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RP: ISC Phoenix [R&R] An Introduction to Invention


Inactive Member
Retired Member
AR Tonelico III OST - Merk ~ Party

Tamamo had only been living on the Crimson Kestrel for a few days, however the occasional sounds of machinery, welding, and the occasional dropped item echoing about the cargo bay had confirmed the presence of a machine shop of some sort in the cargo bay. As she had settled in herself into the cargo bay she had frequently considered exploring the odd walled off area, or at least to ask who it belonged to. Unable to hold herself back any longer the blue skinned Neko found herself quietly padding across the floor to poke her head between a gap of temporary walling to see just what lay within.

The inventor she saw, of course, was hard at work at. . . what on earth was that? It looked like a speaker - from what Tamamo knew of them, but at the same time, it looked more like someone's abstract rendering of one, with a shape matching a flower petal that had gone one just a bit too long flowering. Loose showers of sparks emitted from the thing every now and then, and the shine of his precision tools shone on his goggles. Certainly, it looked like he had been at this for a while, given the general state of empty bags of snacks littered about the area. So busy was he, in fact, that he hadn't even noticed his audience.

Squinting and taking care not to look directly at the point the small Yamataian was woking on, Tamamo contented herself with watching the other work for the moment trying to learn all she could through simple observation for the moment. Some time passed before he put down the tools long enough for the neko to get an oppotunity to interject.

Seiren flipped up his goggled and rubbed his eyes wearily. "Itaa. . . Hopefully it won't explode this time. . ." he thought aloud, rolling sore shoulders around to loosen them up.

Slipping through the gap that she had been observing through, Tamamo inquired curiously, "Why would it explode?" Studying the small Yamataian inventor, her dark jade eyes darting across his form she tilted her head slightly hoping to get a response.

"Oh, becau- IYA!?!"
Seiren swung his arms up in surprise at the sudden, stealthy visitor, the momentum forcing his chair to tip over backwards, only to be caught as the neko moved, her form blurring as she darted to catch the small inventor before he could fall.

"A-ah, thanks," he sheepishly said, nudging his chair back onto all fours. A good few seconds had passed while he sized her up, trying to remember exactly who she was. "Aren't you that neko we picked up on that uh. . . pleasure cruise?"

"Yes." The answer was brief and to the point clearly she thought that it was all that the question required. After a moment she took a quick step away from the small inventor as if suddenly aware of the close proximity though her expresison remained oddly blank.

"Allllllrighty then. Aaaaaanyways, as I was saying, it'd explode because I haven't quite gotten resonant frequencies right and the capacitors should be wired right now, but they weren't before, and it's basically just a mess of a project. All I wanted was a set of speakers that could work straight through solid objects, yanno? But they don't make those, and I don't want a headset or to listen to it straight in my head," he explained, gesturing at the project with a thumb. "Hopefully it'll work this time. It SHOULD work. Hopefully."

Judging by the tone in his voice, he didn't seem that confident in it.

A few long seconds stretched after he had finished speaking before she suddenly spoke inquiring, "Do you have any sort of schematics or research on the subject? I'm not really well versed with the mechanics of acoustic systems however I might be able to work out the logic of the system if you have the materials available."

"Well, let's see if it works THIS time first, and THEN see if it needs more fixing. After all, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, yanno?"

He gestured for Tamamo to get behind a nearby durandium-glass screen as he angled the speaker at a mic behind what looked like steel plating leaning against one of his crates

After a brief pause she obeyed, her expression unchanging throughout his explaination however her ears twitched slightly as she settled into postion waiting to see what would come of Seiren's experiment.

He got out his own recording device - well, datapad with a mic, really - and began speaking into it as he joined the neko behind the screen, pulling up a wire with a button attached.

"Super special awesome speaker test number. . . Five now. Modified so that the capacitors won't explode when introduced to a larger voltage. Hopefully this works. Testing in three, two, one. . ."

