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Question about Earth


Well-Known Member
While I know it maybe a bit taboo speaking of the SARP version of Earth. I was curious as to how much history survived through the ages, leading up to this point from Earth itself. You know, myths, legends, culture, etc etc. While Earth itself may have faded into obscurity, how much of what was brought from it remains? Beyond the Nerimian's interpretations that they brought, I mean.
I was under the impression that Earth never existed in this setting, but was actually a part of the Nerimian universe, which they brought over from their dimension-jumping escapades.

It would be good to finally get it settled whether or not Earth-proper actually existed in *this* setting, and not just a footnote from the Nerimian universe.
Even though the Iromakuanhe are descendants of humans, I never really referenced Earth or humanity any more than Yamatai or Nepleslia. Mostly, I referred to a preexisting human civilization that exists very far away, which has had recurring eras of outwards migration.

I think that keeping the point of origin for human societies in SARP ambiguous and stripping out any overt references to Earth in IC articles might be a good idea, and allow us to give the setting a kind of multiple choice backstory without any conflicts.

Although, I think it's safe to refer to specific species of flora and fauna as being 'Terran' or comparing them to their 'Terran' counterparts, because it could refer to an Earth-like biosphere instead of specifically mentionning the Earth.

Maybe... including this in the list of important terms.
In one of the campaign ideas that I'm toying around with in my mind, the MacGuffin is a relic from Earth. This fact would be obvious to the readers but not discoverable at all by the PCs. Just imagine your character holding a plastic figurine and saying "Made in Taiwan? Where is that?" :)
I came to my conclusion from the use of "Japanese" or "English" in roleplay; generally, we are told NOT to use those words to describe the language (despite them being the same), and I want to say that I've read before that the reason for not using the proper name for the language was that they didn't exist in this setting.
I can't remember if it was ever stated explicitly whether or not Earth exists in this setting, just that references where discouraged. However, considering that their are so many things in the setting ostensibly from Earth (Mexican food, English language, etc.), or one very close to it , that it probably does exist. It is just that no one knows where it is.
I believe the existence of Earth is deliberately left vague and up to interpretation. Very few people in this setting know of it, and almost all of them dismiss it as a myth.

Of course, all these humans originated somewhere. For these star-faring civilizations, Earth is just a very obscure myth about man's origins.
Earth is a vague and forgotten notion as far as SARP is concerned. Going back to the days of the Black Claw Empire when humans were subjugated most information and history was destroyed. This was due to the length of time and cruelty of the dominant race. So while there are 'echoes' of humanity's past which we sort of set by using what we know to describe something within SARP, if there IS an Earth then it is by now long gone.

Not necessarily destroyed but quite possibly uninhabitable if it even exists. Or if even the Milky Way still exists. It could be so long that the galaxy has started to collapse or collide with another. We have no way to know just how far in the future or.... maybe in the PAST the SARP is set in terms of the Earth's existence.

Like Yangfang, I entertained a story notion of maybe following a trail of 'breadcrumbs' that lead to the discovery of humanities roots before the Black Claw. Nothing ever really solidified though because having to think on that possibility made me then have to consider just how the Black Claw enslaved humans in the first place. How they met, how they fought, how they lost, and just what were humans doing before the most unfortunate run in with them. Just thinking on all the possibilities made me run in too many directions to really focus.

Then of course there's the matter of whether or not anyone would ever dare want to go see whatever happened to the remnants of the Black Claw Empire after it got overthrown. No one really remembers or discusses that but if you ever wanted to go there just head towards the direction in the Star Map marked 'Certain Doom.'

So no, Earth has never been 'established' so no one should know it exists really. And if there is a mythical 'homeworld' where people originated from, then no one really seems to be concerned about finding it.
Like Yangfang, I entertained a story notion of maybe following a trail of 'breadcrumbs' that lead to the discovery of humanities roots before the Black Claw. Nothing ever really solidified though because having to think on that possibility made me then have to consider just how the Black Claw enslaved humans in the first place. How they met, how they fought, how they lost, and just what were humans doing before the most unfortunate run in with them.

Oh my! This idea is decidedly thrilling!
Yangfan said:
I believe the existence of Earth is deliberately left vague and up to interpretation. Very few people in this setting know of it, and almost all of them dismiss it as a myth.

Of course, all these humans originated somewhere. For these star-faring civilizations, Earth is just a very obscure myth about man's origins.
You know....
  • Earth had technology to build mech and power-armor; however, they didn't b/c of the tatical advantage of the tanks. It was either than always built them with wheels (like rollerblades) because it was the only way to get powerarmor's to be more tactically advantageous than slow tanks
  • On Earth some people called "gamers" earned money by playing games on the internet where they gained psuedo-money or psuedo-goods that they would sell to other for a national currency.
  • People on earth became so anti-social to the real world and hooked to the information age that people made profits by creating sites where people could make friends or find a partner.
I tried to makes these funny and not just actual myths, so they would be better examples of the style I was talking about.
As far as I know, it Earth doesn't exist BUT IF IT DID! I think it would be interesting for a ship to stumble upon it and search it. See these ruins of a civilization WAY long gone. Obviously and advanced civiliation, but something bad happened. Maybe the team finds huge Radiation pockets, or signs of other WMD's being used and the planet collapsing. Maybe society just collapsed thousands of years ago and the humans that are around were on some special space fleet that was sent to find new planets, sorta like a Wall-e deal with more success and less evil robots and obesity?