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RP: ISC Phoenix [R&R] Hot Neko on Neko Action!


Well-Known Member
YE 37

If one was in search of a place with great food, shopping and night-life, Kyoto was the place to be. Despite being a mega-city, with one level built on top of the other and stretching into the sky, it was neat and tidy. Clean even. It frankly said that just because it was a mega-city, it didn't have to be a hot mess like those of Nepleslia. It could even be considered a miracle how clean the city was given that over a billion people lived there! Of course, none of that mattered to the woman dressed in a traditional kimono. A bag of goods in one hand, and her lips touched by the tip of a delicate finger with the other, she pondered just how to react to the person she had in her sights - the other woman seemed lost.

Stationary, off to the side with her dark jade eyes somewhat glazed over, a short, blue skinned, gray poncho clad Nekovalkyrja stood seemingly oblivious to the world around her. As she stared into space her pale violet hair shifted slightly catching what little breeze there was on the street breaking the illusion of seemingly being frozen in time. It seemed for the moment that she had failed to notice that she was being watched.

"Sumimasen," an airy voice spoke up from beside the oblivious Neko. Just a few paces away, a the woman with long black hair smiled. "You seem to be lost. Are you alright?" she gently asked.

There was a moment that stretched into nearly a minute where it seemed that the short Nekovalkyrja might not have noticed. However, a slow blink swept her thick eyelashes downward before her eyes focused and she swiveled her head toward the woman that had spoken to her. A pause as she studied her unexpected companion stretched for nearly another minute before she bowed at the waist and spoke in a bright, peppy voice that was clearly forced, "Gomen'nasai!"

"I am fine, I didn't mean to cause you any worry. Thank you for your concern!" She held her position bent at the waist curious as to what had solicited the interaction.

Seeing how the Nekovalkyrja didn't act, the kimonoed woman blinked and almost frowned, but instead, pursed her lips in confusion. It was strange how the other person was acting, and though she was tempted to speak up again, held her tongue. The last thing she needed was to be swept up into another debacle! If this young woman remained silent, she resolved to simply leave her be; it was for the best! However, that just wasn't what happened. In honesty, even the reply was a little unusual. "Oh no, it should be me who is apologizing!" the kimono clad woman politely bowed.

"I must have startled you - you seemed to be either lost or lost in thought," she remarked. At this point, she had to admit she was just a little bit curious. Hopefully, she still had enough lives if it came to that. Perhaps it was an oversight, but her initial question was still unanswered. In this day, in this age, this kind of thinking wasn't exactly paranoia anymore.

Too often, it was right.

Straightening from her bow smoothly the blue Nekovalkyrja once again studied her companion, her wide jade eyes darting from detail to detail without blinking. Compared to her previous reaction however, her response was prompt, "It is not an issue, you did not cause me any inconvenience. I was preoccupied with my mental archives as well as attempting to assess information on the local area."

Again her eyes seemed to loose focus emphasizing the way her arched eyebrows suggested an expression of surprise. Taking the time to properly wrap up her previous activities she sorted and packed up the myriad of files that she had been accessing. Her efforts greatly tidied her mental landscape, affording a small sense of satisfaction before she blinked once again devoting her full attention to the woman that had solicited her attention.

Slowly, the beginning of a true expression creeped onto the blue Neko's face; a frown it seemed. Tilting her head slightly to the left, she spoke up the peppy tone now heavily in contrast with her expression, "I am sorry. I did not mean to overlook your question. I was essentially lost in thought, and I suppose I technically am lost. As I have no idea where I am supposed to be." She paused as if uncertain as to whether she had said the right thing.

"I hope that I have not inconvenienced you."

The truth was, the bulk of any worry or concern the kimonoed woman had for this blue skinned Neko was gone. Instead, it was replaced by the desire to simply continue on with her day as though nothing ever happened. After all, people simply didn't like anything different or strange; it was simply better off safe rather than sorry. Even the Nepleslians had the tendency to 'Nope, nope, nope' away when something rustled their unmentionables. The same went here. Something was different about this young woman, and that was uncomfortable.

Her words weren't exactly something that were reassuring either. The concept of fiddling with mental archives and assessing information on the local area was, quite possibly a very strange way of saying - the raven haired woman had her thoughts stopped in their tracks as the Nekovalkyrja spoke again. 'Ah, so she is lost!' the woman thought to herself. Still, what sympathy and concern that brought out of her was also lost when this young woman in front of her spoke. The dissonance between her face and her voice was - now that she thought of it, it sounded somehow familiar.

But why?

"Ara, ara!~" she exclaimed, the words musically delighted in the younger woman's ears. "You could have told onee-san so sooner!" the woman smiled at her.

The response that came was hardly one that she had expected. The initial segment was unknown to her, perhaps a verbal tic? Still the second portion was even more enigmatic. Blinking she folded her ears down and tilting her head she wondered how to respond.

"Told onee-san?" as she question the response her peppy tone faltered, instead something quieter and more natural coming through at the end, "Why are you 'onee-san?'"

For some reason, the kimonoed woman felt like she was suddenly stabbed in the chest by a knife. Or maybe a sword. Anything really big in all honestly. Mustering her reply, the words a little pained as she fought to keep her composure, she asked, "D-do I look like an oba-sama instead?" She really, honestly hoped that wasn't the case - being older than most others was bad enough already! She didn't look like she was old, did she? The thought was an uncomfortable one. "Never-mind that though," the woman dismissed the thought, the sleeve of her pastel green kimono waving it away. "Since you're lost, perhaps I can help you?" she kindly suggested.

Despite the suggestion to ignore the comment the blue Neko responded plainly her attempt at a peppy idol-like voice discarded, instead a soft, high voice carrying a large amount of confusion answered, "You do not look like an oba-sama. I merely do not understand why you would be my onee-san." Pausing she considered the second part and quickly determined the offer's value, her voice becoming somewhat hopeful, "It would be most appreciated if you would. I've never visited a place like this. I have no idea where to go."

"Gomenasai," the kimonoed woman gently replied; the spoken apology was formal yet familiar, like one family member would give to another. "It is merely an expression," she explained a little. The Neko was peculiar, very much so, and it only caused the woman to pick apart what little was said between them. She knew that the young woman in front of her said she did not understand the address, but the way she said it was peculiar.

'I merely do not understand why you would be my onee-san.'

The phrase floated in the woman's mind - she couldn't quite put her finger on why this was so...odd on so many levels. But at the same time, that desire to simply leave was gone. This Nekovalkyrja didn't seem like she was dangerous, even though her choice of words were very unusual. "Perhaps you could tell me what you're looking for or need? Choosing where to go afterwards would be simpler then," the woman politely offered her.

"I was hoping to learn about life in Kyoto in general. So I suppose I would like to be shown around to any points of interest that you would consider worth showing me. Would that be acceptable?" She smiled brightly, hopeful that she wouldn't be rejected.

The kimonoed woman's smile was small and slight, but her eyes were certainly frowning. "Sumimasen," she apologized again with a slight bow. "I'm not doing anything particularly interesting. Rather, I'm just grocery shopping. Still, I could point out anything interesting to you along the way if you'd like," the woman offered what little she could. It was, she had to admit, an abnormal request. Most people knew what they wanted and went out to get it after all. City life was always a rush like that. This person in front of her didn't seem to understand the idea of calling a woman like herself Onee-sama, and didn't seem to have anything in mind.

It was almost as if she was a child who knew nothing.

Musing over it, she realized just what the odd feeling of familiarity was. Nostalgia. This Nekovalkyrja must have been very young. Perhaps so young, her social programming and training hadn't quite sunk in yet. "Ara, ara!~" her voice suddenly rang in a sing-song tune. "I haven't even introduced myself! My name is Sakamoto Hina, by the way. May I know yours?" she gently asked.

Her bright demeanor faded slightly at the less than optimal response, the Neko seemed about to concede defeat when an unexpectedly bright follow up took her off guard. Debating using an alias she paused for a moment longer than she would have liked before replying, "My name is Sesshoseki Tamamo. It is a pleasure to meet you Sakamoto-san."

Bowing again to the taller woman for a minute before straightening to observe her companion. Tamamo curiously wondered what had triggered the shift in disposition and whether she should be worried. Redirecting her attention to the suggestion Tamamo answered, "I wouldn't mind accompanying you on your errand. I'm certain that what you would point out would be very informative."

As Tamamo bowed, Sakamoto's eyebrows briefly shot up ever so slightly before she forced herself to keep wearing the facade.

A Nekovalkyrja was not given a name such as Sesshoseki Tamamo for no reason at all. The cloning facilities themselves, let alone ships that decided to birth younglings, were all too clever for that to slip by unnoticed. Sesshoseki wasn't just a Nekovalkyrja, but also a Killing Stone. But not only that, Tamamo was also a Splendid Gem. One might even interpret her name as Splendid Killing Gem if they so wished. Sakamoto really, really wished she just listened to her instincts and played it safe, leaving after the first 30 seconds of awkward silence. But, she understood that was not to be.