The speaker let out a noise that belonged in a movie theatre trailer. A bright stream of green light spewed forth and at the mic, blinding the two of its viewers for just a few moments.

Wincing and folding her ears back Tamamo blinked a few times half expecting another invasion of her senses even after it had settled into silence.

"That. . . that was supposed to be the 'Space Jockey Runaround' playing. . ." Seiren mumbled in horror, letting his eyes adjust to normal lighting once more. Once he could see properly, he noted three things.

1.The speaker was now partially melted.
2. The steel plate now had a hole melted into it.
3. The mic was melted out of existence.

". . . I think I just did something right and four things wrong," the inventor noted.

"I would not consider a one to four ratio to be optimal... Are all of your experiments like this?"

"One in four are, yeah," he casually responded, walking over to the speaker and poking it with a wrench. It let off a shower of sparks and he jumped back onto one foot in fear. When it didn't explode again, he sighed a sigh of relief. "On the downside, I'm back to square one on the speaker thing. . ."

"Would it not be more useful to harness... This?" She clearly struggled attempting to find a better way to describe what had just happened only to fail in the attempt earning a frustrated scowl from the blue neko.

"I was just thinking the same thing. . . Well, maybe. The first thing I was thinking was that this would be a TERRIBLE way to cook a chicken, but the second thing I was thinking is that this might make a KICKASS weapon!"

"That assumes you manage to keep it from melting itself. Can you do that?" Her tone and expression implied that instead of doubt she was merely expressing curiosity.

Another sheepish look crossed his face as he rubbed the back off his neck. "Ehehe. . . yeah. . . Somehow, I'll figure it out. Maybe making it with a durandium diaphragm or something. . . Well, this project can go to rest for now."

The inventor began to disconnect the abomination of a speaker from its respective circuits on the workbench.

Watching Seiren work for a moment Tamamo seemed content to watch for several minutes before she inquired struggling a little, "Do all of your... Products... Come about like this? Did you make the magnetic gloves that you handed out like this? It seems... Inefficient."

"Well, there's a lot of um. . . invention is 99%. . . basically yes a lot of explosion and expensive things melting happens."

"This invention is ninee-nine poicent noise." Declared a voice that seemed to manifest behind it a wiry and bitter-looking conman. Enzo sneered at the array of scientific accoutremont laid out before the pint-sized inventor as he helped himself to the work area in his pajamas-- which were primarily composed of baggy black drawstring pants and a worn, faded tank-top emblazoned with a grinning wolf head. Enzo tilted up the bottle of whiskey he'd dragged along with him, pointing to the Lady Of The Night moored behind him on the other side of crates.

"Yeah um, can't argue with that - oh, and speaking of Yule gifts, how are the ones I've given you two been working out for the both of you? I mean, I can't imagine many uses for the mag-gloves yet, but surely there's a use for that spring-loaded flask, huh?" Seiren finished putting away the speaker and pulled out another pile of circuitry and assorted junk.

Enzo nodded, of course, and stomped his foot. This caused a flask of vermouth to appear from below, which was quickly added to the whiskey to dry it out a bit. "Course I likes it, 's helpin' me get over the headache yous is causin' with this..." The sneer came back, "Science."

Having payed little attention to the arrival of the con-man Tamamo had waited quietly watching Seiren deal with the ruined piece of machinery before speaking up as a moment of silence presented itself, "The magnetic glove is useful to anchoring to parts of the cargo bay.. It takes much less effort to hang by it than using gravity manipulation."

"You really like hanging around, huh? Like some kinda ceiling cat. Do you want mag-boots as well?" His attention went from Tamamo to Enzo in an instant, remembering something he made earlier. "Oh, and catch!"

He tossed something to the conman that. . . well, looked like brass knuckles with a trigger and a tube placed at the bottom of where the hand would be. "Shot-knuckles! Punch AND shoot people at the same time!"

"Hey, that's basically what I does already, but with half d' work!" Enzo cheered, catching the device and wriggling his fingers through the loops. That sour look seemed to be fading now, slowly being replaced by a renewed interest in science.

