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RP: ISC Phoenix [R&R] - Where the Light won't find you


Inactive Member
Retired Member
There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do, I'll be right behind you
So glad we've almost made it
So sad they had to fade it
Everybody wants to rule the world

Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule The World


Crimson Kestrel, Captain's Quarters
From behind the door, someone could hear the sound of an instructional video for personal fitness, narrated by a peppy woman. Taking a short break from writing the report, Luca was doing some stomach crunches and stretches on a mat in his underwear to stay limber. Aiesu recommended he at least get some exercise like this in every day.

Plus, Luca agreed. He had to stay in shape no matter the situation.

Wandering up to the door, Tamamo paused a second her head cocked to the side, ears wiggling slightly as she listened to the music and sounds beyond.

'Hold that pose. Breathe in, breathe out.' She could hear the woman's voice instructing an imaginary audience, including some other fitness buffs accompanying them in the video. 'That's it, good job!'

Deciding that whatever was occurring wasn't vital Tamamo reached out and carefully knocked on the door, a steady rhythm that lasted for half a minute before she stopped watching the door carefully as she awaited a response, only to be surprised as the door slid open, as if on its own accord.

Luca was in the middle of a plank, holding his abdomen and legs up, supported only by his tip toes and elbows, making core work hard to support his weight. He looked like he'd been holding it for a bit, muscle subtly shaking as Tamamo approached.

The video was displaying a countdown, narrated by the woman. A Yamataian-faced woman. "Three... two... one... Release!" Luca stopped holding the pause and laid down on the mat to breathe for a little.

Taking a moment to observe the video Tamamo blinked before locking her eyes on the figure before her as she spoke, her tone once again awkwardly peppy, "Captain Pavone?"

"Pause video." Luca commanded. The video stopped, freezing the woman's face mid sentence. He sat up and rested his buttocks on his feet, sitting on his knees. He turned around. "Oh, Tamamo, what can I do for you?" He was dressed loosely and lightly, sweating from exertion.

Absentmindedly sniffing at the air Tamamo blinked again before fussing with the bottom of her somewhat oversized shirt before voicing a little hesitantly, "I was hoping that we could discuss the circumstances of my transportation and hopefully you could help me clarify my next steps." As she spoke she attempted to ping the minkan hoping to establish an encrypted telepathic link not wanting to risk what she really had to say being overheard.

Luca received the ping, blinking as he didn't expect the digital telepath ping to be used. Still, he accepted it and spoke. "Alright, fire away." He stood up and grabbed a sweat towel that was on the bed and rubbed his forehead dry with it.

Tamamo paused as if in thought however the silent communication started up, <Captain, I know that I do not have any ground to stand on. However I feel I must plead with you to not return my person to the SAoY. I feel that as I am that they may attempt to condition me and I feel that it would more or less be equivalent to my death. I do not wish to return to a place where I was shunned because I chose to learn instead of be personable and proper.>

After a few seconds to let the man address the message she spoke aloud hesitant as if unsure of what exactly to say, "I was just wondering how I am to go about securing passage on a shuttle to Yamataian space. After all you kindly offered to take me to Sargasso however I do not wish to be a burden on your generosity."

<Honestly, I don't blame you. Glad I got out when I had the chance.> Luca transmitted back. "Oh, sure thing. Shouldn't take long to get that cleared out." <Talk to Echelon. She'll get you all the right passports and credentials to make you look clean on arrival.>

She blinked, it seemed to be her favourite expression as she processed before speaking, "I'm glad, it is good to know that things will be easily sorted out." <I must admit I did not expect you to be so quick to help me. However you have my sincerest thanks.>

<It's what I do. Anyway. Ech should be in Engineering, or in the AI core if you really want to talk to her.> Luca transmitted back. "Eh, no worries. So how'd you end up on that fruity ship anyway?"

<Thank you. I'll be sure to do that.> She smiled slightly, "I was kidnapped. A group of attendees convinced me to board their shuttle while I was transferring from my training base to my temporary residence in Kyoto where I was to await deployment orders." Perhaps the smile fit her story, she couldn't tell.

"That's a bit untoward then, hopefully the scare from the pirates set them straight... well, straighter, anyway." Luca chuckled.

