Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: ISC Phoenix [R&R] - Holding Out


The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
Say you know we shouldn't
you keep holding out
but you don't let go

Macintosh Plus - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー (420 Modern Computing Lisa Frank)

Guest starring @Jimmy as Andrea Carver

Sargasso, The Rigs, Platform Beta
The sea breeze was a weird one in Nepleslia Prime's ocean. Equal parts brine, tobacco, and drifting promises ready to be siezed at any moment. Sitting upon a four legged structure was what appeared to be an oil platform - except there was no derrick.

Instead, there appeared to be an aerospace vehicle hangar, within, a pair of Geshrinari Light Freighters were getting tuned up and metered for their rounds of air support and logistics. With some capital and investment, these facilities could house more than two.

A bored Nepleslian man in the uniform of the newly founded Phoenix Service Group was sitting close to the hangar doors with a deck chair at his back and a cigarette in his hand, looking at the Sargasso sunrise, painting the clouds and ocean a rich and vibrant series of shimmering golds, glittering yellows, and gaudy pinks with the faintest dabs of sickly green haze from that Nepleslian brand of pollution.

Next to him was a rather butch looking Nepleslian woman drinking a Sargasso Sunrise with a little paper umbrella in it, above her was a much larger umbrella. A girl had to protect her precious skin sometimes. She took a long sip and stared at the broken colours of a polluted sun, and then she put the drink down.

"Want to get into some power armour and see who can survive jumping off the highest thing?" She asked.

"Ain't really got the funds for them yet unless you count the juggernaut suits." The male replied, shaking his head and looking at his cigarette, then finishing off the rest. "Apparently John's working on getting us some Impulses from Origin."

A thought crossed his mind, fencing his cigarette at the woman as he explained. "I think Luca's really popular with Origin's head lady, I think they might've been an item if she hadn't gone missing, y'know?"

"Yamataians don't die. They just like to pretend to be dead." The woman replied, crossing her trouser'd legs and waggling a combat boot in the air. "Also, we need some good looking male clerks around here if you want to start talking money. Or work."

The man nodded. Hell, it was how the Captain came back from the dead. "Most of the guys on Combat Service say they're doing runnabout and small fry security. Creen said he was doing security for a a jewellery shop over in Sargasso."

Everyone had heard about the bizarre jewellery theft incident. "Norman taught an office full of Yamataians self defence, and Hale and Eb'tan are teaching Sargasso's police force. So much teaching."

The woman sighed and put her drink down the stretch in her chair, arms over her head, tank top stretching with her as she yawned. "So boring!" She complained. "We need to get some laser sharks or something to patrol the platform, would make fun fishing at least."

The guy laughed. "Jonesy said he found some weird fish shaped like a butt!" The Nepleslian slapped his knee, a bit of ash from his cigarette falling off and drifting out to sea on the breeze. "They're so ugly Azoreans wouldn't infiltrate the place!"

From behind them, the sound of one of the freighters' engines powering up could be heard. Seemed like someone needed some transport or air support. Fortunately, these two staff members and their chairs were on break for the current shift.

Loudspeakers on the crafts begun playing a haunting, if not foreboding tune through their speakers. It was thought to have an effect on enemy morale.

The woman continued stretching, sinking down in her chair before her legs came back down and she was left slouching half out of her deck chair arms above her head.

"Wasn't that just some rogue robotics project? The galaxy has got to have some decent combat zone somewhere."

"Ehh, its all dried up recently." The former marine lamented bitterly. "Ain't much going on so a lot of fleets are retooling to expedition, like the Nepleslian expansion West." The man continued, lighting another cigarette, then offering one to the woman.

"Heard from one of the Lorath staff that they have an expedition effort going on too. Might be some good opportunities eastward in a bit from budding colonies if they leave any."

Meanwhile, the spaceship behind them was now hovering and beginning to leave the premises, hangar lights flashing as it sailed past the reclining soldiers and out into the sunrise, then straight up into space, disappearing with a twinkle.

"Godspeed you magnificent bastard." The ex-marine raised their fresh cigarette to the departing ship and took a drag.

"And get us lots of money for fun things!" The buff chick added, raising an arm lazily.

The marine laughed and leaned back into his chair, the sun was higher in the sky now, having left the cusp of the ocean.