Star Army

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Question on Genetic enhancements


Inactive Member
I was asking Wes about this but was advised to post the questions here.

What kinds of genetic enhancements are available? In the area of senses and the like how do they compare with the kind of senses Nekos (like the NH-29) start out with? I ask this because I would like something between a Neko and human for the character I am working on (a Yamataian) as a alternative to the 'stab out your eye' approach of going to the default human-standard senses of the Yamataian from a Neko (which the character started out life as).
thank you for linking that Zakalwe. Do you know if those are all available to civilians (ex military) or only to active duty persons?
They should be available to all, however this comes from the very oldest version of SA.

Only Wes remains from that time.
Hmm....I'm no expert but these look seriously out of date (what with magic dispersal enhanements XD). That said, it might be a good idea to go back and revamp the stuff on gene-therapy upgrades. Makes sense to have it after all.
As someone who's wanting genetic modification (or at least physical augmentation) to be beyond simplistic/borderline a natural process for a species, I was hoping that this would link me to current genetic enhancement companies/tech floating around. Psychopomp is a new one and I know there's a few methods floating around in Yamatai, but would there be any that are "traditional" and part of other nations?
Right now we have a gap in Yamataian genetics companies - I don't really have anything as far as wikified articles at the moment, although the companies theoretically exist.
Saiga Psychogenetics was created to make weaponized behavioral modifications and pathogens, but it just ended up producing mechas, guns, and starships. If anyone would like to make SPLabs genetic stuff, they're welcome to do it, but it's really hard to actually make stuff like that meaningful for RP without a plot that needs a plot device.
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I found the old PNUgen corp page on the net here

Some of our Available Upgrades

--Immune System and chemical Systems--

Bacterialogical Heavy Countermeasures
Self Evolving Dioxyribonucleic Acid Strands
Fireproof Skin
Radiation Resistance
Heavy Viral Countermeasures
Anti-acid foam
Ki Asorbtion
Magical Energy Dispersal

--Neurological and Psychological--

Constant Neurosortion and Conciousness
Photographic Analysis Memory
Remote Brain Net Modem Access
Secure Communications Telepathy

--Muscles and Organs--

Self-pumping arteries and veins
Second heart
Heavy-duty Bones
Replacement Blood Heavy Backup Livers
Heat exchange and cooling organs
Budding-Pod reproductive systems
High metabolism
Air Compressing Heavy Lungs
Breathing Skin Pores
Gyroscopic Tail
Shoulder Chemical Rocket Thrusters
Retractable claws
Built in Blades
Jacobson's Organ
Bloodbourne Autohealing Nanomachines
Nightvision and Infrared Eyesight
Telescopic Eyesight
Telescopic Hearing and Sound Tracking
Hidden Attack/Utility Tenticles
Special Teeth
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I'm copying the text and single image that are on that site here for posterity. The site was last updated in 2000, so the information is mostly of historical intrest.


Welcome to PNUgen Corporation's Pagoda No Uesu genetic research labs, the main complex in Uesureya.
What does PNUgen do?Where is PNUgen located?
PNUgen is a corporation which specializes in genetic modification. We help people become the person they always wanted to be, or have the soldiers they always wanted to have in their army. We can change a body, or even give a new one. Here, you can:
Buy a soldier or servant
Purchase a new body
Genetically modify an organism
Construct a virus or antidote
Surgically implant devices or organs
If you need or want these services, then post a request in the PNUgen services forum.
We are located in the town of Pagoda No Uesu, a small town built years ago for the Emperor, in a mostly underground facility.
Pagoda no Uesu is situated at the fringe of the forests of Melanchol. The area of Pagoda no Uesu, is a, for the most part, non-magical place, with advanced technologies.
Our extensive labs are heavily guarded by powerful mechanized infantry robots, among other "things" we have created. Here we experiment on living things' genes to create better products for our consumers.The labs stretch deep, over a hundred floors, and hold many secrets.
How can I get involved?Joining?
The Empire of Uesureya has gone a little away from its tight control policy, and now you may be able to purchase stock in PNUgen, thus giving you a vote in the company's future activities.
If you're more interested in science, then join as a part of our R&D team, or if you like spying, and military activities, join the PNUgen intel section.
But, you don't have to join to get involved!
PNUgen has public opinion polls you can answer right here.
PNUgen is currently recruiting! If you have an interest in science, security, or tired of not having your own office with a minifridge, futon, high speed computer, microwave, as well as pay only limited by your performance, then drop us a line in our managment forum.
We'd love to have more inventive minds working for us, and you'll love the benefits. So stop by sometime at our lab.