"Hopefully... It was awfully cruel of them to tell me that it was the right shuttle when I was already worried I would miss it... Luckily I had manged to slip away from their group upon reaching the Fruna Ruica. The other convention goers were rather kind if not very useful."

"Oh, they couldn't organize a conga line against rookie pirates." Luca scoffed. "I'm surprised most of them survived at all."

"They were lucky enough to have you show up. I'm certain that has much to do with their survival." Where another might have sounded warm and encouraging she somehow managed to sound as though she were delivering a battle report despite the bright tone of her voice, a small paradox that once again betrayed the blue Nekovalkyrja's lack of social experience. It was always luck that Luca showed up just in the nick of time, but whose serendipity was it? Luca's, or theirs?

Suddenly shifting to a new track Tamamo inquired, "Is that a Ki-V1 Hoplite variable-configuration fighter in your cargo bay?" Her expression shifted bringing her usually high eyebrows drown and giving her an intensity that was alien on her small usually mildly surprised face as she awaited an answer from a surprised Captain.

"Y-Yes, it is." Luca nodded.

"It disappointed me to learn that for the most part the SAoY discontinued its carriers and fighter compliments. From what I was able to learn about them it always seemed more enjoyable to pilot than to wear a Daisy or Mindy." Her oddly intense demeanour seemed to bleed a little, her voice faltering and taking on a quiet but forceful tone seemingly unable to maintain the bright facade.

"You sound very knowledgeable about it. Well, the Hoplite sitting in the hangar still needs an engine, shields and weapons." He explained as she watched her cool down a little. "I got it in a salvage raffle a couple of years back."

"I wish that I could stay to restore and maybe learn to fly it." She affixed her eyes on Luca their dark jade unwavering and unblinking as she watched his expression carefully.

"Well, if you'd be willing to get employment here, you can." Luca said, tossing the sweat towel down in a laundry basket and looking over to the pentagon logo of the ISC Phoenix that rested behind the deactivated viewscreen of Luca's console. "You don't want to go back to Yamatai, so where else would you go?"

"I was intending to at worst learn as I go. However, I would not be adverse to remaining with your crew. No one has proven to be hostile." She paused for a second before inquiring, "Is there someone I could ask about learning to fly?"

The captain paused for a moment. "John and Echelon. They're your best bet. John's an excellent pilot all around with spacecraft and aerospace craft as well as maintenance and repair of such craft," and he was always praiseful of his work. "Echelon can probably download shitloads of videos and instructions too."

He slipped a pair of tracksuit pants on and a shirt. "Meanwhile, you can probably talk to Allison or Melissa about getting the Hoplite fixed."

Nodding Tamamo took a moment to consider what she had been told before replying, "I think I will visit them, help with the repairs would be appreciated as well. Thank you for all of your help Captain Pavone."

Without hesitation Tamamo pivoted and wandered out of the room apparently satisfied with the extent of the conversation.

"No problem."

Crimson Kestrel, Bridge
It was not long before the blue Nekovalkyrja found herself in the presence of the one known as John. She had not seen too much of the man and as such had little idea of what to expect when she approached.

Rallying herself Tamamo once again spoke in her best attempt at a bright and peppy voice, "Hello John. Captain Pavone said that you could help me." Fixing her blank gaze upon the man she hoped that she'd be able to sort things out.

John was lying down in a cot that was off to one side in the Bridge, intended for shift piloting crews to take a rest. He had headphones in his ears, and Tamamo could hear him listening to music, resting his eyes.

Blinking as seconds stretched into a couple of minutes Tamamo considered her situation and weighed her desire to keep events in motion quickly determining that she didn't want to wait until later. Spending a short moment contemplating her options before carefully stepping forward and gently prodding the man's arm Tamamo hoped it would get his attention.

The pilot snorted and rocked in the bed for a moment, waking up with a start and pulling his headphones down around his neck. "Hm, what?" He adjusted his glasses. "Oh, hi." Tamamo knew that Nepleslians didn't always wake up with all their faculties intact. So to speak, John had to boot up.

Waiting for thirty seconds Tamamo stood in silence before repeating her initial overture carefully reconstructing the bright words, "Hello John. Captain Pavone said that you could help me." Watching him once again with her blank gaze Tamamo wondered if she'd have to repeat herself a third time.