She was just too nice.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sesshoseki. Let's be off, shall we?" Sakamoto brightly smiled. "I'm planning to cook curry tonight. I hope you have a place to stay?" she politely asked, and immediately regretted it. She was just too nice.

Wiggling her ears at the suggestion that they move on, she smiled warmly before nodding, "That would be lovely." Settling into silence Tamamo considered the offer and immediately identified an issue as she couldn't eat anything solid. On the other hand she had no place to be any time soon and she might learn more from the offered hospitality. Glad that she had encountered a similar scenario in her searches she replied, "I would be honored if you would have me, however I would hate to impose upon your hospitality."

"Ara-araaraaraaa!~ You're too polite!~" Sakamoto's nearly musical voice sang, her tongue trilling the notes. "That's a pity though, as it means I'll have no company tonight at all," the woman mused. "What is a Jiyuuian such as myself to do then?" she asked nobody in particular. It was for the best - if Tamamo's name and demeanor meant anything, she wouldn't want to get any more involved than she already was. Well, without being impolite of course. Sighing, Sakamoto merely continued walking forward, the two venturing deeper into Kyoto's downtown district together. Already, the both of them could see all manner of brightly lit attractions.

Put blandly and without description, some were savory, and some were not.

But going into detail? There was all manner of indulgences here. Getting a deep, soothing massage by a more than friendly Nekovalkyrja was as easy as it got, while several night clubs adorned the walk. Each had its own vibe and clientèle, with some being for the average tourist, while others were simply not for the faint of heart. With each step the two took, the aroma of freshly prepared foods from all corners of known space wafted through the air, assailing their noses. Flaming morsels as hot and spicy as the Delsaurian homeworld they hailed from were being savored in one place, while another locale nearby was nothing more than a standing soba bar by appearances. The line of people however, said otherwise.

"What I'm looking for is still a ways in you see, but in the meanwhile, I have to admit with a small measure of embarrassment that I'm curious," Sakamoto began. "Is there anything you see so far that's caught your eye?" she gently asked.

During the walk Tamamo had found her companion's words nagging at the back of her mind. She felt that she had done something wrong but she couldn't quite pin down what it was. Mulling it over in the back of her mind Tamamo turned her attention to the plethora of sensory input around her.

Of all that she experienced however, the only thing to truly nag at her was the scent of food. In particular the spicy dishes that she half recognized served to torment and remind her of her unfortunate condition at present. Truly she wanted to drift from shop to shop following her nose to sample each new flavor along the way, for the moment however she was resigned to treasuring the scents.

Accepting the explanation that their goal lay further on, Tamamo made a sound of acknowledgment just loud enough to be heard over the crowd only to lapse into thought at the question. Her answer came quickly and honestly her tone colored by longing, "Many of the food stalls seem nice, I think I have seen a few that sold fried fish with peppers and spices that smelled delicious..." She trailed off into thoughtful silence trying to entertain fantasies of enjoying the delicacies she was no doubt missing out on.

"Â, sô desu ka," Sakamoto replied, a hand held high to cover her mouth with a sleeve. She saw now, just how things really were. "Now I really can't let you wiggle away into the night!~" the Jiyuuian woman exclaimed to some sing-song tune. Tamamo soon felt a pair of warm, soft hands falling to her waist as the woman came to her side, all friendly smiles. "What kind of person would I be if I simply let a fellow Nekovalkyrja go hungry?" she rhetorically asked. "Hora~," a finger pointed at the blue skinned girl's waist - a grumble emerged from deep within as though it were at her beckoning. "You'll have dinner with me tonight, or else I'll feel absolutely guilt ridden!" Sakamoto honestly told her.

The older woman knew what she was doing was dangerous, that she was being too kind, but, she had her standards!

Blinking at the woman a little startled by Sakamoto's change in disposition Tamamo was slow to react as she suddenly found herself in the other's hands. Her surprise made it about as far as a twitch of her ears before she turned her full attention to the other's words. Of immediate note was the transition between the self referential of 'Jiyuuian' to 'Nekovalkyrja.' This worried the blue girl slightly and for once she found she was glad that she struggled to emote properly.

Presented with the offer to join Sakamoto Hina for dinner Tamamo was at a loss for how to respond. She assumed that the other would hardly take a refusal well, given that her earlier comment on eating alone had likely been a social overture to highlight disappointment or a plea to avoid loneliness. As such Tamamo was quick to answer, "Your offer of hospitality is much appreciated, I humbly accept. Though, I feel I should warn you that I am at present confined to a liquid diet. I was recently injured by shrapnel," this was the truth, "and my doctor doesn't want me taxing my system until they're certain that I don't have any plaster or glass lodged within." She smiled apologetically and hoped that her plausible excuse would be accepted.

"Oh, it's no wonder you said no at first!" Sakamoto exclaimed in surprise. Letting go of the younger woman, she started to pace about in thought, speaking aloud to herself. "What would be best in this case then?" Whatever she decided upon needed to be substantial enough that Tamamo would be fine, but also somewhat filling as well. Given how she went, "Ah, I know!" while suddenly pointing a finger up in the air, it didn't take too long for her to do so at all. "How about tonjiru?" Sakamoto asked her. It was a classically Yamataian soup made using thin slices of pork, dashi stock and miso. Though it was hearty due to the various other ingredients often found in it, the soup by itself was hearty.

Smiling and nodding, Tamamo was glad that her situation had been understood relieving her of the nagging worry that she wouldn't be believed. With the relief washing over her Tamamo watched rather curiously as Sakamoto Hina paced. As her companion came to a conclusion Tamamo wiggled her ears as she considered the option before nodding and replying warmly, "That sounds wonderful. I look forward to it." She closed her eyes and smiled brightly a rumbling purr slowly building in her throat as she expressed her happiness.

"Kawaiiii~," Sakamoto softly cooed. "It feels like an eternity since someone else made me purr like that," she smiled, a hint of mischievousness in her playful voice. As soon as it was there, it was gone however, as the woman offered to lead the way through downtown Kyoto. "Though you said you were only able to have a liquid diet, are you able to eat potatoes or perhaps taro if they're mashed into the soup?" Sakamoto asked, the two of them making their way through Kyoto's unashamedly dark underbelly. Despite the sometimes wanton scenery around them both, she kept her composure as though it all wasn't there in the first place.

Pleased that she was apparently earning approval from her companion Tamamo continued to purr contentedly as she listened to the other's musings while following along. Considering the new question Tamamo took her time with the decision before shaking her head and replying sadly, "As much as I would like to, I don't want to risk the fiber." Her tone and demeanor shifted becoming a little sad as she realized how much her ability to enjoy food had been crippled.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but at the very least, it won't be too much longer, yes?" the woman tried to cheer her up. Already, as the two walked on, the scenery around them became a little more residential in nature; even those that lived nearby where they worked had to have a place to eat and sleep after all. And speaking of the latter, the two found themselves in front of a small supermarket packed in between a pair of tall apartment buildings. "Are you able to eat tofu perhaps?" she suggested. "It's almost nothing but - " Sakamoto's speech stopped cold as the automatic doors opened for them and a cart came to them on its own. "Actually, I'm not sure what tofu is made out of. Something about soy milk?" the Jiyuuian shrugged. "It was liquid once. Does that count?"

She nodded in affirmation that she wouldn't have to deal with the unfortunate inconvenience for long and contented herself with enjoying the walk and the scenery around her. Following Sakamoto into the supermarket Tamamo smiled and answered happily, "I can eat tofu, it is just protein, fat, carbohydrates, and a few minerals." She was visibly elated by this discovery once again earning a content rumbling purr.

"Ara, ara - there it is again!" It was the second time Tamamo had purred, and with the idea of food too. "I can't help but be a little curious now. Just what have you been eating?" she asked the young Neko as her hands reached out for a nearby daikon. "I can't imagine there being too much variety if you can't have anything with fiber in it," Sakamoto observed, both with Tamamo and the big root she firmly held, running her hand up and down its length as she checked it over. Normally, this wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but, the Jiyuuian woman's hands seemed to linger.

"I've been drinking milkshakes, juice from concentrate, as well as taking ration pills and infusions." She smiled brightly while examining the daikon that her companion had acquired. After a moment of consideration she inquired curiously, "Is that one ideal?"

Sakamoto had gone completely stiff.

Something like this...something like this! It would have totally, utterly had a certain someone else sputtering for words on some days, or maybe make a snarky comment on others. But, that was not to be. Tamamo was just too young! So innocent was she that the Neko did not even perceive lasciviousness and lust! The thought of this was a true horror for Sakamoto - though it wouldn't be too long, things just weren't the same without her. But she couldn't give up so easily - she wasn't a quitter! If suitability didn't work, perhaps something more overt would do it. "It would seem so - it's just the right size for the two of us, and without a single blemish," the Jiyuuian explained, bagging it before placing it in the cart.