last updated in 2000

Tasks of PNUgen Research & DevelopmentPNUgen's facilities
Genetically modify an organism
Construct a virus or antidote
Surgically implant devices or organs
To access our services, speak to
one of our members, or post in our forum
R&D is located from levels 50 to 20.
Specific sections may be found on the floors list.
The labs are very well equipped for both the use, and for the comfiness of the workers.
[R&D forum] [gain access to this forum]
R&D membersR&D support members
Dr. Shinichiro Nobumoto, MD, Geneticist,
Dr. Ezekiel Shaitan, Geneticist,
Dr. Emily Claire Simon, Chemist,
Dr. Busumjima Kayakana, Geneticist
Dr. Mitchell Daniels, Geneticist
Nurse Arula Kay Toryken, Lab medic,
Sasami Iruja, Assistant,
Lena Ravenoak, Technician,
Jeremiah Hauerr, technician
Masapiel, scientist
Kayuki Shima, Geneticist,
Missions for PNUgen R&D personnel.News & Updates
Create new test models for use as physical,
telepathic, and magical weapons, and as
general assistants. Work on pilot models for mecha.
[18Aug00] 0533
[email webmaster]


Welcome to PNUgen's Corporation's Pagoda No Uesu Intel and Security Division

What does PNUgen Intel do?Who works in Intel (External affairs).
As far as you're concerned, we just sit on our butts doing nothing. Actually we keep a watchful eye over others' kingdoms and companies, and promising specimens they might have.Chief of intel:
Agent Jeremiah Kain, Jeremiah Kain,
Agent Mashu Noeru,
Agent Koh Montai,
Agent Sirus,
Agent Shane Rawain,
What does PNUgen Internal Affairs do?Members of Internal Affairs
We keep close tabs on those inside our company
to watch for espionage agents and traitors.
To join IA, you must be an experinced, trusted
Intel, Defense, or BGC (PR's backround checkers).
Chief of PNUgen Internal Affairs:
Special Agent Jack Chandler,
Special Agent Jacob Meyers,
Special Agent Isha Sekei,
What does PNUgen Security do?Who works in PNUgen security
We guard the PNUgen labs and perform local defensive missions, as well as checking ID's and more mundane things.
All Defense officers are well-trained in mecha combat as well.
Chief of PNUgen security:
Field Marshall Mechanized Infantry Robot 8g,
Saptheran Vanaxian,
Jack Buna,
Kayuki Shima,
Jaiden Qatarne,
Forums and security
The Intel/Security forum
Get access to this forum
Note: Joining Intel should be done on the
Management and Recuiting Forum


Weapons and specimens

Weapons by Serial NumberWeapons Info
B-0319 J-Ressurection, Creator Unknown
B-0320 Kitsurugi Midori, Uesureyu
B-0321 Kitsurugi Susi, Uesureyu
B-0322 Tal, Uesureyu
B-0323 Kitsurugi_Yui, Uesureyu,
B-0324 Kitsurugi Yumi, Uesureyu
B-0325 Eve (deceased), Shinichiro
B-0326 Lillian Kirn, creator unknown
B-0327 kirn_justin, creator unknown
B-0328 Masapiel, Shinichiro,
B-0329 Omega (deceased), creator unknown
B-0330a Zynesai, Simon
B-0330b Vay, Simon
B-0330 Jaece, Simon
B-0331 Muonuduu, Simon
B-0332 Rita, creator unknown,
B-0333 Orion, Okaida,
B-0334 Sysis, Fujiyama,
B-0335 Lilly II, Shinichiro,
B-0336 Mhyrr, Ravenoak,
B-0337 Brass, Orion
B-0338 Dragonhalf (both)
B-0339 Cleopatra
B-0340 Kitsurugi Mizuki, Uesureyu
B-0341 Kitsurugi Mayame, Uesureyu
B-0342 Cloud Winter, Busujima
B-0343 Cally Winter, Busujima
B-0344 Kwan
B-0345 Cathirine.a, Orion
B-0346 Alura, Kitsurugi Yui
B-0347 Maila, Masapiel,
The weapons' lounge is a quality, comfortable place where the PNUgen weapons can hang out while either between testing, or waiting for sale.
The lounge is actually floors 17 and 18, and includes the quarters for all the weapons, a gym, a pool, a spa, a cafeteria, and a library, among other things. There is an abundance of couches and comfy furniture about.
Enter the the weapons' lounge


I might be filing an adoption request for this one, just to make the necromancy more literal. Also what happened to a lot of these characters? @Wes