Tamamo could see John's damaged eyes examining her from behind the thick rimmed, corrective sunglasses. "Ah, sure, just a sec." He sat up and put his feet down on the floor, now sitting on the bed and eye level with Tamamo. "Yeah?"

"I was hoping that you would be generous enough to provide lessons in the piloting of space and aerospace craft. I sadly do not have any means of paying you as all I have is my clothing." She looked a little crestfallen, uncertain as to whether her overture would be accepted and starting to doubt whether things would work out.

"Well, you have a couple of options," He replied, noticing her sombre mood. "I can offer you the training and parts in return for service, or you can pay now and I'll see how many strings I can pull with it. Got it?"

His accent was definitely the nasal, rich inner city Nepleslian sort at heart. Very dry and there, though meekened and humbled by his childhood in Yamatai's countryside, just like Luca's.

Confused Tamamo frowned slightly before inquiring hesitantly, "How... How could I pay now? I don't have any money." She didn't understand why he would have presented the option given that she was insolvent.

"Because you got paid." John replied flatly. "Didn't Luca tell you?"

"Paid by who?"

"By Luca."

"Why would he pay me?" She clearly was having difficulty grasping the turn of events.

"Because you were, I quote, 'a tactical asset during the recapture of the Fruna Ruica'," His gaze drifted over to his desk, to the payment paper on it. "And he pays who he feels deserves it."

For a moment it seemed that the only response that Tamamo could manage was a single slow blink, eventually however she managed to put voice to her thoughts, "Why would I be payed for that? I am a Nekovalkyrja, I am designed to kill. Why would I be rewarded for doing what I was made for?"

"Because we're not Nekovalkyrja, we're an irregular fighting force, we need all the help we can get, and frankly because Luca can do whatever the hell he feels like." John replied, some sarcasm and a hint of playful venom coming through on the last sentence.

Failing to pick up on the meaning of John's tone Tamamo replied with a simple, "I understand." Unable to think of any further questions she instead switched tracks pursuing a new question, "Would I be able to become one of the crew?"

"Are you implying you aren't already?" John asked again, standing up and walking over to the pay sheets, then looking at the payment entry for Tamamo. A generous 3,000 KS payment was written on it, to be paid to account as soon as possible. On the top of the page, a rubber stamp with [PROCESSED] was next to the page number. "He's already given you a paycheck, let you use his house, eat his food, hell, even Echelon let you download a library."

What would normally sound like an accusation levied against a layabout came off more as an invitation to stay for longer. "You can stay for a minute, or a millennium, as far as Luca's concerned."

"I wasn't informed that I was considered one of the crew. I was not expecting to be payed, as far as I knew I was only allowed aboard the Crimson Kestrel for purposes of transportation. As for the download... I honestly didn't know that wouldn't be allowed normally." She seemed mildly puzzled at the explanation, though she was quickly growing accustomed to the thought.

"I require some time to speak with Echelon at the very least. Could I return to inquire after possible training once I have attended to my present tasks?" She tilted her head slightly, emphasizing her questioning tone as she awaited confirmation or denial.

"Go ahead. Her ports are always open for crew." John said. "Could I get back to rest please? I was listening to the Earbrickers."

"Yes." With the brief confirmation Tamamo turned and walked out of the room once again failing to make any sort of formal farewell intent on the next leg of her inquiries.

Crimson Kestrel, Engineering
Discovering the Freespacer known as Echelon wasn't difficult however Tamamo found that for the moment she simply wanted to watch, pausing near the edge of the room curious as to what exactly Echelon was doing, seemingly standing there and grabbing apparently invisible objects and moving them together on top of the central work station. Meanwhile, Allison was on a computer with a tablet attachment and she was working in a 3D printing program, trying to build something to a given specification, occasionally tabbing out and looking at a photograph of blueprints, and pictures of the finished part - trying to emulate it herself.

Wanting to satisfy her curiosity and simply remain in place to watch proved to be more tempting than Tamamo had anticipated, however she had arrived with a purpose rather than simply to stand around and learn. Soon enough she started forward striding into the room to stop near Echelon brightly saying, "Hello."