She then reached out for something different next however. "I hope you can at least enjoy the flavor leeks may give the broth," Sakamoto began, picking out what looked to be giant scallions. "I enjoy these quite a bit, though, now that I think of it, these are often used as a traditional Yamataian remedy for many ailments. I can't remember what for, but if we're fortunate, it may help you with your diet," she suggested with a smile.

Tilting her head to the left as her companion went stiff, Tamamo was about to ask if she had done something wrong when some sort of look started to come over the other's face. The blue Nekovalkyrja couldn't help but watch curiously as Sakamoto commented on the perfection of the daikon.

Soon after Tamamo was nodding along to the mention of adding flavor to the broth and smiled brightly before agreeing, "That sounds nice, and I'm willing to try anything you thing might help, so long as it doesn't have any obvious conflicts with my condition." She smiled brightly and wiggled her ears, her head still leaning to the left glad that she had met someone generous and kind.

"I hope it helps you too - the idea of you having nothing but such things like that to eat is horrible!~" Sakamoto exclaimed, the very word quivering as she spoke. "The remedy is very simple," she began, handing the leeks over to Tamamo before picking out some other ingredients to go into the soup. "You see, what you do is that you slice the leek's thick end into something a little more manageable in size," the Jiyuuian went on, choosing a few potatoes as she gently spoke. "After that, what you do is that you take off your bottom, bend over, and insert it into your rear as far as it will go."

Sakamoto's motherly tone never skipped a beat as she explained the remedy.

"Let's get the sliced pork next, shall we?" the woman asked.

A little surprised to be handed the leeks, Tamamo regarded them in her hands curiously turning them over a few times before idly spinning the vegetables as she listened to the instruction. As the explanation reached its end, Tamamo paused, nearly fumbling the leeks as she went still and blinked slowly as she worked to mask her worry.

What her companion couldn't know was that she was presently stuffed with approximately two feet of smart metal at the moment. While the suggested idea had its appeal, Tamamo sincerely doubted that the insertion process would get very far. How would she explain it?

Thrilled that her companion had changed the subject Tamamo leaped at it happily agreeing brightly, "Pork sounds wonderful~ It has such a wonderful flavor." Hopefully the previous subject wouldn't return.

The laugh that came from Sakamoto was light and pleasant to the ear.

"Ara-ara - that was a nice catch. It's good to know the latest Nekovalkyrja still have their reflexes at least," the woman commented. She noticed that a weakness had been hit, or more accurately, was there, and it delighted her - the younger Neko was so cute! But even then, there was another matter at hand as well Truth be told, the Neko had changed drastically over the years, with the latest - the NH-33 - being the most different from the originals.

Coming up to the meat section of the store, it was a little saddening to find that there wasn't a butcher behind the glass counter. Being this deep into the capital, it was merely a machine that served them. "Something lean, but not too lean would be best, so...that one there," she pointed to one particular bit of pork belly." The specimen was pinkish in color, with a band of white across its outer third; delicious, delicious fat. The Jiyuuian looked back at Tamamo.

"What do you think?" the woman asked her.

The comment seemed to have an impact on the blue Nekovalkyrja, and she seemed to shrink in on herself a little as the comment about the newest Neko model sank in. She was not fond of her hardware, being reminded of what she was forced to work with with the knowledge of what came before was not something she was fond of. She was glad that she had some small solace from the knowledge that she was working to change her situation.

Looking over the meat she could feel herself salivate, it was elating as she considered the choices arrayed before her. Each cut was tantalizing, she really wanted them all. As she was directed toward the cut that had caught Sakamoto's attention Tamamo inspected it curiously anticipating the taste.

"I don't know too much about cooking, however it does look good... To be honest at the moment they all look good to me." She smiled and wiggled her ears expressing some of the enthusiasm that the array of meat had returned to her.

"I can certainly understand that sentiment," Sakamoto replied. "Being in a situation like the one you're in right now, would make anyone appreciate food all the more, yes?~" Grabbing the rest of the ingredients with a little bit more haste, the two were soon checking out of the market when the Jiyuuian woman suddenly realized something else. "Tamamo-chan, are you able to eat candy?" she asked, pointing to a nearby shelf of the sweet confections. They were always there to lure and tempt shoppers as a final temptation, but this time, it may be pertinent to the younger Neko's life!

"Unfortunately too true." Her pleased state had lent itself to a contented grin as she followed her companion along curiously noting whichever ingredients were acquired for future reference. As the question of candy was posed Tamamo considered it for a moment before replying a little uncertainly, "I believe so, I hadn't really considered it before. Why?"

Picking a container off the shelf, she shook it a little, a mischievously foreboding expression on her face. "Want some candy?"

"If it wouldn't inconvenience you. I would enjoy it I think." She smiled cutely and tilted her head to the left, appreciative of Sakamoto-san's generosity.

"Not at all," Sakamoto replied, bagging the treats as well. "Shall we be off?" she asked, departing the store with Tamamo by her side. As the two walked however, the Jiyuuian explained just where they were heading. "I hope you don't mind, but we're not actually going to my own place," she began. "You see, since I'm only here for a short time, I'm staying at a friend's place." With that, the first thing that would come to anyone's mind was the potential third wheel.

Almost replying to what she barely caught as a rhetorical question Tamamo fell into step with her dark haired companion as they left the shop once again filling the young Neko's vision with a world of tantalizing sights and details. She had become interested in a particularly beautiful facade and in studying its shape nearly missed the elaboration on their destination.

Put on alert that she was likely to meet a third party, Tamamo nodded slowly mulling over her options before replying calmly, "That should be fine, I am not adverse to meeting another and will be sure to display utmost respect for your friend's home."

In all honesty, Sakamoto found Tamamo to be quite a curiosity. The girl was awkward in all sorts of ways that weren't even the standard for awkward, and even with this, her response was...odd amongst awkward people! It was all very curious indeed. 'I wonder if this will cost me one of my lives - I've no clue how many I have left!' the woman thought to herself. Normally, for an awkward person, surprises like this would get a bit more of a response, but apparently not with Tamamo. "Oh, it's no concern at all," Sakamoto sweetly replied with a smile, preparing to drop the bomb. "She works all night and sleeps all day - chances are, we won't even see her."

Awkward people tended to worry about things that didn't need to be worried about, and there really wasn't anything to worry about here!

"That is curious, I have not heard of many nocturnal occupations. Though I'll refrain from prying into her personal life." She turned her attention from her companion to her surroundings once more trying to ease the nagging thought that she was walking into a trap of some sort with an influx of new information.

"Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't mind at all if you ever found the opportunity to ask her yourself," Sakamoto smiled. Behind her mask, she was grinning widely. It was starting to fall into place now. That stiffening of the shoulders. The rigidity of her steps. Tamamo wasn't the kind to wear her heart on her sleeve - it was the exact opposite. She kept her cards close. Dangerously close. This was a person that could hide what she felt. A person that could keep secrets.

Oh well!~

It wasn't like that was what Sakamoto was after anyways - she had a guest to feed! At that thought, they arrived. The two were standing in front of just any other apartment building here in downtown Kyoto, and with a swipe of the card, the two were in and ascending the elevator. "It's a shame that I couldn't get some konnyaku - it's soft, but with such a nice texture. I'm sure you would have liked it, and thought that it would have worked at first, but then I realized that it had a good amount of fiber in it despite being such a firm jelly!" she exclaimed. "You've had it before, haven't you?"

Nodding in agreement with Sakamoto's assurance that she could learn about her friend should the opportunity present itself Tamamo remained acutely aware of her situation while carefully maintaining her interest in her surroundings, she was fairly certain that her host held no ill will toward her and becoming over stressed would do her no favors.

As she found herself in the apartment building and ascending to their destination Tamamo noted with a small disappointment that she no longer had anything to observe to keep her mind busy. Thankfully the subject of food was once again broached and she found herself replying with a content smile, "Perhaps I'll have to visit in the future when I am healthy. I'd like to have a chance to experience your cooking without any limitations. As for my previous experiences... I had it once before, though I did not get too much of it. It was good though."

"I'll be sure to treat you again next time I cook for you," Sakamoto sweetly replied. As they left the elevator and made to enter the apartment, she gave a cheery "Tadaimaaa~!" as the door opened. The lights automatically came on and revealed a modest apartment. One that was neatly kept and well ordered - it wasn't hard to imagine the owner being just as nice and tidy at all! "To imagine it was once so messy her friends thought her apartment was haunted," Sakamoto commented. "I'm very glad that I got the chance to clean up for her!" Taking off her sandals, she set the goods down. "Make yourself comfortable, I'll go ahead and change before cooking if that's alright," the woman called back to Tamamo.