"I figured you're the kinda guy who likes a good Two-for-One deal!"

"I'm the kinda guy who likes gettin' free shit from a soft boy-- which reminds me..." There was suddenly a crafty look on Enzo's face and he leant in closer to the two of them, but mainly spoke to Seiren. "You, eh, yous gots any cute dresses, kid?"

The inventor's face went beet red. "N-No! That's none of your business! Now please leave before I have to get my new toy out on you!"

"Tchyeah..." Enzo's eyes narrowed. "I figured you wouldn't wanna make any extree money 'r nothin' t' fund yous crazy science projects."

"I have plenty of dough right now! Now please leave immediately!"
The younger of the two males snapped his fingers and a Flying Assistant Robot armed with a water pistol appeared. Of course, the finger snap was for effect - he accessed it with his Yamataian mind.

Enzo hopped onto the work table and reclined amongst science bits.With the water pouring down his face, he looked back at Seiren with a crooked grin. "What-- you thinks I'm a cat!? How 'bout this, pipsqueak? You wake me up with yous science at odd hours, I'm gonna come and rattle my chain..." Eventually, Enzo shot a glance to Tamamo, and thinking of the cat comment, added, "No 'fence."

Tamamo blinked her eyes refocusing and as she looked between Seiren and Enzo her expression shifted subtly changing from blank surprise to something looking almost bored and derisive. She had an answer for the inventor however the con-man had caught her attention and she inquired curiously, "Offense for what?"

"Y'know, the whole cat thing with the waters gun an'-- Y'know what?" The greaseball remembered she hadn't really been fully socialized. "It's a domestic cat joke. Level four organic peoples' humor, see?"

Her response seemed to be to merely blink at the con-man the seconds stretching before she replied, "I don't really see any reason to be offended by that." She paused and blinked again, "I... Thank you for your concern?" She clearly wasn't sure how to respond.

With a short cackle, Enzo slurped the water from his mouth and shot Tamamo a quick finger gun.

With a small mumble, Seiren interjected, "S'your fault for sleepin' in the middle of the afternoon. . ."

"Well, now I knows what time it is." Was the only response, interwoven with a haughty sense of drunken superiority.

Wrestling with how to interperet the firing guesture Tamamo eventually reluctantly assumed it was some sort of social response and dismissed the idea that it was a genuine threat. Returning her attention to Seiren she spoke dragging the conversation back to his earlier question.

"I would appreciate a pair of magnetic boots... However gear with dry adhesives, like the anchoring of spider webs, or the feet of certain lizards would be more useful as they wouldn't give telling electro-magnetic signatures that could alert enemy forces. As well a dry adhesive grapling line like the one used by Captain Pavone would also be of use for navigating should more technologically advanced means of travel would result in pre-mature detection by enemies." As she finished her expression softened and the beginning of a quiet purr could be heard, clearly she was pleased with herself.

Seiren gave a cheerful nod in reply, albeit confused that nekovalkryja actually purred. "I could look into that, I think. I mean, grapple hooks are cool and all, but they can always be one-upped with something way cooler. Definite as daylight."

"Gee, why doncha just make it y'self, kitty?" Enzo smarmed, kicking his feet from his workbench perch, planting hands on either side of his legs so he could lean forward and leer at the both of them.

Wiggling her ears Tamamo shifted her smiling expression from Seiren to look at Enzo for a moment before tilting her head and inquiring, "How could I? I don't have the resources to do so properly. Not to mention I was hoping to learn how to pilot and maybe attempt to fix the Hoplite I found in here. Even with the generous pay that Captain Pavone provides I don't think I could afford to do more than sink my funds into that project."

"'Sides, I just finished work on my one-of-a-kind magical miracle invention machine!" Seiren announced with a flourish, gesturing to a tarp covered thing at the edge of his enclosure. "I'm sure I can make something like a dry adhesive spider rope thing with it. It's basically a one-stop shop for working with nonstandard materials. Tho', most the time I'll be using it for candy."