Echelon moved something down into place before her tall, metallic body and her bescarfed, single-eyed head swivelled down to look at the tiny Nekovalkyrja. "0H41." She said. Allison turned around from her computer to nod upwards at her before resuming. Echelon's attention was on Tamamo now, the three, nearly four foot height difference making things awkward. "WH4T'S UP, BLU3B3RRY?"

Seemingly undaunted by the upward angle she was forced to use Tamamo blinked and stated simply, "I want to learn from you." She didn't see any reason why she should delay or obfuscate the request as such she hoped she'd not be rejected.

"W3LL F1RST 1 G0TT4 H00K Y0U UP T0 TH3 R00M'S D4T4 1M4G1NG S1UT3," Echelon looked around the room. To observers, it was just a room full of shelves, tools, benches, computers and hardware. "0P3N UP P0RTS 4435, 4445, 4ND 0P3N Y0UR V1D30 T0 T4K3 D4T4V1SU4L 1NPUT, 4ND C4L1BR4T3 T0UCH F0R D4T4."


"W41T, ST3P 4 L1TTL3 T0 TH3 L3FT PL34S3."

Having been about to do as she was told Tamamo paused blinked at the form before her and shuffled slightly to the left.

"L1TTL3 M0R3." She held up her long fingers to frame Tamamo, and the data she was intersecting with.

Continuing to move Tamamo wondered exactly what Echelon wanted her moved for however she had no reason to question it.

"G00D. G0 4H34D." She flashed a thumbs up.

Given the word to continue Tamamo opened the ports as requested and configured her digital brain to interface properly with the datavisual input and touch input as directed. Blinking as her settings refreshed she was met by the sight of blocks of data and images floating in space, a large cluster of data floating right next to Tamamo, that probably would've been disrupted had she materialized her digital presence inside of it.

Something large was being assembled on the normally empty table. It seemed to be a mind map, with something labelled 'D-MOTIVA' in the middle, with various pictures of chemicals, and various folders, documents and images connected by red lines, all eventually coming back to the middle. "JUST D01NG S0M3 D4T4 C0MB1NG, H0P3 Y0U D0N'T M1ND." Echelon explained.

Tamamo's eyes darted from each object to the next as she recorded and identified what she could. She frowned slightly at the chemicals lacking the knowledge required to make sense of them however she managed to put together a general idea of what Echelon was doing. Cheerfully she replied, "I don't mind at all." Uncertain of what else to say she instead observed the way Echelon had linked the varying notes together wondering what subject had warranted such attention.

Instead of inquiring after the obvious subject Tamamo found herself asking, "Would it be too much to ask for help in learning to more efficiently navigate the information networks and possibly to learn some of the skills you have relating to manipulating digital systems? Oh, and I want to learn more about your culture. I never received and good data on the subject from the SAoY systems." Lapsing into silence she watched Echelon brightly, a mixture of eagerness and fascination colouring her expression.

"SUR3 TH1NG, T4M. W3LL, L3T'S G0 0V3R TH3 B4S1CS..."

She started to explain data boundaries first as the room's floors and walls lit up in a light blue grid. Echelon created a file with some ones and zeroes and filler text in it to demonstrate. She then threw the data at walls, against the floor, and ceiling, watching it bounce back harmlessly. While this happened, Echelon demonstrated how the body responds to data by moving through it and pushing it aside, leaving it floating irregularly in space before easing back to its assigned position.

The boundaries of the data field, as defined were the entire Engineering room, and the immediate space outside Engineering. The disposal area for data was, fittingly enough, the large recycling bin that rested in one corner of the room, full of scrap metal and plastic offcuts. Any data thrown there would be tossed in the recycle bin, and could be permanently deleted from there.

To access data, Tamamo simply had to start looking for it as Echelon swapped the interface from the manipulation mode to a gather mode, turning the room from cyan blue to a pleasant, sage green. Everything was ordered as neatly as possible from the root, but it spiderwebbed everywhere. If all of it was real, it could stand to reason that there was a tripping hazard.

Echelon showed Tamamo then how to focus her attention and ignore other files, making them become blurry and indistinct as Echelon focused on one tree of files, then one branch, then a sub branch, and slowly highlighting the exact file she wanted. Once the file was extracted, Echelon showed Tamamo how to access and edit an individual file, the room's grid turning cherry red as some data without context or significance to Tamamo was examined in detail.