Already, she was heading further in to do just that, leaving the young Neko alone in a stranger's living room.

Smiling as she followed along, Tamamo noted the door at which they stopped at for future reference. Watching curiously as Sakamoto cheerily entered the abode, Tamamo found herself hesitating on the threshold as her companion removed her sandals with a cheery anecdote.

As Sakamoto ventured inward offering a casual invitation for Tamamo to make herself comfortable. Despite the invitation, Tamamo found herself hesitating on the threshold barely remembering to reply to her host. Finally managing a quiet, "Hai," as she cautiously stepped over the threshold, Tamamo cast her curious gaze about the immediate entrance before making sure the door closed behind her.

Once inside she began to work the clasps on her boots open before stepping out of them daintily. Free of her boots she spent a moment in contemplation, eventually deciding to pull off her poncho revealing what was apparently a black high necked single piece bathing suit that had been hidden beneath. Carefully rolling up her removed poncho as she slipped the straps of her pack off opening the bag once removed and tucked the shed garment inside before setting the bag down with her boots.

Stretching as she enjoyed being liberated from the weight on her shoulders, Tamamo fussed with the waist of her peacock blue cargo pants and belt before smiling contentedly to herself. Padding quietly on gray socked feet deeper into the apartment she cast her gaze about, curiously wondering what she'd learn about her hosts from how they lived.

Soft footsteps could be heard as Sakamoto came back, her kimono discarded in favor of something completely different; gray sweatpants and a white tank-top. Though she tunelessly hummed to herself, the woman didn't do so for very long at all. In fact, she was stopped cold in her tracks. Smiling at Tamamo before looking back at the food she bought, Sakamoto's eyes suddenly darted right back to the young Neko, an expression of blank surprise on her face. Staring for a moment, she blinked just once. "E-ettooo...what is that you're wearing?" the Jiyuuian asked, absolutely stumped for once.

Swiveling her ears as she picked up the sound of humming, Tamamo wondered as to the source as she didn't recognize the melody. Her musings on Sakamoto Hina's musical preferences were momentarily postponed as the woman suddenly started looking somewhat confused.

Uncertain as to what the problem was and not feeling confident enough to broach the subject Tamamo was relieved slightly by the question. "Clothing? Specifically, socks, pants, underwear, and a top." She tilted her head to the right wondering what was so peculiar about her wearing clothes.

"" Sakamoto slowly asked. Visually, it wasn't hard to describe at all of course, but looking at it? That was possibly the problem - it didn't make any sense. The Jiyuuian woman's mind couldn't even go into overdrive to figure out just what she was looking at either, as though it were Something Not Meant To Be Seen By Mortal Eyes. The woman just couldn't put two and two together because the adorable hamster personification of her mind had effectively slipped and tripped while running in its wheel. Despite that though, Sakamoto braved forward as she began to see to the food. "What kind of top is that? I don't quite recall ever seeing something quite like it," she smiled.

There was a brief urge to attempt to tilt her head further to the right, however the small blue Neko couldn't follow through. The tone of confusion coupled with the question of 'A... top?' didn't quite mesh in her mind and her internal pool of knowledge provided no answers. Unsure as to what was causing the issue, Tamamo waited for further elaboration only to get a second question and a follow up that proceeded to muddy things further.

"It was listed as a competition bathing suit I believe when I bought it. It is rather comfortable." She was rather proud of her find and her positive opinion was clear in her tone of voice despite the confusion of the situation.

As Sakamoto sliced the pork , the blade's sharp edge struck her nails. "A-ara, a bathing suit," she tried very hard to smile. In the back of her mind, she was glad she had fingernails, unlike when she was a Nekovalkyrja, but this took up the bulk of her attention! If Tamamo was indeed a gem of a killing stone, then, well, it was very clear at what cost! The younger Neko was perhaps what one would get in real life if there ever was a person 'min-maxed' to the extreme. This was just plain silly. "Shouldn't that be for just swimming and bathing?" Sakamoto asked, recollecting some of her composure.

The response she received finally tipped the balance in her mind and she noted with some dismay that she had apparently made a mistake. Frowning to herself she cast her gaze downward briefly interrupting the study of her companion as she started to consider the implications of the response.

Thankfully however, a new question from Sakamoto Hina gave Tamamo a more accurate line of consideration which quickly and firmly ended in a single honestly voiced question, "Why?"

Being smart, she stopped chopping the vegetables. This time. Turning around to give the Neko a warm hug, she spoke into her ear with a reassuring voice as she fought back a tear or two. "Don't worry Tamamo-chan, everything will be ok!" Sakamoto had heard of this happening in some cases, but this was the first time she'd ever seen someone so disproportionate - the poor, poor girl! She couldn't imagine the kind of things that would happen around Tamamo, but one thing was very clear. She was likely alone. Not necessarily lonely of course, but alone in the sense that few were likely to connect with her. Letting go before returning to the cooking - it was all rather simple - Sakamoto asked her something simple.

"Do you have any friends?"

As Sakamoto Hina stopped chopping the vegetables, Tamamo found her curiosity engaged. When the hug occurred however the blue Nekovalkyrja failed to react, no tensing, no relaxation, nothing. Her reaction to Sakamoto's words a moment later however contrasted sharply with her response to the hug. Her shoulders stiffened, her breath caught, and her eyes narrowed.

Forcing herself to take a deep breath she carefully considered her response not wanting to make a mistake with how she responded. As the new question was posed Tamamo continued to maintain her irritated disposition as she inquired, "What does that matter? Why didn't you answer my question?"

"Aw, that doesn't seem too encouraging," Sakamoto replied, finally tidying up as she let the soup simmer away. Since it typically required cooking the pork over a longer period of time, she hoped the pressure cooker would slice that time apart. There was only one way to find out. In the meantime, there was something far more important at hand. "I'm sorry if that hurt a little." Washing her hands, she mused to herself, "Why didn't I answer?" Looking back at Tamamo as she dried her hands, the woman turned to look at the young, likely gifted, Neko. "It's a little hard to put into words, but..." she briefly paused, "I think it's because I was being asked something that normally is never asked? Something that everyone thinks everyone knows?" she slowly began.

"Not that I say that to offend!" Sakamoto briefly raised her hands in defense. Pausing for a moment, she gazed at Tamamo, taking her in from head to toe. "You're an odd one, that's for certain," she pointed out, smiling to break the tension.

Listening while carefully studying Sakamoto Hina, the tension remained within Tamamo as her companion's response began. She didn't particularly care whether her answer was encouraging or not, she wanted an answer. Taking note of the apology with a small amount of amusement, Tamamo continued to listen patiently hoping that the woman would elaborate on her question.

Perking up as it seemed that she was going to get her answer, Tamamo focused eyes widening slightly, her body leaning forward slightly, and even her ears swiveled to best catch all that Sakamoto did. The words proved satisfying even if they were somewhat expected. Still she had been answered and with her answer attained the tension in her evaporated.

Settling into quiet amusement as her companion finished up and settled into a nervous silence Tamamo found herself grinning slightly she hoped it was an accurate response.

"Firstly, I must admit I don't particularly care whether my response was encouraging. I haven't exactly encountered anyone who has been worth truly calling a friend. Many acquaintances, some good, many bad, but no one I would call a friend." She paused for a moment considering what to address next, "I'm thankful that you decided to answer, I suppose I should have expected it to be some form of social construct though it is preferable to be explicitly told rather than having to guess. Also, you need not worry about offending me... Little bothers me save being denied information, and yes. Many have called me odd."

Continuing her amused grin as she once again lapsed into silence, Tamamo wondered how her companion would handle the straightforward response. Everyone was different, each a pleasant new experience.

"Ara, ara," Sakamoto's voice fluttered through the air. She typically enjoyed playing little games with her companions, but how could Tamamo play if she didn't know the rules to begin with? "You do realize I still haven't answered your original question, yes?" she asked, leaning on the kitchen counter across from her. Since that was the case, it was probably time to play a different game, and the Older Ex-Neko had something in mind.

"You might not have directly," Tamamo began, "However your reasoning as to why you didn't answer was enough to fill in the gap. Normal people don't go around wearing bathing suits as day to day clothing, as such my choice of attire is out of the ordinary. Some might say offensive even." Tamamo affixed the other woman with her curious dark jade eyes wondering how she'd respond.

Sakamoto could only laugh, the sound light and airy as she politely raised a hand in front of her mouth for politeness' sake. "A Nepleslian would likely say that you managed to hit the broad side of the barn," she pointed out. "The full answer is a little more complex. You see, a mizugi like yours, and the sukumizu in particular, is considered to be a rather sexually loaded article of clothing," Sakamoto began. "Typically, it is a centerpiece in numerous erotic fantasies where people make love while it's still being worn." With Tamamo, she couldn't be simply suggestive to get an utterly delightful reaction out of her, so it was time to be upfront.

