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Approved Submission Rüstung Multi-purpose Frame


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Light Mech
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:abwehran_star_empire:technology:mecha:rustung

Faction: Abwehran Star Empire
FM Approved Yet? I am FM of the Abwehrans but @CadetNewb might want to look at the Origin related stuff
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: There will be more modular tech involving this in the future. There is also plans to give it a new AI suite, but that is down the road and will be an 'upgrade package' submission later.
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Ab tech for the first time in ages? If only we could get them to fall in with Nepland :O

Looks cool. Why'd they go with the Pawn AI, though? Lack of anything modern/new?
Looks cool. Why'd they go with the Pawn AI, though? Lack of anything modern/new?
The Abwehrans do not currently have a system that includes AI, communication, and sensors all rolled into one. They're each separate (and technically no sensors at all). I would have to write up a whole article just to design that, and considering Origin has one, and they already work with Origin I figure better to use that for now. I'll be writing up a full AI package system in the future, that'll likely include some of the discoveries made in the plot late, but no use making the article if it's just going to be a repeat of something already there.

Edit: And the reason I want it all rolled into one is because this is supposed to be 'rugged and reliable' so having each of those separate just makes for mess for the consumer, and easier for something to go wrong.
Yeh, no worries. Was just curious since the habit has been to use Origin's older stuff recently.

Looks coolio from my glimpse. Hope things go well.
"...nicked named..." Should be nick named.

Every single it's should be its instead.

State Tier #

"This allows for it maintain power..." I think you dropped the word to.

"... any weapon systems" Needs a period at the end of it.

Weapons systems don't come standard, but give a general idea of what can be put on the hardpoints, perhaps?

Still waiting on @CadetNewb
@Wes can you move the Rustung from wip:Rusting to faction:abwehran_star_empire:technology:mecha:rustung ? I know it's not the proper formatting but the Abwehran articles are formatted weird because they're all pretty much designed by one company and then manufactured by others. And I haven't gotten around to figuring out who to restructure it.
Move completed!
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