The entire interface seemed to be a mish mash between Kessaku, Savtech and held together by Freespacer demo programming and motion and intuition based controllers. To say the least, it was not military standard in the slightest, but it sure was novel.

"TH4T'S TH3 B4S1CS. N0W Y0U TRY. M4K3 4 M1NDM4P 0F Y0UR 0WN." Echelon put the D-MOTIVA mindmap aside and created a new Mindmap for Tamamo to work with, with an empty centre waiting to be filled, and a digital spool of red string waiting to be linked with.

With rapt attention Tamamo followed along each step recording for later review and making certain to miss none of the instructions or quirks even taking note of the particular ways in which Echelon moved while manipulating the system. As it came to the prompt for her to attempt it on her own, she found that she had a surprisingly useful task to set about.

Starting at the root, Tamamo started to produce a few files the first labelled 'SAOY' then 'Kidnapping' and finally 'Abandoned items.' Using the system Tamamo started to quickly order her thoughts taking apart what she knew and reorganizing it intermingled between the three points. A fourth node finally appeared labelled 'PHOENIX' and after a moment she soon found herself frowning at the web she had made before commenting, "They're going to notice that I'm gone."

"0H R34LLY?" Echelon snapped her fingers.

Tamamo's identification file came up in front of the Nekovalkyrja. It said she was on a ship which Tamamo knew didn't exist, but was spoofed in the records. "1 G0T Y0UR B4CK."

"What about the standard issue items sitting in a room? Someone is going to question why there is gear without an accompanying soldier."

Echelon let out a small puff of white noise, possibly supposed to be a sigh. "TH4T'S 4 G00D QU3ST10N, BLU3B3RRY. W4NN4 G0 P1CK 1T UP BEF0R3 S0M30N3 G3TS CLU3Y?"

"Would that be possible?" She seemed doubtful and hopeful, uncertain if it was possible but willing to entertain the idea.

"D0 N3K0V4LKYRJ4 34T S1X P0RT10NS 4 D4Y?" A rhetorical question.

"Depends on the Nekovalkyrja, as well as her model." The answer came almost automatically, something she had learned rather than a considered answer.

Echelon's aperture seemed to roll in her eye socket. "R1GHT, R1GHT. W3LL, R34DY WH3N Y0U 4R3. H34D T0 TH3 H4NG4R WH3N R34DY."

Nodding Tamamo cleaned up her messy web of information not wanting to leave Echelon to deal with it, before turning and wandering out of the room padding down the hall as she made her way to the Hangar as directed.

Crimson Kestrel, Hangar
She really had no idea what to expect, however she trusted that Echelon knew what she was doing, it didn't fit what she knew of the Freespacer for her to be reckless.

Tamamo ended up waiting for a bit, before being greeted by a Mimicom, one that Tamamo had seen aboard the Fruna Ruica. They were naked, but featureless. "Just had to get this B0DY," Echelon's familiar voice slipping in amongst the Yamatai-go, "Adjusted for Neko proportions, just need to..."

She put her thumb in her mouth and blew. A pair of Neko ears popped out. "There we go. I'll need to swing by a cache on the way to get uniforms for us both. Hop in the shuttle and let's go."

With a nod Tamamo did as she was instructed, wondering idly what Echelon had in mind and how she would manage to pass off a mimicom as a Neko. Still Echelon seemed fairly confident, a demeanour that was leading Tamamo to wonder if she had done something of the sort before.

Echelon directed Tamamo towards a Tenba Class with an Extended Duration Module fitted to it. "Luca won this in a costume competition," Echelon said. "He really rocks the Bizarre look well. Now, strap in and let's go. John, I'm borrowing this for a bit."

John's voice could be heard over radio. "No worries. Keep me in the loop." John replied. "You know how to pilot this thing?"

"1 C4N D0WNL04D 4 C4R." Echelon replied back in their native dialect.

Settling into the ship Tamamo did as she was told and strapped herself into place before sitting still content to be where she was and see where she would go. Listening to the conversation between John and Echelon, Tamamo found herself wondering what downloading a car had to do with piloting skills and for the moment contented herself with the knowledge that she would likely discover the meaning at a later time.