"It makes equipment and candy?"

"Well, not equipment per-se, just materials."

"So..." Enzo dismounted from the workbench and moved to the tarp. Plucking one corner of the slick fabric between his fingers, Enzo asked, "Can you tell it to make amphetamine salts? What about-"

"Yes it probably could provided you give it the proper ingredients but I swear to the Empress if I find you tampering with my machine there will be hell to pay! Or, you know, I'll just tell Rebeka you hurt me or something," the inventor responded with a cold glare.

Tamamo was about to question why Enzo wanted amphetamine salts but instead was distracted by Seiren's response earning a wince at the mention of the Empress from the blue neko.

Enzo peered back over his shoulder to Seiren with an equally cold glare, droplets of water patting against the floor from the tips of soaked bangs. He licked his lips while he eyed the obstinate inventor and suggested, "I was just gonna ask if yous could makes me some-- but--" He smiled a little and widened his eyes, "Was that a threat, right there? A challenge, maybe? Care t' uh-loose-eh-date?"

"What, didn't you see Rebeka in that last mission? She's pretty scary sometimes, yanno? I'd hate to get her angry," the younger responded with a casual shrug.

"Nah, yous can't just responds wiff a cazzul shrug like 'at anymore." Enzo snapped, planting his hands on his hips and smirking, "Admit it, you was tryin' t' scare ole' Enzo, wasn't yous?"

"Oh, stuff a jawbreaker in it!"

"Nah, I'm responding to an over-reactionary response with a differen' kinds of response which challenges yous to clarify y' point." Enzo overcomplicated the idea. Then, he simplified it. "In other woids? I'm callin' yous out fer treatenin' me. That ain't nice, see?"

"I don't like people touching my things, and especially guys like you suggesting illegal things like that with my precious hardware. . ." Seiren scowled.

"How long've we woiked together that you've ever caught me pokin' your science shit?" Enzo challenged, leaning forward with his arms still akimbo.

"I don't like anybody touching my anything!" the inventor growled, leaning in to match Enzo.

"Oh yeah!?" Was the response, with no available references to dairy farmers.

The confrontation between the inventor and the con-man held Tamamo's attention as she tried to simultaneously watch the one talking and how the other reacted to what was said. She didn't quite understand the heart of the confrontation however she cared little for her ignorance instead happily absorbing whatever information from the confrontation her content purr once again returning.

"Get out of my work area already, you're sleazing up the place!" Seiren snapped, stomping a foot and balling up his fists at his sides.

Enzo barely suppressed the chortle that rose to his lips. He had way too many holoporn or space porn or just plain old porno that started out this way. Eventually, he couldn't help it any more and let out a wicked cackle. "Aha-- Oh, heh, yer real cute. Alright, since yous guys put on a nice show fer me--" It's worth noting that here Enzo said 'yous guys' in reference to only Seiren, "Maybe I'll find somethin' else t' do." Switching gears, Enzo gave Tamamo another finger gun and quickly followed up with, "Yo, pussycat, what's it take to get yous outta those clothes? I gots t' find somethin' else t' do."

There was no reaction for a while and it seemed like she was going to ignore Enzo completely however she ended up looking confused before laughing slightly and replied in an amused tone, "Oddly you're the first person to ask me what it takes. Everyone else just assumed I would bed them." She paused for a moment clearly unsure as to whether she should continue before she decided and spoke, "Well, since you asked... You have to be my best friend." She smiled benignly wondering how he'd handle the response.

This hardened the fire of the gangsterous heart. "Y- you're kiddin', right!?"

"No." The answer was simple and without fanfare however it wasn't cold or harsh in its delivery.

"Like my ma used to say to my best friend Lexi: If your best friend is Vincenzo Bortelli, you need some new fucking friends." Enzo repeated some sage words of motherly wisdom, before adding, in a sligthly lower tone, "She was a mean old broad, but pretty much accurate."