'Educating' the young Neko might just do the trick!

Wiggling her ears curiously as Sakamoto laughed, she wondered what had earned the gleefully amused response. It quickly became apparent as her companion elaborated on the complexity of the meaning that a simple article of clothing represented.

Nodding as she listened Tamamo aligned the explained response with similar criteria that she knew from first hand experience made herself happy which made the logic behind the situation fall neatly into place.

Eventually she responded, her tone happily, "I'll have to keep that in mind, though I'm not likely to stop wearing something I like just because it might cause other people to think of sexual acts. It is their problem, not mine."

"Oh?" Sakamoto raised an eyebrow. Tamamo was proving to be slippery prey, but that very fact made it quite fun. The younger Neko was quite the offbeat individual, and her response, though logical, was quite different from the norm. "Despite knowing the symbolism of the clothing you wear, you won't think of these things either?" She asked. "It's particularly interesting to young Yamataian men, and if it weren't for that poncho, your dress would certainly draw their attention - don't you wonder what they're thinking of doing with you?" the Jiyuuian asked, the soup happily boiling away behind her.

Wiggling her ears Tamamo tilted her head to the left and inquired, "Why would it? If I think of such things I'll be thinking of them because they please me, which would make me happy." She paused a moment considering the second half of the statement, "As for what young Yamataian men think, I don't honestly care. If they have nothing better to do that slot some stranger on the streets into their fantasies I honestly feel a little bad for them. So long as they maintain the discipline of a civilized individual and don't harass me I have no reason to care what they do."

"Ara!~" she lightly exclaimed. "That might just be it," the woman began, resting her elbows on the counter between them and her chin on her hands in turn. "Does it worry you that you have a hard time fitting in?" Sakamoto asked, a pleasantly mild smile on her lips.

Tamamo's response came almost instantly, "It doesn't worry me at all. There are billions of people in local space I'm sure at least one of them will be a good friend to me." She paused for a second before speaking hesitantly, "Quality over quantity... Right?"

"If that was how things were, with outer appearances being of less importance, I'm certain it would have been possible for the Mishhuvurthyar to become productive, happy members of our society." The small frown she gave was sober in its disappointment with reality. One that wasn't as fun as that imagined one. "That just isn't the case. If you'd like, I suppose it could all be compared to fishing - even if they would find the bait tasty, it's worse than useless if its stink drives them away," Sakamoto pointed out to the young Neko. "It's the same way with people - though the old saying not to judge a book by its cover is repeated often, it's very rarely ever followed."

There was a long moment of silence in the wake of Sakamoto's latest response, it had turned out to be much more thought provoking than Tamamo had anticipated, though that was hardly unpleasant.

Eventually Tamamo spoke up again slow to build momentum, "I suppose... In light of that I guess... I would have to say that I would much prefer someone who values me for who I am rather than what I am, or what I appear to be." She went quiet again considering what she thought before continuing, "I know that I am lacking in social skills and common knowledge having previously made the decision to forsake such knowledge, however it is my hope that I will be able to attain friendship as my ability grows. Though not because I can better mimic what is considered normal, but through a greater capacity to communicate who I am."

"A Nepleslian saying; 'Beauty is only skin deep', and it's quite true in more ways than one," Sakamoto replied. "How you dress or look has no bearing on who you are, and it never should. But even then, it's all people have to go with when trying to decide whether or not they should even talk to you, let alone know you," she replied. "You'll find people who like you for who you are, but the important part is getting them to decide to find out who you are to begin with. That's why trying to figure out what others are thinking about you is so important." Sakamoto paused as she opened the pressure cooker, steam hissing away so she could add in the vegetables.

"What are they thinking when they look at me?" she asked herself. "I know exactly what many of them are thinking, but do you know what they think of you?" Smiling, she urged the Neko on. "Go ahead. What would they think of you - or doing to you - if they saw you in a bathing suit while in the city?"

Blinking slowly Tamamo considered the question and based on what she had learned found that the answer came more easily than anticipated, "They'd see me as an object of lust. A subtle suggestion of carnal desires implied but unspoken. Alternatively others would view me as perverse, looking down on what they see as needlessly sexual. An individual given over to unsavory desires and acts." She paused for a moment before adding, "There may be some who consider that I am in ignorance, whether this elicits pity or further desire would vary."

Once again slowly blinking, her thick lashes fanning over her eyes Tamamo studied Sakamoto's reaction curiously knowing that she had much to learn.

"There's something else that you missed entirely though," looked over her shoulder, smiling. Putting away the last of the vegetables into the soup, its rich, savory smell flooding the kitchen as she did so, Sakamoto went on, "What people wear is a form of expression. Because of this, they would assume you were very aware of just what your clothing symbolized, and therefore wanted this type of attention." Letting the soup simmer, so the more hearty root vegetables such as the potato and daikon would cook just right, the woman came back to her.

"It's why people doing business wear business clothing or athletes performing athletics wear athletic clothing." She thought about it for a moment. "You could even say that's why a man who is interested in other men would dress themselves flamboyantly gay - it's to attract like minded people as well as send a message." Thinking about what Tamamo could have done, she giggled. "At least you had the poncho," Sakamoto pointed out.

Nodding along as she picked up on the reasoning behind what was explained to her, Tamamo quickly put together a web of inter-related concepts and the effects of various behaviors. It was one more piece that fit nicely into the morass that was social conventions, one less thing to wonder about.

With a bit of a smile she spoke up, "I suppose I'm lucky that I met someone as kind as you Sakamoto-san, truly I find myself in your debt." She bowed her head a little, "I'll be sure to keep this all in mind for the future."

"Oh, stop it - you're making me blush!" the Jiyuuian exclaimed. As much as she enjoyed the flattery, Sakamoto didn't quite expect it so much these days. She was getting old for a Neko after all. Putting that aside however, there were other things the woman wanted to tackle. With the social basics out of her way, some prerequisites essentially being met, she could now move on to stage two of the operation! "All that aside, did you notice any hidden meanings behind my actions?" she asked Tamamo curiously. Though she had experience with individuals like this young Neko before, it was all a matter of degrees. She needed to find out how much of a War Maiden and how much of a Maiden her junior was.

There was a smile from the blue Nekovalkyrja at the mention of making her companion blush, a strangely genuine thing for a fleeting moment coming from the small awkward girl. Enjoying the moment and the response for a time Tamamo watched curiously before being taken off guard by Sakamoto Hina's question.

Wiggling hear ears as she delayed her answer Tamamo considered how she should respond for a moment before shrugging as she spoke, "You wanted to share the daikon as a pleasure implement. You also seemed to take pleasure at the idea of me sticking leeks in my butt, which is honestly surprising. Those I've encountered usually consider such things disgusting." She lapsed into silence once again studying her companion with her dark jade eyes, trying to fathom what the Jiyuuian-Neko thought.

If Sakamoto still had feline ears, they would have stood up straight as her eyes widened in surprise.

"Ara-ararara!~" her voice trilled in delight. "And here you were making it seem like you were oblivious to all that!" she exclaimed, her cheeks and ears darkening with rosy blush ever so slightly. Just right before a mischievous glint could be seen in her eyes. "But if that's the case, why were you able to spot those, but not the bits about your own clothing?" She asked the younger Neko. "It seems very odd that a person that would miss such details wouldn't miss the suggestiveness of my actions. Almost as if you are, say, a much more naughty girl than I initially believed," she smiled.

"Sadly my reason for being well versed in such things isn't very exciting." Tamamo began, "In training a lot of my... Sisters... Were very fond of such things; they'd collect ideas and a few of them would keep the barracks up with hushed stories of lust when they weren't acting them out." She frowned at the memory before continuing on, "More recently a couple girls on the ship I serve on have shown to have a vested interest in such topics. I tend to get exposed to a lot of sexual scenarios and innuendo in my environment."

"...-ra?" Sakamoto tilted her head, expression frozen with an uncertain twitch. She thought it was going to be something good. Something she'd delight to. Instead, she blinked once, then twice. The Jiyuuian woman expected something a bit more saucy than that honestly, but given her own experiences, this somehow did not catch her by surprise at all. Or, that it did, but instead of also being followed by the sensation of unreasonableness, made complete and utter sense in every single way. On top of that, it was also a tremendous letdown for Sakamoto. Here, she thought she had someone she could tease and play with! That didn't seem to be the case here though. Not only was Tamamo well aware, but she was also unreactive to her ploys. "Well, I suppose there's no point in continuing that then," she sighed. "Especially since you don't enjoy that kind of tête-à-tête," Sakamoto explained, her shoulders slumping at the idea.