Somewhere in Space, An Asteroid
The shuttle had come to a quick stop on the way to Kyoto, by an asteroid thicket. Echelon stood up and held up a finger to wait. She went out the airlock. A few tense minutes passed before she emerged again, with uniforms in hand, closing the airlock behind her. "One for you, one for me."

Surprised that the uniform seemed to be her size as well as being in the proper medical teal, Tamamo wasted little time in transferring from her borrowed tracksuit into the uniform wincing as she settled into the unpleasantly familiar uniform.

Finished with the process of getting dressed Tamamo looked at Echelon curiously wondering where exactly she had acquired the uniforms, as well as why exactly they had been out in an asteroid field, however she appreciated not having to explain how her uniform was previously degraded before ultimately being destroyed in the events on the Fruna Ruica.

The naked Mimicom-possessed-by-a-Freespacer slipped her uniform on too, appearing to be an officer. "Gotta pick an 1D3NT1TY to forge too..." she said, also carrying some data with her, and integrating it with herself. "There we go. I am Shoi Minazuki now." Her voice had changed, as well as her mannerisms, now standing straight, prim and proper, perhaps not out of place with a riding crop in her hand. "Sesshoseki Tamamo, state your designation." She requested as she tied up her hair.

Even a cursory read of Echelon's header showed that, for now, she was not the same person. She was no longer Echelon, she was Shoi Minazuki Yuuko, a low key Ensign who'd gone from assignment to assignment without note.

The response came easy, the hours of training apparently having made their mark, "Hai Shoi, I am Sesshoseki-hei medic and technician I await your orders!" Her attempted peppy tone was once again brightly present clearly this was the element that it had been intended for.

Minazuki-Shoi winked at Tamamo with an unbefitting grin. "G00D." Echelon said, then Minazuki coughed. "Let's proceed to point and gather your equipment." She took the controls again and started moving back to point.

Yamatai, Kyoto, Some Cat Farm (H3H3.)
Bloody Freespacers. Anyway...

The shuttle had landed in Yamatai's orbit in a space station, and they'd gone via proxy to the Base where Tamamo had come from, to gather her possessions. With the uniforms, and Minazuki Shoi doing all the talking for Tamamo, apparently now assigned to her ship, the staff didn't think twice to let a new recruit pick up their equipment.

Despite the alien fluidity that events had taken Tamamo found herself marvelling at how her vocabulary had been reduced to 'hai,' 'Shoi,' and 'arigato.' Very little was expected of her save for brief quick responses and an endless stream of bowing as she encountered higher tanked staff everywhere. Thankfully 'Minazuki-shoi' had streamlined the process and Tamamo found herself escorting a small crate with her name printed on it.

Once there were no cats within earshot, Echelon made a whisper to Tamamo via the secure, encrypted link they'd set up. <S33, N0T S0 B4D.> They assured Tamamo as they walked back across the grounds with the crate in question. <TH3 P4NTH30N SYST3M H4S H0L3S TH3Y D0N'T C4R3 T0 P4TCH B3C4US3 0F 4RR0G4NC3.>

<That may be so... However, I can't shake the image of the entire garrison descending on us.> She smiled nervously, an expression not out of place on a Hei shadowing her Shoi as she continued to pad along eager to get on their way.

<N34RLY D0N3...> Echelon assured the girl as they were making their way back to the shuttle bay, awaiting transportation to a space platform where their original Tenba shuttle was parked.

It seemed they were on the tail end of a recently leaving shuttle, and had to wait. During the meanwhilst, other Nekovalkyrja started queuing up around them to wait for the shuttle, exchanging small talk, talking about each other, about their assignments, about what they saw on television.

Minazuki-Shoi remained quiet. Taking after her Shoi's example Tamamo had placed herself silently a little behind Minazuki-Shoi and stood beside the small crate that she had been afforded for the purposes of transferring her equipment to her designated ship. For the most part she seemed able to ward off conversation by glancing at the Shoi when it seemed that another soldier had spotted her and to her benefit it she largely seemed to be a chastised Hei being led around by a superior officer.

"I wonder why she's all blue?" Tamamo could overhear them talking.
"Naah, I saw a Green one the other day."
"Green? Eeeh? What is her assignment?"
"I think it looked more like camouflage," another chipped in, with an older voice. "Maybe she's one of the new models for planet combat?"
"Yewww, planetary combat?"
"How uncivilized."