As she listened her expression settled into what worked for her as neutral, seeming mildly surprised before she shrugged and replied, "I suppose that means you won't be getting me to partake in sexual endeavors."

"So, what- ?" Enzo frowned, "What's it take? You like the brat over here?" Enzo gestured to Seiren, primarily to indicate the boy's continued presence, but also to take the opportunity to call him a 'brat' in casual conversation. Also, probably to highlight to Seiren that he knew he wasn't gone yet.

It was Seiren's turn to play passive participant, but he stood silently fuming, debating possible combacks or the option of busting out a cattle prod.

Connecting what Enzo said to Seiren, Tamamo shook her head before replying, "No, he isn't my best friend. I hardly know him." She seemed pleasantly perplexed as to why the con-man thought that Seiren would be a match for her.

"Okay, but: More important question," Enzo waved a dismissive hand Seiren's way, mentioning the boy having served its purpose. He was perhaps also patently unafraid of any potential cattle-prods. "What would a guy like me--" What is a lying sociopath and has two thumbs? "-- Have to do to endear himself for the discreet for the poiposes of my current arrangements sexual favors of a broad like you?" And now, those two thumbs were pointed upwards because the finger guns were back, those awful things.

She tilted her head considering Enzo for a few moments before she responded simply, "You'd have to become my best friend." She smiled content with her consice response oblivious to the attempted maneuvering.

Suddenly, the greasiest of conmen looked self-satisfied and returned his arms to their original akimbo configuration. "Well, then, looks like I'm in until yous gets any kindsa actual friend at all."

"Not really. You aren't even my friend, let alone my best friend. Everyone starts at the bottom. More of an acquaintance really." She hoped that she had clairified things sufficiently.

"So that whole business about bein' best friends just cuz I cared to ask? That was a lie?" Enzo asked, not with a hint of disappointment, but rather a chin-rubbingly mischevious cant to his tone.

Seiren by this point had gotten a small device that looked like a ball with flat antennae into his hand and was fiddling with it. The flat antennae sat comfortably between the fingers surrounding his middle, but other than that it was a pretty plain apparatus.

"I never said that you were my best friend. I merely told you that it was what is required for physical affection from me. I thought since you bothered to ask that I'd tell you." Despite the prolonged inquiry Tamamo hardly seemed bothered by the progression of the conversation.

"Ah, see, misunderstandin'. Perfectly reasonable." Enzo nodded. Deep down, in the core of his being, some part of his ego was already rewriting this memory so that he could still totally think Tamamo thought he was her best friend. This was how things worked in the mind of such an individual. Everybody loved him. They either loved him and didn't know how to show it or they were bitter betrayers doomed for an early grave. Speaking of betrayal, Enzo betrayed his earlier notion and tilted a gaze towards Seiren. "Wassat, Isbala, some kindsa TV remote? They already makes those, y'know."

Seiren twisted the screwdriver tight, and the device began whirring. "It's a deterrent," he explained, giving a few good swings before letting the noise reach an even pitch. "Electrical, ranged, and pretty good at what it does. Probably."

"Oh, and it's gonna keep me from tryin' to mess with your science stuff that I clearly don't knows how to mess wif in either case?" Enzo replied, waggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, you know when you say that you don't know how to do something it makes me suspect you do know very much how to do that something?" the inventor replied, aiming the two prongs at Enzo like somebody with a pistol.

"When have you ever seen an academic endeavor outta me?"

"When you're sampling a fine whiskey. Now, please leave. You've overstayed your welcome."

Illustrative of the point, Enzo sampled the bottle of whiskey he'd vermouthed and abandoned earlier. He seemed to take a moment to size up the situation, perhaps plan Seiren's murder so he could forget about it later in a drunken stupor. Finally, he shrugged, and said, "Well, I guess if yous ain't gonna makes me any fancy drugs an' kitty-puss ain't got any concrete, non-subjective-like desires which could be satisfied in exchange for sexual soivices..."

