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[Race] Aeonic - Ecitoninae

Re: [Race] Formic

I don't want to dictate the name of your race to you nor am I implying that you did anything improper, but, I think it is worth noting the similarities between this race and the "buggers" of Orson Scott Card's Ender series, also called "formics." Again, please don't think I am accusing you of plagiarism or anything of the like, but an outsider looking at the setting and wiki might jump to that conclusion. I haven't examined your race in very great detail, but what I have seen seems intriguing and unique; indeed I think the race might make an interesting addition to the setting. Nonetheless, I think the name presents an issue worth at least considering in terms of maintaining the propriety of SARP as a whole.
Re: [Race] Formic

Formic Acid is used by ants.

Formicidae is the family name for Ants. Therefore, Formics is a logical name for an ant like species.
Re: [Race] Formic

I'm not arguing that it is not an appropriate name, nor that it necessarily should be changed. But consider that if you google "formics" the hits that come up are in reference to Ender's Game and the other books. I really think that the name could suggest something to a newcomer unacquainted with the setting that we might not want. Again, I'm not demanding changes, but at the same time I feel my concern is a valid one and deserves discussion and consideration, not merely dismissal out of hand.
Re: [Race] Formic

And there are like fifty million insectoid aliens with the names "Bugs" or "Arachnids"
Re: [Race] Formic

Haha its funny, I knew I might have randomly stepped on that series bugs as I have read that series myself.

Which kinda sucks because it is the most logical, if not easiest name to get.

And Five, while most use Bugs, not all bug aliens are called Formic, it can be a copyright issue despite being a concept more closely to the Zerg than Scott Cards version.

Edit: Formic originally came from Formicidae then cut down to Formic.

Also Wiggin is such a crappy last name.

Aeonic - name derived from Aenic, but there is a word called Aeonic which means something like lasting a long time.
Re: [Race] Formic

Scot said:
And Five, while most use Bugs, not all bug aliens are called Formic, it can be a copyright issue despite being a concept more closely to the Zerg than Scott Cards version.

That's what I am I trying to say.
Re: [Race] Formic

Why is this in the user namespace? It needs to be moved to the species namespace before I will even start reviewing it.
Re: [Race] Aeonic

Ok done, I didn't know how to do the namespace part, and got help on the IRC for that.

Also the name is changed since it might conflict with an other alien bug like race. Though I do plan to add other bugs than just ants eventually.
Re: [Race] Aeonic

I like dis guys.
Re: [Race] Aeonic

I made updates to the race.

I added a page for more detail about Drones and Solenichi, which also gives insight to their biological advantages, and how they think. I planned details to be temporary placements, so they are close to where I sort of imagine they be.

I also added a new bug called "breeders"

They seem to fit perfectly, as it focuses the telepathic abilities into giving a weakness (now instead of each soldier connected, each Breeder acts like a part of a sensor network). It also makes sense considering I plan science to be near biological only standpoint, and needed something that would inject eggs with stuff that would change eggs from Drones to Solenichi or even something else, like into a creature that can travel in space for instance.
Re: [Race] Aeonic

I didn't want to bump the thread without meaning but I have updated the Wiki quite a bit, giving more detail to Breeder and Queen while editing a little on the main page.

I hope to have this accepted soon, as I do have an entire tech tree to create, as well as concepts that would be need to look into for the "ship" design.
Re: [Race] Aeonic

I red and proofread the main article today, but I haven't got to the sub-articles yet. Things look okay to me so far.

Sorry for the long wait, Scot. Please post a reply so I know you're still behind this.
Re: [Race] Aeonic

Is this still being worked on? I'd be willing to give a more thorough review if it's the case.
Re: [Race] Aeonic

Sigh, not anymore. Lack of anyone commenting on it at the moment leaves me no motivation to continue.

I'm no bio engineer, and seeing how Abwehran and Kohanians develop, I either do all the stuff myself or find someone who could do it. I can come up with a decent sociology and history, but tech would prove difficult.

I am going to copy the stuff now, you can also delete my armor thing too since I still need to work on it further.
Re: [Race] Aeonic

Maybe I should make a new thread?

I worked out a basic draft of the history if anyone wishes to view it, it's not complete but it gives a good idea of what I am expanding on without retconning or whatever.
Interesting history, you compress what would have been probably 100,000 + years of evolution into nice succinct stages.

In general I have a couple of questions about the Aeonics, one how do they breath? Since ants currently do not have lungs and a create that size would need something along those lines,

Also what senses do they have? HOw well do they see? What spectrum(s), what is their hearing range? how good is their sense of touch?

On the subject of touch... do they have the equivalent of hands? fingers, etc? How do they manipulate objects?
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