Tamamo winced in spite of herself, the gossip mill an unpleasant familiarity. She had almost managed to forget it in her comparatively pleasant time spent starving on the Fruna Ruica, and now it seemed content to return to haunt her. Trying to smooth her features Tamamo glanced once more at Minazuki-Shoi as if somehow they could make the shuttle arrive more quickly, a hopeless wish she knew however solace in the irrational was all she could rely on for the moment.

"I bet they love just rolling around in that dirt."
Then Tamamo received a direct question from one of the Nekovalkyrja gossipers. "Are you intended for ocean combat with all that blue on you?"

Unable to come up with a sufficient excuse not to respond to the question, Tamamo instead struggled to assemble some sort of response to what was surprisingly a first. Eventually she managed to put a voice to her thoughts, "Not to my knowledge. My phenotype is unrelated to my intended role." Lapsing back into silence she hoped that the answer would be good enough.

"Eeeh? Are you a new model, or an upgrade or what?"
"Maybe she hides in blueberry patches for ambush!" A heckler heckled.
Tamamo could hear the knuckles in Minazuki-shoi's hands cracking quietly.

Uncertain as to what she should do, Tamamo decided that glancing at Minazuki-shoi was unwise lest she draw their ire. Instead Tamamo decided that it was in her best interest to quietly answer the first question, "I am merely a randomized Nekovalkyrja Type 33. Nothing unique or special." She made certain to use the presently proper term, she remembered that it was a touchy subject to use the old NH designation.

"Oh so your creators rolled the dice? Oh my, I think they came up snake eyes!"
And a small wave of giggles went through the crowd. Tamamo could hear not Minazuki-Shoi's knuckles cracking, but Echelon's now.

<TH3Y 0P3N TH31R M0UTHS 4ND 1'M G0NN4 M4K3 4 M34L 0F TH3M.> She transmitted to Tamamo.

"Blue, and pink hair? And you're so short too! What are you, the medic for the fleas?" Another gossiper gossiping and being quite inflammatory towards Tamamo.

She managed to understand the comment relating to rolling dice, however the subject of 'snake eyes' eluded her. Distracted by Echelon's message, Tamamo wondered how she could diffuse the situation and found herself drawing a blank beyond noting that somehow the Nekovalkyrja had mistaken violet for pink and that somehow she thought that fleas required medical attention. Wiggling her ears and blinking Tamamo unfocused her eyes opting instead of answering to ignore the talk around her in favour of addressing information she had archived.

<0H TH3Y H4V3 K1CK3D 4 FUCKIN' B33H1V3 N0W.> Echelon transmitted one last time before Minazuki-shoi took over and stomped her foot against the ground. "ENOUGH." She turned around to face the gossipers, whose eyes were wide with the sudden intervention.

"If I hear one more peep out of your cock holster mouths about the lengths of your lady dicks," The raw vulgarity of it made that statement made them wince. "I will ensure that for the rest of your tour of service, you will be getting up close and personal with new NH functionalities and cleaning latrines! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, SOLDIERS?"

They stopped. "H-Hai Shoi."
"Yes ma'am..."

"Good!" Minazuki-Shoi turned back around to wait for the shuttle.

Despite having been reviewing the new means of data management that Echelon had shown her earlier Tamamo's ear twitched slightly at the mention of latrines and she filed away the moment for future review.


<Thank you Echelon... I'm not great at dealing with them.>

Echelon grinned, then their mouth straightened out. They didn't want to break the image. "Ah, there's the shuttle." Minazuki-Shoi spotted it coming down from the right. "Form an orderly line behind Sesshoseki-Hei and prepare to embark!"

A little startled by the arrangement Tamamo was quick to get her crate mobile again, taking great joy in the knowledge that she was almost free. Loading herself and her possessions onto the shuttle Tamamo leaned against the solid mass and waited for the others to settle and prepare for takeoff as she started a timer in her head estimating the travel time from their present location to the orbital shipyard based on their arrival trip.

Once in the orbital shipyard after a pleasantly quiet trip back up, some walking was required until Minazuki-Shoi rounded a corner suddenly through the sterile hallways to beeline it back to their ship. <4LR1GHT W3'R3 N34RLY D0N3 W3 JUST G0TT4 M4K3 0UR 3SC4P3 CL34N 4S 4 N3K0'S BUTTCR4CK.> Echelon transmitted as Minazuki-Shoi continued, until she reached an unattended computer console.