The rest of the statement went unspoken as Enzo turned on a heel and took his only true friend in the galaxy, the bottle of fine Funky City Sour Mash, to another, more hospitable part of the ship where one could play guitar or perhaps holochat with sexy teens in their area.

Seiren waited until the conman was out of earshot before pointing his device at a nearby coil mounted on the wall and firing an arc of electricity off before casually tossing it to the side.

"Thank goodness he left. This thing isn't nearly that good of a deterrent."

"Why did you want him to leave so badly?" She wasn't entirely sure what Enzo had done wrong and looked to Seiren curiously for elaboration on the subject hoping to better grasp what had gone on between the two crew members.

"He pissed me off and I didn't want to see him anymore, and this is MY lab. He should have left the first time," Seiren indignantly responded.

Though she didn't quite understand Tamamo nodded and replied pensively, "That does make sense... I don't think anyone likes it when people don't leave their space." She seemed to space out a little staring unblinkingly into space before smiling a little awkwardly and inquired, "Do you want me to leave too?"

"Naw, you're still cool. Cool as in the metaphor," he said, remembering that, like Rebeka, Tamamo isn't the most worldly person.

After a second Tamamo nodded slowly and replied, "Since I have acess to information networks aboard the Crimson Kestrel, I can usually look up anything I don't understand. It is why I am usually a little slow to reply." She smiled awkwardly as she thought she should at that moment but wasn't entirely sure she felt like it.

"Digital brains, amirite?" Seiren beamed, tapping his noggin with a finger.

"They are quite useful.. I don't understand how others survive without them..."

"Money and television, usually. Solves a lot of problems!"
Seiren retreived the pile of scrap he was working on after the speaker exploded and began tinkering with it once more.

Frowning and not entirely convinced that Seiren's answer was a satisfactory one Tamamo went silent for a minute before she inquired curiously, "Are you going to have difficulty replacing your materials? I can't imagine that what you work with is easy to acquire in bulk."

"Hah! Naw, I've got plenty in these crates, and what I don't have I can just order conveniently from scrapyards. You'd be AMAZED at the cool stuff you can get from those."
He gestured at one of the nearby crates, emblazoned with a "Second Chance Salvage" sticker.

"Does working for Captain Pavone really pay well enough to keep you well stocked?" She clearly had doubts as to the independant Captain's ability to acquire funds.

A nervous laugh snuck out of his diaphragm.
"Aha, well, not exactly. Like, he originally paid enough to keep me with the basic goods, buuuuut. . . Well, I sort of have a second job that's not only paying for my inventions but also my dream. Cuz I wanna run a candy company, and now I own a factory downtown!"

"A second job?" She had begun to watch Seiren intently, curious as to what the small inventor might do on the side, her ears twitching slightly as she focused all of her senses on the Yamataian.

"I'm beginning to think I sold my soul or something, but yeah, a second job. Lazarus - you know, that company that weirdo with the shark teeth works for - came up with an offer after I was turned down a loan. So now they're doing things, probably sciencey things, with like. . . sort of a clone me but not really? At least, that's what I understand about their process."

"Aiesu?" She wasn't entirely sure if it was the right person, however she was fairly certain that none of the rest of the crew had shark teeth. She wanted to ask about what Seiren mean by 'sort of a clone' however she didn't think she'd get a good answer.

"Yeah her! Not sure if you knew her by name yet. Didn't wanna assume."

"McBelle provided the names of all the crew she knew of when I first encountered her on the Fruna Ruica. I know everyone by at least first name."

"Ah, well, there ya go!" Seiren said. He rubbed the back of his neck again.

"Are you... Nervous?" She wasn't certain what the guesture meant however he kept doing it and from what she could look up it seemed like that was the case.

"Huh? No, no. I'm just bad at 'splainin things, is all. But yeah, I don't think I've really talked with her all that much since she's gotten on this ship."

"Is there any particular reason?"

