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Approved Submission [RA] Raiken


Inactive Member
Submission Type: New Species
Submission URL:https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=species:raiken

Faction: Raiconian Alliance
FM Approved Yet? Yes, by me
Faction requires art? No, has art anyway!

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No (Though articles will be attached to this page when they are approved)
Contains New art? Technically no, but yes. (Resubmission, art has been around awhile)
Previously Submitted? Yes, rejected for not fixing problems in a timely fashion. Been working with help.

Notes: Mainly putting it up again to see how people feel about it.
PS: Raiken love you and give great hugs.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Raiken are, in effect, small walking dinosaur-like biological tanks that consume high energy food like oil and rocket fuel to fuel their extreme metabolism.
Did they evolve to consume these things? How would they even obtain such fuels prior to their development of technology? Or is this just something they started adding to their diet once it became available?

Edit: I'm saying ancient caveman version of Raiken probably didn't have oil derricks.
These things are naturally occurring on their planet. Much like we eat what Earth provides, they eat what Oushino (Home planet) provides them. It would seem odd to outsiders, but from the Raiken point of view, whatever Yams, Neps and everyone else eats, is odd.
The tricky thing about the Raiken is that their biology and the ecology are completely different from our own, and that such a drastic difference is difficult to convey. From the looks of it, these things come from a Carbon Planet, where there's more carbon than oxygen. Chances are, their equivalent of water would be some sort of hydro-carbon such as pentane, which we use for an industrial solvent. They're that biologically different.

The concept is feasible, but it'll need work and a lot of know-how.
After talking to Doshii, we've decided it's best that he take over this review given the circumstances; sorry for holding you up Sham.
I'm skipping the checklist for now.

1. Clean up the bombastic language in general information.

“aren’t put down by anything”

2. What is the byproduct of their food consumption?

3. How does consuming metals and minerals feed their scale regeneration/production?

4. On the first layer of their scales structure, you talk with an Earth reference. Can you explain more like what they do in game? I.e. not Damascus steel.

5. The entire part about the nervous system is vague at best. You’re very specific about the metals used by the Raiken, but here you give us only a “healing agent.” Considering all the metal and other materials that go into a Raiken, this needs to be more specific.

6. Their muscles produce bacteria that attack plastics … yeah, no. I get that they aren’t flesh, but dump the bacteria production.

7. On that note — how does the nervous system interact with the muscles? If they’re bio-polymers working with a “healing agent,” does that mean they’re susceptible to electricity?

8. The entire digestive system piece is very hard to swallow. I really do not understand how they could come by feeding themselves this way, but I’m not scientifically knowledgable enough to tell for sure whether this is at all viable.

However, I can do math, and based on that, the system doesn’t work. You’re also missing half the equation.

If they mostly live life on jet fuel, they are consuming a substance that produces more than 4,462 chemical calories per pound, or 10 nutritional calories gram. Considering their size, I wouldn’t be surprised if they consumed an entire gallon of the stuff at a sitting.

That is 33,972 nutritional calories. Per gallon. Even if we cut the number down to a liter, that’s still about 8,000 calories a sitting.

Justify that number, please.

On the other end — waste? They must produce waste. Unless they have a perfect system of conversion (even Neko make waste), something is coming out the other end. What is it? How does it work? How does its mineral consumption affect it? How do they dispose of it?

I would like to know why they consume rocks for grinding food when they mostly (have to) eat kerosene.

9. Water. How does it fit in? Considering the heat and temperature they operate at, wouldn’t liquid water temperatures — hell, even moderate air temperatures — send them into violent chills? You didn’t mention anything about the Raiken having any kind of insulation for their bodies, and they're lizards for all I can tell. They're the pinnacle of hot-blooded beings, so how do they withstand any temperature change?

10. I’m not sure why there’s a third gender.

The reason I say this is because it is not only immensely inefficient, but it also requires a leap of evolution that isn’t likely.

You’ve got male and female that produce an egg at the beginning of the species’ existence. Let’s just say that happens. … Then what? You don’t have a third sex yet, and if you tear out the genitals of one sex, you’ve destroyed the ability to procreate. You can bet on getting the third sex, but then that third sex doesn’t procreate. Nevermind that the first clutches are going to come out stunted and deficient. With the rates of procreation and gestation you've stated, this species could not evolve. It would die out.

My recommendation is to dump it entirely, because the evolutionary math is not there.

Summary: Never would I want this site to become something akin to a science geek’s haven. We are storytellers first and foremost. A science degree shouldn’t be a requirement.

That said, I cannot suspend my disbelief enough to approve this race. It needs serious work.
Formality Post

1. Removed
2. Added a brief sentence on digestive system. (They do what everyone does.)
3. By eating rocks and metal, their scales take the minerals they need to strengthen and repair. It is important to note however, eating rocks does not give energy to their bodies. Instead, it takes energy to digest rocks and metals.
4. Removed the reference, isn't necessary.
5. Improved. Healing agent is described in more detail. It is essentially a second healing system. (As in, a second set of cells that the body already possesses.)
6. Muscles are no longer plastic. Removed.
7. Not relevant anymore.
8. Raiken no longer consume rocketfuel! They eat and drink just like the rest of us, though they tend to eat... more. They still eat rocks though. (They are still capable of eating other strange things, though it doesn't provide much nutrition)
9. Internal body temp has been lowered.
10. Third Gender no longer exists.

I believe that addresses everything or the changes in the article does.
With the weird jet fuel thing done, my major objection is no longer relevant. Certainly a unique species.