PNUgen Specimen B-0331
Name: Muonuduu Skeich
Age: 14
Sex: F
Species: Human
eyes: light brown
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 116
Hair: Black, straight, shoulder length
Skin: light
DNA: c-yopps (previous lab)
Purpose: Test Clone/Model--can be improved for use (mainly assistance)
Habits: laughing, timid
Abilities: telekinesis, secure communication telepathy, high metabolism, and telescopic eyesight
Education: Knows English, Japanese (Native) and most of the German language.
Problems Encountered: Has a hard time dealing with her emotions, bound to get emotional over no big
deal. Metabolism might be a bit too high; always hungry, she must be kept cold/cool, or fever
symptoms occur.
Created By: (responds only) Dr. Emily Claire Simon


Some of our Available Upgrades

--Immune System and chemical Systems--

Bacterialogical Heavy Countermeasures
Self Evolving Dioxyribonucleic Acid Strands
Fireproof Skin
Radiation Resistance
Heavy Viral Countermeasures
Anti-acid foam
Ki Asorbtion
Magical Energy Dispersal

--Neurological and Psychological--

Constant Neurosortion and Conciousness
Photographic Analysis Memory
Remote Brain Net Modem Access
Secure Communications Telepathy

--Muscles and Organs--

Self-pumping arteries and veins
Second heart
Heavy-duty Bones
Replacement Blood Heavy Backup Livers
Heat exchange and cooling organs
Budding-Pod reproductive systems
High metabolism
Air Compressing Heavy Lungs
Breathing Skin Pores
Gyroscopic Tail
Shoulder Chemical Rocket Thrusters
Retractable claws
Built in Blades
Jacobson's Organ
Bloodbourne Autohealing Nanomachines
Nightvision and Infrared Eyesight
Telescopic Eyesight
Telescopic Hearing and Sound Tracking
Hidden Attack/Utility Tenticles
Special Teeth


The Floors List
Ever wondered what exactly is on each floor?
We're working on better cescriptions, and the lab is rather large.
Some say it is the size of Massachusetts when all the floors are counted.

Floor Number(s)What is on the floor
0The ground level floor. It contains a modest lounge, and several elevators.
1-2The PNUgen parkage garage
3-8Mecha storge area
9-12PNUgen Security Quarters. PNUgen security HQ is on the tenth floor, as well as a massive armory.
13-15PNUgen Intel Quarters, and the command center on the 13th floor. Also includes "the vault" on the 15th floor, PNUgen's intel computer. The computer runs on an unusual operating system incompatible with all Ayenee ones.
16Supplies storage. Food, etc.
17-18Weapons Lounge, cafeteria 17th floor, gym on the 18th
19The PNUgen Library
20-50The R&D area
20Medbay, ER
21Hospital rooms, OR
22Radiology, and hospital rooms and cafeteria
36Clone storage
37Mental replication areas
45Body part storage
48Viral Freezing chambers
50The bottom of the elevators.
51-70Special Area "The catacombs"
51New elevators start.
55-65Special Organism Storage. Contains the 40 meter A-series units
70-100"The caves"
70-80Systems areas. Water treatment, Reactors.
81-99Starship ASC-3260 ISS Katsrinel, buried underground.


of the links, only the "Ayenee Rules and Information Homepage" still works if you click through a redirect.

I found the old forums at

There is a lot of stuff there that I assume Wes has backed up.

I'm not going through a binge to find old lore /lies
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SEIG UESUREYA. But really some of this stuff should be handed down in history since it played a role in what the YSE is today as well as the setting as a whole.
Friendly reminder BIG BOY U is still out there with a fleet. And all those neko that left with him he could experiment and improve upon. And also he made the mishu and who knows what else so dont assume it looks like a cute catgirl~

He might come back someday with this war occupying yamatai and take over the core with that fleet and whatever trife experiments hes had all this time to create and improve upon~
Friendly reminder BIG BOY U is still out there with a fleet. And all those neko that left with him he could experiment and improve upon. And also he made the mishu and who knows what else so dont assume it looks like a cute catgirl~

He might come back someday with this war occupying yamatai and take over the core with that fleet and whatever trife experiments hes had all this time to create and improve upon~
Given he invented the neko in the first place, it's likely that he's invented a newer model by now. But he didn't make the Mishhu.
I thought he did. Aight, good to know then~

But now introducing the NekU.

Its like the neko everyone love. But terrifying and a cognitive hazard to behold.

Coming to a kikyo sector "Near U!"