"I guess I just don't really want to know what they're using my not-clones for, I guess? Ignorance is bliss and all that. I guess it'd kinda be the same if the SAOY were to make a backup of you without you known'."

Tamamo flinched at the mention of the SAoY and fidgeted for a moment before mentioning, "I... I guess I am lucky in that regard. I don't think I had an ST back-up made before I was kidnapped." She continued to fidget after she lapsed into silence, clearly something about the subject had gotten to her.

Seiren thought for a minute quietly, noting his companion's slight unease.

"Mmm. . . well, yanno, they have ST backup units at those salvage places. Can't imagine there's all that much stopping them from selling those like they do the aether stuff. If you don't wanna go back to Yamatai, you can probably just buy that."

"That would be very useful. Being... Autonomous from Yamataian control would be much appreciated. Not worrying about dying permenantly would also be a great relief." She did her best to smile again trying to convey that what Seiren had suggested was appreciated.

"Aha, that's good. Oh, um, hold this would you?"

He indicated for her to put her hand on a metal plate on the table.

Doing as he asked, Tamamo pressed her hand on the metal plate and pressed down uncertain how much force to put behind it before holding herself steady and inquiring, "Like this?"

"Yeah, just keep it steady, thanks!"

Seiren had a handheld nailgun that he positioned at the corner of the plate, overlapping with another slat of metal, then bolting them together with a quick press of the trigger and a shake of the table.

"Alright, alright, you're good. Thanks!"

Without any idea of what she had truly helped with Tamamo withdrew her hand and observed the now conjoined metal and nodded before softly speaking as an afterthought, "No problem."

Another few minutes passed before whatever this thing was, was finished. He had layered several slats similar to the first over and over until finally it was a bar jutting out from a pile of metal plates. With a tiny motor attached in the middle, somehow.

"Ta-da!" He declared, presenting the thing to Tamamo.

"What is it?" She was observing the object however she clearly had no idea what Seiren intended its purpose to be.

A crestfallen look crossed his face. "It was supposed to do a thing just then. . . and be all whoosh and stuff. But basically it-"

As soon as he touched his finger to the top plate to give it a nudge, the lot of them slid and spun around that center point until the whole thing was in the shape of a wheel.

"That. It was supposed to do that. Timing, I swear!"

"What do you intend yo use it for?" She didn't seem the least bit bothered by the delayed activation of Seiren's work, instead focusion on its purpose.

"Well, this is just a prototype to make sure the mechanism works. Cheap resources and all. It's supposed to be a collapsible shield. So that if you have to be moving around, you don't need this big thing blocking you all the time unless you need it. I mean, it isn't THAT big, but it's still an inconvenience, yanno?"

"Is it a prototype of equipment intended for your frame?" She remembered he had used the LEAF in combat and wondered if he intended to add additional defensive mechanisms to it.

"Naw, the gravitic shielding on it's good enough. I'm thinking of lending this shield out to the people who need it. If they need it. Well, not THIS shield, since it's a piece of junk made from aluminum scrap, but the actual real deal.

Tamamo nodded as he exaplained the application fitting into place in her head before commenting, "I'm sure it would be useful given some of the crew's brawling tendencies."

"Yeah, exactly! I don't have any durandium, but I'll definitely make one out of that whenever I get some! Good, lightweight stuff, but sturdy too!"

"I'll look forward to seeing it in action, though hopefully at a distance." She looked at the mechanism intently for a few moments before looking back to Seiren taking note of his enthusiasm.

"Not much of a fisticuffs kinda person?" The inventor asked, arms up in a mock brawling stance.

"I prefer to kill before my enemies know I am there, preferably at a distance that they can't easily retaliate."

"I can understand the sentiment. It just isn't as cool as. . . pow! Pow! Zubaaaan!"

He made two swinging gestures, then an exploding one.

There was a pause where she frowned slightly at the onometapia before cluing in that he wasn't speaking a language that she didn't know. Then after a moment she shrugged and made the only reply she could think of, "I think I'm okay with not being cool."
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