Even though she struggled with interpreting social interactions and what they were supposed to mean, it became apparent by the shift in Sakamoto Hina's demeanor that she had been disappointed. Listening to her words and the reaction that followed Tamamo considered the other woman for a time, the seconds stretching before she decided that she'd display some vulnerability, a sort of return for the patience and hospitality.

Taking a breath Tamamo spoke carefully, "It is not so much that I do not enjoy it... As I... I want to be able to enjoy myself with someone who I am close to. I don't particularly desire pleasure for the sake of pleasure, I more so see it as an expression of intimacy beyond the casual nature that most seem to treat it... I suppose to speak more clearly, I want to be able to call someone a close friend or what would be referred to as a best friend before engaging them sexually... I want a relationship that matters."

Lapsing into silence she folded her ears back and shrunk in on herself a little bit worried that she was going to be chided or scolded for feeling the way she did. Really she was expecting some sort of backlash, after all what she wanted had always been wrong before hadn't it?

"Oh, I completely understand!" Sakamoto sympathized with her. "I'm lucky to have found someone, but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy of words I suppose?" the Jiyuuian looked up in thought for a moment, her gaze soon turning on Tamamo with a smile. "I used to get into all sorts of situations when I was younger. Absolutely, utterly detestable, lascivious, vulgar, indecent and lewd situations! But these days, yes. I'd rather it all be with someone close to me," she agreed. Realizing that she was reminiscing a bit too much, she blushed. "Ara-ara, look at me babble! I'm so sorry, you must be utterly starved listening to an old maid like myself! It should be ready, so let me serve you," Sakamoto apologized, bringing out the porcelain wares.

"Old? You're not old." The response was almost instant the previously timid Neko tilted her head to the right, "I like listening to what you say. Whether it be explaining simple social conventions or talking a little bit about yourself. You're really quite fascinating." She tried to smile but it came across skewed again, tainted by her nervousness.

While watching Hina get out the dishes Tamamo wiggled her ears and observed the process curiously carefully considering the order of her companion's actions, the dishes themselves, and the suggestion of a game of words. Tamamo did her best to guess at the rules of such a thing wondering if perhaps she could surprise and indulge her host should the inspiration strike her.

"You're just saying that," Sakamoto dismissively waved the comment away. "When many of your oldest friends are gone, and the eldest Nekovalkyjra herself is in her early thirties, it gives everything else a different context than what normal humans would have I think," she began to explain. Opening the pot, the rich, savory smell of the tonjiru Sakamoto had prepared wafted through the kitchen. Carefully straining only the broth for Tamamo to have, she went on, "It doesn't quite matter that we'll be eternally twenty-one or so. The way we hold ourselves is just...older. We don't have that lively spring in our step that Yamataian men adore."

Setting the bowl down in front of Tamamo, she added to the side, "You can go ahead by the way, it's not a formal affair." Beginning to serve herself, the Jiyuuian woman went back to the topic on hand. "Someone like me is a Christmas Cake forever - the only reason why Yui or Hanako can have a bit of fun if they wanted is because they're famous. Besides the eternal youth bit of course," she explained. "Otherwise, nobody would look at them. Well, except Nepleslians I suppose," Sakamoto looked away, her expression wistful as a memory took hold.

Frowning at the woman before her, Tamamo considered what had been said for only a moment before retorting, "Do I honestly seem the type to say things I don't believe just to flatter?" Returning to her silence she spent a little time contemplating the broth before her, enjoying its scent while eagerly noting the delicious flavor it promised. Muttering a quiet 'itadakimasu' once she was certain she could eat Tamamo wasted little time in sampling the broth.

Taking her time to savor the flavor once it had reached her palate, Tamamo focused inwardly basking in the delicious new experience while delaying her already decided response. She considered herself to be truly lucky, to be able to experience the joy of new exquisite food in her present company, good company being a rare commodity to the blue girl.

After a couple of minutes of quiet appreciation of the meal Tamamo spoke up, "While I must admit I don't entirely understand your point of view, I personally see an age of maybe a thousand years as old. Thirty hardly seems like a beginning." Pausing to enjoy another taste of the broth Tamamo soon continued, "The way one holds themselves is a choice is it not? I see no reason why one couldn't act young and innocent or hold themselves as a wizened individual... It does not really make sense to limit one's self."

She paused for a moment collecting her thoughts, her eyes wandering the porcelain obscured by broth, "For example, from what little I know of you I honestly think you'd be quite the delicious cake to enjoy." There was a brief moment of pride in her eyes, "Where as those you mention as still desirable come off as obnoxious in some ways, and thus are unpalatable."

There was another silence where Tamamo tried to put together the meaning she intended, "You, much like these dishes, are eternally beautiful and desirable. Though I would wager that you would be more pleasant to eat off of." She had another flash of pride confident that she was getting the hang of what Hina had meant by word games.

Though Sakamoto gave a small, polite smile at what the younger Neko had said, she seemed to simmer over her words, if only briefly. "No, you don't strike me as such a person at all," she finally replied. The younger Neko wouldn't say something she didn't believe. For Sakamoto, the food wasn't something special as it was for Tamamo, but eating it gave her time to think. Gently cooling off a steaming spoonful before bringing it up to her lips, the woman drifted through her thoughts. Right until her junior gave her own point of view on age. "A thousand? Perhaps someday, but in our current circumstance, no," she slowly turned her head left and right, eyes closed.

"Not all choice is voluntary. I suppose from your own point of view, it seems strange, but perhaps some day you'll have memories made that will weigh your shoulders down." Stirring her bowl with an idle spoon, she went on, "I had lived through a time where our people were made in a factory and then spent like bullets. It didn't matter that the Soul Savior system was present; the loss of a mothership restored our mortality." Sakamoto's voice darkened ever so slightly. "And during those times, the loss of entire fleets wasn't uncommon. Seeing our fallen like so many piles of scorched, spent brass...well!" the woman's voice suddenly picked up. "I really hope you never have to go through with that, and have a thousand be the new standard as old!" she smiled.

Sakamoto couldn't help but let out a giggle at Tamamo's complements.

"Ara-ara!~ You flatter me!" Her eyes then narrowed mischievously however. "I have to admit though, I didn't know you were interested in Nyotaimori of all things - you better not get a little bit of frosting on your nose.~"

As she listened to her companion's response Tamamo made the best of her time, fluidly slipping spoonful, after spoonful of the increasingly enjoyable broth into her mouth with a careful silence so as not to distract from what she was being told.

The most immediate point of interest to the small blue Neko, was that her companion had possibly identified herself as one of those who had served in the Second Draconian War. It was a time that she had read about, though she had never expected to meet anyone from that era, let alone find herself talking to such a veteran. Still the message of the words carried true, and even her inept capacity to interpret meaning behind words caught that it was a sore point.

As such when she found the time to reply Tamamo spoke carefully, "Please forgive my insensitivity on the previous topic... As for Nyotaimori... I can see the appeal, especially should it be enjoyed within choice circumstances. Perhaps it would be fun to try one day should the opportunity present itself."

Lapsing into silence she reverted back to her fluid motions acquiring delicious broth, taking a moment to savor it, and then swallowing it to make room for a new spoonful. Tamamo had no idea what her companion had meant by 'frosting on her nose' however she didn't feel that it was quite the right time to inquire after the meaning of the turn of phrase.

"Oh, not at all!" Sakamoto dismissed the unpleasant thought. "Every Nekovalkyrja is born an adult, though, just without experiences in our lives. You'll make plenty of your own, I'm sure, but just be careful that such experiences aren't unfairly in favor of others," she pointed out. The woman's cheeks soon blushed however, as Tamamo seemed rather interested in Nyotaimori after all. "That's very correct; it can be very fun indeed. I remember that on board one ship I had been on, the last round of a dare party would always include having someone act as the - ahem - server in the next party," she fondly recalled, smiling. "Of course, the person serving the food would still be drawing dares along with everyone else, but wouldn't be able to fulfill them until all the food was eaten," the older Ex-Neko explained.

"Of course, that just meant we simply ate them all up the moment the food was gone, and sometimes, we simply didn't eat all the food until their collection of dares had reached a...'critical mass'," she slyly added.

Once again listening intently Tamamo nodded along to the first statement, making particular note of the advice as it would likely prove useful to her in the future. As Tamamo's companion continued to talk however, Tamamo's head tilted to the right for a moment as she checked the meaning of the terms being presented.

Her response was far from relaxed, her eyes widening as her ears folded back against her head. Looking at Hina with an expression lost somewhere between distress, discomfort, and horror, Tamamo swallowed nervously her broth for the first time forgotten.

Eventually the small blue Neko managed to inquire in a quivering voice, "S-ships do stuff like that? I mean... I always thought it was just a joke among the more uhm... Compassionate recruits... Is it mandatory?" She watched Sakamoto Hina intently even as she shrunk in on herself hoping that her fears would be dispelled.

