting a squadron of eight She’tanora Class Hybrid Exploration Vessels to assist in engaging this threat.
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