Tamamo blinked as she followed along keeping her eyes forward for the most part as she ostensibly followed her Shoi to wherever she was supposed to be going. At Echelon's message she found herself a little confused before replying in turn, <You inspire some rather unique imagery.> Pausing as they stopped at a console Tamamo watched Minazuki-shoi left wondering what they were up, while to hoping that whatever it was it wouldn't take too long.

Minazuki brushed past a computer, but Tamamo could see a digital ghost of Echelon plunging her hand into the console and doing something to it. <G0NN4 3R4S3 4NY R3C0RD 0F US B31NG H3R3 4FT3R W3 L34V3. JUST G0TT4 S3T TH3 P4YL04D T0 G0 0FF 4ND 3R4S3 MY TR4CKS.> Echelon stayed at the computer while Minazuki-Shoi kept walking. With a few more operations and commands, Echelon let themselves ease back into Minazuki-Shoi's body, face looking back at Tamamo from the back of Minazuki-Shoi's head before shimmering back into her completely.

Realizing what had happened Tamamo had hurried to catch up with Minazuki-Shoi while listening to Echelon and taking note of her actions for future application, perhaps she'd have to do something similar herself? Careful not to acknowledge the 'ghost' of Echelon, Tamamo continued along in silence for a moment before transmitting, <Thank you.>

<N0 PR0BL3M. 4LW4YS W1LL1NG T0 SP1T 1N TH3 F4C3 0F 4 R0TT3N SYST3M.> "Come on, Sesshoseki-Hei. Keep up." Minazuki-Shoi chided Tamamo for faltering step. "We'll be heading onto the YSS Hinotori for further assignment. I trust your role as medical officer and technician will be suited to the task at hand."

"Hai Shoi!" It was all the answer that would have been expected from her as she quickened her pace to keep up. Once again returning her attention directly in front of herself trying to be the rumoured 'ideal Nekovalkyrja.'

"I hope you enjoy your tasks hands on, engaging and lateral. Your aptitude tests made excellent note of your critical and lateral thinking skills. Those are the sorts of skills we require on the Hinotori."

Their shuttle was in view. It had gotten a different coat of paint on the way in too, blending in to look like an official Yamataian Star Army shuttle craft, IFFs and all, spoofed to the nines. All of this was probably so illegal Echelon's already impressive criminal record would be upgraded to Freespacer Terrorist and made example of on some politico's three minute rant section in the government news. Echelon loved watching them fly off the handle, listening to the false accusations, and drinking their tears and salt.

The hatch of the shuttle opened.

"Welcome to the first day of your service on the YSS Hinotori."
<W3LC0M3 T0 TH3 F1RST D4Y 0F Y0UR S3RV1C3 0N TH3 ISC PH03N1X.>

Nodding to Minazuki-shoi/Echelon, Tamamo wasted no time pushing the crate ahead of herself into the shuttle to vanish into the relative safety of the craft before replying, <I look forward to it. I hope to please.>

The shuttle hatch closed behind them, crate, Tamamo, Shoi(?) and all, and started taking off. Minazuki-Shoi took the helm again, and started all of those dry procedures to leave, setting course for the, unbeknownst to the Control Tower, imaginary Hinotori.

Once they were out of Yamataian spacelanes, Minazuki-Shoi threw her hat off, then threw her jacket off, and their shirt, and their underwear until they were completely naked again. The motes of data that made Minazuki-Shoi's personality ejected from Echelon's head, and a shake of the head later, and the cat ears were gone. "Hell yeah~."

Taking Echelon's lead Tamamo wasted no time in freeing herself from the vile duty uniform soon hunting for the tracksuit she had worn earlier. "You're really impressive. I can not thank you enough for all of this." She smiled a little, it was still an awkward thing but it was the best she could manage.

"0H N0 N33D T0 TH4NK M3, TH4T W4S H1L4R10US!" Echelon threw their head back laughing in their native pidgin. "We pulled so many layers of wool over their eyes you could mistake them for sheep at a distance! We're foxes in cat's clothing, Y0U 4ND 1!"

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