"Oh, of course we do such things! Why, all the time even!" Sakamoto delightedly exclaimed, a small heart of enthusiasm in her mouth as she continued. "It's not mandatory at all, but considering the attendance, I'd have to guess that saying no is impossible if all the rest go," she excitedly added. Launching into reminiscence, she went on, "The dare-parties on board Hime Hanako's Sakura were legend, and gave a valuable morale boost, inspiring us all!" her eyes twinkled. She soon glanced at Tamamo however, and mischievously smiled as her demeanor changed.

"Ara-ara, why so frightened?" the woman gently asked. "For us, tomorrow never came, so we always thought it was best to enjoy ourselves," she pointed out. "After all, none of us wished to perish having never given up our flower, or not having tasted the nectar of another's."

Interlocking her fingers and resting her chin upon them, Sakamoto leaned in. "Have you ever?"

The response had an unfortunate impact on the small Neko. Immediately noteworthy was that she had begun to tremble about seven words in. By the twelfth however she had settled into a startlingly still state, making it very likely that she had stopped breathing, leaving the question of whether her heart was still beating a unexpectedly valid one to ask.

By the end Tamamo hardly noticed that she had been asked two questions forcing herself to calm and quell the branches of thought that had rapidly grown detailing the fastest way to escape her present company. Taking a steadying breath she reminded herself that her companion wished no ill will toward her, and that she was merely expressing an opinion.

Eventually Tamamo took a second breath and used it to fuel a quiet response, "I am... Frightened because I spent much of my training fending off lusty Neko, and the odd Yamataian citizen who sought after the 'exotic Neko experience.' The only peace I had was after my reputation as an unapproachable entity had spread far enough to free me of having to save myself... So to answer your second question, no. I have never. Because, I have never had reason to want to."

A giggle as crisp as daylight piercing through a rainy day escaped Sakamoto's lips.

"Tamamo, I'm just playing with you, you know," she pointed out to her. "It's a shame you've had a rough time of it with the others though. I have to admit, you've given me something to think about." As though to emphasize the point, she munched on lightly boiled vegetables and some of the noodles as she did just that. And also giving the beleaguered Neko much needed time to re-inhale her soul; it would have been a tragedy if it simply floated out of her mouth and away! "It's odd really. Your answers have given me even more questions. It's obvious that certain habits of ours continue to this day, and even though their original purpose isn't quite as pressing as it once was."

Gently sipping her soup, she soon added, "It almost makes it sound like we're descending right into decadence," Sakamoto observed. "On the other hand though," she soon shifted to something more playful, "You've never wanted the comforting warmth of another's bare skin against your own? Or perhaps the filling, intimate heat of joining together?" the older Neko teased.

Tamamo's intimidated posture didn't ease even at the mention of her companion's playful intent. Still she listened carefully her body language visibly less panicked and ever so slowly less withdrawn as the other continued to speak, helping Tamamo resume her stranglehold on reality.

Wondering over the content of the other's questions Tamamo was glad that further elaboration quickly followed, allowing her to form some idea of what Sakamoto Hina's thoughts were. It was quickly clear to Tamamo that as Hina said circumstances had been different and had merited different considerations, however Tamamo found that it didn't change her perspective on the subject.

"I am sorry, I suppose I over reacted having expected those trials to be behind me... The knowledge that they might yet still lay ahead was an... Unpleasant shock." She paused for a moment as she remembered her broth taking a couple spoonfuls before continuing on, "I truly have not wanted either of those 'warmths' as you put them. This is because from my perspective the act seems empty to me. If I were to engage in such an activity I would want it to mean something, otherwise it would merely be going through the motions of providing a physical sensation. I'd probably be bored." She smiled awkwardly at this, "I suppose I would rather have a relationship that means something than to make a mess in the sheets with someone to pass the time."

She soon found herself returning to the task of working toward finishing off her allocated broth. As she went through the familiar silent motions her eagerness slowly returned as time passed her ears no longer appearing glued to the back of her head, and her body visibly relaxing as she awaited her companion's response.

"Oh, that's so strange of you. Hen-des!~~" Sakamoto pleasantly smiled. She was obviously just joking, but what she said next seemed to suddenly put that into perspective. "If you ever spend a lot of time in a culture like Nepleslia's, you'll come to realize that we're very different from each other, even though they've been under our designer made boot-heels for quite some time," the older Ex-Neko pointed out, peering into the green onioned, meaty, noodlely depths of her tonjiru. "Because I've done just that, it seems to me that our defining feature is our vanity. That is, all this emphasis we put on our bodies. Since most humans are like the Nepleslians, but with less guns, violence and leaded gasoline in their cars, I have to guess we're the strange ones." Looking up from her food, she asked. "We typically just have sex if their appearance is acceptable, while they often regard the other person first. Isn't that so weird?" Sakamoto asked, a wry smile on her lips.

By extension, this made Tamamo the odd one out as well.

The suggestion that she was strange wasn't a new one for Tamamo, and as such she hardly seemed to notice it. Much more interesting to her was the unexpected reference to Nepleslia, one that as Hina continued to speak Tamamo found herself doubting as she compared what was said to the admittedly short list of Nepleslians she knew. Once she was certain that Hina had finished with what she was going to say Tamamo ordered her thoughts and replied, "In my experience the only difference between Yamataian citizens and those of Nepleslia, are that Nepleslians require drugs, usually at least alcohol in order to show affection. Otherwise they seem to care little for knowing the other so long as their body is mostly warm."

As she spoke her head had tipped to the left slightly and she at present wore an expression that brushed up with what one might expect from someone who is puzzled, though it didn't travel far from her neutral expression of mildly surprised. At the very least the suggestion of differing courting standards had caught her attention, though even with further thought and consideration she had her doubts as to the validity of the observations.

In the middle of politely sipping a spoonful of rich broth silently, Sakamoto couldn't help but slurp it ever so slightly the moment she thought about what Tamamo had just said. Her mind had asked, 'What does this mean?' and promptly took a half-decent guess with the result being a little unpleasant. However, she held onto her smooth, graceful manners as she grasped a slice of pork with her chopsticks. "Alcohol and little care for knowing the other?" the Jiyuuian asked. "Would these people happen to be involved with jobs that are hazardous to their health or longevity?" she asked.

Looking down at her food again, Sakamoto realized that the large slice of pork was yet again cut - this time in half - by the pressure of her chopsticks. Without missing a beat though, she grasped one of the halves along with some noodles so it looked like it was what she intended to do all along. The woman worried she was over-thinking this, but she just couldn't shake the feeling that Tamamo was involved in some...less than savory going-ons. It was none of her business of course, but it was hard not to be concerned.

There was a pause, and a bit of a frown from Tamamo before she responded a quiet confusion in her voice, "Yes, they would... I'm a soldier. I'm not frequently interacting with passive civilians." She blinked slowly, taking the time to carefully study her companion before inquiring, "The circumstances of one's trade makes that much of a difference?"

"I wouldn't say trade, but rather their life; its circumstances do make a large difference. That's why you'll be able to find Nepleslians that share certain...'proclivities' with us," Sakamoto explained to her junior. "Going back to what I said a few moments ago, take into consideration what our vanity does, and just with Yamataian culture in general without counting Neko like yourself or I." She paused for a moment and let out a soft giggle in embarrassment. "Well, just yourself then," Sakamoto corrected herself. "Everyone looks perfect and everyone has hardly a care in the world. They're employed or will be very soon, and have plenty of good food and drink on top of being very safe now that the war is over. If your circumstances were just that, with your objective being to look after yourself, the next thing to do would be to please yourself however you see fit," she pointed out.

"After you make sure you have all your basic needs, pleasure is the logical next step, and what greater pleasure is there than sex?" Sakamoto asked, steeping her fingers together and leaning in with a seductive smile. Before Tamamo could answer however, she withdrew. "Don't answer that of course," the Jiyuuian added with a soothing laugh, her lips suddenly curving into an expression of playful joy. "It's just the low hanging, easy to get fruit that's roughly as sweet as the rest at this point due to the circumstances, see? Why get any other ones? The Nepleslians can tell you that. Unless they're faced with imminent death, they're going to be cautious, since a relationship is a commitment of a lot more than just their happiness, but many of their resources too. Their all too limited time included. They have to make it count since they just don't have all that we do," she pointed out. "Meanwhile, you and I are immortal. We can just do as we like and see what sticks."

"It may seem cold, but that's what it boils down to - they must make sure they love the person, or else." Sakamoto then picked up a good length of a green onion's white base along with several crisp bean sprouts. Opening her mouth, she savored these spicy and cool vegetables together, the tonjiru's rich oils glistening on her lips.

As she listened the pieces slowly fell into place. Mysteries about the social order and expectations of those around her slowly started to make sense. For the first time in her admittedly short life, the motives of those around her became more than nebulous inexplicable concepts. It was strangely a comforting to finally know why the people around her did what they did, why they showed such a dogged interest in what she honestly thought had been trivial matters.

There came a few awkward starts, and sudden stops. Words considered, discarded, and retried before they could form. Eventually Tamamo managed to voice something that she was somewhat content with, "Thank you for explaining this... It's oddly liberating to know what is being expected and thought by others, even if only in a general sense. So... Thank you again." Falling into a nervous silence, the small girl found herself poking at an empty bowl, the broth long since emptied as she tried to find something to do to fill a moment that left her otherwise without direction.

"Well, knowing this, I suppose it puts your friends in a new light?" Sakamoto politely asked. Though innocent and helpful at first, it all soon felt like a trap; a mere part of the roller-coaster of fuzzy-feelings that the woman loved to provoke. "With their jobs being so dangerous, they could vanish at any time. The question of 'Would I regret never making love with my friend if they died?' is an often asked one amongst Nekovalkyrja at war, and anyone else in constant danger. And for a reason," she smiled. Picking up her spoon one last time, the Jiyuuian savored the last of the rich and savory broth she had made. "Though you know their answer, do you know yours still?" Sakamoto asked, her eyes glinting with mischievousness.

Nodding Tamamo agreed, "It does put them in a new light..." Trailing off into silence she considered the words said eventually leading Tamamo to shrug, a strangely casual motion as she replied to the other question, "I don't feel close enough to anyone that I know to want to be intimate with them, whether or not they might die in the next hour, the next week, or so on. No one has created a strong enough bond with me that I would feel any sort of disappointment or regret." While her companion seemed excited by the prospect, Tamamo had to admit that she wasn't certain why the absence of someone she wasn't particularly attached to would trouble her.

"Ah, shikata ga nai~~~~~," Sakamoto laughed. Like all laughter though, it had to eventually come to an end. Soon rising, she made to pick everything up. "It's a learning experience," she spoke to nobody in particular, placing them all in the sink. The way she said it as her gaze wandered out the nearby window and into the pretty mega-city however, made it clear that she remembered something else entirely. However, there just wasn't any time to ask the Jiyuuian woman what it was. Instead, she asked first; "So, you needed to spend the night, right? We could share my bed if that's ok with you," Sakamoto smiled.

The expression earned a twitch of Tamamo's ears though she remained without comment even as her host set about cleaning up giving the small girl something new to watch and study. Noting the distantly thoughtful gaze Tamamo wondered what her host thought of the interaction, though perhaps something else called her attention? Refocusing on the question and suggested solution that was presented, Tamamo considered her words once again before responding, "It would be much appreciated were you to provide me with shelter for the night... And, so long as there are no wandering hands or overt engagements of passion I would be honored by the privilege of sharing your bed..."

The pause stretched as the archive of information in Tamamo's head was once again delved for references and connections, seconds stretching into a couple of minutes before her soft voice broke the silence once more, "That is unless I'd be causing you trouble. I don't need shelter for the night, however I would appreciate it."

"I honestly thought that was a given - I do have someone after all, remember?" Sakamoto pointed out, ceasing her play with Tamamo. For now. "It's no trouble at all that we spend the night together. As I mentioned before, the person I'm sharing this apartment with has certain night time proclivities. Because of that, the beds are quite large for various reasons," the woman innocently smiled. Given the clues and context however, it somehow seemed un-innocent as though that were an actual word.

A nod was given in acknowledgment, though internally the small girl chided herself for being overly cautious with someone who had shown her unreasonable amounts of good will... Though perhaps that was reason enough to be suspicious. Banishing the paranoia from her mind, Tamamo motioned for Hina to lead her along the the bedroom and followed along on quiet feet more ready than she had realized for settling in to rest.

Looking about the room her eyes wandered among the features of the home taking note of the shapes the lights cast as well as the patterns of use on the floor. Primarily, that Sakamoto did lead her further in, but not into the bedroom. Instead, it was a bathroom with a mirror running from end to end atop the counter. Being large enough for the both of them, the woman went in first, and opening a drawer, she revealed a brand new toothbrush for Tamamo. "Dozo," she childishly stated. With all the buildup towards the bedroom, this felt like quite an anti-climax, and a slightly goofy one at that.

They had to brush their teeth and floss first.

That this had needed to be pointed out to Tamamo was an unpleasant reminder of how poorly rested she typically was. Accepting the toothbrush graciously, the small girl set about applying toothpaste with a careful efficiency, and was soon brushing her teeth quietly watching herself in the mirror as her mind wandered during the rote activity.

Hoping that she hadn't made too poor of an impression with her forgetfulness Tamamo carefully rinsed her mouth avoiding any unnecessarily shed water droplets before spitting into the sink with a silent efficient accuracy, before she accepted the floss with a mute reverence. Setting her attention to continuing to do a good job while avoiding leaving any sort of mark on Sakamoto Hina's bathroom, Tamamo was quietly thankful that this was not a difficult task.

Meanwhile, Sakamoto brushed her teeth beside Tamamo with a smooth rhythm that almost resembled the tempo of a song. It would have been foolhardy to hum while at it, and so Sakamoto didn't. For a few good minutes, the sound of teeth being brushed as they stood there side by side filled the bathroom. There was nothing going on except the two brushing their teeth. No conversation. No awkwardness. No orgasmic expressions of delight like some foolhardy, shut-in Otaku in Yamatai such as the neighbor next door would believe. Instead, they just brushed their teeth. And were soon done.

Quietly spitting, the stream from Sakamoto's mouth smooth and silent, she began to make her way to her bedroom after getting other small odds and ends out of the way. The moment of truth came. Sakamoto's hand stretched out as she turned the knob and opened the door, the gap slowly widening with slowness that made it all feel like an eternity.

Revealing a rather plain guest room with only just the basics arranged around a large, light green Empress sized bed.

"Well, I hope this is all alright with you. If you need some sleepwear, you can borrow my undergarments too," Sakamoto thoughtfully added.

Following along shortly Tamamo found herself rather curious as to why her host had made such a show of emphasizing that things were done that necessitated larger beds given how plain things were. Dismissing it as a mystery that she didn't need to know Tamamo instead turned her attention to the polite off, which she graciously declined, "As much as I appreciate it... I don't think I'll need any."

To emphasize the sentiment, Tamamo started to strip down, first unfastening her belt before removing her pants and socks in one smooth motion. Making sure her socks were together she tucked them into a pocket of her pants before squirming out of the one piece bathing suit that she had been using as a top exposing her lithe, leggy form leaving her nude as she rolled up the stretchy garment. Blinking and smiling at Sakamoto Hina she inquired cheerfully, "This will be fine yes?"

Sakamoto's eyes widened as Tamamo stripped herself, her soft bare skin and petite, lithe form exposed to the air for all to see. Which was namely Sakamoto. This however, didn't last long as the initial surprise was soon forgotten. It wasn't the fact that Tamamo was completely and utterly naked in front of her that had given the Jiyuuian pause of course. Instead, it was the fact that Tamamo had done so despite her overwhelming desire to not have anything to do with sex occur. Of course, Sakamoto was well wise enough to know that nudity and sexuality were not mutually related subjects at all.

"Ara-ara~~! I was honestly going to do the same tonight, but I wasn't expecting a guest," the woman admitted. "Is it alright with you if I do the same?" she asked with complete and utter sincerity.

Nodding Tamamo smiled warmly, "Of course, do whatever is comfortable for you." While she didn't comment on the display of consideration, she did however note it. While she had throughout the course of the night questioned one aspect or another of her host, she was feeling rather confident that her trust wasn't misplaced for the moment. It was a comforting thought.

With Tamamo's declaration, Sakamoto gave a polite, "Ah, thank you," before doing the very same. Unraveling from her clothing like a flower casting off petals, it didn't take long for the willowy Jiyuuian to reveal her silky smooth skin and shapely curves. Climbing into bed, she patted a spacious spot beside her, inviting Tamamo in. "Well, unless you want to stay up and watch television, I'll go ahead and turn off the lights," she smiled.

The attention given to Sakamoto Hina as she undressed was like everything else that caught the small blue Nekovalkyrja's attention, unsettlingly intent, thorough, and passionless. Her gaze didn't linger long on her companion's nude form aside from taking note of the basics. Instead her attention seemed to fade. Following her companion under the covers, curiously Tamamo wedged herself up against Hina, their warmth of her body apparent as she settled tightly against the other. Instead of a response to the question posed however, a stillness and silence settled over the small Neko, a steady slow rhythm to her breathing signifying that she had fallen asleep with the expediency afforded only to the sleep deprived.

"Ara-ara~~~<3," Sakamoto spoke to nobody in particular. "Good night Tamamo-chan."

And so, the two slept with one another in a completely non-sexual manner.